The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 15 Mar 1956, p. 1

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op 153 Leishman, Mrs. JT 1 Forward With The Northland The Haileyburian Northern Ontario's Oldest Weekly Newspaper BETTER PRINTING THURSDAY, MAR. 15th, 1956 Vol. 52; No. 1 Teachers Get Increase In Pay Board Well Pleased With Staff Town Workers Ask For More Council Considers Insurance Plan or Kight Haileybury town em- also to be a benefit. Haileybury board of educat- they asked for an increase," Mr. seh es : : ( ; ion has agreed to grant a $200 Tombs observed. Ployees have petitioned through Presently, Haileybury town across the-board increase for Public and high school teach- the roreman, Lom Cragg, tor an employees are paid on the basis teachers in the town's public and er representatives today termed ecu sse those raise to bring of $l an hour tor ordinary labor high schools on Sept. 1, 1956. the settlement "an excellent their pay "in The with surround- and $1.08 for drivers. In Cobait ing towns. the petition was the figures are $1.10 and $1.15 4it the same time the podiu a- solution." A total of 11 teachers, 'includ- read at a meeting oi council held respectively and are likely to in- were avail- greed to bring minimum and geet : ae maaunum salaries im the two ing.the principals of both schools aS! ent. crease. No figures f schools im tine with demanas o1 tabled their requests for salary these tellows have absolut- able at the meeting on- New ely no security and are pretty Liskeard rates of pay and Town the teachers tederations. ine minimum tor high scnool teach- ers is raised trom 0,2UU Lo do, OW per annum and tor pubic school teachers trom 9 2,UUU to $2,4UU per annum. Maximums have been increas- increases recently. G. L. Cassidy principal of the high school, says the high school request was for- warded last week 'and Lorne Wiseman, principal of the public school said he and the staff of seven had filed their request tair workers,' commented, they can get along without that security." In terms of security other than, wage increases, council al- so listened to Hugh Conlon, a Mayor Art Cooke lp GUILE sce | how Clerk- Frank Haskett has been requested to get an idea of what that town is paying its workers. Council reacted favorably to the idea of a wage increase for the men and to providing them with some means of social sec- ed trom 9,UUU to 90,5UU in the a Cassidy aIHOUEH he welt local insurance salesman, out- urity, in hospital and general Case ot high school teachers 4 the Seo ncreacenin. the line a plan for combined group benefits. "It will be a boon for trom $5,0UU to $2,000 tor public swine habnan ee for high school and life insurance for Hailey- the men," Councillor Ur. W. C ~ Arnold commented. school teachers, it is understood the board has decided to set up a scale involv- ing a $ZUU annual increment for ali teachers each year. No ment- ion was made of any adjustment to compensate teachers for the increase in minimum salaries. A board spokesman said no teach- ers are currently at the min- imum level. R: Tombs, secretary of the board of eductation, said that re- lations with the teachers had al- ways been on a friendly footing. Koth he and repersentatives of the teaching. staits today denied rumors that teachers were plan- ning to strike if their demands were not met, "Tt is no surprise to us that teachers, said it would not be ap- plicable at present to any mein- ber of the staff since none had reached the maximum level. Mr. Wiseman noted today that the public school staff would be increased by one teacher when a new grade four is opened in Sep- tember bringing the total to eight teachers. Board of education chairman Hubert Doran commented that the increase should improve Haileybury's position in the competitive market when new teachers are required. He added that he foresees no immediate staff problem. The increases were agreed up- on at a Special meeting held Monday. WEER iN COURT A combination of bad luck for a district resident and curiosity and knowhow on the part of po- lice resulted in a $100 fine with $14.50 costs for Koger Savoie. Savoie pleaded guilty to a charge of failing to remain at the scene of an accident and also had his driving privileges sus- pended or a year by Magistrate E. W. Kenrick in court Friday. OPP Constable Ralph Berry told court that on Feb. 24 at about 7 p.m. Savoie sideswiped a northbound vehicle on _ the curve at the southern approach- es to the town and didn't wait for police to arrive. However, blizzard like conditions forced him into a_ ditch less than half a mile down the road in North Cobalt. As police stood on the scene investigating the crash a passing tow truck attracted their attent- was fined $75 and $10 costs or 30 days when he pleaded guilty to a