The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 8 Dec 1955, p. 3

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THURSDAY, DEC. 8th, 1955 THE HAILEYBURIAN Se defensive team. The disorganiz- ed Mining School players were slow starting but once they settl- ed down the gap between the two teams grew steadily. For the high school team the sharp shooting of Steven Bond payed off with 7 points from the foul line. Gordon Connelly was the other high man for the sch- ool with 6 points. For the mining school Winsa, ribble, Stanley, Boissonneault and Jones came through with a good offensive game. "SPORTS PARADE CURLING NOTES A meeting of the Ladies Sect- ion of the Cobalt ~ Haileybury G Curling Club was held Friday ." evening Dec. 2nd. in the Club Rooms with the president Mrs. L. O. Shaughnessy presiding The Committee's for the year were appointed those being. Pedestrians in November The record shows that pedest- : rians are in more danger of be- Draw Committee ing killed or injured in traffic B. Fleming. - Convenor collisions during November than A. Keddie. L. Budgeon. T. Ar- at other times of the year. Last nold J. St. Louis. M. Cunning- November, of the 102 fatalities ham. which occurred on the streets Prize Convenor and highways of Ontario,45 were M. Vachon pedestrians. In only two cases Press Reporter does it appear that the fately in- N. McAulay jured person had little or no Anyone desiring to become a chance to avoide being hit.... member of the Curling Club when cars mounted the curb or please get in touch with Barbara ran onto the road shoulder. Fleming. Phone 670. Of the balance, some failed to tao ee walk facing traffic and did not Mining School Downs Local get of the roan surface as cars High School 57 - 27 approached. Dark clothing rend taro dere some victims practically in- _By Bob Hewitt visible to drivers. They teed On Briday night the Hailey- out on the roadway from behind bury High School senior boys parked cars or trucks. They at- basketball team played hosts to tempted to cross between inter- the Mining School team in an ex- sections. Some elderly people hibition contest. were reported as "apparently The first quarter was a hectic confused" and attempted to cross affair in which the high school the road with traffic approach- boys showed a_ well-organized ing. A New Car at Cost Price! A BRAND NEW METEOR-- ONE ONLY -- FIRST COME -- FIRST SERVED Many other Fine Bargains in New and Used Cars and Trucks. JACK MATHEWS LEO DERAICHE Cobalt, Ont. Haileybury, Ont. @ 7 Temiskaming Construction Limited ENGINEERS Design, Construction, Mine Development, Operation Electrical and Mechanical Installations Tot ~ Sj BRANCH OFFICE HEAD OFFICE TORONTO OFFICE Phone OS 3-5702 Haileybury, Ont. 2110--44 King St. W. Sudbury, Ont. Phone 517 Phone EM 6-9357 I'm Getting Home Tonight TCA Relax in the knowledge pull be home in a few ours. No-dining car "stampede" -- tasty com- /iplimentary meals served Yin the comfort of your -seat. Phone now for po Pies { speedy confirmation of ties a lat your space. NOW TCA Skyliner service to NORTH BAY Lv. EARLTON AIRPORT DAILY (except Sunday 3.20 p.m. (connections in North Bay for Sudbury, Toronto, Westerm Canada and principal U.S. Cities)._ a! Rouyn--Noranda -- Val d'Or -- Ottawa -- Montreal Leave Earlton Airport daily (except Sunday) 6.05 p.m. (connections in Montreal for New York and Maritime points) . TCA Service is by roomy 21 passenger DC-3 and links you directly to principal Canadian and U.S. Cities, Bermuda and the Caribbean and Europe. . 3k NO EXTRAS. ye YOUR AIR FARE GETS YOU THERE. See- your Travel Agent or call TCA Office, Earlton Airport, Phone Earlton 48. (@)TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES x %& NO TIPPING. A. Gok The final meeting of the year was held at the Haileybury Hot- el, Blue Room at 1 p. m. Mr. Frank Rundle said Grace the Queen. Approximately members enjoyed a home cooked turkey dinner, following this the meeting was brought to order by for Alf Le Gris, our President, the transaction of buisness. Unfortunately because of ady- and out of to- erse weather conditions, some of the members wn attending sales conventions not too many participated in our the low and be. hold Alf Le Gris walked away to pur- chase two bottles of perfume for Christmas. Alf is very lucky, only recently we hada Stag, and he won the $50.00 door prize. The ir- onical part is that the ticket was Booster prize. How ever draw was made and with sufficient money in his son's name. So all themem-_ bers are asuming the money will be held in trust. until his son be- comes of age - ~ $$$$$ The minutes of the last meet- ing were read by Bud Wynn, The important part of the me- eting came into the picture name ly the proposed slate of officers for the coming year, the results are as follows.... President..... Margo Knigge Vice Presidents Bud Wynn and Henry Jensen Immediate Past President Alf Le Gris Winectorsmess. Joe Allard Jack Thomson, Alex Me Lean, George - Morgan and Frank Rundle. Secretary; Treas ....Bud Wynn ( by acclamation ) Once again the Club will be di- stributing Christmas hampers to the needy families in the three towns. These parcels of good cheer will be delivered on Friday Dec. 23 rd, by the members. This coming Friday Dec 9th at 7 p.m., all members are re- quested to be at the Hotel Haile- ybury, Blue Room, with their wives and children to attend our annual Christmas party. The Chairman is Alf Le Gris, and I understand he