The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 17 Nov 1955, p. 1

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' Haileyburian Has Installed New Offset Press "SHE HAILEYBURIA) Northern Ontario's Oldest Weekly Newspaper THURSDAY, NOV. 17th, 1955 Molto. Nor 37, Charles Courtemanche Versus Harry Groom In Bucke Twp. New Offset Press Installed Part Of Our Mod The first major st¢p has been taken towards the modernization of the Haileyburian's printing equipment. This is part of pre- sent management's intention of providing Haileybury with a printing office comparable with any in the north country for qua- lity, service and competitive prices. A new Rotaprint offset press has been installed by Bert Phil- laps, service engineer .for the Rotaprint Company of Toronto. The press is the only model of its kind in Northern Ontario, and offers Haileybury business- es and social orginazations many advantages in speed, economy and quality. Basically a chemical and photo- graphic process, the offset press will be able to reproduce all kinds of letterheads, printed forms, waybills and commercial literature at high sheed in one or more colors. ernization Plan local service and social organ- izations, is the ability of this new press to act as a duplicator. On a special paper plate, any type of notice or message can be typed, with display material, headlines etd, written with a grease pengil. The Rotaprint can duplicate these. messages at the speed of 4,000 impressions an hour. The Rotaprint will offer local businesses many advantages in the production of well designed promotional material at a very low cost, and it is also capable of producing quality work comparable with anything to be purchased in the district. The Rotaprint is a British in- vention, featuring new and pat- ented methods of ink and moisture distributing that has overcome the majority of dif- 'fidulties and disadvantages in . the past associated with offset Of particular interest to printing. " Sponsar Wanted f ! Coming Events For Town Rink . Te Tee . , Saturday, Noy. 19th -- Curling Haileybury town council is Clyh Bingo, at 8.30 p.m. looking for some organization that will take over the running of the rink. Last year the rink cost about $2,000 to operate, and . revenue amounted to about $700. The council is prepared to make some kind of a grant to any group that wants to take on the job of running the rink. If no group comes council. has pretty well decided that it will have to operate the rink again this year as a town project. THE WEEK'S WEATHER Week Ending Nov. 16, 1955 forward, Thursday 29 40 iudaiy, Foyt re 36 47 Satucdayaeeeeeee 35 45 Sundays eos eiice 30 42 Nondayyjae)- eer 28 Guesdayie aa ee 25 32 Wednesday ........ 29 35 Monday, Noy. 21st--Court of Re- vision in Town Office at 8 p.m. November 23rd--2nd Canadian Concert Series.. New Liskeard High School, 8.15 p.m. Friday, Nov. 25th--Curling Club Stag in Club Lounge. Saturday, Nov. 26th-- Christmas Bazaar, sponsored by W.A. of the United Church, in Sunday School Room. From 3 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 26th -- Rotary Club Bingo in Legion Hall, 8.30 Saturday, Dec. 3rd--IODE Xmas Tea. At the home of Mrs. R. Cumming Lake Shore Road. Phone 52 Modern Taxi Hotel Haileybury saa NOTICE Any organizaion interested in operating the Haileybry Skating Rink for season of 1955-56 please advise the Town Clerk in writing. 323 2323222222235 BIN GO! HAILEYBURY CURLING CLUB LOUNGE SAT., NOV. 19th 8:30 p. m. Sharp DOOR PRIZE $1 00.00 BLACKOUT Admission: 50c for 20 Games Additional Cards 25c EVERYBODY WELCOME COBALT-HAILEYBURY CURLING CLUB C. Of C. Rotary Club To Hold Joint Meet The Haileybury Rotary Culb and the Haileybury Chamber of Commerce will hold a combined meeting Monday, November 28. The meeting will be addressed by Robert L. Curran, an officer of the Ontario Chamber of Com- merce, j The two groups also hope to have W.H.C. Marsh of North Bay~ in attendance. Mr. Marsh is sec- retary-manager of the recently formed Northeastern Ontario Development Association. Many Gather To Pay Tribute Remembrance Day Remembrance Day was obser- ved on Friday, Nov. 11th at the Cenotaph when a large crowd gathered to pay tribute to the servicemen who lost their lives in three wars. The Legion members, Veter- ans, members