The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 23 Feb 1956, p. 2

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THURSDAY, FEB.. 23rd, 1956 THE HAILEYBU RIAN THURSDAY, FEB. 16th, 1956 THE HAILEYBURIAN Founded by C. C, Farr in 1904 Issued Every from The Haileyburian Office Broadway St Haileybury, Ont. JOHN HUNT Publisher. Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assn. Authorized as Second-Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa In Canada----$2.50 per year, in In United States--$3.50 per year in advance Thursday advance EDITORIAL Submission to the Royal Commission on Canada's economic prospects is one of the most interesting documents Ontario's to enter the office in a long time. ; O massive document, it por- tends amazing developments in this province in the years to come, and inevitably, it is a re- flection on the Drew and Frost regimes, that have done so much to contribute to the post-war growth of Ontario. ; It costs two dollars, and while we are not trying. to rob the goverment of two bucks, if any local citizen would like to bor- row our copy, he can find it in the office. It is well worth read- ing. Here's to the man (Or his missus) Who bring in thesm@ws (Or just phone us) There'd be 'era (May they always be with us) no paper without But spell names correctly (Or our readers will cuss us) IODE Grant $16,000 Bursary Mrs. R. C. Bennett, Educ- ational Secretary, Provincial Chapter of Ontario, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, announces fhat a bursary of $1600.00 is offered for 1956 to an Ontario student planning to take a degree in a Canadian Univer- sity. This bursary is made pos- sible by the Memorial Fund est- ablished to honour service per- sonnel of the Second Great War. To be eligible for this bursary, a candidate must be the son or daughter of deceased or perman- ently disabled men or women of the Armed Services --Navy, Army, Airforce, or Merchant Seamen of World War II. Applications must be made not later than March Ist. The application forms may be ob- tained from the Provincial Chapter, I. O. D. E. Headquar- ters, 168 Jackson Street West, Hamilton, Ontario. Two $1400.00 Scholarships The Provincial Chapter of Ontario, Imperial Order Daugh- ters of the Empire, is offering two scholarships this year, from the Lucy Morrison*-\Mémorial Fund for Education, to which all the Chapters in Ontario contri- bute. The scholarships "are each valued at $1400.00, and are avail- able to students, Britlsh born or of naturalized Canadian parent- age, domiciled in Ontario, and are tenable in any Ontario Uni- versity, Mrs. R. C. Bennett, Provincial Educational Secretary, announ- ces that the first scholarship is in Pure and Alpplied Science and is offered for the twelfth con- secutive year, while the other scholarship in Humanities and Social Sciences is being offered for the third consecutive year. All applications must be re- ceived by April 15th. Full details, application forms, etc., may be obtained at Proyincial Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, Headquarters --168 Jackson St. West, Hamil Oneae st, amiulton, LEO'S TAXI Phone 311 Leo Deraiche, Prop. HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO The ROTARY WHEEL by Norman Abraham Our bingo Saturday was another success as reported by Carm, Donegan, bingo chairman So at this point, on behalf of the Rotary Club I would like to thank all those who attended our bingo and generously sup- ported this project. A return engagement was held at Englehart last Wednesday afternoon, where a _ curling spiel was held between the two clubs, the same as_ the one held in Haileybury two weeks ago, when our club entertained the Englehart club. All those who attended enjoyed" themselves very much. A great deal of discussion was held at our meeting on Monday in regard to the Rotary Club Assembly to be held here on April 16th,. About 150 guests are expected to attend including our district governor Ross Dobbin and former district governor Basil Tippet. Easter is not very far away and the Easter seals campaign will soon be in full swing. Our club sponsors this campaign envelopes containing soon 'be sent to and the these seals will each home. These seals mean so much in aiding crippled children, so when you receive your enyelope, mail your contribution in the self addressed envelope enclosed. ARCADIA NICKLE Arcadia Nickle Corporation Limited has two diamond drills putting down holes in a_ grid pattern on the Gersdorffite zone on its Worthington property, Sudbury area. Thirteen holes have been completed and 13 more sited. Meantime the installation of the mining plant at the Denison shaft on this property has been completed, dewatering las re- ached the second level and sampling of the workings is proceeding. This property is now owned by Aer Nickle Cor- poration, which Arcadia controls through financing. In earlier operations by pre- vious owners five levels were opened toa depth of 950 feet with lateral work carried out plus diamond drilling to a depth of 1,100 ft. and this permitted an estimate o 400,000 tons of ore, of approximately $30 grade in this area alone. Drilling on the Ger- sdorffite zone has indicated ore of similar grade 1,200 ft. to the east, of the shaft and the new 01 "33 OOF] Joyjoue 'au0z dwems the east, has returned some high nickle-copper-platinum values. It is the company's objective to outline 2,000,000 tons of $30 ore on this property. On the Werner Lake property which straddles the zone in which Eastern Mining & Smelt- ing is now developing orebodies the first diamond. drill hole is now going down in a program to test anomalies previously loc- ated. On the Bellechasse property, in Eastern Quebec, drilling has indicated zink values in one sec- tion and gold values in another. In the Kirkland Lake area the crosscut from the Sylvanite