The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 4 Aug 1955, p. 1

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Northern Ontario's_ Oldest Weekly Newspaper ~<THE HAILEYBURIAN " THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1955 Vol. 51; No, 22 Pee mDrowning atBeac Annette Belair of Cobalt Haileybury Wins Stuggled with Rescuers Rotary Swim Meet There was a good attendance jaiere scream, but plunged into the at the water sports sponsored | b Annette Belair, water and swam to the strueg- Haileybury Rotary Club, Cobalt girl was 14 year old saved from ia. Attractions At Haileybury Rotary Club Beach ling girl. afternoon, held Wednesday "drowning at the Haileybury beach Wednesday afternoon. The girl pulled one rescuer under three times before she was dragged to shore by Life Guard Harold Hammerstrom: assisted by Carol Jenkins of Haileybury. Annette was swimming near the north breakwater with a group of youngsters when she got into difficult and screamed for help. She was about 25 yards from shore, when Richard Tru- del, 14, of New Liskeard, heard her scream. The boy was playing ing on the slide when he heard under for leybury secured the most points. Annette was going Liskeard 'and the first time when Trudel got trailed by New to her. In the struggle to hold the girl up, Trudel was pushed underneath the water three times. Carol Jenkins of Haileybury went to his assitance, and helped hold the girl up until Life Guard Harold Hammerstrom came _ to their assistance, and brought the girl to shore. She rested on the recovered, and then home to Cobalt. dock until returned False Alarm Wed. Car burns Friday Haileybury volunteer firemen answered a call Wednesday ev- ening when a report was turned z in that there was a fire in the old brickyards at the south end of town. The firemen investigat- ; ed, but couldn't find the fire. ee Last, Friday the firemen tum- bled out of bed at three in the morning, when a car caught fire on Broadway street. The fire ; apparently started inside the t vehicle, which was unoccupied. Firemen managed to extinguish- i ed the blaze, but the damage was extensive. = GAME LAWS OF 1955 There's anew game bird in Ontario this year for the hunter who desires a change... Mor, the first time since 1917 the men be hind the guns can try their luck eC with the morning doye, a bird found chiefly in the southern part of the province. The Can- adian Wildlife Service, Depart- ment of Northern Affairs and National Resources, made this announcement today when pub- lishing its 1955 hunting regula- tions for the province, These re- gulations show that the daily bag limit for this species will be - eight birds. Otherwise, there are few chan- ges from last year, although the season in the central and south- ern hunting districts has been extended one day. The bag limit for ducks re- mains at eight, not including mergansers nor more than one wood duck. Daily limits for other migratory game birds are fiye geese, twenty-five rails. coots and gallinules (in the aggre- gate), eight Wilson's snip, eight -woodcock, and eight mourning doves. p Sportsmen are advised to con- sult the Migratory Bird Regu- rs ations on the boundaries of the three districts into which Ontario is divided, Restrictions on shoot- ing methods and weapons re- main similar to those in 1954. bie Open seasons have becn an- 1 nounced as follows (all dates in- clusive): Ducks, Geese, Rails, Coots, Gallinules'§ Woodcock, Mourning Doyes and Wilson's A Snipe. In the Northern © ee strict, Sept. 15 to Dec. 15. In the Cen- tral District. Sept. 17 to Dec. 15. 3 In the Southern District (except that in Essex County the open season for geese is from October 1 to December 31 inclusive), Oct. BEAUTY CONTEST Tri-Town girls will have the opportunity of competing in a beauty contest sponsored by lo- cal merchants and the Empire Theatre, New Liskeard. The contest will be held Au- gust 11, 12, 13, with more than $200 in prizes. The winner will be awardedsthe title of Miss Tri-Town, and will be given the opportunity of going to Tim- mins and competing in the Miss Northern Ontario Contest. The Miss Northern Ontario Contest will be held in Timmins October 1 - 2, with a prize of $500, and the winner will be eli- gible to enter the Miss Canada contest in Toronto. Any local girl who enter can contact Norm Gentile or Tom Burns at the Empire Theatre, New Liskeard, wants to LCBO missed again Cars crash at corner There was. a loud crash and thirsty citizens went running but they were ara Two cars collided at the Main and Ferguson ee te Wednes- day evening, but the cars missed the LCBO building. The cars were driven by Ken- neth Laronde, Second s treet, Haileybury, who was driving down the hill) and by Conrad La- Casse, Ottawa, who was on Fer- guson Avenue. Both cars were damaged, but the drivers were not injured. Police are investiga- ting. Crown Witness Shot No Foul Play- -Pelire Provincial sone say that they have discounted the possibility -of foul play in connection with the death of Leonard James Holds- worth of Coleman township. Holdsworth was found dying inside his one-room shack last Friday, one hour before he was to appear in court as a crown witness in a criminal charge against two Cobalt men. Police say that in a dying de- claration, Holdsworth told them that he fell down a flight of steps into his basement, as he was cleaning a revolver. The gun discharged, and the bullet lodg- ed in his brain. 