Page Four THE HAILEYBURIAN --=---- THURSDAY, NOV. 3rd, 1955 "WEEK IN COURT A 16-yearold- New Liskeard youth, Kussell Pannell was sen- tenced to 60 days in jail plus a one-year suspended sentence on two charges oi theft and a charge of assault. Magistrate Kenrick made the decision de spite pleas from defence coun- sel W. C. Inch. Pannell, with three other young men appear- ed before the magistrate Ucio- ber 7 and were remanded until Friday for sentence. Panell received a one-year suspended sentence on a charge of assault plus 00 days in jaii on a charge of theit of tires and 30 days in jail to run concurrent on a chargé of theft of chickens, Mr. Inch pleaded with the ma- gistrate to consider his decision, Pannell was on (probation and a report from the probation of- ficer indicated that his conduct was unsatisfactory. "1 had con- sidered a penitentiary term, Magistrate Kenrick answered Mr. lich. Three other men, William Broderick, Floyd Millin and b. Leverre were given a one-year suspended sentences, Al] defen- dants were given a curfew of 11 o'clock nightly to abide by. Leo Riniret, 21, of: Timmins, still limping and bandaged three months after an accident in which his car killed two Tri- Town youngsters returning from 'a dance in Temagami ear- ly on the morning of July 16, was fined following a plea of guilty to a charge of careless driving. The magistrate fined Rinfret $250 with $147.50 costs and sus pended his licence for a_ year. The court has given the accused 14 days to pay after an urgent plea from G. Evans, defence counsel from Timmins, to save that the possible explanation is there were keys in the ignition the man from a_ three-month that the man could have been jail term. drowsy," he added. "It's hard to Const. Ralph Berry of the figure what mental factors Haileybury OPP detachment caused him to do so as this is not a case involving liquor." "Circumstances of this charge are tragic," the magistrate sta- ted. "No sentence can bring the two young lives back. It is a question of careless driving and while two people were killed I am inclined to agree with the Crown.." "....He was proba bly drowsy or else something was probably wrong with his reactions." A charge of criminal negli- gence, also laid against Rinfret, was withdrawn by the Crown. A Hollywood, California dri- ver, William Poole, and his part- Japanese girl friend appeared in court. Poole was charged with being in possession of a_ stolen car and being found in a stolen car. Miss Jeanne Chin, a pretty. part-Japanese girl from Edmon- ton was charged with being found in a stolen car. The three charges were dismissed by Ma- gistrate FE. W. Kenirck: Constable Ralph Berry testi- fied that he and Cpl. Bruce Pratt were patrolling Highway who investigated the crash, te- stified that at about 2.30 a.m. on a rainy morning Rinfret passed a truck with a burst of speed to smash head-on into a car driven by Leo Lemoine of Cobalt in which Ruth Fauyelle of New Liskeard was a passenger, Lemoine and his friend were killed and Rinfret himself con- fined to a seven-week hospital stay as a result of multiple in- juries. Const. Berry stated that prior to the accident 11 miles north of Temagami, Rinfret had tanked up with gasoline in Latchford and had run off the road into the ditch between that town and the scene of the accident necessitating the services of a tow truck, He said there were no skid marks from the Rinfret car. "The accused was on his way to Windsor to pick up gifts for a shower for his intended bride at the time,' G. Evans of Tim- mins defence counsellor told court. He did not dispute evi- dence of two previous convict- 11 south of Cobalt when they i careless riving I Kons for cartes EIN 2 Came upon parked eat on the Za eh agi cae PSE mae "",' side of the ighway. olice 1950 which police produced. - zy ' plcteas 'i Sate were unable to stop at the time ae er a he earned Rinfret <| went further down the high- ats Saat ie ablakitg > mote and returned later. They : eo able found the car, bearing an Alber- for s > time yet,' Mr. Evans . for Somes TITLED y Eis ge Bvans ee oticente plate, on an old-bush added suggesting a suspended fs 3 eeroad: sentence, Rinfret, he said, Wee When the police came up be- been planning to get married 4. the vehicle, Poole was shortly after the accident date. standing at the side of the car "He had trouble in the ditch which should have been a war- ning," Wr. Walter countered. "He passed the truck on a solid line." "T suggested to the constable and Miss Chin was in the back seat. Constable Berry remarked _ NOTICE! Proved W What causes baldness? these and to many help you avoid baldness, FRASER ay To Stop Baldness Re-Growing Hair Sho Thomas Specialist demonstrates new hair-growing method and gives a personal scalp examination without charge. dandruff dangerous? Can hair be re-grown on thin or bald spote? Thomas specialists know the answer to problems, and the answer is, modern Lhomas technique." Thomas ofiers you the most modern, precise, yet time tested hair-growing technique, based on 35 years of experience and success in overcoming troubles of the most serious kind. Come in today for a free scalp examination--let a Thomas expert show you exactly what Thomas treatment is, and how it can OUH MOBILE CLINIC = will be in COBALT Wednesday & Thursday, November 9 & 10 FREE EXAMINATION by our specialist, Mr. D. R. Gauthier Hours of consultation; 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. RE CLOSING AND SALE OF PART OF A STREET TAKE NOTICE that the Cou- neil of the Corporation of the Town of Haileybury proposes to consider and if deemed ad- visable to pass a