of the Legion Lad- ies Auxiliary, Scouts and Cubs paraded in a body and formed around the Cenotaph. Rey. J. W. Wilkinson, United Church Minister and former Air- force Padre, was im charge of the service and gave an impressive address. The following hymns "O God Our Hdlp" anf "O Valiant Hearts" were sung after which the following wreaths were pla- ed on the cenotaph. Province of Ontario Town of Haileybury Canadian Legion Canadian Legion Ladies Aux. C. Co, Algonquin Regiment ILO), 1D), 1355 Anglican Church United Church Catholic Women's League Haileybury Boy Scouts Haileybury Cubs Masonic Lodge Haileybury Rotary Club and several personal wreaths. The Salvation Army Captain sounded the last post and Rey- eille. The National. Anthem was sung at the close of the service. Spending by municipal gover- nments in Canada in 1953 total- led $922 million, ahout 13 per cent of total government spend- ing in Canada in that year. Mayor Day Quits A. Cooke's Out Millar May Stand Wanted--a Mayor. Council held its last regular meeting be- fore nominations Monday, and wrapped up most of its routine business. In the race for the mayoralty, nobody seems eager to run. Art Cooke has told the Haileyburian that he is not running for any council position. Mayor H. A. Day says that barring some catastrophe, noth- ing can persuade him to run again. Councillor Dan Millar is gen- erally considered the most likely candidate, but at press time he was out of town, and not avail- able for comment. Members of the council don't know whether Mr. Millar intends to stand for mayor or not. Some say he will, others say he won't. It is gen- erally conceded that in his own field of finance, there are few in town with comparable experie- nce or ability. At the same time Mr. Millar's insistance on hew- closely to the budget line would not likely indicate any great programme of improvements or expansion. Mr. Day feels that he has been at least 50% successful. He has stood for law and order and bet- ter roads. The town has been xnilet, but the potholes show no sign of reducing. } REMEMBRANCE DAY DINNER The Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion held their an- nual turkey supper on Friday evening, Nov. 11th, in the Leg- ion Hall with a large crowd in attendance. W. Inch Vice-President of the Legion was chairman. After the Toast to the Queen, proposed by F. Thompson, the National Anth- em was sung and Rev. C. Good- ier, pastor of the Anglican Church offered up a iprayer. W. Inch proposed a toast to the fall- en Comrades and L. Simard one to the Ladies. Mrs. C. Fleming, President of the Ladies Auxil- iary responded to the latter toast in a fitting manner. During the evening there was community singing with Jack White at the piano, also W. Joy entertained the gathering with several selections in his usval witty way. J. H. Sumbler of New Liskeard was the guest speaker, and gave a talk on his trip to England this past summer which was very interesting. TOWN OF HAILEYBURY Nomination Meeting NOTICE is hereby given that the annual meeting for Nominations for the Office of MAYOR, COUN- CILLORS and MEMBERS of the BOARD of EDU- CATION will be held in the Council Chambers, Ferguson Avenue, fomr 8.00 to 9.00 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 24th 1955 And Notice is futher given that in case a Poll is necessary, such Poll shall be held on Monday, Dec. Sth 1955, :from the hour of 9.00 a.m. until-6.00 p.m. C. C. D. Pringle, Returning Officer Bucke Township held its nom- inations Tuesday evening, with more than 250 taxpayers turning out for the township's annual evening of 'entertainment and criticism. The battle for the reeveship will be between Harry Groom, stormy North Cobalt politician, and the present reeve, Charles Courtemanche. Mr. Courtemache thanked the council for its co-operation, and denied charges by Mr. Groom that he was under the dominat- ion of Councillor Chester Hop- kins. Mr. Groom replied that co- understandable, operation was as it was a case of the _ blind leading the blind, and various councillors replied with uuykind remarks about Mr. Groom. Mr. Courtemanche said _ that the council had done its best to spend the taxpayers money wise- ly, had tried to get better fire protection for the township, and had gone to a great deal