charge of assault. McNeil says reports mine that the hoistman started a rumor to the effect that all men working there were drunk, prompted the jaw-breaking poke. A man last week pleaded gui- Ity to stealing $71.50 from two miners at Agunico property while he waited in the dry for a taxi to go to Cobalt was given a suspended sentence of 12 months In passing sentence Magis- trate Kenrick ordered Emile Bi- gras, 20 of North Cobalt to re- port to the probation officer once a month and make restitit- ion of the stolen cash at the rate of $15 per month starting April iS), Bigras who taok the money from the trousers pockets of two miners as they worked underground, also testified at a coroner's inquest this week into the suicide death of Raymond at the Easter Seal dollars provide hospital treatment, fun at camp transportation, special clinics, braces, wheel chairs and crut- ches to more than 10,500 crippled children in this province. Will you support your local Easter Seal service club by buying and using Easter Seals. Mail your donation today in the fam- iliar pink return envelope and help crippled children. meee Meeting Monday Night The great taxi battle has been solved, at least, for the time be- ing. At the meeting Monday night, .council heard Leo De- raiche and Joe Marchildon pro- test that council is asking for the impossible, if they have to meet the early morning train every day. Mr. Deraiche said that he has waited 17 times for the train, and only got one passenger. Mr. Marchildon agreed, and _ said that it would mean _ keeping tired drivers on the road. Council eventually that with the taxi owners' co- operation, a card would be put up in the station telephone box, giving the telephone numbers of drivers available for night calls. The drivers will take turns in answering the calls. Two Bucks Please A resident of Broadway ave- nue, T. A. Wilcox, sent the town a bill for two dollars. It was for hauling his car out of a_ hole. The car was jparked outside Mr. Wilcox's home, when the sewer. collapsed, The council sent the bill to the town's insurance ad- juster. Cancel Plan Clarance Tuer QC., represent- ed Alex Mosher at the meeting. decided Paving The council discussed the pro- posed paving of the town's st- reets. All are in favour, except councillor Fleming, who wants it done under the Local Im- provement Act, where by the householder on each street pay for the improvement in their own area. Mr. Cooke said that Mr, Flem- ing is just trying to keep his taxes.down, and Mr Fleming ag- reed, but said that he didn't think making people pay for paving that wouldn't benefit them was fair. He said that as his buisness is concerned, he would probably vote for paving his street. Going Down Councillor Timmins reported thwt the north end of the floor in the shed where the chorine is stored has sunk. He was told to get it repaired, Snow Plowing Councillor Camsall wasn't happy about the snow plowing during the last storm. But May- or Cooke said that the town had only one man trained to drive the snow plow, and it was deci- ded that it was better to let him do a full day's work when the storm was over, rather than work all night while the storm was on. He said that emergency plowing to the hospital had been done, and the town gang been warned to turn out in the event of fire. Councillor Flem- bury's town workers. The plan he said would cost about $122.82 with an additional $44 if life as- surance on the group basis was both budget deferred next or Council has matters to the meeting. Curtain lime Next Week by Nancy Whitby (he date set for the Hailey- bury High School operetta "Curtain lime" is fast approach- ing. The cast thisyear is esp- ecially interesting. Professor Amor Squinch, Faculty of Mis- applied Science at Hoboken University, is played by Allen Mikkola. uth Cumming is an ambtious lady named Commissar Olga. Keith Lathem is an M. V. D. agent, Boris. Taue Tuer is Poppa Dumbartis, an innkeeper. Anthony Doran is Sam Langtord a photographer. Dorothy Soucie plays Candy Cane, a_ secretary. Harold Hammerstrom is a C. I. C. agent, Martin Johnson Ileana a Katziau "beauty is played by Sandra Clark and Sharon Byles is Delilah Jones, a_ reporter. Steve Bond is cast as Victor, a mystery man and Patsy, a sligh- tly ill used Commissar is played by Lynn Barstead. Staging is under the direction of Ron Parent. The dances are created by Mrs. Don (Gardner. The music is written by Miss W. Keller and the Libretto by Mr. G, Cassidy. STOCK BROKERS TAKE COBALT POST OFFICE The old jpost~ office is soon to have a new occupant and Cobalt will have a stock brokerage of- TYRO Rally at North Cobalt The Tyro boys of the Usited Churches of Haileybury, North Cobalt and Cobalt met together Saturday morning at the base- ment of the North Cobalt Public School. A Floor Hockey