. "HE HAILEYBURIAN - ~ HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 30th, 1955 Subscription 'Rate: $2.00 per year Vol. 51; No. 17 Square Dancing Course Enjoyed By Many Children The square held over the past week end in the Auditoriums spon- sored by the Rotary Club proved dancing course Schools a great success and keen interest was shown by all those attend- ing. There were 137 registered from Cobalt, North Cobalt, New Liskeard, Kearns Township and Haileybury. The (Recreational Rotarian Mr, San Jack of North Bay was loud in his praise oi the way the group responded and they made in the Instructor the headway dance as none of them had any previous experience, Miss Mary Whitby has been hired by the Rotary Club as Square Dance Instructor and classes are to be held 'starting June 27 th and three nights a week in the High School Audi- torium. All children wanting to form sets 10 years and over will report to Miss Mary Whitby at the High School. and Eldon Larabie Heikkila of Cobalt pleaded guil- ty to attempting to steal gaso Wilfred line from a parked car. Each drew a six-month suspended sen- tence from Magistratte E. W. Kenrick. A charge of careless driving against Heikkila was dismissed. George French of New Lis- keard was fined $10 or ten days for intoxication. Floyd Arm- strong of Cobalt argued witira policeman and tore his shirt. It kost him $25 and costs or four- 'teen days. ? J. McQuarrie and B, Skbyer of Cobalt paid $10 and $4.50 for intoxication. Lack of an oper- ator's license cost R. Bujold of New Liskeard $10 fine and $3 costs. L. Cadarette of Sherbooke, Que., illegally purchased a case of beer in Englehart, and Magis- trate Kenrick added $100 to the fpurchase price. May Weather for The average temperature the month of May, 1955, was 55.0 degrees, 5 degrees above the average of 1954, 49.9. The aver- age since 1894 was 50.9. The minimum temperature for May in 1955 30.0; May 1954 28,5 and low since 1895 was the 13.5 in 1903. The maxiumum in May, 1955 was 83; in 1954; 78 in 1954 and 92.7 in 1896. Car His Cenest Wall Holy Gross Separate Algonquin Regiment Mrs. Agnes Frost, 54, Tema- gami, was the driver of a car that smashed into a cement wall at the side of N. Morissette's residence on Rorke Avenue Fri- day afternoon. Mrs. Frost escaped injury, but the car suffered damage to its grill and fender. The *-~ is be- lieved to have hit a bump in the road as it turned west onto Marcella street from Highway 11, and then gone out or control. Music Examination Results From Royal Conservatory The following is a list of suc- cessful candidates in examina- tions held recently by the Roy- al Conservatory of Music in Toronto in Haileybury. The names are arranged in order of merit. GRADE V THEORY Pass--Marie-Claire Maille. History Pass--Grace E. Brown. GRADE IV THEORY Harmony Honors -- Jeannine Ouellette. Pass--Lucille Mandeville. GRADE Ii]--Harmony First Class Honors--Betty Lou Atchison. GRADS Il THEORY First Class Honors --- 'liette Lapierre; Ruth Dunning; Pau- lette Huard; Aline Cadieux, Ma- rilyn Wite (equal); Anne Au- ger; Liss Van Wart; Wilham Thomson, Jeanne Hurst, Diana Desjardins ; Patricia Arnold, Judy Slaght (equal) ; Honors--Rita Hurtibse, ila Keenan (equal). Pass--Helen Macdonald. She- Wedding of Local Interest A wedding of interest in the community took place in Toron- to last week when Miss Chris- tina Bockerman became -- the bride of Mr. John Lettner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lettner who were old time residents of Haileybury. Miss Rose Marie Lettner was maid of honor and Mr. James Lettner was his brother's best man. The couple will reside in Lea- side when they return from a trip to Bermuda. High School Exams. The following names were omitted from the High School promotion list published last week: Grade XII to XIII--Marliyn McQuaid I. Grade X Brown I Grade IX to Grade X--Kath- leen Rice. to XI -- Marilyn a) Temiskaming Construction Limited Sudbury, Ont. ENGINEERS Design, Construction, Mine Development, Operation Electrical and Mechanical Installations 0 BRANCH OFFICE HEAD OFFICE TORONTO OFFICE Phone OS 3-5702: Haileybury, Ont. 2110--44 