mine at 5,500 ft. depth is app- roaching the Arcadia's wholly owned Toburn mine, with 160 ft. average monthly advance. Bicycle production in Canada reached a ten.year low in 1954 while imports of bicycles reach- ed an all-time high. Production dropped to 71,530--from 101,460 in 1953, while imports rose to 91,382 from 63,124. C. J. HOVEY Repairs on All Makes of RADIOS 21 Lake Shore Road Phone 502 New Liskeard DAVE'S RADIO & TELEVISION Ferguson Ave, below the Post Office Phone 340 MURRAY McKINNON Your MUTUAL LIFE Representative 72 Nickel -- Cobalt Dial 4519 ~. Fort Henry Guard Goes To England Hon. James N. Allan, Ontario Minister of Highway's annou- nces that Ontario's famed Fort Henry Guard will participate in the 1956 Royal Tournament to be held in London,. England, this year from June 6 to 23. In announcing that the invit- ation had been accepted, Mr. Allan noted that this is a signal honour because the guard, which is a civilian, not a military unit, will be taking @art in what is rated as one of the world's greatest military spectacles. The guard is composed entirely of hand-picked university students who are employed by the Ont- ario Department of Highways to give a visual presentation of history to visitors to Fort Henry Ontario's historical show place at Kingston. From a humble beginning: in 1938, this aggregation has gro- wn until the split-and-polish smartness of its absolutely aut- hentic 19th century uniforms is famed throughout the continent. Hundreds of thousands of visit- ors to the Kingston citadel have thrilled to the guard's letter- perfect demonstrations of _old British army drill and received thrilling lessons in _mid-nine- teenth century battle tactics from its rousing displays. THE BIBLE TODAY The "Letters to Editors" col- umn of weekly newspapers often offer interesting sidelights on life in rural communities. Prob- lems of- people are often pre- sented. A recent letter to a Muskoka Weekly revealed the difficulty of securing a Bible' in out-of-the-way places This difficulty is ' experienced, even today, around the world. To help solve this problem hand-to-hand distribution of the Scriptures by 1,000 "Colport- eurs" throughout the world is undertaken by the British and Foreign Bible Society of which the Upper Canada Bible Society is the local auxiliary. The puxpose of the Society is _to place a Bible without note or comment, within reach of every- one, at a price he can pay, and in his own language. This pur- pose has been adhered to thro- ughout its 150 years of christian service to almost all, denominat- ions. From home to home, where Bibles are not readily available, "Colporteurs" call carring the Book of Books, Thus people who need it and desire it may secure it. Most editions are sold at, or below, cost price and all miss- ionary translations are heavily subsidized. Canada has required the Bible in over 100 different languages, Ontario is over 45. can provide it is languages, Four "Colporteurs", Bazan in Bolivia, Raul Campos in Ecuador, Po Tun in Burma and Philip Wambua in Kenya, most of these Enrique are supported by funds raised through "Stamp Corner', a de- partment in the Bible House: London... Many _hundreds_ of pounds are provided each year through the sale of used stamps sént in from around the world. Oné girl's school, "Bromley Colporteurs. High", recently contributed 400, 000 stamps to their department for colportage work. Suggested readings for the week. Sunday - Psalms 95: 1-11 Monday - Pslams 115: 1-18 Tuesday - Jeremiah - 1: 4-19 Wednesday - Jonah 1: 1-17 Thursday - Jonah 2: 1-10 Friday - Jonah 3: 1-10 Saturday - Jonah 4: 1-11 Husbands! Wives! Weak, Run-down, Old? Thousands of couples are weak, tired, eck ; they feel run-down, ©) enerey veifies ack izon at 40, 50, 60. Tr Ostrex Tonic Tablets today. Supplies oa ig orator you, too, ma) aes to zee ee : om ss Inte, energize and ayeacquainted'", size costs Yule. or start with big popular 'Economy' Hee and save 75¢. At all druggists. RECREATIONAL CALENDAR HAILEYBURY FIGURE SKATING CLUB Carnival, New Liskeard, March 3rd, 1956, MIDGET HOCKEY See Haileybury Play Englehart at Englehart, Sunday, Ieb. 26, at 2.30 p.m. SCHOOL HOCKEY Boys ages 10-14 yrs. every Sat. 9.00 a.m. to 11.30 am, - Arena NORTHERN SKi CLUB Northern Ontario Recreational Ski Week-end--March 3rd-4th. For information re Haileybury Recreation Committee, Phone Sec. Treas. F. Audet, No. 80. & CPR-TUNES you "car-happy" "MY HUSBAND HAS BEEN LIKE THIS EVER SINCE YOU PUT ALCOHOL IN OUR RADIATOR LAST FALL... ." The picture is a little different here: We make. _ ... not "slap-happy." Our alert, efficient service keeps your car at peak performance -... and you in good humor! RON CARMICHAEL SHELL SERVICE STATION WINNER Mrs. W. Hammerstrom won the Steam Iron which was raffl- ed by the Haileybury Midget Hockey Club on Sunday _ last The winning ticket was drawn by Mr. W. Stevens. Pulp And Paper Boom Output in 1956 of Canada's biggest dollar earner - the pulp and paper industry - should ex- ceed even record 1955, predicts The Financial Post. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 34 Lang Street, Cobalt. Phone 4685 Sewing Cabinets -- Fashion Aids Irons -- Notions -- Findings + Repairs -- Rents -- Parts Box 604 Phones 4772 and 4732 EXPLORATION DRILLING SERVICES COMPANY COBALT, All Standard Core Sizes Blast Hole SURFACE -- Contract Diamond Drilling ONTARIO Well Drilling Foundation Testing UNDERGROUND qi) Temiskaming Construction Limited ENGI BRANCH OFFICE HEAD Sudbury, Ont. Design, Construction, Mine Development, Operation Electrical and Mechanical Installations > : Phone OS 3-5702 Haileybury, Ont. 2110--44 King St. W. Phone 517 NEERS OFFICE TORONTO. OFFICE Phone EM 6-9357 Is this beauty: (ea A Ketch? [_] 4 Yawl? . Oe eS ale BREWERY 2414A Answer LIMITED :ympx Pees

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