The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 23 Feb 1956, p. 3

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THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, FEB. 23rd, 1956 Ase a SILAS Sees It If anyone thinks that this col- umn is going to be anything like Richard Thomas Henry or J. V. McAree or even Bob Fleming, they're in for a shock. As I said to Myrtle (she does for the best families) if you sata chimp- anzee in front of a typewriter long enough, sooner or later he'd write one of Shelley's Odes. The trouble with Shelly, or even Shakespeare these days, is that with radio, TV and the movies, they wouldn't stand a chance of getting a job as cub rdporter on the Squeaker unless they could forget the poetry and make Rocket Richard sound like a hero. Talking about hero's, they say that Mitch at the Matabanic in- sists on being called Mr. Presi- dent these days. Mitch says that if an old soldier in the U.S. can be a Mr. President, then the boss of the Canadian Legion in Haileybury deserves some dig- nity too. One of Roy Thomson's flash bulb lads took a picture of Mitch and the boys in the Legion base- ment the other day, and the Squeaker ran the same shot, must have been a double ex- posure unless Cec Bond has joined the Thomson chain. Some bright spark sent the picture to the highgrade squad, with a note to the effect that actually the boys were mining gold in the mining capital of the North. Now Mitch doesn't know whether he -should float a company or flood the base- ment before the cops arrive. According to Myrtle one sol- ution for the taxi service in town would be for Jonsey and Art Cooke to swap jobs turn and turn about. Art could meet the four o'clock train a few morn- ings, and Jonsey ~ could sell the stamps. By the time they had got the stamps and taxi service gummed up, the government would moye the post office to New Liskeard and Art and Jon- sey could go into partnership in Cobalt servicing~ the ~ parking" meters. 'Orace (Myrtle's boy friend) wandered into the new post office in Cobalt and raised blazes because there were no wire baskets on wheels. Said it might look like the best super-market in the North, but the merchan- dise was terrible. From now on he's sticking with Sam Hughes and if Sam installs fluorescent lights and chrome he'll quit eat- ing. Myrtle persuaded 'Orace to apply for the janitor's job at the Phone 52 Modern Taxi Hotel Haileybury Walter Ackroyd PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT New Liskeard Ontario Phones 442 and 442-B A. S. JOHNSTON OPTOMETRIST Hours--9,00 to 5.30 Evenings by Appointment Phone 45 Ferguson Ave., Haileybury ee a4 FOX CARTAGE & STORAGE j LTD. é Expert packing and moving We Gaiiiiize in the Pallet vault storage system. Agent Allied Van Lines Ltd For Free Estimates ' Phone collect North Bay 2049 Cobalt Post Office, so he wrote to George Drew and asked for a reference. He said that if George couldn't get the job for him he'd start a Social Credit study group in Bucke township and nomin- ate Harry Groom to run against Annie Shipley. CANADIAN LEGION NEWS Last night was one of our bet- ter attended regular meetings. There were thirty-four members present with Comrade Deraiche doing the honours from the chair for his first meeting as President for 1956. The most important discuss- ion of the meeting was pertain- ing to the hall for the first time for-some two years past. The ladies have been doing this great and costly task and have been doing a highly commend- able job too. They put a great deal of time, labour, and money into it and deserve {praise and thanks which I offer at this time. Well done ladies! Another incident decided upon was a 200 Club that we will be having in the near future. There will be a monthly draw and some lucky person will be the winner of $50.00. Only 200 peo- ple will be in on this Club so be sure and make arrangements to be one of them. Bas Treen will be handling it and as soon as I know more about its starting date I will tell you all about it. The work on the hall is pro- gressing very rapidly with the help of all our hard-working members that are so faithfully coming out and under the direction of the committee chair- man Ben Bourget. We are go- ing to be ready for the Spring Convention I'm sure and it will be because of all those~ who worked so hard to make it so. We want a gaod membership in the branch when the convent- ion time arrives and we need over fifty members for yet'ng on some other points of interest. To date we have 47 faid-up mem- bers for the year with over ten of these being new members. There are a lot more members that aren't paid-up yet and there are a