by-law ata meeting of the Council to be held at the Council Chambers in the Town office at Hailey- bury, Ontario on the Twelfth day of December 1955, at the | wn Here Me hour of 7.30 o'clock in the after- noon, to stop up and close ALL *AND SINGULAR certain parcel or tract of land and premises situte, lying and being in the Town of Haileybury District of Temiskaming, Proy- ince of Ontario and being com- posed of part of Farr Avenue as laid down on Plan M-46 North Bay of record in the -office of Land Titles at Haileybury be- ing further shown outlined in red on a plan of survey dated September 16, 1955 signed by W. J. Ryan, Ontario Land Sur- veyor and which said parcel or tract of land may be more par- ticularly described as follows: PREMISING that Blackwall Street has a bearing of east as- tronomic and relating all bear- ings herein thereto, COMMENCING at being the intersection of the easterly limit of Farr Avenue and the production of the south- erly limit of Blackwall Street; THENCE north 10°13' east 176.33' measured along the east- that a point ; erly limit of Farr Avenue to a Can hair-fall be checked? Is point therein; THENCE north 79°47) west 16.0' to a point; other perplexing hair and scalp THENCE south 5°02' west "Yes, thanks to the 177.05' to a_ point distant 10,0' measured west from the point of commencement; THENCE east 10.0' to the point of commencement. AND FURTHER TAKE NOT- ICE that it is the intention of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Haileybury at the same meeting to pass a by- law for the sale by the Corpor- ation of the portion of the said street herein before described. AND FURTHER TAKE NO- TICE that any persons whose lands may be prejudicially af- fected by the intended by-law and who prior to the 7th day of Decemer 1955, applies to be heard, will be heard in person or by his Counsel, Solicitor or agent, by the Council at the local scalp HOTEL 1010 St. Caherine St. West (rm 637) Montreal Telephone: UN. 6-6198 Both men and women accepted , said meeting to be held on the 12th day of December 1955, and prior to the passing of the by- law. DATED the 3rd day of Nov- ember 1955. CHARLES C. D. PRINGLE ' Clerk of the Corporation, Town of Haileybury 34-4 for treatment 'with driving while switch but would not start the car. Further investigation re- vealed that the car was started by crossing wires. Poole told police he was an airplane pilot and was loaned to an Edmonton company. He had got the car from another pilot who had rented the vehicle. Poole had no driver's licence. Edmonton police reported the car stolen. The case was dismis- sed when they alppeared before Magistrate Kenrick Friday mor- ning. Morris Dagenais, F. Deforge and Gerald Lowell were charg- ed with breaking and entering and theft of the Cobalt Commu- nity Centre. Rowell was sent- enced to one day in jail, as he Was completing a previous sus- pended sentence. A 19-year-old New Liskeara youth, John Lance, fined $75, plus $14.50 costs or three months in jail and a one-year suspension on his drivers licen- ce when he appeared here Friday, He was charged his apuity was impaired. Constable lea Dunnett of New Liskeard re- ported that on October 5 he met acar driven by Lance going east on Lake Shore Koad. he police constable said he had to turn his car up on the curb to avoid hitting the oncoming ve- hicle. An Englehart man, William Massales, had his driver's licen- ce suspended for 30 months as a result Of an impaired driving charge. He was also fined $5U plus $14.50 costs or three mon- ths in jail. Massales, who is hard oi hearing, apparently crowded a police cruiser off the road Oc- tober 9, Was wm court CONFEDERATION LIFE Confederation Life Associat- ion has announced a general in- crease in dividends for 1956 paralleling the increase effect- ive January 1, 1955. The improved scales of divi- dends apply at most ages and durations on the Association's regular Life and Endowment plans. The increase, on the ay- erage, is approximately 10%. In addition the Association has announced a_ liberalization of the basis for converting cash dividends to paid-up additions. The interest rate credited to dividends on deposit has been increased to 4%. MAYBE BEST LEFT ALONE-- say that the atom-smashers are within hailing distance of the miracles attempted by medicine men Unless we make equally great strides in our politics and diplo- macy, advises The Financial Post, the scientists might as well be playing marbles. We have a hard enough time reaching any agreement on the controversial questions that confront us now; just think how long we could wrangle about how many inches of rain or hours of sunshine were needed in a given area. DAVE'S RADIO & TELEVISION Ferguson Ave. It looks as if man is finally going, = to be able to achieve one of his below the Post Office oldest and wildest aims--and do something about the weather. Phone 340 American scientists at Geneva OUR CUSTOMERS SUBURBANITE CALL THIS ° ° 2 ( tHe sest WINTER TIRE by Winter tire Si EVER! nay (LZ EER TIL MEL, (AN 8-85 GOODFYEAR 1856 biting edges grab-- take hold--boost you along any winter road--loose snow, packed snow, even ice (an of course mud). Drop in soon! CHEVROLET TRUCKS ~ -SALES..& SERVICE an * y pes municipalities -- for 214 hours for 414 hours for 20 hours for 431 hours for 824 hours do so much? Based on the average cost of electricity to domestic | customers in Hydro : ONE CENT WILL.:a" --run a washing machine --provide TV entertainment --provide refrigeration --operate an electric clock _ light a 100-watt lamp All that for just 5 cents! Where else will your nickel HOW MUCH HYDRO DOES ONE CENT BUY?