The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 17 Nov 1955, p. 3

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= "THURSDAY, NOV. 17th, 1955 THE HAI LE YBU RIAN Canadian Legion News BY BOB FLEMING Remembrance Day Service-- Remembrance Day Service at the Cenotaph this year was an all around sucess. There were more Veterans out than usual which made the par- ade a much better one. Thanks is extended to Lorne Charbon- neau for his support. The Legion wish to thank Rev. Wilkinson for taking the service at the Cenotaph and for his ad- dress. The poppy sale was better this year than it has been for some time and thanks are extended to the Ladies who worked so hard selling them. More wreaths were sold than usual, which helped our finances greatly. Those in charge of the Poppy Campaign were Jim Reavell, Jack McVittie and "Mitch" Deraiche, and they did a commendable job. Not having the financial state- ment it is impossible at present to give it, but we feel it will be a satisfactory one. We are hoping that next year will be even better. Thanks and cheers for now. PIONEER RESIDENT OF DISTRICT DIES AT 81 'Margaret Reid Montgomery, 81, widow of William R. Mont- gomery, died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. R. J. Brown, Mar- gueretta St. Born in Toronto, she and her husband were pione- ers in the Haileybury New Lis- keard district. Her husband owned a hotel in New Liskeard and was promin- ent in the affairs of the town, where he died in the 1919 flu ep- idemic. Mrs. Montgomery has lived in Toronto since then. Two daugh- ters, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. J. H. Waters, three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren sur- vive. Cohalt Mixed Bowling League Teams GP "Pts leeNasco Mines: 222-79 0. 39 2) GobaltsCatt..)2.)- 5 26 SCO Daktemeara mcm enls. 4 24 4 As Uranster. . cue 4 21 Si slsarabiesien.. te). soe 18 6.-Beesonsy irs st 9 pace: 183) 7. O'Shaughnessy's .... 5 9 8. Modern Hardware ... 4 7 9. Silver Miller ..--.... 5 6 1OMabellesie.t +... sia: 5 0 This is YOUNG CANADA'S BOOK WEEK--November 15- 22, sponsored by the Canadian Library Association } DAVE'S RADIO & TELEVISION Ferguson Ave. below the Post Office Phone 340 A. S. JOHNSTON OPTOMETRIST Hours--9.00 to 5.30 Evenings by Appointment Phone 45 Ferguson Ave., Haileybury --S------oS = | FOX CARTAGE & STORAGE L Expert packing and moving We specialize in the Pallet vault storage system. Agent Allied Van Lines Ltd For Free Estimates Phone collect North Bay 2049 Ackroyd and Son PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS New Liskeard : Ontario Phones 442 and 442-B DAVY CROCKETT Jr. LOST. YER SPECS AGAIN, HUH, UNCLE iS Kiw sas: ComPon) BAPTIST CHURCH HOLDS ANNIVERSARY SERVICES FOR 50th ANNIVERSARY Haileybury Baptist Church-- The Haileybury Baptist Church heid a week of Services to com- memorate the 50th anniversary of the church in Haileybury. The services commenced Sun- day Nov. 6th, with communion and Pastor Staples brought the message "Tomorrow". [or the evening service Rey. A. B. Sch- ulte of New Liskeard Baptist Church brought the message "Can I love God, whom I have not seen". On Monday, November 7th, "Brotherhood Night', two films were shown, "The Musical Ride' of the R.C.M.P. and "Missionary to Walker's, Garage" with Christ- ian Laymen from New Liskeard Baptist Church conducting the service. Tuesday, November 8th was Fellowship night. Rev. Walter Fisher of Englehart Baptist Church brought the message "Good Cheer". Wednesday, Nov. "Association Night". Rev. A. B. Schulte as Moderator of Northern Associat- ion extended greetings and read greetings from Drs. Dixon, A. Burnes and T. B. McDormand of the Home Mission Board. Mayor H. A. Day brought greet- ings on behalf of the town.. Rev. John Jordan, Cobalt Ang- lican Church brought the mes- sage "The Rent Veil". Thursday, November 10th, "Ministerial Night". Greetings were extended from United, An- glican, Presbyterian, Pentecostal and Salvation Army Churches. Rey. Harold E. Bridge, North Bay Secretary of Church Ext- brought the message "Denomin- ationalism". Friday, November 11th, "Mis- sionary Rally was led by Rev. J. Lockwood, Woodstock, N.B. The Lockwoods will be leaving short- ly for Portugal for language study, before going to Angola in Africa as pioneer missionaries. A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. and Mrs. Staples for their untiring effort in the planning of - Anniversary week. On Wednes- day, Thursday and Friday even- ings ,at the close of each service a fellowship