The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 9 Jun 1955, p. 4

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Page Four a THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, JUNE 8th, . 1955 Sorial Nates Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor and family spent Sunday in Elk Lake William Bilodeau_was in Ed- monton last week attending an ACT Conventon. Mrs. A. W. Swanson is visit ing her niece, Mrs, O. M. Henes- sy and Mr. Hennessy. Mrs, E. Adair left on Wed- nesday to spend the summer month is Southern Ontario. Glad to see Wayne Huard out again after having been hospita- lized with burns from firecrack- ers. M. J. Chesser and daughter Bonnie, of Falconbridge visited with Mrs. A. H. Chesser | last week-end, BORN--To Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Pringle on Monday, June 6th, 1955, at the Misericordia Hospital, a son. Rev. Lors W. Carlson, - of Olivet United Church, Hamilton was in town last week-end visit- ing his mother, Mrs. A. Carlson. BORN--To Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMullen (nee June Rouse), a son (Richard: Michael) on Mon- day, May 30, 1955, at Duluth, Minnesota: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Har- grave spent Sunday in North Bay with Mr. Hargrave's_ bro- ther, Joe Hargrave, Mrs. Har- grave and daughter. DAVE SHARP Phone 978 New Liskeard PLUMBING and HEATING and ELECTRICAL Mr. Richards'Whorley and sSon Keith of Toronto, town last week visiting Mr, Whorley's father, Mr. fack Whorley and other rélatives. Badges Presented to Haileybury Girl Guides "On Friday "evening a number of parents and friends attended the Girl Guide Jamboree = held the auditorium. of. the school when sereral badges were pre sented by Mrs. Fred Thompson The Jamboree opened by form~ ing the horseshoe and the repeat- ing of the Guide promise, prayer and the singing of The Queen. During the horseshoe» formation Ann' Daughney presented Monica Whalen with four matching wal) plaques awarded to the, Guide who obtained the. most orders during the Girl Guide- Cookie drive. Marilyn White presented Betty Dougherty, company lead- er, with a silver spoon in com- memoration of her receiving the Gold Cord. It is the highest award given a Girl Guide, Linda Burns directed a sema- phore drill, accompanied by Jeanne Hurst at the piano. A play entitled "On First. Aid" was directed by Marilyn White Joyce White and Margaert Dau ghney. Ann Daughney directed a Dan- ish Folk Dance and The Shoe- maker folk dance. The accom- panist was Jeanne Hurst : Sharon and Velma W: ulsh fa yored with a piano duet. A game entitled "Circle Relay* was played. : With the singing of campfire songs thus closed ajvery enjoy- able evening's program. Taps and the singing of, "O Canada" closed the Jamboree. A. S. JOHNSTON OPTOMETRIST Hours--9.00 to 5.30 Evenings by Appointment Phone 45 Ferguson Ave., Haileybury g ) J Loudenset Ads; WANTED-- Young boy or girl for a career in banking good working conditions and fexcer lent chances for promotion. Grade XII education required. Apply Bank of Noya Scotia Haileybury. 14-1-¢ LOST -- Black key case with Keys. Finder please leave at Post Office _or this office, 14-1 STAR a year round business. You begin earning good money the first day. Strictly your own boss. Familex's excep- tional quality assures quick, easy sales. Your home-town and surroundings as territory All families are customers and users of our many products. FAMILEX, 1600 -Delorimier Montreal. 13-4sc HOUSEKEEPER WANTED -- Apply Mrs. A. J. Murphy, 100 Lake Shore Road. 10-t-f. FOR SALE -- Several Houses both large and small. Apply E. M. McCuaig, Real Estate 3roker,-Phone 135 10--t.f. WANTED--Young Man over the age of 21 who would like to enter the hote] business. Apply Hote] Haileybury, Telephone 99 Haileybury. 