lot of vets that we haven't signed up too so with a little co- -operation-all -round~-by- convent- ion time we will he over the hundred mark. 2 The next working time after you read this will be Sunday morning at nine. At that time we will be pouring the other half of our cement floor and will need plenty of workers. One thing about the work is that Sunday morning Bas Treen nor myself will not be able to be there. Our Legion curling team which won the Zone play-offs is curling for the District play-offs in South Porcupine on Sunday with Bill Inch skipping the team, We are hoping to come out undefeated again and win the District play- offs too. I'll tell you all about that though next week, Don't forget the working days at the hall are Wednesday ayen- ings and Sundays; come out and help, Be at the meetings and as for 1956 dues - they are now due. Cheers now TORONTO STAR WEEKLY HONORS LEO LABINE (Continued from Page 1) ceeaemal Squib Walker, who was passing the door, Walker strade angrily in, Son," he said, "that's one thing you won't need to worry about. As of naw, you wan't be stuck in the Taronto organizat- ion at all; "Maybe it wasn't the right time to be talking about it but I ment what I was saying,' Leo recalls. "The Leafs were loaded with young players and it was difficult to find a spot. I think it was a real break for me when Harold Cotton put me on the Boston list, "I must confess that I used to get into a lot of trouble, I'd fly of the handle easily, Now I try to ayoid trouble as much as pos- sible and stay out of mix-ups if I can, You can't always though, The way I used to feel about hockey was to hit the other fel- low first and not take a chance on hitting me. Lately I've tried not hitting guys I thought might hit me and then they wouldn't hit me and there wouldn't be any trouble at all." LaBine's hockey theories were learned back home in Hailey- bury from his older brothers, Dennis and Paul. who were the hockey idols of his youth. Both of them had long careers in sen-50-! 1 - ior and intermediate hockey in Northern Ontario and Paul still is playing. "You know how it is when you're young," says Leo. You're eager to learn and believe what you're told. Denny had seen the pros play a lot and he-taught me that body-checking was import- ant. 'Play the man', he'd say, 'and don't worry about the puck --it can't go anywhere without the man' That's how I learned to use my body so much. But I'm not doing it so much now and I find I don't get in so many mix-ups. But I still believe what Hap Emms told me in Barrie-- that the best defence is an of- fence If you keep the puck the other fellow has to worry about checking you. Keep on the at- tack and if you kéep hammering at the door, sooner or later it's going to fall down." COURT NEWS F. Grenier of Elk Lake, held in cusdoday by police on three fire- arms charges was remanded for trial until Feb. 24 by Magistrate E. W. Kenrick in police court Friday. Grenier who faces charges of possession of firearms, pointing a firearm and discharging a fire- arm, was released from jail pending the trial on $2,000 cash and $4.000 property bail. Another Elk Laker, R. Leclair pleaded guilty to the magistrate Friday morning and was fined $150 and $14.50 costs. The man charged with driving while his ability was impaired, also had his licence suspended for a year. One of two district residents who was charged with causing a disturbance appeared before the magistrate and was fined $10 and $4.50 costs. the other will appear next week in court. M: Legault of Latchford turned up to answer the charge, but D. Wainman of Englehart wasn't present. In court a resident of Kirk- land Lake was fined $10 and $3 costs for driving without an op- erators licence. D. Prillion plea- ded guilty and paid up. Out of court many district residents paid fines after enter- ing guility pleas. Speeding, the major offence in the numerical sense, cost O. Leveille, New Liskeard; A. Forcier. Cobalt; A. Bradford, New Liskeard and N. Critchley, North Bay, $11 and costs each. NOTICE Take notice after this date Thursday February 23rd, 1956 I will not be responsible for any debt's incurred by Mrs. Paul Belanger, unless accompanied by a signed order by myself, Signed Paul Belanger 50-1* LEGAL NOTICE ta > Tes ent aneg ONTARIO FUEL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF THE Municipal Franchises Act, R. S. O, 1950, Ghapter 249, Section 8, as amended, and In The Matter Of twenty applications' by Nor- thern Ontario Natural Gas Co- mpany Limited for twenty Cer- tificates of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct works and to supply gas to the undermentioned municipalities