King St. W. Phone 517 Phone EM 6-9357 HAILEYBURY, Ont. HADLEY'S WHITE ROSE SERVICE Giving away FREE 1-Bone-handled Steak Knife With any $5.00 Cash Purchase of WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS or WHITE ROSE SERVICE Credit Cards Accepted as Cash Phone 404 Schnal Presents Promotion List will Classes as_ they be in .September, 1955. English Section Grade 9--Janine Bilodeau, Lin- da Burns, * Tony Cassidy (hon- ours), Raymond Lamothe (hon- ours.) ; Grade 8&--Carolyn Pelangio; Judy Pringle; Lycille Tessier ; (cond) Velma Walsh; Glen Wat- Grade 7--John Burns; Angus Hogan; Carole O'Grady; Wal- ter Stevens; Sharon Walsh; (cond) Velma Walsh; Plen Wat- son (cond) Grade 9 -- Raymonde, Bolger! (cond); Gerry Hogan ; Stanley Le 'mon; Jeanne Murphy (hon- ours); Valerie Nelson (honours ; Darlene Sauve; Robert Scalzo; Edwin Theriault (cond); Denis Walsh. i Grade 5--John Harder; 3rian Hogan; Wayne Huard; Jackie Manton; Ronnie Piche; Richard Regimbal (honours). : ours); John Bulger, David Cas- Grade 4--Robert Blair (hor sidy: Stephen Flemine: Bobby Gough; Georgia Murphy (hon- ours); Marilyn Nelson: Rose Anne Venne. Grade 3--Susan Armstrong; Jimmy Bolger; Barbara Conlon (honours) Diane Cotnam (hon- ours); Margaret Ann Harder; (honours); Patricia Lemay hon- ours; Douglas Piche (honours) ; Norman Satve, Peter Walsh (cond). Grade 2 -- Catherine Arm- strong; Claudette Bilodeau; Su- san Conlon; Gordon Day (hon.) ; Jim Dunning, Richard 'Fleury (con.); Chris Gough; Mary Jane Harder Mary Susan Legris (hon) Gloria Mattias (hon,); Patricia McCluskey; Suzette Pretty; Jane Pringle; Suzanne Regimbal; Cheryl Rouse. Grade IA--Charlyne Tessier. Grade I1--Ronnie Cotnam; sPa- - tricia Day;. Julie Finnerty; Su- zanne Fleury; Ronald Johnson; Yvonne Lemay; Frank Manton; Billy McWilliams; Linda Sauve; Richard Walsh. Kindergarten--Carol Ann Beau- dry; Robert Day; Jimmy Har- der; Donald Mattias; Stephen Rouse. : French Section Grade 9--Caron, Denis; Car- on, Cecile; Caron, Roger (hon- ours); Desjardins, Margueite; Deraiche, Pauline; Desmarais Robert (honours); Morissette, Donald (honours) ; Turner, This- Turner,' Marie-Ellen; Thisdelle, phonse; Gauvreau, Annette. Grade 8--Barrette, Jeannine (Cond.);. Beland, Rita; Bour- get, Suzanne; Bouley, Claudette; Cormier, Victor (honours) ; Gharbonneau, Germaire (hon- delle, Eugene, likely to discon.; ours ; Desmarais, Cellette ; tinue; Dupuis, Alphonse; Gauy- reau, Annette. Fleury, Jeanne; Forget, Therese; Gauvreau, Beatrice; Gelinas, Gerald; Grenon, Anicet (hon- ours); Grignon, Francoise (hon- ours); Larocque, Juliette; Sauve, Claudette. Grade 7--Campeau, rite; Caron Francoise (honours) Davies, Rita; Desjardins, Cle- mence; Fleury, Roland, Gauy- reau, Carmen; Gelinas, Rachelle; Larocque, Roger; Legault, Pau- line; Loranger, J. Claude; Mar- jetta, Diane (honours); Rivard. Eveline; Sauve, Denise (hon- ours); Sauve, Jeannine; St. Cur, Paul. Grade 6 -- Bastien, Solange; Campeau, Roger; Cormier, Hen- Margue- riette; Desjardins, Therese; Du- : puis, Robert; Fleury, Delphis; Gernon, Jean-Paul; Houle, Clau- dette, Hunt, Doreen (honours) ; Laforge, Collette, Lamothe, Denis; Larocque, Fernand; Morissette, Lorraine (honours) ; Renaud, Paul; Perrault Marcel; Whelan, Mary; Deraiche, Jac- Sanche, Rheal; St. Cyr, Leo; ques (honours); Deraiche, Mi- chelle;; Desjardins, Raymond; Dupuis, Helene; Forget, Rheal (honours); Forget, Rosaire; Hunt, Daniel; Patry, Lucille; Plante, Denise; Sanche, Henri; Savoie, Therese. Grade 5 -- Allard, Roger; Barron, Gilles; Catudal, Rita; Cormier, Paul; Davies, oRbert; (Continued on Page 3) fo Train At Camp Petawawa July 9-16 All members of the Algonquin Regiment (25 Armd) are looking forward with keen interest to this year's summer Camp at Petawawa, reports Capt. Bob Poppleton, officer commanding the local squadron. The regiment will arrive in Camp on Saturday, July 9th and until the following Saturday vill live under regular Army field conditions. The 1955 Camp will be the the first in which the men have heen armoured and aijl are an- ious to learn their new tasks by physical effort .on the field, rather than sand table exercises. While the