The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 9 Jun 1955, p. 1

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---e» THE HAILEYBURIAN HAILEYBURY, ONTAR 10_ THURSDAY, JUNE 9th, 1955 Sub scrip tion Rate: $2.00 per year Children's S hid Soc. Increases Rates to Foster Parents Child- receive the will Foster parents of ren's Aid Society increasein maintenance payment' ranging from two to five dollars a month, effective September 1. The higher boarding rates for the care of the Society's child- ren in foster homes" were an- ounced at the monthly board meeting held in the Hotel Hail- bury on Tuesday, New boarding rates are: $30 a month for in- fants and children up to three years; $28 a month fox children between the ages of three and 10 years and $30 a month for child- ren 1] years and over. Provision is again made for the payment of special rates in certain cases, Members of the Board of Di- rectors were unanimous in their appreciation of the services ren dered by the foster parents and problems they must cope with in raising foster children success- fully. Mr. J. A, Wilson of Hail - eybury, termed foster parents "the backbone of the Children's Aid Society." The increases in maintenance, which brought the Temiskaming Society's rates into line with rates paid else- where, was a recogntion by the Society of difficultiles faced by foster parents because the high cost of boarding children. Plans are again being made to send foster children to Camp Lorrain, Mrs. Nora M. Fox, di- rector, announced, Mrs. Fox pointed out that the Society paid all camp fees for wards, and that service clubs would again be asked to share the cost of sending underprivileged children of the Tri-Town area to camp. Tea hostesses at the Golf Club on Wednesday afternoon were Mrs. T. Smith, Convenor, assist ed by Mrs. I. MacDiarmid, Mrs. George Byles and Mrs, W. C Arnold. Mis. Joseph Tessier, Mother, New Bishop Dies at Academy Mrs: Joseph Tessier, mother of His Excellency Most Reverend Maxime Tessier, Bishop of Tim- mins, died Thursday morning while her beloved son was saying mass for her intention near her death bed. She had completed Mer 86th year on May 24, and had been residing at St. Mary's Aca- demy from March 9, 1954. Never did a mother receive such devot- ed affection from her son, The remains rested at St, Marys Academy till the funeral which was held at Holy Cross Church Friday morning at 10.30 a.m. The Pontifical Mass was celebrated by Most Reverend Maxime Tessier, assisted by Mgr Dupuis, Mgr Robitaille, Mgr Martindale, Father Brunette and Father Jubinville. Father Land- riault acted as master of cere- monies. The choir of St. Mary's Academy sang the Requiem High Mass. After the funeral service, the body was brought back to the convent until the evening train time. A second Requiem High Mass was chanted by His Excellency Bishop Tessier in the Basilica of Ottawa on Saturday morning, The interment took place in Notre Dame Cemetery. Mrs. Tessier was the mother of nine children, six of whom members of religious or- were ders. Surviving are His Excel- lency Bishop Tessier, Brother Victor of the Capuchin Order, Sr Ange-Marie of the Presentation of _Maty. Sr. Therese de la Enfant Jesus, Servante de Jésus Marie from Hull, another daugh- ter, Sr. Anne Marie of the Im- maculate Conception Order, now at Mati in the Philippines, was decorated for heroism during the war by President Roosevelt for nursing wounded American sol- diers. NOTICE Stones will be prosecuted. Anyone Caught Defacing or Damaging Graves or Grave The Cemetery Board ot ttt int ee a a in dy tla fin fin in din i in en a Od VARIETY BAKERY & TFA ROOM Ferguson Ave. HOME BAKED BREAD AND PASTRY POTATO CHIPS Tea, Coffee and Cakes Served' Special Orders Phone 696 adssssss ae Abbe sess nea Tragic Deaths at Temagami Prove Murder and Suicide Ontario Provincial Police in- vestigating the deaths of three Temagami persons found in a fire gutted house on Friday have ruled out their suspicions of triple murder. Inspector Harold Graham of Rotary Club Park To Have Supervised summer Activities The people of Haileybury and surrounding district, flocked to the Haileybury Armouries on Saturday evening last, and were thrilled at the exhibition of square dancing