of trouble to investigate the fire protection nroblem, Mr. Courtemanche thanked the councillors for their co-operation and also paid a tribute to the work of township clerk Harvey Switzer, and the assistance rend_ ered by the ddpartment of high- way's road foreman, Archie Fleming. Harry Groom took the floor, and said that he didn't want to criticise Mr. Courtemanche, and he didn't blame the council for having a high tax rate. He then went to town on the council for everything from wasting time to wasting gravel. He said that the Council went to Toronto-on a jaunt,to inspect a rotting, rusty fire engine. That they had deposited countless loads of gravel in a bottomless pit on the west road, hired a bro- ken down diamond drill rig to drill at eight dollars a foot, and a surveyor to look down the dia- mond drill hole at fifty dollars a look. Mr. Groom said that he was in favor of giving the Wabi Iron Works a reduced assessment on the Canadian Splint Factory, pro- viding there was a proper gua- rantee given that it would be us- ed for manufacturing. Chester Hopkins answered most of Mr. Groom's criticisms, and in a momentof stress sum- marized them by referring to a male bovine. He said that last year was the first time in 11 years that any real road work had been done in the rural areas, and the Council Was trying to get away from a policy of patching, but instead was trying to make permanent roads wherever possible. As far as the bottomless pit was concerned Mr. Hopkins, said a permanent repair job done where a bridge had been washed away on the West Road. He said that the council had taken the advice of the department of highways, and replaced the bridge with a culvert and gravel fill. He denied Mr. Groom's charge of wasting time and money on a trip to Toronto to see a rust) fire engine. He said that the cou- neil went at the expense of the fire engine company, and that the engine in question was in top shape, had only 6,000 miles on the speedometer, had been stationed only two miles from the LaFrance manufacturing plant, where it had been serviced and had been approved by the underwriters. "Tam glad that we attempted something to get better fire pro- tection. It didn't turn out the way we expected, but now it looks as if we will have an agree- ment with Haileybury, and glad," he said. Mr. Hopkins revealed that most of the legal details involved in making an agreement with Haileybury for fire protection have now been clarified with the department of municipal affairs. Bucke plans to purchase an in- terest in a fire engine to be bought by MHaileybury, which will be written off at the rate of $1,500. a year, the same amount as the annual standby charge The townhsip will use $7,500. of a surplus of $8,900 to buy the truck. Later in the evening, Mr. Groom said that no doubt there had been good cooperation in the council, as it was a case of the blind leading the blind. Mr. Hopkins said that Mr. Groom was trying to cast dowbt and confusion in the minds of the ratepayers, and that the council in the [past year had done more constructive work than had been done in all the years Mr. Groom was reeve. In'a general discussion on the proposed fixed assessment on the former splint factory, the council asked the audience for a show of hands on whether or not a fixed assessment should be granted. The vote was unayim- ously in favor.. When things got dull Harvey Plaunt entertained with recitat- ions, and was the only recipient of unanimous applause. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations are extended to the following girls for succes- sfully passing their R.N. Miss Constance Vachon, dau- . ghter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Vachon Miss Rita Vannier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Vannier. Miss Jean Tulloch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Tulloch. Constance and Rita trained at St. Josdph's Hospital at North Bayand will remain on the staff there, while Jean trained in Gue Iph but will be on the staff at the North Western Hospital in Tor- onto. COBALT--HAILEYBURY CURLING CLUB STAG! CURLING CLUB LOUNGE Haileybury Friday, Nov. 18th No Admittance to Students or anyone under the age of 21 years. ADMISSION TICKETS 25c

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