once-a-manth week- end training they have taken for the past five months st Camp Borden has given them an excellent basic training, Camp Keeek will be the real test. Ten tanks have been placd at th dis- posal of the Algonquins and train_ ing will be progressive from the use of one tank up to the squad- ron level Theday will start with reveille at6 o'clock and supper is finally served at 530 to 630 in the evening. A full brigade of tank units will be in training at Petawa- wa under Col. G. S. Cassidy, D.S.O., E.D., officer command- ine 16 Militia Group. The other tank units are First Hussars of London, Windsor Regt, Windsor and Elgin Regiment from Strat- ford as well as the Algonquins. Coraner's Jury Finds Heath Accidental at Silver Willer "Accidental death blame attached the verdict of the coroner's jury enquiring into the death of Jo- to anyone was seph Vautour. Vautour was killed in the Silver" Miller La- Rose Mine June 16th. Dr. W. © Arnold ot Hameybury pre- sided at the inquest he!4 in Co- bolt Friday. THOMAS--HENNESSY ' Spring blooms jpanked the chancel of All Saints' Anglican Church, iiimberley, B.C., for the marriage on May 28, 1955 of Catherine May Hennessy and Norman Stephen Thomas, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hennessy of Hailey- bury and the groom the son of Mr. and Mrs. James VY. Tho- mas of Kimberley. The three o'clock ceremony was performed by Rey. Rk. H.G. Preston, rector of St, Paul's. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in her gown of lace, inset with ny- lon tulle. Styled on _ princess lines, it featureda matching lace jacket.' Pearls studded her floor- length train. Her shower bou- quet was of red roses and lily o f the valley. Attending the bride were Miss Jean Moore of Kimberley and Miss Judy Case 'of Riondel, gowned alike in floor-length gowns of turquoise nylon tulle with lace bodice and lace head- band 'securing the chape: veil. Each carried a cascade of talis- man roses, The flower girl, Mis» Mary Dianne Hennessy of Haileybury, wore a matching gown to that of the attendants, and carried a nosegay of Margueritaes. Best man was Mr. Rov Beduz of Kimberley and -ushers were Mr. Bedford Bates of Victoria, B. C. and Mr. Bishop Hennes- sy ow Haileybury. The reception was held inthe Oasis dining room of th: New Grill. For her wedding trip the bride chose a navy and white polka dot taffeta with navy duster and hat and white accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will re- side at 'Lethbridge, wmech is Mr. Thomas' headquarters as Park Davis representative. > with no. Checkoff at Cobalt Cobalt -- Compulsory check- off under the Rand formula has been incorporated in the new agreement between the Cobalt Consolidated Mining Corporation and the United Steelworkers of America Union. This replaces the voluntary revocable check- off in the previous agreement. Also provided for are wage increase ranging 'from three to 12 cents an hour for various classifications of workers. T.8. Association Elects New Officers at Meeting Here A meeting of the Ontario Tuberculosis Association was held on June 16th in the Hotel Haileybury. A dinner preceded the meeting at 6.30, with twenty- six persons present. Mr. Anderson, the president, was in the chair and special guests present were Dr. McPher son, Sudbury, Mr. Dunn, Hail- eybury, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ross, New Liskeard, Mrs. Pacey and Mrs. Cowley, Temagami, and F.J. Kelly, Toronto. Health Unit Nurses, Mrs. Rhoten, Miss Irwin, Mrs. Denston, Mrs. Har- rison all of KirklandLake, Miss Rice, Haileybury, Miss Collins, New Liskeard, Mrs. Murdock, Larder Lake and Mrs. Lemon, Cobalt. After the minutes were adojpt- ed and financial statement pre- sented, Dr. McPherson spoke in the need of more rehabintation , in the Sans. and Mr. Kelly on 'greater education regarding what the Association was- doing in the District. It was reported thatthe clinics held in this area were well at- tended. - The nominating reported the following elected: President--Mr. Kirkland Lake. lst Vice-President--Mr. E. H. Collins, Matachewan. 