THURSDAY, SEPT. 22nd, 1955 THE SHALE LEYBURIAN Page Five Raiders Lose 34-5 To K. L. Bottom Of League Position Tri-Town Raiders were beat- en 34 to five at Kirkland Lake Sunday. Cliff Grey accounted for the Raiders only score, as the Raiders were smothered under one powerful attack after anoth- er.- i Other results in the Northern Ontario Rugby Football Union were:--Sturgeon Bombers de- feated Noranda 27 to nothing at Sturgeon. Sudbury defeated North Bay 22 to nothing at Sud- bury. Sudbury now leads the leag- ue, followed by Kirkland Lake, North Bay, Sturgeon Falls, Nor- anda, and Tri-Town. Coach Threatens To Quit Raiders Tri-Town Raiders' Coach Wal- ter Ackroyd has threatened to quit the team. Mad over the de- bacle at Kirkland Lake Sunday, when they were wiped out 34 to five by the Kirkland Alouettes, Mr. Ackroyd has told the team they they all turn out for prac- tice or he quits. "I don't mind losing a game, but there's no reason why we shouldn't put on a_ respectable showing," he said. "Only ten or so of the boys are really inter- ested in playing and promoting football, The rest turn out for games, providing there is noth- ing else to do." Mr. Ackroyd said that foot- ball is a game that is dependent on good team work, and that there is no reason for the-Raid- ers poor showing this season ex- cept lack of practice by the play- ers. Mr. Ackroyd played with the Canadian Army 4th Armored Division's team that won the Canadian Army Championship in Germany following the war. La- er he was invited to try out with the Ottawa Roughriders, but was forced to quit due to a knee injury. CLEAN HANDS FOR GOOD HEALTH Cleanliness is next to godli- ness, they say. It is certain one of the ingredients in a good health plan. Disease germs may be collected on dirty hands, and from there transferred to the mouth with food. Every adult should make a practice of wash- ing his hands before eating and every child should be trained to do so before he eats meals or even a between-meal snack and always after visiting the toilet. A. S. JOHNSTON OPTOMETRIST Hours--9.00 to 5.30 Evenings by Appointment Phone 45. Ferguson Ave., Haileybury Phone 52 Modern Taxi Hotel Haileybury Ackroyd and Son PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS New Liskeard : Ontario Phones 442 and 442-B MINING MARCHES ON Outstanding advances in On- tario mining in recent years are reviewed in the new 4U-page re- port, just issued by the Direct- ors ot Ontario Mining Associat- t ion. ° Pointing out that Canada's mineral output increased 1UU million dollars in 1954 alone, ). Beattie of 'immins, president of the Association in a boreword stresses how the mining indust- ry is speeding up "our country s growth and our peoples' pros- perity". 'he need for immense sums of both risk and develop- ment capital is pointed out by Mr. Beattie who states: "here is no surer, cheaper way oi de- veloping our north country and of multiplying our wealth many times, than by encouraging" 1 every reasonable manner possi- ble, the expenditure of private funds in mining and mining de- velopment." He quotes D. Dewitt Smith, president of the American In- stitute of Mining Engineers as saying. : "Canada, in addition to its favourable economic atmos- phere, offers inducements in its taxation policy on profits of mining companies and on divi- dends paid resident shareholders more liberal than any other great mineral producer in the world." , GOLF CLUB NOTES The Golf Club's closing dance will be held on Friday, Sept. 23 rd, 1955. The final event of the golfing season will be the turkey supper and prize-giving presentations for members, their families and shareholders. This event will be held in the Club house, Sunday Sept. 25th at6 and will .cost $1.00 \per person. think that Haileybury is warmer place. We cannot help but you too. Haileybury, Phone 349 A Welcome to New Residents If you have just arrived in town, you may heve a word of it. Of course, it does get a little chilly at time, but in terms of warm friendliness and warm hearted people, you won't find a So we extend to you a warm welcome, and when the wind is blowing across the lake and the snow is drifting on the walk, remember that in the things that matter, Haileybury is one of the warmest places you can find. we have had some part in the warmth of Hail- eybury, at least as far as winter heating comfort is concerned, because we have been rendering a service for half a century in that direction. When you are ready, we should like to serve Herbert Fuels Limited Distributors of Quality Coals and Kleen-Flo Premium stove and furnace oils. a cold place. Don't be- feel that in our business -- Cobalt, Phone 3311 Cobalt Beats Cochrane 9-3 Cobalt Intermediate 'C' ball team defeated Cochrane 9 to les-are bound to withstand The ravages of time, climate and in- scheduled sects. to 3) at Basse, Lake game was originally for Cochrane, but switched Cobalt due to rain. Sunday. Poor pitching by Cochrane re- THE BIBLE--TODAY The first book ever printed was the Bible. Today, all over the world, type is set in scores of scripts, Pages are printed in fast- hundreds of languages and Bib- the A recent translation in Cam- bodian for Indo-China, illustra- tes the complex problems of sulted in Cobalt chalking up sev- Bible Society work around the en runs in the first two innings. Cochrane changed pitchers managed to hold its own for the rest of the game. A double-hea- der at Cochrane Sunday is sche- duled to decide the balance the game. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE WHOOPING COUGH and After the manuscript had of world. been prepared by missionairies on the field, in the diffcult and unusual "Pali" Script, it was necessary to have the type cast in Paris, then sent to New York to be set up by dying Cambodian students studying in North America. The Bible was finally published in London by photographic process Whooping cough, regarded by and will be distributed from a many as merely a childhood ail- Bible depot in Cambodia. ment is one of the most serious In over 80 countries, Bible contagious diseases that can Society staffs work to reduce strike a child.. Many youngsters languages to writing, translate Many of those who do survive are left with impair- ment of lungs or brain. Each year, Canada sets aside one week in September known as Immuni- zation Week, in order to bring to the attention of parents, through press, radio and any other avail- able means, a reminder to have children inoculated against this common but very dangerous dis- ease. die from it. HARD WORKING MINERAL Calcium does a big job for the human body. It aids in the clo- 'ing of blood, the regular beat- ing of the heart and the making of bones and teeth. To obtain the necessary Supply of calcium, the average adult must depend upon his diet. Milk is the chief source, together with its product, cheese. Canada's Food Rules suggest that the children need at least one pint of milk daily, eith- er as a drink or in some part of their food; an adolescent needs at least 1% pints and an adult at least %4 a pint. This will not only supply calcium but also ribofla- vin, protein, some vitamin A, as well as other vitamins and min. erals. Card of Thanks The family of the late Mr. James Hill wish to express their sincere gratitude and than- ks to Dr. S. Mi LeBer, special nurses: Mrs. Inch, Mrs. Buck- berrough, and Miss Pat Bresen- ski. Sisters and Staff of the Misericordia Hospital, the Tull-~ och Funeral Home, relatives, friends and neighbors, for their sympathy and many acts of kin- dness in our recent sad bereave- ment, in the loss of a _ loving husband, father and brother. Sa- dly missed by Mrs. Hill and Marilyn. --Want Ads. Bring Results! the Bible into them and publish and distribute the Good Book. Over 1500 languages and dialec- ts remain to receive as much as as one word or line of the Scripture. Despite the phenomenal in- crease in Bible circulation, more copies of communist literature were distibruted last year than Bibles. Thus the communists are attempting to take advantage of the new yearning for knowledge on the part of millions of adults in Asia and Africa who are lear- ning to read. HG: Wells once said of the Bible, "This civilization could not have come together without it'--it has "held together the fabric of Western civilization." In an age when the people of the world are studying democ- Freak accident causes loss of eye Receives $5,000 While on yacation recently, a young salesman from Toronto had a bad hiking accident. Ducking his head to avoid a branch of a tree, he brushed into another branch that severely damaged his left eye. He suffered complete loss of sight in that optic. The $10,000 Confederation Life Policy which he carries has an Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit. As a result, he received $5,000 for the loss of sight of his eye. The only policy of its kind in Canada! Confederation's Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit on a $10,000 Policy pays: $10,000 if you die from natural causes $20,000 if you die by accident $30,000 if you die by accident while a passenger in a commercial bus, streetear, train or ship, or in a fire in a public place. Liberal cash payment for dismemberment accidents. Jonjederation WHITBY'S PHARMACY Life For Free Booklet, "Triple Indemnity', call: M. S. BOYD, Representative Costs little more than a standard tire! sia fll) ALL-NYLON Super-Cushion *GOODSVYEAR afer! Extra strong! : i made with oot. a exclusive 3-T Nylon Cor id the process that ar hone most durable tire fal ever developed. See it t GARAGE 4 FERGUSON AVE. PHONE: 3 * CHEVROLET -- OLDSMOBILE 2 "CHEVROLET TRUCKS SALES & SERVICE racy for the first time, this bul- sonal convenience. wark of civilization the Bible, Sun. 1 Sam. 18: 1-16 despite publishing difficulties Mon. 11 Sam. 1: 17-27 such as those encountered in Tues. 5St. John 8: 1-32 Indo-China, must be offered as Wed. St. John 8: 33-59 a_ basic textbook. - Thur. Matt. 9: 1-17 The following suggested read- Fri. Matt. 9: 18-38 ings are offered for your per- Sat. Matt. 10; 1-23 a -- GET READY FOR WINTER DRIVING ! BE WISE WINTERIZE YOUR CAR NOW! Let us check these 4 ; : : ee EALED aT pisTILLERY fe, || MIFCORROSY ANTI-FREEZE IGNITION GEAR OILS THERMOSTAT OFFERS YOU We Creal Mame hang ¥ New fast train to Mx" "astern Points 'continental -- Convenient Train to Major and Intermediate Western Points e@ Wide range of modern accommodations to suit every budget e Enjoy economical meals or snacks on both trains in the Coffee Shop. Dining Car service is also provided e Inquire about the money- saying Family Fare Plan » Ticket agents can have a drive-yourself car waiting for you on arrival if you wish e For reservations and information see, write or phone your local Canadian National Passenger Agent.