The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 25 Aug 1955, p. 3

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' THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1955 THE HAILEYBURIAN Page Three Canadian Legion News BY BOB FLEMING Well we have received a few new applications to date; but I feel that there are a lot more of the veterans locally that would like to belong to the Legion that haven't applied as yet. If you are a veteran of the Boer War, 1, or World War 11 and the Kor- ean War you are eligible for membership to the Canadian Le- gion. The more members that we have the better it is as a branch and the only way to have a better branch is to have more at meet- ings, and their fees of course, to finance submit their op- inions for a better branch. In a couple of weeks the Leg~- ions work begins for Remem- brance Day and the building up of funds from that time for the next coming year. I will start from school time on to tell you about Remembrance Day. What it is. How it started and why it was started. That I hope to spend the month of September and the first of November doing. Right now I want to make you con- scious of it and give it plenty of thought at the time you are ap- proached with a poppy or a wreath. Now this time I am not going to stress the date of the next meeting because it has been found that from some members and expected members that it is a conflicting time of the month. There will be an executive meet- ing held and this will be discuss- ed and I will inform you of our decision. Lets hear from you other vet- erans that don't belong yet and also lets have the other members present at the next meeting. Of every 100 Canadian house- holds 55 owned cars at Septem- ber, 1954. From 1949 to 1954 total gov- ernment spending in Canada in- creased from $3,812 million to $7,019 million. oe CHURCHES Albert Gospel Halt SUNDAY Sunday School, 2:30 p.m. Breaking of Bread--tl a.m. Gospel Meeting--/ p.m. THURSDAY Ladies' Prayer Meeting, 2:3( 2 p.m. Public Bible Reading and Prayer Meeting--# p.m. The United Church REV. J. W. W. WILKINSON, B.A. HAILEYBURY PUBLIC WORSHIP -- 11.15 am. NORTH COBALT PUBLIC WORSHIP __ 10 a.m, The Salvation Acmy Sunday Moromg Meetung--11.00 a.m. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Tuesday Night--Public Meet- ing, 7-30. Salvation Meeting--7.00 p.m., Cobalt Sunday School, Cobalt-----2.75 p.m, The Baptist Church Pastor--Howard S. Staples 11 a.m.--Junior Church School Classes for all age groups. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. Subject Path of Folly "God be- seeching, man refusing to be made forever glad" WEDNESDAY 8 p.m. Mid-week Meeting. for Prayer and Bible Study. You are invited to worship with us and to fellowship inthe things of God. Bring the children. Pentecostal Assembly RORKE AVENUE Sunday School--10.00 a.m. Morning Worship--11.00 a.m. Evangelistic Service--8.00 p.m. Prayer Meeting Tuesday at & Young People's Meeting--Fri., 8 p.m. St. Paal's Church Holy Communion--8.00 a..m. Ist Sunday, Holy Communion--i1 a.m. Other Sundays, Matine--11 a.m. Church School meets at 11 a.m. Evening Prayer--7.30 p.m. 8T. GEORGE'S, NORTH COBALT Morning Serviee--9.15 a.m, New 6.0. For Alg COLONEL Lieut.,Qol. James R.. (Jim) Walker, M.C., E.D., has just been named to command The Al- gonquin Regiment (26 Armd). His appointment follows the re- ignation in June of Major W. Fischer, M.B.E., E.D., of North Bay. The new commanding officer has been connected with The Al- gonquin Support Coy at Kirkland Lake since 1949, His appoint- ment is welcomed by members of the regiment as he is a veter- an of many years of tank war- fare and tank training, having served with the Three Rivers Regiment in action from the in- vasion of Sicily in 1943 until VE Day. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Mr. Walker came to Canada with his parents in 1921, settling at Three Rivers, Que. In 1933 he joined the Three Rivers Regi- ment and was commissioned in 1935. The regiment was mobil- ized in September 1939 and Lt. Col. Walker proceeded overseas as a Captain in April, 1941. His first action was at Sicily and thereafter he took part in every 'action fought by the Three Riy- ers Regiment until the cessation of hostilities. He was promoted Major in 1943, Lt.-Col. Walker was awarded the Military Cross for "conspic- uous gallantry and leadership at the Battle of Termoli" and his citation refers to his "skilful onquins Regt. ae ut a WALKER handling of a tank force which destroyed a number of German tanks and which was declared to be largely responsible for the success of the infantry attack." He was decorated in the field by Lt.-General Sir Oliver Leese and later received the actual medal from King George V1 at Buck- ingham Palace. Incidentally as a personal tri- bute for his courageous action at Termoli where his unit support- ed the Irish Brigade of the 78th British Division Lt.-Col. Walker was presented with the British Commander's personal i nsignia --a green felt shamrock. It was appliqued to his own (Lt.