hour followed when refrestments were served. Sunday, November 13th, Rev. Norman Brooks, Coulson Ave. Baptist Chureh, Sault Ste Marie former pastor in Haileybury Bap ist Church brought the week to climax. For the morning service Rey. Brooks brought the message, "What Makes a Church Great" and for the ev- ening service, "If Any Man Be in Chirst, He is a New Creat- ure". Soloists and Musicians for week were Miss Jean Wilson, Church Organist, Mr. A A. Burnes, Mrs. H. Houston, Mrs. Staples and Miss Ruth Nichols. Miss Nichols a Home, Mis- sionary Field worker spent two weeks in Haileybury area on visitation work and also part- icipated in the week's seryice.s Aheartfelt thanks to all who helped to make Anniversary Week a success. "SAN NEWS Winners of Bingo were: 1. Mr. Buchanan 2. Mrs. Knight 3. Mrs. Gauthier, Mr. Girard 4. Mrs. Sawyer 5. Miss Jean Louis 6. Mr. Buchanan : 7. Miss Batisse, Miss Mattias 8. Mrs. Gauthier Hockey pool winners were: Mr. Girard and Mr. Joyce Mr, Tremlay and Mr. Prince Mrs. Quinn and Mrs. Knight The Patients of the third floor appreciate the gift of a Hockey Game, which was given them by Reverend Father Paquette and it is certainly getting a lot of use Visiting Mrs. Davies were Mr. and Mrs. Kingsbury from Kap- uskasing and Mr. Laurence Davies, (Sudbury) Mrs. E. Dasti. Visiting Miss Ladouceour, Mr. Howard Cotton from Temagami. Mrs. P. Touville and daughters were visiting her daughter Est- elle. Mr. Henry Quinn, visited Mrs. Quinn. Mr. Lachance and Mr. Brous- seau, Ansonville, visited Mrs. Brousseau. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Osborne, son and two daughters were Timmins NOTICE! RE CLOSING AND SALE OF PART OF A STREET TAKE NOTICE that the Cou- neil of the Corporation of the Town of Haileybury ~ proposes to consider and if deemed ad- visable to pass a by-law at a meeting of the Council to be held at the Council Chambers in the Town office at Hailey- bury, Ontario on the Twelfth day of December 1955 , at the hour of 7.30 o'clock in the after- noon, to stop up and close ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premise *situte, lying and being in the Town oi Haileybury District of Temiskaming, Proy- ince of Ontario and being com- posed of part of Farr Avenue as laid down on Plan M-46 North Bay of record in the office of Land Titles at Haileybury be- ing further shown outlined in red on a plan of*survey dated September 16, 1955 signed by W. J. Ryan, Ontario Land Sur- veyor and which said parcel or tract of land may be more par- ticularly described as follows: PREMISING that Blackwall Street has a bearing of east as- tronomic and relating all bear- ings herein thereto. COMMENCING at a point being the intersection of the easterly limit of Farr Avenue and the production of the south- erly limit of Blackwall Street; THENCE north 10°13' east 176.33' measured along the east- erly limit of Farr Avenue to a point therein; THENCE north 79°47' west 16.0' to a point; THENCE south 5°02' west 177.05' to a point distant 10.0' measured west from the point of commencement ; THENCE east 10,0' to the point of commencement. AND FURTHER TAKE NOT- ICE that it is the intention of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Haileybury at the same meeting to pass a by- law for the sale by the Conpor- ation of the portion of the said street herein before described. AND FURTHER TAKE NO- TICE that any person whose lands may be prejudicially af- fected by the intended by-law and who prior to the 7th day of December 1955, applies to be heard, will be heard in person or by his Counsel, Solicitor or Agent, by the Council at the said meeting to be held on the 12th day of December 1955, and prior to the passing of the by- law. DATED the 3rd day of Nov- ember, 1955. CHARLES C. D. PRINGLE, Clerk of the Corporation, Town of Haileybury. visiting Mrs. Osborne. Mrs. A Joyce and family were week-end visitors, visiting Mr. Joyce. Mrs. William White, Timmins, is visiting Mr. White. CURLING NOTES _ The official opening of the New Liskeard Curling Club was held on Friday evening, Nov. 14, with a goodly number of curlers in attendance, a large majority of them were members from the club here. This year there are thirteen lady members from the Cobalt- Haileybury Club, curling in the pre-season games, with the members from the New Liskeard Club. Also a large number of men have signed up for the roar- ing game, 4 The lady members are as fol- lows: Mrs. M. Cragg, Mrs. L. Tulloch, Mrs. M. Vachon, Mrs. A. Ross, Mrs. M. Hylands, Mrs. M. O*- Shaughnessy, Mrs. L. Dixon, Mrs. M. Sweeney, Mrs. Ff. Don- egan, Mrs, T. Austin, Mrs. F. McFarlane, Mrs. M. Ouimet, Mrs, N. McAulay.