hasa_ interesting programme planned films treats soft drinks for the children and best of all Santa Claus distribut- ing gifts. This night is for the children, please don't disappoint them. Business being our meeting was adjourned un- til the first Saturday of Janu ary when the new executive wil} hold the reins for the year 1956. completed, Art Course A class of twenty-two from New Liskeard, Cobalt and Hail- eybury attended the week-end course sponsored by the Hail eybury Art Club. The instructer Miss. Myrtle Harrison. of Kirkland Lake. conducted her course in a comb- ination of lectures, discussions fdemonstratjon and __ practical work by members of the class. Some of the topics dealt with were the difference between flat pattern design and third dimension composition, light and dark colour value, trees skies and clouds, construction criticism of pictures in which members had found difficulties It is expected to have another such weekend early in the new year. J. A. MacARTHUR Real Estate Haileybury and Temagami DAVE'S RADIO & TELEVISION Ferguson Ave. below the Post Office Phone 340 with Henry Jensen giving the toast to ten Bears Vern Lundy FOX CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Expert packing and moving We specialize in the Pallet vault storage system. Agent Allied Van Lines Ltd For Free Estimates Phone collect North Bay 2049 Page Three The last meeting of the Hail- hep home on Tuesday. eybury Art Club for 1955 will be held on Wednsday evening Decembef 7 th at Mrs. Alex Wilson's home The Art Club wishes to thank The Haileyburian for coverage of its activities and to extend the Season's Greetings to the Editor and Staff. ebrate their 50th niversary. home in New Liskeard, NORTH COBALT NEWS i Mr. and Mrs. Aurel Ayotte and family, left Friday to make their Mr. and Mrs. Stanley MacRae---Want Ads Bring Results! of Messina, New York helped Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Myers cel- wedding An- LEO'S TAXI Phone 312 Leo Deraiche, Prop. HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO a Mr, and Mrs. Earl Brownell and son Winston of Messina, New York, spent Tuesday with Mr. Brownell's sister and bro- ther-in-law Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Myers. Wilfred Paiement of Earlton spent Saturday with his sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. P. Leveille. _ Mrs. George Gibbon is a pat- ient in Misericordia Hospital. Mrs. Albert Vallee, left last Thursday for her home in Tim- Northbound mins, after spending a few days : ae her mother Mrs. G, Guedes re a i me Mrs. James Warren, spent Mixed Train' Service as? DBoESC et ' i b f Serv s per Schedule Mixed nee gern ae eee and Monday shown on Table No. 3 of the Tuesday en ae eantt Baa COLY, Wednesday Public Time Table is amended Thursday 4 a and Friday as follows: and Saturday miele eon and ae of Kop: a.m. p-m per Cliff visited his mother, Mrs. ae Dan MacNeil over the weekend. Aa Ee ete ner wide on se Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wink Pas TY a eae " LAROC oe poke and family left Thursday for f 10.50 Eeamanecs. RENInG Egham ea their home at O'Brien after Fi1Os6Ee ee oe CUUTE en ee ne spending a holiday with the lat- f 11.07 "a EE aint REOUNPRAnweto a ae es parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gord. f 11.14 Be ek, GARDINER} 2) f a Reka 4b 3. ss GARDINER': ooo dik an 4 Mr, and Mrs. Harold Adams ar we eu aee pe fe eee mere and family of Haileybury, visited f 11.47 Ce ool ae MAHER? 420 ee La the latter's parents on Sunday, € 12.15 MI Fe, eC MaINNISG ae aes Op Mr. and Mrs. Alex Coe. {ean ee ISLAND FALLS OT eee ti Mr. and Mrs. Guy McShesney POP aa ee BROWNRICC ........... f ae and family of New Liskeard Tne oe FRASERDALE .......... Le spent Sunday with the latter's f 2.10 Se ee FOXVIELE.... 1 50 Eeaents Mr. and Mrs. . Waldo € 2.30 Bi eae "CORAL RAPIDS Se ; wae Sewn. B80 cocks com CORAL RAPIDS)... aic,.: MeseteeaaGrentite who aba f cn baa tOn cate | eee cit CRC One f 9.55 been a patient in Misericordia Le RE oe oS DNV EN Epa io" Hospital, Haileybury, returned : Uy treet e MOOSE RIVER .......... 9.08 Acifie shore Mandayseveding: CET 0 Rae RENISON GW uin 285. 5g.0 f 8.47 The TOBAG Lodve held suey FE PAMAG Fiic' cs. oe: GALETON#<).i3)...0<109- f 8.21 cessful bingo'on Wednesday Nov- S20 Aree a2.) aks MOOSONEE ......... Lv. 8.00 ember 23 in the Orange Hall Pp-m1. a.m. North Cobalt. Mrs. Ted Brown won the door (prize. Mrs. M. J. Bolger, who has been a patient in Misericordia Hospital Haileybury, returned to R. P. C. McLEOD Traffic Manager ONTARIO NORTHLAND RAILWAY NOTICE CHANGE OF TIME TABLE Effective Sunday, December 11th, 1955 COCHRANE -- MOOSONEE For Further Particulars, Apply to Local Agent General Freight and Passenger Southbound H. H. PHILLIPS Agent * 79°98" O'O-g, the most cherished gifts of all... by Little Luxuries Lovely little "extras" to perch on her and make her feel like a princess when she uses them. Velva Bath Mit-- Gift Package .65 Puff-Puff (Blue Grass dusting powder in accordion squeeze bottle fn Christmas carton $.1.78 Pp-- Cerise or Aqua Foil Package $1.00 Christmas Condie-- Blue Grass Petal Wofers and Bath Soap $2.00 to Pamper a Lady. ot, tree or tuck in her Christmas stocking . : . WHITBY'S PHARMACY Ae New Sparkling Christmas Angel (Gold, Blue, Silver) -- Pure Red Lipstick and- Wall Lacquer $2.75 dene Geranium Hand Lotion with Dispenser--Gift Package, 8 oz. $2.35

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