The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 17 Nov 1955, p. 2

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Page Tw THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, NOV. 17th, 1955 THE HAILEYBURIAN Founded by C. C. Farr in 1904 Issued Every Thursday \ from The Haileyburian Office Broadway St., Haileybury, One JOHN HUNT Publisher. Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assn. Authorized as Second-Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa In Canada----$2.50 per year, in In United States advance $3.50 per year in advance EDITORIALS Haileybury council recently enacted a bylaw, providing for the payment of the mayor and council for their services, The rate of pay is little enough, and just about the same rate that prevails in Bucke township. However, it does not seem likely that Haileybury will ever equal Bucke in the interest tak- en by the average citizen in his local government. Tuesday night more than 250 ratepayers turned out for the nomination meeting in Bucke township. Every candidate was expected to say something, Each member of the present council had to make a report, and an- swer a good many pointed, and sometimes heated questions, It is a pity that as much inter- est in. the local government is not taken in Haileybury. Of course, Bucke is famous for some peculiar issues. This year the ratepayers waxed wrathful over a piano, who bought it and why. A year or so ago a certain outdoor, one-hole structure, caused great concern, and last year there was a great tizzy over the amoufit wi- graze! deposited in someone's yard by the town ship's trucks. But while some of the issues raised may be picayune, or downright funny, it is a sign of a healthy democracy. It Will be a sorry day when Bucke's nomin- ation meetings reach the deadly dullness of many Others in the district. And it is impossible to imagine the sturdy, and individ- ualistic electors of Bucke ever needing two nomination meet- ings to find a slate of candidates. Kwery year someone gets lost in this district while deer hunt- ing. It always costs a lot of ef- fort and expense to find them, as well as causing their friends and relatives a great deal of worry. One way of preventing most of this, might be making it com- pulsory to carry a compass in PUI rere the bush. The production of a compass might be made a con- dition of buying a hunting per- mit. Bae THE ROTARY WHEEL By Norman Abraham Did you wonder what happen- ed to this column last week? Well, this is the season for hunt- ing, and as. the Haileyburian Staff goes fishin' in the mertime, I went huntin', so did Leo Gough and Dr. Crawford. We had to give a report on our hunting trips at the meeting. Dr. Crawford didn't get his an- nual deer this year; Leo Gough and his party got a big buck; the party I was with, got five deer which was good hunting, as Bill Fleming, Who was also in our party, said, its the first time in his hunting experience that the deer were coming soclose to him he had to back up to shoot. But everyone had a good time. At our meeting on Novy. 7th, we had two visiting Rotarians, Robert Murray and Reg. Mino- gue, both of North Bay A report on our bingo Nov. 26 was given by Wilf Bailey who stated that more cards will be available at thes bingo,, and the specials will be played on sep- arate sheets with markers, which will be different from our last bingo. So we hape to have a good turnout. At our recent meeting on Nov. 14th, we had three guests, Mr. Seymour who is the P.T. inst- ructor at the Haileybury High School, Mr. Bowman and Mr. Stevens both of the Ontario Hy- dro Commission in New Liskeard. sum- A film was shown which de monstrated a number of exercis- es on a trampoline, which is a new piece of training equipment being introduced in many schools Also a film was shown called the Magic Link which demon- strated inadequate wiring in homes, as Mr. Bowman explain- ed previous to the film showing, Next week, our meeting will be on Tuesday afternoon instead of Monday, When we will be honoured in having as our guest, the district governor of Rotary district No. 247, Ross L. Dobbins of Peterborough. So we are look- ing forward to having an in- teresting meeting. OUR CUSTOMERS CALL THIS THE BEST WINTER TIRE SUBURBANITE by Winter tire GOODFYEAR 1856 biting edges grab-- take hold--boost you along any winter road--loose anes packed snow, even ice (an of course mud). Drop in soon! "HAILEYBURY GARAGE FERGUSON