THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, DEC. ist, 1955 ae THE HAILEYBURIAN Founded by C. C. Farr in 1904 Issued Every from The Haileyburian Office Broadway St., Haileybury, Ont. JOHN HUNT Publisher. Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assn. Authorized as Second-Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa In Canada----$2,50 per year, in In United States--$3.50 per year in advance advance 'EDITORIALS _ So Art Cooke is to be our next mayor. We wish him luck, he'll probably need it. And it seems that Mr. Day, who wouldn't run again 'short of a catastrophe." didn't consider Mr. Cooke a suf- ficiently big catastrophe. Mr. Cooke has had a great deal of experience, and can be expect- ed to doa good job. While he was mayor there were: a number of innovations, including provincial police, dollar lots, and the health unit. Mr. Day deserves a good deal of gratitude for doing a hard job well. It can be said bluntly that as often as not, he did not have the support of the support of the council. He belongs to the old fashioned school of thought, that believes the law gnould be observed and _wftrérced, or else the law should be changed. He was in favor of spending money on _ improve- ments and saw no reason why Haileybury should not progress just as fast as other communities. We regret that no one saw fit to oppose Mr. Cooke, not that we are against him, but elections are healthy things as a rule. Hubert Doran has been doing an _ out- standing job on the school board, and perhaps he can be persuaded to enter the municipal field. Gor- don Davies has done a good job on the separate school board, and Thursday . he too would make good council material. Although generally in favor of tight-fisted poliey, Dan Millar has an exceptionally keen brain, and would make a strong mayor. It is perhaps unfortunate that at the chamber . of&-gommerce meeting there were so many sug- gestions for improving the town, but so few willing to take time for the town's most important body. Generally speaking, boards should be the training ground for councillors, Hailey- bury is blessed with outstanding school boards, but few of the members seem willing to take the plunge into the council swim. A mayor cannot rule. He is at the mercy of the council, but he can provide leadership. We hope that Mr. Cooke will lead, and we hope that Mr. Day will be around for many a long year. Good luck Art. Thank you, Mr. Day. Canadian Legion News BY BOB FLEMING schoo First, a reminder of our next meeting on December 21st, All members are asked to be sure to attend this meeting. The Legion is holding its annual Stag for funds for the Children's Xmas Party, on the 19th of December. Volunteers are needed for this party so if you have the time free we will appreciate an offer of as- sistance from you. The posters for the stag are up and tickets are available for the wonderful drawing-of a tailored top-coat for man or woman, That I wouldn't mind winning myself. In the coming year we will have a busy time for the branch, so all are going to be on working committees for membership, en- tertainment and so on to see that APPLICATION FOR CLERK-TREASURER Applications for the position of Clerk-Treasurer for the Town of Haileybury will be received at we are not lagging behind other branches.When we hold the Spring Convention we want a Legion Branch to be proud of and the only way this can be done is by co-operation of all members to get more members, more funds than and accon#plish more has been done in the past. We want activity of a welfare branch and a social one too. Veterans always use to say that the reason that they never came out was that there wasn't anything to attract them, We are changing that as fast as possible but we need more ideas and more help than is being offered up to now. You can't want everything and then let somebody else do it all for you before you will come out. If you figure the branch needs sdme- thing get out and say so if it is popularly considered then help to get it. Our hockey draws are making a showing for themselves but they could be better with a little more push from a few vets to get a larger sale. They can show us a very good profit if handled well and we need more help to get the handling is necessary. We have had two winners not counting last week which I hay- en't heard about yet. The more buyers the more interets and to get more buyers we need more sales. To get those sales we need sellers that are trying. If you want to help out in this corner let me know and I will accomo- date you "toute suite." So now remember