The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 14 Oct 1955, p. 1

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Se ee € 423 Dee. $4; eee 'Mosher, A. eee Le, ae HE HAILEYBURIAN HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, Vol. 50;- No. 32 Kirkland Lake Chosen as Site of Armored lra.ning Kirkland Lake is to be the centre of a week-end miltia train- ing scheme for all units of the Algonquin 29th Armoured Regi- ment. The scheme is the result oi the re-organization of militia whereby the Algonquin Regiment is being converted to units armor. former support and headquar- ters companies in kirkland Lake aud Virginiatown amalgzzate to form "B" Squadron of the Algon- quin Regiment. Last night, Wed- training nesday, squadron Ses- sions began, conducted by regu- lar army mstructors at Virginia- town. This Northern regular force training team wll be carrying on a re-conyersion in the Hailey- bury Armouries on Tuesday and Thursday nights irom now until some time early in the year. This program is required to standardize the re-conversion and training throughout the en- tire Northern Regiment. Major F, L. Charbonneau of Haileybury, who was last week named second in command fol- lowing he appointment of Col. G. L. Cassidy to command the 16th militia group pointed out that "because of the characteristics ot the tank, it is impossible to have them in a built-up area." The training. area will be somewhere north of Kirkland Lake and involves the moving of five squadrons from their local training area to a central area for their tank driving and tactics training. Regimental | training officers will be under Major R. E. Rutherford and Major J. R. Walker, both of Kirkland Lake. "The change-over from intantry to an armoured unit naturally involves a complete change-over in training and will not be ac- complishd over-night." | Calendar of Events| Friday, October 15th --Unitied Church Rummage Sale. Mon., Oct. 18th--IODE Meet- at-the home of Mrs. Jack Hughes, Latchford St. : Friday, Saturday, October 22nd and 23rd--C.W.L. Baaaar. Tues., October 26th -- Curling Club Bingo. Fri., Oct, 29th--Kinsmen Stag. Sat., Nov. 6th--Northern Ski Club Party and Dance, Sat., Nov. nual Bazaar. Saturday, Nov. 27th -- United balt but has purchased the build- Church Bazaar. ing only. SEPTEMBER WEATHER DISAPPOINTMENT FROM ANY POINT OF VIEW No one will be surprised to learn that the month of Septem- ber didn't produce anything very startling other than the season, Mr Reavell's records show us that the average daily mean for the month this year was 57.4 as compared with 1952's 57.2 and 1894's lower figure of 53.8. Winter came early in 1916 for the mercury dropped to 7.0. That conditions have improved in the intervening years is Obvious when we learn that in 1952 the maximum was 35.2 and in Sep- tember of this year, it was 39. While we basked in a hot sum- mer sun in September, 1952 with the mercury as high as 85, no such good fortune came our way this year when 70 was the highest we could manage. In 1931. a record high for the past forty years was struck wtih a scorch- ernat9Z0" < MINOR COLLISION INVESTIGATED BY MUNICIPAL POLICE One minor accident marred the Thanksgiving week-end in Hail- eybury when two cars collided on Rorke Avenue, near the en- trance to town. Kelvin Kirk- wood of Englehart and Lewis Crampe of Kirkland Lake were both travelling south at the time Kirkwood misunderstood a turn signal and in attempting to pass the vehicle ahead, was struck as it swung wide to make the turn. TOURIST. CABIN OPERATOR ENJOYS BEST SEASON YET The average man giving casual thought to the tourist industry thinks that it,sonldn't have been a very good year. He probably thinks this because the weather was not favourable to a bumper crop of immigrants but then who knows about the weather before they take off? At the turn north of Hailey- bury. Miller's Cabins are snug- gled back into the side of the hill overlooking the Lake. They make an attractive setting and southerners seeking a_ holiday think so too because in the five years that Mr. Miller has been operating, this was the best sea- son yet, His seven cabins were constantly in demand. C°balt Property Changes Hands J. G. Fitzgerald haa sold his property n Cobalt known as the Roy Ander- Mr. An- Nipissing Block to son of New Lskeard. nee. alte Ms 13--St. Paul's An derson, it is understood, does not intend to open a business in Co- CURLING CLUB LOUNGE TUES., OCT. 26th 8:00 p.m. Sharp DOOR PRIZE $100.00 BLACKOUT Admission: 50c for 20 Games Additional Cards 25c