2-2¢ 25-DAY SPECIAL LOW ROUND-TRIP RAIL FARES To Eastern QUEBEC (BAST OF MEGANTIC--LEVIS--CHARNY) and th MARITIMES Enjoy a refreshing sun-filled vacation "Down East" this year. Inexpensive holiday fares give you a 25-day limit with stop-overs permitted. JUNE 20th TO SEPTEMBER 5th Consult any Canadian Pacific Railway agent Emgagement Announced The engagenient is anounced of Marylene, daughter of +. Mrs: T. Fritch and' the late Mr.Fritch of Kenogami, Que., to Mr, Don- old Briden, son of Mr. and .Mrs- Archie Briden of South Porcu- pine, Ont. The marriage will take place June ©25th, in the Church of St, James the Apos- tle, Kenogami. Miss Fritch is a graduate of Macdonaid College School for Teachers. Mr. Briden is a graduate of Queen's Univer> sity, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs: Briden are for- mer residents of Haileybury. Sudden Death Miss Williamson 'or cl fzom Fege One) amson and two broth- ers,, James and Archie of Toron- to. She was predeceased by her mother in December of 1953, The funeral was held from Albert Gospel Hall with inter- ment in Mount Pleasant Gone TRIPS EACH WAY LEAVE NORTH BAY UNION BUS TERMINAL NORTH BAY EMPI THEATRE NewLiskeard Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. single bill, On Double bills, last complete shov: « Show at 7 and 9 p.m THURSDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE This Week's Cash Offers Total $670. 00 Shacene g Todas FRI., SAT. ROBERT TAYLOR JUNE 9th, 10th, lith | "Ride eae eo * | Plus Added MONDAY - TUESDAY CINEMASCOPE Plus ADDED SHORTS JUNE 13th and 14th --ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -- "Ring of Fear" WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, CINEMASGOPE REGULAR PRICES JUNE 15th, 16th "Track of the Cat" Robt Mitchum, Teresa Wright "res B SPECIAL NAVAL RECRUITING TEAM iN TOWN NOW... .-- 0 tell you how L0 4oé. the Naug!" @Planned advancement opportunities Permanent employment ®Good rates of pay and pension *30 days annual leave with pay *Medical and dental care PO aattal =~ Noray "iM, COBALT EA Ai eo. unas Tim: HAILEYBURY -- LAST TIMES TODAY ; COBALT--FRI. and SAT., 6 JUNE 10th and 11th DEAN MARTIN and JERRY LEWIS in "Three Ring Circus" In VISTAVISION and TECHINCOLOR "Stage to Tucson" COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR HAILEYBURY -- FRI., SAT., COBALT--MONDAY and TUESDAY, . JUNE 10th and 11th JUNE 13th, 14th BUD and LOU are HIGE- FLYIN STUNTIMEN. and Hellywood never be the sar web PRED CLARK + LYNN BARI» MAXIE ROSENBLOOM Added Attraction-------- "Smoke Signal" 3 IN TECHNICOLOR Dana Andrews: Piper Laurie. Newsreel and Cartoon -- HAILEYBURY--After Sun. Midnight, Mon., Tues., June 13,14 Playing Strand Theatre, Only in COLOR: 'and 2 CinemascoPE M-G-M's MANY RIVERS TO CROSS . ROBERT TAYLOR Plus Adult Entertainment "New Orleans Uncensored" etl at allt allie ie oll atte atte etn ee ae | COBALT -- WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 16 PLAYING CLASSIC THEATRE ONLY l M-G-M presents GREER | a join the Navy you should be aged 17 to 'some 'specialized categories) --be of geod sharacter and physically fit. GARSON Not since her performance as "Mrs. Chips" has Greer so endeared herself! Added Attraction Adult Entertainment "Mew Orleans Uncensored" ala an at al ie allei e d HAILEYBURY--WED. and THURS., JUNE 15 and 16 COBALT -- ERIDAS: SATURDAY, oh se 17th, 18th : = Licunroor Plus "The Limping Man" With LLOYD BRIDGES MOIRA LISTER

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