1 to Dec. 15. Experienced Bookkeeper. a these positions. Apply to: --FEMALE HELP WANTED-- Stenographer-Switchboard Operator and also an Vacuncies effective September Ist for both of TEMISKAMING CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Haileybury, Ontario Cobalt. The results were as fol- lows. Gordon Arinstrong, Hailey- bury, paddle board race. Fraticis Beland, Haileybury, girls paddle board race. Wayne Shortt, New Liskeadr, 25 yard swim. Carol Stafford) New Liskeard, girls 25 yard swim, Keith MacPher son, Hajileybury, diving {or plates. Harold ~ Hammer Haileybury, 50 yard swim, Carol Jenkins, Haileybury, girls 90 yard swim, Glen Watson, Hail- eybury, underwater distance Francis Graff, Haileybury, sy pole. Harold Hammerstrom, Glen Watson, O: Legault, Hai- leybury, boys'. relay. Anicet Grenon, Carol Jenkins: Cathy Neelands, Ruth Cumming, Suz- anne Smith, Haileybury, girls' relay. Harold Hammerstrom Haileybury, fancy diving. Bill Bush, Phillip O'Gradve PA Pare ell, New Liskeard, men's orea- git left Rotary Carol Jenkins, Haileybury Carnival. relay Rotary Carnival A Big Success The Rotary Carnival held jast week was a financial succes well as entertaining to those who attended. There was square dancing the Rotary Park "Set con of childern S$ as by" 2 a ei and her sister Kathleen, some of were two of the prettiest attractions at the Suave : : ; selow, the professional skiers display their skill. from nine" y to twelve which deserye mention and speak well for their super- visors at the park, Susanne [ec ky and Mollie Millar in training them. They were Lorainne Mor issette, Frances Caron, Evelyn Seymour and Diane Lazarus, Bobbie Grozelle, Bobbie Gough, cheer them along. The local ones Craig and Skip Cuddy taking part were Kathleen and Also the High School set Carol Jenkins, Harold Hammer- trained by Mary Whitby with Strom and Glenn Watson Kathleen and Carol Jenkins, There were several "draws Joe Robson and Nancy Whitby, made with the following beine Keith Lathem, W ayne Watson, the lucky winners: Mrs. Harry Ronald Rice and John Hallworth, Coull won the eleciric . chine The exhibition of the water machine donated hy MA eced skiers both from outside and Gibson, Mrs. S. Weir the tri ; local was well worth seeing and the Can tian Nati aces a good crowd was on hand to TEER parte Cogn ate certian tion while Mr. Weir won a lamp. Joe ; Kirkwood's somewhat unconventional method of playing golf was a big hit at the Haileybury golf club last week. He demonstrates his perfect contorl here, by hit- ting the center ball of three balls perched on top of each other. The arrow points to the center ball streaking away. 2 camera caught the top ball while it was still in the air, Firemen Vote No Bucke Deal But Will Reconsider Tonight Will they or No it difficult for one seems to know whether Hai- employers alike. leybury will Fire Chief Ken Watson point- fight fires in Bucke township, ed out that the agreement with and the firemen themselves hav- Bucke would make a lot of ex- won't they. employees and volunteer firemen en't made up their minds. We oe es. from needing ny : : - another truck, the tow Tuesday night the firemen held Haven eecae Rie ead a special meeting, < 2 : . Sia P g, and voted books. and there would have to seven to six'against any agr : 8 SG Ee eda proper system of fire inspec- ment with Bucke, Then they Som aa landed i Ge as changed their minds and decided ia ak peat ee ze ec =| = to hold another meeting this Bae eae re ebay 5 ed that Haileybury council may evening and reconsider, : = authorize the fire department to : At the Tuesday evening meet- render emergency aid to Bucke ing, many firemen felt. that tak- until a decision is reached, or ing the time off to fight fires until Bucke gets its own fire outside Haileybury might make brigade 'Travelling South? ? VISIT NORTHERN ONTARIO'S MOST INTERESTING TRADING POST HUDSON BAY "POINT" BLANKETS MOCCASINS -- TACKLE -- WEAVING -- BEADWORK Want to buy a wolf skin, skunk skin, or a cup of good coifee. Everything from mpose hide jackets to a lum- berjack's bearkfast with beans. LAKESHORE HIGHWAY --2 Miles South of North Bay Don Delaplante--Proprietor

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