staged by the Primary. and Secondary Schools the criminal investigation branch of North Bay. said the tragedy seemed to indi- cate a double murder and suicide Allan Doughty, 57, is believed to have bludgeoned his wife, Muriel, 39, and his mother-in- law, Mrs. George Barker, 72, set the building afire with oil had then stabbed himself in the jugular vein. Mr. and Mrs, Doughty were found in their bedroom, lying side by side with their hands folded on _ their chests. Mrs. Barker's body was found crumpled under a bed ina second bedroom. Last Saturday, officials of the department of lands and forests ewent to Doughty's tourist shop and seized $6,000 worth of fish- ing licenses which were issued to him early this year. They also notified Doughty that he must pay $4,000 he still owes the de- partment for fishing licensys sold last year. The 57-year-old storekeeper who also operated a_ freezing plant and wholesale oil business, was reported to have been) in deb4 to several supply firms and was facing lawsuits, The fire was discovered at 7.40 a.m. Friday morning and Lands and Forests and volunteers were on the scene within a matter of minutes. Flaming oil in the basement floated on top of the water and a chemical fire extin- guisher was brought into play to get the fire under control. It was not until] firemen had been on the ob for half an hour that the bodies were discovere(| to be inside the house. Doughty was a well-respected member of the community while Mrs, Doughty was highly prais- ed by villagers. Their deaths came as @ shock to the commun- ity. At Toronto, in 1945, Mr. Doughty married Muriel Barker Although she was several years younger than her husband, neighbors described the couple as devoted. Mrs. Doughty was active in the Red Cross, the Women's In- stitute and the United Church. Mrs. Barker, in_ ill-health, came to live with her daughter last year. Funeral services took place today in Toronto .Rey. Welburn Jones conducted the funeral ser- vices. Interment was to be in the York Cemetery. Brownies Plan Enrolment' For Friday Evening "ree arrangements were made at the Brownie meeting held on Tuesday evening in St. Paul's parish hall to hold an enrolment ceremony on Friday at 7 p.m. to which all parents and friends are invited to attend. Lean-back lounge chairs, service that makes you really welcome... stress-free travel that gets you there--and brings you back-- fresh as a daisy. for solid comfort... Take a voyage of discovery--fly CPA and find smooth, swift, solid comfort. TORONTO . to . $22.80 fly Canadian Pacific FASTEST TO 5 CONTINENTS AND 65 COMMUNITIES IN CANADA ------ Their costumes are very color- ful andthe dancing was superb, Some of the dancers have only been dancing since February of this year. The local Rotary Club were the sponsors. This year at the Ro- tary Summer Fair there will be a \\guare dancing contest open to all Primary and Secondary Schools of Temiskaming and district. The children are asked to organize their own groups and to contact Ian MacDarmid for further instructions, There will] be three compulsory calls during the contest, one to take place eachevening. A draw will take place to choose the call for that evening. The Rotary Club and the Rec- reation Committee have again this year made arrangement to have supervised recreation for the children of the town. For the past few years the children have been very fotrunatie in hay- ing these two organizations plan enjoyable summer activities Miss Suzanne Lecky and Miss Mollie Millar will be in charge of the park arangements, Miss Ruth Cumming and _ Harold Hammerstrom will be in charge of the beach, Claude and Mar- cel Proulx volunteered their services at the beach. M.r Peter McGinley has been appointed as caretaker of the park. Not only do we see the children enjoying these facilities, but adults as well. Let us keep in mind that these organizations Sherk hard to keep things in order, so let us do our part by enjoying these things and not destroying them. Mr. Leo Gough si the chairman Pupils Heard in Recital The Temiskaming South Branch of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association sponsored the second recital of its kinds in the Blue Room of Hotel Hailey- bury on Thursday evening