EVERYBODY WELCOME COBALT-HAILEYBURY CURLING CLUB Fire-Fighting at Lake Shore Pit Proves Kirective Great sheets of flame shot up the tre bell The at the lake iront. cut through the still air. sound of wheels racing to the scene caused many ito wonder wherer But the occupants of the cars that lined the water- front sat back to enjoy this fire. For the tiaileybury Fire Brigade Was giving a demonstration ot just how to fight an oil fire. In the brilliant light, Captain Harold Sadler moved in with two men and in nine seconds had smoth- ered the whole area with a fog spray. in other demonstraties for which the pit was re-filled with oil, firemen used a 30-lb. dry chemical exinguisher which was totally etfective in six seconds ; soda and acid extinguishers on an oil fire had no effect and in the final blaze, firemen attacked against the wind with a fog spray which was completely satisfac- tory. Two lines consisting of of 200 feet from the hydrant to the pumper on the truck were used in the demonstration. A hydrant pressure of approxima- tely 80 lbs. was increased to 125 Ibs. for an effective spray. Participating firemen were Captain Harold Sadler. Bill Ple+ ming, Bill Hughes,Sam Hughes: I. Campbell, J. Hallworth, Is*Gau- vreau, I. Sadler, J. Grawel, B,Al- len, F. Plaunt and E. St, Louis. Firemen remaining on hall duty were W. Lemay, W. Stevens and C. Belland. KIRKLAND LAKE MAN APPOINTED DIVISION COURT CLERK HERE Dominic Pelangio of Kirkland Lake who for the one years has been Police Court Clerk for the Township of Teck took up new duties at ithe Hailey- bury Court House on Tuesday morning. Mr. Pelangio has been appointed Division Court Clerk and Court reporter for this dist- rict. When suitable accommodation is available he plans to take up residence in Haileybury wife and family. past twenty- Rebekahs Elect Mrs. A. Dempster iINobie Grand ine Kebekah Loage met last rainy 35 feet in the air on Friday night \yeunesday evening in the Ma- sonic Lemple with Sjste- Noble Giand Olive Childs -- presiding. {ile installation of othcers took place and at this ceremny, Sister Lua daylor ot New Liskeard, the bistrict Veputy President was assisted py dister Nellie EKckens- viller, marshal, and other Past Grands trom Lakeside ihe new Officers are as Nople Lodge. tollows: N.G.--Sister A, Dempster. V.G.--Sister L. K.5.--Sister [. I.5.--Sister DL, Dempsters lreas.--Sister Jean Libby Warden--Sister A, Taylor, Con.--sister B, Lathem. Chap.--Sister B, Smallman, Musician--Sister A, Clow, KSNG--Sister B, McFarlane, LSNG--Sister D. Carrier. RSVG--Sister M. Weiss. KSVG--Sister E, Bolger IG--Sister O. McIntyre. OG--Sister J. Hargrave. Satisfactory reports were heard fyom yarious officers concerning the summer activities, Sister Childs thanked all her officers and members for their splendid support during her term oi Office. She was presented with a gift from the Lodge by Sister Nellie Austin and commended for her faithful service, Sister Chlds had been present for every meeting during her term, Sister Libby moved a vote of thanks to the installation team and a social hour was enjoyed. burton, McNaught e 'Tri-Town Travellers , Plan December Project whe October meeting of Tfi- ' Wyn Associated Canadian Tra- \ Ylers was held October 2nd in the Haileybury Hotel, Plans were made for the Fall season activities of the Club and George Morgan was appointed chairman of a committee to organize a Christmas party for the children, It was announced that the next luncheon meeting would take with place at the New Liskeard Hotel p November 6th, OOOO ae aaa SPECIAL Anniversary Services will be held in HAILEYBURY United Church Sunday, October 31st Speaker--REV. A. P. ADDISON. First United Church Timmins. a TEMISKAMING COMMUNITY CONCERT Association ----Presents "Che Mauney "Gwins In a Duo-Piano Recital, on Monday, October 18th at 8: NEW LISKEARD 15 p.m. SS3333339 MEMORIAL HALL os ATTENDANCE AT IMMUNIZATION CLINIC Up DURING THREE YEARS Recreation Heads from North Meet Haileybury celebrated Immun- ,,. ization Week vy holding an immu- inis W eek-i.nd nization clinic on October 7th -- which broke al] records since the Over one hundred delegates change-over three years ago to will register in New Liskeard to- the Health Unit Services. The morrow for the Northern Ontario analyss of woik by the Public Zone Convention of the Recrea- Health Nurse, Miss Muriel] Rice, tion Committee, They will be shows that 68 babies and pre- representative of every northern school children registered atthe point in the association, large clinic. kecords show