2nd VicePresident--Mr. P. J. Lemon, Cobalt. Treasurer--Mr. J. S. Virginiatown Executive Council--Mr. W. E Anderson (past pres.), Mrs. Hall, F. L. Hutchinson, J. H. Hughes, Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Paterson committee officers Eric Denston, Taylor, Summer Hours at Public Library During the months of July and August, the Library will be open on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays only: Afternoons Evenings The assistant Librarian, Miss Jane Ledwell, will be in charge during July. Rebekah Meeting The District meeting of the Rebekah Lodge was held on Saturday, June 25th in Engle- Rev. & Mrs. Denholm Honored at Social Evening Thursday In the Sunday School room of the United Church on Thursday evening a large congregation gathered to honor Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Denholm ere their de- parture to Hartford, Connecti- cut, where Mr. Denholm will take post graduate studies. Rey. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown of Cobalt and Rey. and Mrs. C. R. Plaskett of New Lis- keard. were also present. Judge Robinson acted as mas- ter of Ceremonies and the pro- gramme opened with community singing led by Rev. George Brown of Cobalt, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Brown. The Junior girls of the church presented a very talented pro- gramme. Miss Sharon Byles very. sweetly opened with a vocal solo, accompanied by Miss Betty Lou Atchison at the piano. Miss Jean Hurst favored with a piano solo and occompanied Miss Carolyn Kingsmill. who delighted the gathering with a vocal solo. Miss Pat Arnold and Miss Betty Lou Atchison closed the musical part of the program with a very much enjoyed piano duet. Rév..@.) Roestlasketteconmests Paul's United Church, New Lis- keard gave an address on Camp Lorrain and expressed how much work Rev. Denholm had put into this camp. He also said it had been a great pleasure to work with Rey. Denholm, and of Mrs. Denholm's work with the church organiaations and the Girls' Choir. Dr. W. R. Somerville read the address and made the presenta- tion of a gift on behalf of the church and the organizations to Rey. and Mrs. Denholm. Mrs. Taylor Pipe made the presenta- tion of a bouquet of white and pink 'mums to Mrs. Denholm. Rev. Denholm thanked the members of 'the church and the organizations for the lovely gift. He,also voiced how much they would miss Haileybury and how he had enioved working with the boys. Rev. and Mrs. Denholm will be greatly missed in the work 'of the church. Rev. Denholm has been a constant worker at Camp Lorrain and his efforts will never be forgotten. Mrs. Den- holm has spent many unforget- table hours with the Junior Choir, the choir winning the cup three consecutive years at the music festival is one of the outstanding accomplishmetns. Their sweet and charming little daughter, Mary, is a symbol of two lovely people. The beautiful bouquet of peo- nies which graced the Sunday School room were donated by Mrs. H. G. Pickard and Mrs M. B. Glazier. ; THE WEER'S WEATHER hart when Miss Mary Paterson) qpurcday 52 «64 was installed as District Deputy friday -........... 54. 65 President. ; Saturday) neces 54 63 Those attending from _ here Sunday 53m), 73 were Sisters Olive Childs, Maud \ponday ......... 62h 479 Cragg as representatives and iheedae ees aoe 63 87 Margaret Berry and Nellie Aus- Wednesday Ei 66 8&3 tin as visitors. so seal 332: $12 2 33222274) - Complaints have been ly discovered in their mills. workers. There is also a quantity received from operators of saw mills and pulpwood slasher mills on the Ottawa River that marked logs with nails inserted are being continual- This condition is not only damaging to equipment but~ endangers the lives of mill of pulpwood, principally in % the small four-foot lengths, burned on the 'shores each year, and thefinancial oss because of this 'is considerable. The theft, misuse or misappropriation of maitked logs in any number is prohibited by law, and any evidence received of these practices will be submitted to Crown authorities through our legal representatives for 'appro- '194 'Middle Street, Ottawa, Ontario # priate action. THE UPPER OTTAWA IMPROVEMENT COMPANY