AVE. << "PHONE: 3 CHEVROLET . --~ OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS 0-85 _ Ij AS SALES"& SERVICE Is becoming more and more popular a' a rendezvous for businessmen and a place for Family Parties The excellent food--accompanied 'by good service is provided in a quiet, friendly atmosphere in which Dining becomes a Real Pleasure DINNERS SERVED 12:00 to 1:30 ; 6:00 to 8:00 Light Lunches Served-- 12:30 to 1:30 For Banquets and Large Parties we offer the exclusive use of THE BLUE ROOM A delightful place to hold your next Dance A Convenient, Comfortable Place to meet your friends is THE SILVER ROOM The Finest in Northern Ontario Bring your guests with confidence to HOTEL HAILEYBURY They Wil Enjoy It! For Reservations TELEPHONE HAILEYBURY 108 -------- t Hotel Haileybury | = Across the Kitchen Table By Mrs, Mac. pow. FOOCCC CC OS Do you' ever get just plain sick and tired of doing things in the same old way, of having the furniture in the same place that it has been in for years, the same colors in your rooms and drapes, in fact, do you get sick and tired of the sameness of ey- erything ? Well, most of us can not aff- ord to go, right out and buy new wall paper, paint or drapes when the notion strikes us, but we can and should change the "even tenor of our ways" at times. For instance, those breakfast dishes that stare us in the face with a baleful glare three hund- red and sixty-five days of the year; some of these nice sunny mornings, pile them in the dish- pan, cover them with a clean tea towel, and hie yourself out to the garden for just half an hour, tidy the dead blossoms of some of your flowers while you ad- mire the satiny sheen and the gorgeous colors of the remain- ing blooms, toss out some of those nasty weeds that persist in popping their heads up where they are not wanted, and make some plans in your mind as to what changes you can make in your garden next year, what new variety of plant or bulb you can try, and I am sure that when you go back to your kitchen, those dishes will not be nearly so formidable as they were when you finished your last cup of coffee. Another way of relieving the monotony is by changing the position of the furniture in your rooms. I moved my chesterfield just last week and I am eying my desk with a speculative eye at the present time. However, while I enjoying changing furniture around, my husband looks upon my changes with disapproval, although when they are done, he will usually ad- mit that they are all right. Perhaps an incident that hap- pened shortly after we were PPS PLP SSOSISR haven't been in the habit of using it, you'yll get used to it, and it's good for your nails, too, helps keep them from getting brittle. Last week I spoke of the sayings of small children, and this week I have some more to tell of. A litte girl, eight years old, who loves to come and help me dry dishes, informed me very solemnly this morning that she likes old people better than kids, "and," she said, "I think they like me better than kids do, but I don't know why." Another small auburn haired lad who is now a_ very clever Toronto doctor, looked at some of his mother's callers, who had said they "simply must go," and then remained chatting away, and after a minute or two, he waved his hand and _ said, "door, go, good-bye." The same lad, when he didn't want to kiss any of his numer- ous friends and relatives who were always pestering him to do so, would say, with his adorable lisp, "I haven't any kitheth left, you'll have to wait till God sends me thome." 1.0.D.E. MEETING The regular monthly meeting of Haileybury Chapter IODE was held Novy. 14th, at the home of Mrs. C. F. Lowery, with the re- gent Mrs. Thompson, presiding. The flag was presented by the Standard Bearer, Mrs. L. Nichols after which the general business was dealt with. The annual Christmas Tea which is being held on Dec. 3rd. at Mrs. R. Cumming's was dis- cussed and committee's- formed. Mrs, C. Lowery will convene the tea table, Mrs. J. Dunn the kit- chen, Mrs. J. Hallworth, Mrs. J. Gilkes and Mrs. H. Jensen the turkep draw. Mrs. O. Childs is in charge of the dressed doll, tickets of which are now on sale. The new project, the society married intensified his idea that#have taken on is to help get a furniture should "stay put." We lived on a farm, of course, with no electricity to produce light at the touch of a_ button, and one day I got the urge to move the bed from one side of the room to