- Rebekah Lodge The Northern Light Rebekah Lodge met in the Masonic Tem- ple last week, with Noble Grand Lillian Burton |presiding over a welll attended meeting. It was decided that the next meeting, on November 16, will be a_ social evening. Convenors for the various com- mittees. were set up. Mrs. Olive Childs will head the CP & T. Mrs Olive McIntyre will head the social committee; Mrs, Joan Hargraves the entertainment committee, and Vice-Grand Ber- tha McFarlane will convene the visiting committee. NOMINATIONS Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Town- ship of Bucke in the District of Temiskaming, that in compliance with the Statutes in that behali I require the presence of the said electors at the Hall under the Catholic Church, North Cobalt, in the said Township of Bucke at the hour of 7.00 p.m. on the Bifteenth day of November for the purpose of Nominating fit and prdper persons for the Office of Reeve, Councillors and Trust- ees for the Bucke Township School Area, of which all eecltors are required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and if a greater number of can- didates than required to fill the said offices are. nominated and make the required declarations, Polls will be opened in the fol- lowing places: Poll No. 1 Frankleton's Residence Mileage 104. Poll No. 2 Municipal Chambers, North Cobalt, Ont. Poll No. 3 Culhane's Residence, North Cobalt, Ont. . Poll No. 4 Stan McGowan's Res. Clover Valley, Ont. Poll No. 5 Olbert Groom's Res. Moore's Cove, Ont. Poll No.6 Sauve's Residence, Fleuryville, Ont. H. R. SWITZER, Returning Officer, Township of Bucke (36-37) MURRAY McKINNON Your MUTUAL LIFE Representative 72 Nickel -- Cobalt Dial 4519 Page Three The Baptist Church PASTOR -- HOWARD S. STAPLES Organist -- Miss Jean Wilson SUNDAYS 11,00 a.m.--Morning Worship. 7.00 p,m.--Eyening Worship 11,00 a.m.----Charch Bible Schoal Classes. for all Ages Come to Church and bring the Children New Liskeard Little Theatre The play "And No Birds Sing," will be presented by the New Liskeard Little Theatre in Nov- ember. The play has five scenes, and three acts, and is a larger production than the group has staged in the past. WEDNESDAY The actors have been using a 8.00 p.m.--Mid-Week Meeting for tape recorder as a means of im- Prayer and Bible Study proving diction and voice volume. SATURDAY The play is being directed by Mr. Phil. Ashcroft. : 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting YOU WILL BE MADE WELCOME! BE WISE--WINTERIZE NOW! IS TOUGH ON YOUR CAR A Complete Lubrication Service. Be prepared for bad driving weather ahead, drive-in let us give your car the service needed. a= SNOW TIRES @@ BATTERIES ge = ANTI-FREEZE @8- SHELLUBRICATION #8 GAS and OIL Ron Carmichael SHELL SERVICE STATION HAILEYBURY, ONT. ig Career iwiem im Rinealki "Get it there first; but first, get it right." Signals -- nerve system of the Canadian Army --a , accurate combination of radio networks, telephone and teletype systems and motorcycle despatch riders. The Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, with other corps, offers hundreds of good-paying, life- time careers. The opportunities for advancement, special training and travel are many. A visit to your Army Recruiting Station will soon show, without gation, how you can fit in. Remember, in the Army you team up with men and leaders you can rely on -- right down the line. el EAM THE AR Se YOU SE To be eligible you must bo 17 to 40 years of age, skilled tradesmen fo 45. When applying bring birth certificate or other proof of age. Apply right away. Write, 'phone or visit the Army Recruiting Station nearest your home. No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wall Rideau & Charlotte Sis., Ollawa, On Aamy Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington St., K rmy Recruiting A 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont ono 9-4507 Ont. ~ Telephone 4738 -- Too © EM, 6-2341 -- Local 276 'acks, 4-1601 -- Local 135 Ont. -- Telephone 455 {, -- Telephone 2.8708 2b 4 Oo No, 7 Pe: Oxford & Elizabeth St Army Recruiting Static Army Recruiting Station, 18 something new has been added t6 Canadian train travel Canada's first and only all stainless steel SCENIC DOME TRANSCONTINENTAL STREAMLINER "Accommodations and meals to sul! every 3 wervel budget. % oe (7 e Canadian acific THE OMLY SCENIC DOME ROUTE ACROSS CANADA

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