that we need your help and if you can offer it rest assured that it will be ap- preciated. There is no substitute for a good book. Make sure that your child has access to- the best books. Visit the Children's De- partment of your public library LEGAL HIGH JINKS AT HAILEYBURY HIGH SCHOOL (Continued from Page 1) mid, went to Marilyn White for proficiency in Grade X Science, Mathematics and Latin;to Jane Hall for Grade X English, and to Nancy Whitby for Grade XI Eng- the office of the undersigned until 5.00 o'clock p.m. Friday, December 9th, 1955. Applicants state age, qualifications, and previous municipal experience if any. C. C. D. Pringle, Town Clerk lish The staff prize was preseyted to William Tyson: for Grade) XI Mathematics. Nancy Whitby stepped forward once again to take away the C. C Farr prize for Grade XI profici- ency; while the University Wo- men's club award presented by Mrs. C. Plaskett of New Liskeard Bettylou Atchison. The Judge Hayward award in TIMMINS FOR A SENSIBLE PROGRAMME OF TOWN IMPROVEMENT cherished gifts of all... CRAIG CANDIDATE FOR COUNCIL X Hotel Haileybury Is becoming more and more popular a8 a rendezvous for businessmen and a place for Family Parties Bath-Time Luxuries to Grace Her Christmas Tree Glamorous accessories to make her bath a fragrant beauty ritual. The excellent food--accompanied by good service is provided in a quiet, friendly atmosphere in which Dining becomes a Real Pleasure DINNERS SERVED ! 12:00 to 1:30 - 6:00 to 8:00 | Light' Lunches Served-- 12:30 to 1:30 For Banquets and Large Parties we offer the exclusive use of Bive Grass "Putt-Putt" (Dusting Powder In ascordion squeeze bottle) and Bath Soap. $2.00 THE BLUE ROOM Waten trthe A delightful place to hold your next Dance eeigscon A Convenient, Comfortable Place to meet your friends is THE SILVER ROOM The Finest in Northern Ontario Bring your guests with confidence to HOTEL HAILEYBURY They Will Enjoy It! For Reservations TELEPHONE HAILEYBURY 10¢ Velya Bath Mit--In Christmes Carton, 886 /WHITBY'S = = for IX proficiency, was giver to * PHARMACY Going WET? CNR OFFERS YOU WO Croat lame aire middle school literature was pre- sented to Marilyn MeQuaid. The Cooke award for Grade IX effort went to Carol McNaught and the Woman's Institute prizes for Gr- ade VIII effort to Doreen Roux of the Haileybury Public School and Linda Burns of Holy Cross school. Largest single presentation of commencement night was that made by Mrs. G.Hennessy to the Grade IX class. They were Hail- eybury Home anf School Associa- tion pins. Winners were G. Arney J,Bolan ,L. Burns, A. Cassidy, N. Cockshut, S. Cooper, J. Coull, A. Deeley, H. Dinel, R. Ewing, D. Glassford, S. Gilmour, J. Hart W. Hermiston, L. Huff, J. Hurst, R. Jenkins, E. Lowery, &. McDiar- mid, B. Miller, G. Neilson, R. Pearson, L. Perry, 'D:. Roux, L. St. Louis, R. Simpson, S. Thom- son, J. Thomson, R. Tyson P. Bond, and F. Dadds, Athletic awards made on the basis of accomplishments in spr- ing meet went to L. Weiss sen- ior boys champion; Gordon Con- nelly, intermediate boys cham- pion; William Tyson, junior boys champion; Kathleen Jenkins, senior girls champion, and Carol x Yann ml Jenkins and Beth Miller, who tied for the junior girls champ- thi if; f ionship. OM. VIES, (-/ Ronald Parent supervised, and John Seymour directed an ex- cellent display of gymnastics. Those taking part were R.Ty- son, R. Gilkes, F. Graff, C. Gre- non, P. Bond, G. Thisdelle, C. Coull, R. MacDiarmid, J. Hall- worth, H. Hammerstrom, A. Cas- sidy, L. Barstead, S. Dobbs, K. Lathem , M. Findlay, R. Jenkins, and K, Mac Pherson. New fast train to M: "ostern Points MURRAY McKINNON Your MUTUAL LIFE Representative 72 Nickel -- Cobalt Dial 4519 S 'ontinental Convenient Train to Major and Intermediate A. S. JOHNSTON silat : OPTOMETRIST Coane Hours--9.00 to 5.30 Evenings by Appointment Phone 45 Ferguson Ave., Haileybury e Wide range of modern accommodations to suit \ every budget e Enjoy economical meals or snacks on both trains ia the Coffee Shop. Dining Car service is also provided e Inquire about the money- saving Family Fare Plan » Ticket agents can have a drive-yourself car waiting for you on arrival if you wish e For reservations and information see, write or phone your local Canadian National Passenger Agent. CANADIAN: NATIONAL RAllwAys: M. A. CARON Plumbing and Heating Phone 695--Haileybury Eaves Trough Work Results on BAD YOU DID'NT TAKE YOUR SHELL DEALER'S ADVICE AND GET SHELLZONE ANTIFREEZE FOR GUARANTEED WINTER DRIVING PROTECTION" 4 SMELLZONE 1S AN ETHYLENE GLYCOL BASE ANTIFREEZE -- WON'T BOIL AWAY, PREVENTS RUST AND CORROSION,