thatthere and small. Haileybury will be were 60 In 1952 and 55 in 1953. represented by Charlie (>-sell. Volunteer worker at the clinic Sessions beginning Saturday to assist Miss Rice was Mrs. John morning will have qualified Valentine, who has been helping speakers leading discussions on with the clinic for some years. all aspects of recreatinal activi- = thee ities. Guest speaker at the ban- quet on Saturday night will be Dalltton Dean of Haileybury. At ten o'clock on Sunday morning, George Cummings of Deep River will summarize the aims of the convention, Diamond Jubilee Committee Issue Financial Report Donations Sale of Reg. Buttons...; 563,04 Sale of Tickets on Water- David Kraftchuk of Toronto fint Sports ...:.).2. 217.60 pleaded guilty to a charge of Profit on Boat Raffle .. 518.61 caveless driving in Magistrate Booth Rental 20.00 Atkinson's Court ' last week. Retindvoni Gace 5.95 OPP Constable G. S. Saumier tlaileybury W.1, 20% profit 20.00 said that on Sept. 12th, he went L.A, Can. Legion, 20% 32.00 to investigate an accident south oy Scouts 20% 13.00 0! Cobalt and a car driven by TODE B20 ee ee 42.34 Kraftchuk had crossed over the Co-Hail, Curl, Club, 20%. 157.29 centre line and collided with a Hail. Softball Club, 20%. 12,77 car driven by Richard Draper. Nor, Ski Club, 20% ..... 5.45 A fine of $25.00 and costs was Rotary Club, 20% ...... 200.10 imposed with an alterative of 30 days. Harmes Pelletier of North Co- balt was fined $10.00 and costs for carrying a firearm for the $737.44 purpose of hunting, without a 482 40 license. $3.885.22 Expenditures Advertising, signs, Poster, etc. Registraton Buttons Secretary ea ee 255.50. For travelling 60 m.p-h. on the mypine. Lenecetre (potas highway, Robert Garth of Gillies TeayTGule Hen eee a 40,00 Vas fined $10.00 and costs. WiatensSirerte toute 250.00 . William Bailey and William Hotel accommodation, Campsall of New Liskeard were WatereSliers ss setae 2 35.70 fined $15.00 and costs for causing Boat Gasolines-q. 3) 02 34,092 disturbance n New Liskeard. Prize Money ...... 218.00 charge against Harvey Boyce Mining Day Dinner....... 54.09 Of _Kenabeek; who pleaded not guilty was dismissed after a Bands, Transportation, ' 110.41 hearing, Boyce was charged with Meals, etc. Gasoline refill at wat'front, 50.00 stealng four windows valued at $8 OSCAR CHa. s oN sere, ad asl -- = Office Supplies, typewriter _ THE WEEK'S WEATHER eri tal aston ait een ae 39.08 Week ending Oct. 13th 1954 __ Ixpress. telegram, Min. Max. telephone, hyrdo ..... ANG lee SaUTSd ays meas cee ie Ale AZs Sundry Supplies >....... Bri. SCH Tecaccddce sce 41 60 Amplifying System patundayire ees 47 58 Rental and Repairs .... 21.25 "Sunday .......... 46> 52 AU GRE Chane aes ee 5.47 Monday .......... 47 50 Gas Mileage Allow. ..... 100O0i 2 EGesda yore cr: tron: 49 66 : Wednesday .2..1... 49 66 Total Expenditures ..... 2.641.43 Pes nec seuviand for Mya eSt eatiltg 9. ne tans 50,00 istribution ..... 1,243.79 Catholic Women's League 50.00 eae $3.885.22 Haileybur W. I. ........: 40.00 Distribution of Balance of Haileybury Boy Scouts.. 35.00 Jubilee Funds .... Hailey. Softball Club 35.00 Rotary Club of Haileyb'y $300.00 Anglican Men's Assn. 15.00 Co-Hail. Curling Club ... 200,00 Childrn's Aid ........... 3.79 Haileybury Fire Brigade 115.00 Comee Lrav Assn se 100.00 %* 243.79 LODE: Raha tees 75.00 The distribution is over and Lades' Auxilary, Can. Leg. 75,09 above the original 80% which Northern SkinG@lube nee: Haileybury Tennis Club... W.A. Unted Church 50.00 each organization kept* from 50.00 sales for their treasury except 50.00 ing certain non-profit projects. ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased to offer to the Consumers of Haileybury and District a dependable Fuel and Stove Oil Service. We are prepared to give your problems our personal attention and effective this date can make immediate deliveries. We have sizable storage facilities in the O. N.R. Siding with a modern and up-to-date tank truck equipped with the newest equipment, such as Meters, Hydraulic Hose Reel. ete. A TRIAL ORDER FOR OUR PREMIUM HI-HEAT FUEL AND STOVE OIL WILL BE APPRECIATED Continuous oil contract forms will be available for your convenience. CONLIN & HOGAN COAL and OIL Blackwall Street, HAILEYBURY Phone 377-W Bingo! 20 Games for 50c ' Sponsored by Haileybury Legion Ladies' Auxiliary at LEGION HALL 4 Special Games Grand Prize: $120.00 on 22 Numbers Starts at 8.30 p.m Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year op

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