the other. That night when my husband went up to bed, knowing his way perfectly around the room in the dark, he walked across and sat down on the little bed that was- n't there!!! For the next few minutes I at least knew where he was. One of my favorite methods of relaxing or just enjoying myself, is to settle down with a good book or magazine, in fact, when I was quite a bit younger than I am now, my mother used to say that she didn't know what my nose was like because it was always stuck in a book. Reading is not only a relaxa- tion, it is an education as well, and so are cross word puzzles. A jig saw puzzle just drives me frantic but almost every cross word I do teaches me_ several new words. I seem to be harping on mor- ale boosters this week, but here are some smart ideas to try out sometime when life doesn't seem so rosy; using one of your prettiest cups and saucers, take time out for a cup of tea or cof- fee in the middle of the morn- ing or afternoon, and it will be all the better if you can call in a favorite neighbor to have one with you. Write that letter you've been intending to for the past month, it really doesn't take long, once you get started and it gives you such a virtuous feeling when it's done; when you change into a fresh house dress, use some of that nice perfume that you've been hoarding since last Christ- mas, if you don't use it, the kids will probably spill it anyway; try doing your nails with a nice clear rose nail polish, if you M. A. CARON Plumbing and Heating Phone 695--Haileybury Eaves Trough Work piano for use at the school aud- itorium. Mrs. W. Bailey is in charge of the books to be used for prizes at the school. The regent thanked Mrs. C. Lowery for the use of her home, the next meeting to be at Mrs. N. MclIsaac's. A dainty lunch was served by the Hostess assisted by Mrs. H. Morgan, Mrs. L. E. Bouchier, Mrs. H. C. Walker and Mrs. C. Seger. « ANGLICAN BAZAAR The Annual Christmas Bazaar of the Women's Association of St. Paul's Anglican Church was held on Saturday, November 12th in the Parish Hall. Mrs. J. White, President of the organization received the guests. The Tea table beautifully ar- ranged with a lace cloth and Christmas candles with pine boughs over the table, Pouring tea during the after- " noon were Mrs. Goodier, Mrs. S. Atkinson and Mrs. R. Campbell. Miss Merilyn and Joyce White rendered mumerous beautiful selections on the piano. A cake donated by Mrs. M. Piche was won by Mrs. E. Pop- leton and an umbrella also don- ated by Mrs. Piche, was won by Mrs. D. Angus anda basket of groceries by Mr. C. H. Liddicott. The members of the Women's Association wish to thank all who helped make this Bazaar the success it was. LEO'S TAXI Phone 311 Leo Deraiche, Prop. HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO I'm Getting Home Tonight NOW ", TCA Relax in the knowledge ou'll be home in a few Route No dining car "stampede" -- tasty com- ~ \plimentary meals served in the comfort of your seat. Phone now for speedy confirmation of your space. TCA Skyliner service to NORTH BAY Lv. EARLTON AIRPORT DAILY (except Sunday 3.20 p.m. (connections in North Bay for Sudbury, Toronto, Western Canada and principal UjS. Cities). Rouyn--Noranda -- Val d'Or -- Ottawa -- Montreal Leave Earlton Airport daily (except Sunday) 6.05 p.m. (connections in Montreal for New York and Maritime points). TCA Service is by roomy 21 passenger DC-3 and links you directly to principal Canadian and U.S. Cities, Bermuda and the Caribbean and Eutope. 3k NO TIPPING. 4 NO EXTRAS. y%& YOUR AIR FARE GETS YOU THERE, See your Travel Agent or call TCA Office, Earlton Airport, Phone Earlton 48. (&) TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 34 Lang Street, Cobalt. Phone 4685 Sewing Cabinets -- Fashion Aids Irons -- Notions -- Findings Repairs -- Rents --_ Parts @ Temiskaming Construction Limited ENGINEERS Design, Construction, Mine Development, Operation Electrical and Mechanical Installations Oo BRANCH OFFICE HEAD OFFICE TORONTO OFFICE Phone OS 3-5702 Haileybury, Ont. 2110--44 King St. W. ) Sudbury, Ont. Phone 517 Phone EM 6-9357 1952 PONTIAC __ 1951 CHEVROLET 1951 STUDEBAKER with radio __ $995. 1049 FORD COACH 1953 INTERNATIONAL ' ton 1949 FORD 3-ton with hoist ___ $495. 2 $495. NEW METEOR -- MERCURY CARS AND TRUCKS - COBALT Leo's Car Lot Haileybury 1949 % ton truck ' wi Ne $1,195. $995. oti $895. ee Jack Mathews Cobalt "ft

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