Page Four THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd, -.1955 Weather Forecasting Easy When Know The Answers Be your own weather fore- caster! It's sure to be cold if pigs grunt uneasily or huddle; if caterpillars have broad bands; if there are plenty of comets; if geese flylate at night, and if you forget to take along a heavy coat. Look for fair weather if crows fly in pairs, cats wash be- hind their ears, the sunset glows red, birds flying high, and you take along a raincoat. Expect snow if turkeys refuse toi some down from trees, cats sit with their backs to the fire, burning wood pops loudly, and foxes bark at night. seagulls sit on sand, hair of redheads turns kinky, and your corns hurt, If still in doubt, consult your local weather forecast bureau. Get out the storm signals if back aches, SAN. NOTES Mrs. Eva McLeod was visited by her husband Howard Mc- Leod of Kirkland Lake Visitors of Mrs, Hilda Jubin- ville were Mr. and Mrs. Dedine, Maurice Dedine, Miss Shirley McGonegal of Kirkland Lake: Jerry Maki and Bruce Jubinville of Matachewan; Henry Jubin- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mc- Gonegal and Murville McGon- egal of Cobalt and Mr. and Mrs' NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Michael Roman- uk, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Cheminis in the District of Temiskaming, who died at the Town of Kirkland Lake, District of Temiskaming on the 22nd day of March, 1955. are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of July, 1955, After that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. Dated at Toronto, this 26th day of May, 1955. PUBLIC TRUSTEE, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Administrator, Raymond Willard of Chaput- Hughes. --Guests of Mrs. Doreen La- freniere over the week-end were her husband,Fern Lafreniere, her father, Alfred Quesnel; her sis- ter, Mrs. Paul Lafreniere of Elk Lake, Monica Bisson was visited by Her father, Homer Bisson of Hearst; cousins, Simone and Raymond Lauzon of Timmins and Mr. and Mrs. Friggo of Hearst. Clifford Knight of Timmins visited his wife, Mrs, Knight. Visitors of Jeanette Veuilleux was her mother, Mrs. Agnes Vieulleux of Val Gagne. Mis Simmone Ladouceur was visited by her mother Mrs, Rose Ladouceur, Mrs. James Melnick and Marie Reine Queyillon of Cobalt, Haileybury Guides to isan Other Girls at Camp Pifteen of our Haileybury Girl Guides are going to the Provin- cial Girl Guide Camp next month located at Doe Lake -- near Huntsville. In addition to two weeks of camping at this ctor- geous site, the Guides wil] mix with other Girl Guide from all over Ontario. They will compare notes, join in competition and earn badges not previously awarded, To make this camp trip pos- sible, the local Association. is sponsoring a tea and fluwer ar- rangement competition at the home of Mrs. M. E. Whitby. on Saturday afternoon, June 18th hetween the hours of 3 and 6 p. m. A produce table is also plan- ned. They would welcome entries for the flower arrangement competition from anyone who is CAREER MEN IN KHAKI The Infantryman Hexe's q job for the active man who uses his head, likes the feel of action and working in the open air. Today's Infantry soldier, recognized as the most important man in the Army, has the best -- in train- ing, weapons and care. His chances for specialized training and promotion are almost unlimited. Infantry and the other special branches of the Anny offer hundreds of good-paying, lifetime careers. To see where you fit, visit your nearest recruiting office. No obligation, of course. Remember, in the Army you team up with men and leaders you can rely on-- right down the line. Serve Canada and Yoursalé in the Army To be eligible you must be 17 to 40 years of age, skilled tradesmen to 45. When applying bring birth certificate or other proof of age. No. 13 Personnel! Depot, Wallls House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. -- Telephone 9-4507 Army Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington St., Kingston, Ont. -- Telephone 4738 Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. -- Telephone Em. 6-8341 -- Local 276 No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont. -- Telephone 4-1601 -- Local 135 Army Recruiting Station, 230 Main St. W., North Bay, Ont. -- Telephone 456 Army Recruiting Station, 184 King St. East, Hamilton, Ont. -- Telephone 2-8708 045W-O Oven ce eae For those who suffer in body or spirit, The Salvation Army holds interested, This is an appeal to all th ladies to turn out and make thi event a great success, Growing Up Short, all dressed up in their e Mommies' hats. and carrying S purses almost as big as~ them- selves, were proudly walking down the street one day recent- ly and when asked where they going replied, "Oh we are going Two very cute litt{e ladies, shopping, See, we're all dressed namely Janice Lindsay and Susi In a few minutes they return- ed with a beautiful bouquet of dandelions for their Mommies. Here's the life line from the Ontario Safety League. When driving, be sure you ean see... steer .. and stop safely. .Check e up and have to buy groceres." your car to check accidente ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF IK ow valuable is your driver's licence? Does your job or business depend on it? : Do you really need to drive? Does that vacation you are planning include the operation of your car? ; THINE Don't take your licence for granted. The operation of a motor car or motor truck is a privilege which can be suspended. REMEMBER Your driver's licence will be suspended if you are convicted of a criminal offence or of any offence arising out of an accident. 21,000 licetices were suspended in 1954. Many of those whose licences were suspended lost their jobs--others had to find a new line of business. What would YOU do without a driver's licence? THINK and keep your licence, MINISTER fede HIGHWAYS OFFER No. 2 3 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP B $3.75 Mark an "'X' THIS NEWSPAPER FOR ONE FULL YEAR, WITH... OFFER No.1. 2 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP B $3.25 OFFER No. 4 4 MAGAZINES FROM OFFER No. 3 1 MAGAZINE FROM GROUP A 2 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP B GROUP B $4.75 $4.25 " before magazines desired and enclose list with order. open the Door to Help and Hope. To the weak, the erring, the unfortunate, The Salvation Army is an unfeiling friend. Its under- standing heart and human touch can heal the scars of misfortune or misdeed. YOUR dollars help keep the doors of The Salvation Army's hostels, havens, homes and hospitals open. To The Salvation Army, these dol- lars are a sacred trust, to be used wisely in relieving human need. ae Salvation Arm RED SHIELD APPEAL GROUP A GROUP B Redbook Magazi O Maclean's Magazine (12 issues) _____ 6 Mos. Oo Coronet Beis (7 Canadian Home Journal ! Yr. O Chatelaine © New Liberty _______ 1 Yr. Mag ne, Digest C O Family Herald & Weekly Star eyes 0 McCall's Magazine _ Canadian Poultry Review | Yr. 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"Mark an "X"* before magazines desired and enclose list with order O Child Life © Saturday Night (Weekly) ----_____________ $4.60 [ Screen Stories ; $3.25 1 Maclean's Magazine (24 issues) ___________ 3.60 [] U.S. Camera Magazi 4.10 = ie O Inside Detecti 3.35 je .90 [] Cosmopolitan Magazi 4.10 Oo Everybody's Digest Se 3.90 [| Woman's Home Companion --________ 3 3.85, O Hunting & Fishing in Canada 3.60 (] Christian Herald __..-___ 4.10 7 Redbook M ( Humpty Dumpty's Magazine ALL OFFERS ARE GUARANTEED PETLL IN AND: MAIL.TODAY? First Coples of Magazine to Arrive O McCall's Magazi 3.40 0 Flower Grower aro n-----=-------- O True Story 3.25 boo O Parents' Magazi 3.60 O Collier's Weekly.» oO ponericen Ape 3.95 O Open Road for Boys ___-_______- 4.10 ep Outdoor [ifs ees {etgChildren:s 'Digest 22. =. * se ort Sa ae 3.60 NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINES | YEAR, UNLESS TERM SHOWN Pm tm =~ KH Be ee eee le CHECK MAGAZINES DESIRED AND ENCLOSE WITH COUPON Gentlemen: | enclose $_--_______-________. 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