Corporation of the City of North Bay, Corporation of the Towns of TJroquois Falls, Cobalt, Smooth Rock Falls, Cochrane, Englehart, Haileybury, Hearst, Kapuskasing, Matheson, New Liskeard, Timmins, Corporation of the Townships of Calvert. Mountjoy, Black River, Play- fair, Teck, Tisdale, Whitney Corporation of the Imbprove- ment District of Kendrey. Notice of Postnonement of Hearing 4 TAKE NOTICE THAT on application of Northern Ontario Natural Gas Company Limited, ' Ontario Fuel Board has post- poned the date for -hearing the above Appliations for Certifi- cate of Public Convenience and Necessity, from February 28th, 1956 to April 10th, 1956 Notice of the time and place of hearing will be given ata later date. Signed ONTARIO FUEL BOARD A. R. Crozier Chairman W. R. Howard Commissioner A second fine for the same of- fence was listed against A. Le- veille New Liskeard, costing the resident an additional $6 and $3 costs; while Paul Roy, Orillia, paid $16. Other speedsters W. J. R.. Little Toronto; and M. F. Levens, Kirkland Lake each paid $25 fines while H. L. Crawley of Lockerby paid $20. Offenders paid $10 fines for having liquor, E. Fillion, Cobalt ; R. Leclair, Elk Lake; Similar fines were paid by Paul Cloutier, Tlavelle township, for possession of firearms; Ideal Dairy, Hailey- bury, defective brakes; G. French, Engtehart no operators' licence; and A, Tretheway, New Liskeard, careless driving. One dollar fines were levied on J. O'Leary, Elliot Lake for failure to produce a license and on J. Potter, Earlton. for operat- ing a vehicle with no horn. IN TOWN FOR FUNERAL Friends and relatives from out of town who attended the fune- ral last week of Mr. P. Lemieux were Mr. and Mrs,Phil Aylett, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Lemieux and Mr. Gaston Lamarche of Timmins, Mr, and Mrs, Geoffre Fink and children. Mrs.Cleo Lemieux and children and Mr, Philippe l.emuiex Noranda, Mr. and Mrs, Dufresne and Mr. and Mrs, Leon Allard of North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cormier Kirkland Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Berlibe, Arnfield Mr. Henry and Allan Soucie of Chapleau. Mr. Astor Vashon, Angeliers. Mrs. Roger Boissonneault of Cobalt. TOP TRADE-IN PRICES PAID FOR '53, '54, '55 CARS TRADED IN FOR NEW METEOR-- MERCURYS. WE TRADE THE BEST-- We Sell the Best at the Best Prices. JACK MATHEWS' Garage Leo Deraiche Jack Mathews Haileybury Cobalt Pisauate Eacoe True for Couple, 65 Retire on 3200 A Month A popular Quebec druggist and his wife recently retired on $200 a month for life. Their dreams of security and comfort have come true, thanks to a decision the drug- gist made in 1925, It was then he took out a Con- federation Life Insurance Pension Plan which included $20,000 insurance protection. He had just opened his store . . . and with the baby and the payments on his home, he had only so much left for retire- ment plans. It was a pleasant sur- prise when his Confederation Man told him how easily his dreams could come true--without risks or investment worries. You'll be pleasantly surprised too at how easily you can make your dreams come true--and protect your loved ones at the same time-- with a Confederation Life Pension Plan with Insurance. ('onfederation lifes For Free booklet, "Retiring in Comfort Is Not a Miracle," cal Representative Milton S. Boyd, Haileybury Hotel Haileybury Is becoming more and more pop atar 'ous for businessmen and a place for Family Parties The excellent food--accompanied by good service is provided in a quiet, friendly atmosphere in which Dining becomes a Real Pleasure DINNERS SERVED 12:00 to 1:30 5 6:00 to 8:00 Light Lunches Served-- 12:30 to 1:30 For Banquets and Large Parties we offer the exclusive use of THE BLUE ROOM A delightful place to hold your next Dance A Convenient, Comfortable Place to meet your friends is THE SILVER ROOM The linest in Northern Ontario Bring your guests with confidence to HOTEL HAILEYBURY They Will Enjoy It! For Reservations TELEPHONE HAILEYBURY 10¢@ RUBBER STAMPS ARE ATIME SAV/NG TOOL We can give quick service in supplying custom made rubber budget prices. Drop in and tell us what you want - we'll have it ready for you with- in a couple of days. bad THE HAILEYBURIAN HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO Led ACCURACY suRANCE A ¢ wean OFFICE / WATERLOO, ONTARIOs See your Mutual Life of Canada representative: H. O. WEBB. ENGLEHART, ta, E. P. MONACO. NEW LISKEARD MURRAY W.McKINNON. NEEDS AND a gna IA HEY NADA. Established 1869 Phone M1 Phone 707 COBALT, Ont. Phone 4519 ROY W. FRENCH. TIMMINS, Branch Manager, 218--3rd Ave

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