last. Many took the opportunity of hearing the pupils of Miss Edna Maher, ATCM,, RMT. Twenty-four names appeared on the list which included piano solos, piano duets and vo- cal numbers during the course of the evening. One of the youngest performers, Cynthia Hawkins, presented Miss Maher with a beautiful corsage on be- half of the pupils, Those taking part included: Cynthia Hawkins, Gill Kingsmill, 'Penny Hawkins, Diana Dean, Patty Lowery, Paulette Belan- ger, Angus Hogan, lan Thomson, Jean Hawkins, Joan Murphy, Joyce Hebner, Loraine Hebner, Nancy Cockshutt, Carolyn Kings- mill, Susan Pringle, Denise Small- man, Elaine Lowery, Dayntrie McDougall, Dick Wallie, Jeanne Hurst and Betty Lou Atchison. | Coming Events | Fri., June 10--At the home of Mrs. H. F. Strong, a-tea and producewsale, auspices of the WA of St. Paul's Anglican Church. Fri., June 10 -- An important meeting of the Film Council at 8 p.m, in Mr. Lorne Wiseman's room, in the school. June 10--Enrolment | of Brownies at St. Paul's Parish Hall at 7 p.m. All parents and™ friends cordially invited to attend Mon., June 13--Supper party for the Carrie Gray of the Un- ited Church in the church base- ment at 6.30 p.m. All members cordially invited to attend. Wed., June 15--Closing meet- ing for the summer of Northern Light, Rebekah Lodge. A social evening will follow the meeting. | Visiting come. sisters always wel- Ladies Fee es Fees Gratifying Reports Sudden Death of Miss J. Williamson Shock to Friends The death occurred of Miss Jean Bissett Williamson, dau- ghter of Mr, R. J. Williamson and the late Mrs_ Williamson on Monday, the 6th of June, 1955 in Haileybury. _ Miss Williamson was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, coming to Canada at the young age of 18 months. The early part of her life was spent in Haileybury. A graduate of Queen's University, she taught school in Southern Ontario for a number of years. The past year and a half she ha spent with her father on Albert Street. Miss Williamson had not been in good-health for some time and was preparing to leave for Toronto for a complete check when she died very suddenly on Mrs, Jos. Grenon and Mrs, Jen Plaunt submitted gratify- ing reports from ~ the recent bingos and catering, Mrs, Alice Fleming, the presi dent, opened the meeting and welcomed one visitor, Mrs. Anne Fleming of the Cobalt Auxiliary. During the business of the meeting the color of the paint for the main hall was chosen. It was also decided to close for the summer months. Mrs, Jack Hughes read _ th: treasurer's report and the secre tary, Mrs, Al Hargrave read the minutes and the report on the rally held in Cobalt, The meeting was well attended and | in the usual manner W TEER ' 'i! EATHER THE Min Max. Week ending June 8th, 1955 WatheSGEN A 5 eae 455 73 : Rriday oe indi pos 54 79 Monday evening. ay Saturdays eae... Gil 7 Her main interest in life was Sundawioe saya 23 «92 _~--«education and music of which she Monday .........2. Gif, fetub EIS SAO fond. cities dave serene 66 87 She is survived by her father, Wednesday 7e res. . 67 =78 (Continued on Page Four) Hotel Haileybury Is becoming more and more pop as ar businessmen and a place for Family Parties vous The excellent food--accompanied by good service is provided in a quiet, friendly atmosphere in which Dining becomes a Real Pleasure Bes SERVED 6:00 to 8:00 1230-to! b:30 For Banquets and Large Parties we offer the exclusive use of THE BLUE ROOM A delightful place to hold your next Dance 12:00 to 1:30 Light Lunches Served A Convenient, Comfortable Place to meet your friends is THE SILVER ROOM The Finest in Northern Ontario Bring your guests with confidence to HOTEL HAILEYBURY They Will Enjoy It! For Reservations TELEPHONE HAILEYBURY 100 Temiskaming Construction Limited | ENGINEERS Design, Construction, Mine Development, Operation Electrical and Mechanical Installations 43 BRANCH OFFICE HEAD OFFICE TORONTO OFFICE Phone OS 3-5702- Haileybury, Ont. 2110--44 King St. W. Sudbury, Ont. Phone 517 Phorie EM 6-9357 BINGO! CURLING CLUB LOUNGE SAT., JUNE 11th 8:30 p.m. Sharp DOOR PRIZE $100.00 BLACKOUT Additional Cards 25c Admission: 50c for 20 Games EVERYBODY WELCOME COBALT-HAILEYBURY CURLING CLUB

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