-Col. Walker's) squadron command- er's penant and flown from the wireless aerial of his own tank till the end of the war. With the Algonquin Regiment having recently converted from infantry to tanks, the appoint- ment of Col. Walker to com- mand the unit will greatly assist the regiment, members of which are not too familiar with the new tactics, terms and operations. And having been' with the "North's Own" for so many years, his acknowledged ability coupled with his leadership and winning personality has his promotion a most popular one with all ranks. Lt.-Col. Walker resides in Swastika and is connected with Northern Canada Supply Com- pany in civilian life. LOCAL MILITIA "C" Squadron, The Algonquin Regiment cordially invites the citizens of the Tri-Town area to attend their "Open House" at Haileybury Armouries next week. Under the direction of the Of- ficer Commanding, Capt. RK. J. Poppleton, a full program has been arranged to introduce the public to the Algonquin Citizen" Soldier Army. A Band Concert by the Algon- quin Brass Band from Kirkland Lake will launch the . weeks ac- tivities at Rotary Park Hailey- bury. In case of rain it will be held in the Armouries. Tank demonstrations, drill ex- ercises and a multitude of other army activities as well as many exceptionally good service films will feature the weeks program Capt. Poppleton in discussing the "Army Week", said it was an effort on the part of the Al- gonquins to introduce the public to Canada's (and the Tri- Town's) Citizen Army, with the idea in mind of encouraging still more of the young men in the district to take an active part in Canada's Military Life. All events and entertainments mentioned as forming part of the Algonquins "Meet The Army Week" is free. There will be no admission charge or collection takn at any of the programs or film showings. The Algonquin's say "It's your army -- we just want you to meet it". Want Ads. Bring Results SAVE ON MEAN ROCK BOTTOM PRICES ~-- HADLEY'S White Rose Service Station Ignition -- Carburetors Haileybury . Phone 404 Z.TUBELESS TIRE made ALGONQUIN REGIMENTAL BAND The Regimental Brass Band from Kirkland Lake, under the able direction of WOI Bandmas- ter Albert Delean will give a concert on Sunday evening from 7 to 8.30 p.m. for the entertain- 0 victory last Sunday was large- bury just before the game," one ly due to a mysterious yellow said. j fluid that the Bayites were seen imbibing freely. ; The stuff was seen being pas- sed from hand to hand, and its possession was jealously guard- ed by a water boy of ferocious A. S. JOHNSTON ment of local music lovers. aspect OPTOMETRIST This group is comprised of HR E nearly thirty musicians who : owever, members of the Hours--9.00 to 5.30 have been studying and practis- North Bay executive, state that Evenings by Appointment ing together for several years the fluid was just a glucose mix- i and they are recognized as be- tre, that they were trying out Phone 45 for the first time. "As a matter Ferguson Ave., Haileybury of fact, we bought it in Hailey- ing among the best reserve force bands in Canada. Quite a few of the soldier- ----= ier iets z pres musicians have received their en- a eaey sa tire musical education from Mr. Delean, who took them under his wing as school boys, too young ' to join the Algonquins, and he D has worked with them, seen Tm the boy to keep you them grow to young men and he- come fine bandsman. Most of the boys have qualified at regu- lar Canadian Army Band Schools as tradesmen, Mr. Delean in civilian life is manager of a large plant in Kir- kland Lake, and he is a Parisian by birth. GI UCOSE NOT GOOF ---- Suspicious supporters of the Tri-Town Raiders suggest that the North Bay Roughriders's 12- warm. And coal is at it's cheapest NOW! Don't Delay. Order Your coal now. Avoid the rush BUY NOW and SAVE. HAILEYBURY FUEL CO. Phone 349, Haileybury IF YOUR CAR GIVES YOU A =--= - "Rough Ride" IT'S TIME TO SEE US | oJ tt makes a big difference where you finance your car! i) Before you buy find out about our Modern Finane= ing and Insurance Service. This low cost service, If your car is acting like a bucking bronco, we'll tame it fast. Everything "under control' bined with conti reliable insurance pro= after our expert repair job. fection, is available to all new and late model car buyers. Come in, or telephone, for full details _ IAN Mac DIARMID HAILEYBURY Phone 10 Hadley's White Rose Service Station HAILEYBURY Ferguson Ave. MEET THE ALGONQUIN'S SEE YOUR LOCAL MILITIA AT WORK AUG. 28th -- SEPT. 3rd FREE--BAND CONCERT--FREE 6.00 7.30 p.m, Sunday, Aug. 28 Haileybury Rotary Park ALGONQUIN REGIMENT BRASS BAND SHERMAN TANK ON DISPLAY In Case of Rain the Concert at Haileybury Armouries HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK Monday, August 29--6.30 p.m. Tank Demonstration, Part 1 East End of Albert St. (Old Brick Yard) Tank Tactics. Tuesday, August 30--7.30 p.m. Regular Parade at Arm- ouries. Wireless Scheme Demonstration. Range firing films, etc. Wednesday Aug. 31--7.30 p.m. Films Armoured Corp in act- tion. Open House. Thursday Sept. 1--7.30 p.m. Regular Parade at Armouries. D. and M. Gunnery Demonstration. Films, Range, etc. Friday September 2--6.30 pm. Tank Demonsiration in Field Part 2. East End of Albert St. Tank Infantry Team. Saturday, Sept. 3--8--11.45 p.m. Get-together Party. Dance. All New and Old Members and Their Guests Cordially Invited. The Haileybury Armouries Is Open For Your Inspection From 10.00 10.00 August 29 To September 3. COME And LOOK AROUND And MEET The ALGONQUINS ,

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