tourna- ment was held. In the First Game North Cobalt beat Hailey- bury 8-7 in overtime. And in the second game North Cobalt beat Cobalt 7-5. THE TEAMS WERE. NORTH COBALT ---Dwight Jenkinson, Brian Jenkinson, Bert Perry, Alan McGugan, Pat Calhane, Bob Cranston, Rickey Bolger, Gary McNaul, Alen Solger, Bob Mikkola, Grant Hiliman, Stanley Willard, Brian Mahon. HAILEYBURY --Ronny- Olson, David Larabie, Bob Gilroy, Bob Dempster, Russell Findlay, Mike tlammerstrome, Bruce Camp- bell, Charles Plaunt, Robin Val- entine, Rodney McDonell. COBALT --Dan Scully, Glenn Scully, D. Stevens, Ed Sylvester, Doug Brown, Leaders were. Bert Fleming, Jim Rodgers, Mr. McGougan. Goal Getters for the First Game. North Cobalt. Allen Boland 4. Stan Willard 1. Bobby Mikkola 1. Dwight Jenkinson 2. Haieybury. David Larabie 2) Bob Dempster 1. Ronny Olson 4. Goal Getters in 2nd Game. North Cobalt. Dwight Jenkinson 4. Alan McGugan 1. Grant Hill- man 1. Bob Mikkola 1. Cobalt. Dan Sculy 2. Ed Sylves- ter! 3, jon enough to promp them to Andrew Christie 27, of Moos #¢ said that Mr. Mosher has ' a ; fine cae da sisnis it. 4 y «eric, purchased a sizeable piece of img said that the town had better fice. ; ion ered anes AU thet, Aut iinaten Agha ARE Vropenye t-te ans cad. ot eat on cara dee "This bit of, information yas THE WEEK'S WEATHER criminating dark blue scrap torn tg notice the mentally afficted TOWN, bordered by the golf Cote G "ill Recrention, wi given by W. C. Inch, QC. ene Week Ending March 14th, 1956 | from the victim's car in the left man hanging by a noose from rse and highway 11.' The old cue oe : eming BGS of the famous Poronto broker- _ 5 4 bumiper. thei deo riatahitsecell town plan shows the land laid -«' Operations at the rink hayc age houses will open its doors Thursday ide eee 15 04 { Savoie admitted being involv. Meanwhile a youthful Ux- out in lots and streets, none of been much better than last year for business her about April 15, Friday Pe kote 14 =-01 | ed in an accident but wasn't sure bridge man James Miller was Which exist, but to re-subdivide Pi pee a loss to ihe: towlshesaida + BEML SBE CRAG acai 32. -ll where it took place. "It was ad- remanded on $1.000 cash or $2 the land to make the best use of this year of less than $500, com- The premises, located on the Sunday ............... 24 08 mittedly a foolish thing to do," 000 property bail till March 16 7% the old plan has to be can- pated with more than $1,000 last Square and belonging to the Monday ,............. 23-19 W. C. Inch QC, told Magistrate pending trial on a charge of celled. Mr. Tuer said that he year. He said that he is disap- Inch family, will be remodelled Tuesday .......... Bsa aie 05 envick a Bavoinis behalf Heit eee arntGenal! icharge 'of understands a number of excell- Pomted with the turnout by along modern lines before the Wednesday ........... 23 10 crrelheucertainly i dangerous een damage préferred against ent homes will be built on the youngsters for skating between brokerage office is opened, it is : a -- 4 man to let loose on the highway the man will be heard at the Property. Council agreed to can- S¢ven and eight in the evening disclosed. However, Mr. Inch ~ It requires ten votes to -nomin- the magistrate replied ae cel the plan, and also sold Lot #4" duggested that next year declines from naming the firm ate a candiate for the House of ies e McNeil A Gopal miaite : 117 Plan M82 to Mr. Mosher MOre time should be given to at the present time. Commons. employee who took a poke at a There are a million more for $25. erase : F a= = = hoistman and hit him hard eno- Canadians with jobs today than Park reas: La ae that the ice ugh to break his jaw. March 2. ten years ago. Dr. W. C. Arnold said that the ™4Xer, John Gilkes, has done an ; park is costing the Rotary Club €xcéllent job. THE ANNUAL ST. PATRICK'S DAY more money every year. He Good Job Ssossssccssssstrsssst suggested the town double its Mayor Cooke said that the |. grant of $100. It was left over School safety patrol is doing an B Ri D GE a n ct F J C Hi RE {4 99 until the budget. . excellent job. Councillor Camsall 2] : Fish and Chips agreed, but said that he still An application from M. La- ans to see a get flashing at AND ENTERTAINMENT OF THE cry barge, to ope ' ish the intersection of Rorke and ' A gaaiattg Ren ees Main. Heal CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE ' : However council wants to check th Unit : ; Presented by the Haileybury High School E withtone ofithelstown's veteran DrdAcnold 'said that he would will be held in the fish and chip dispensers, to like to see more frequent re- HOLY CROSS PARISH HALL AR i 2 2 make sure that he is giving up Ports from the health unit. He M C 2 = 3 his buisness. said that there has been a mild DS... epidemic of measles in the town SUNDAY MACH 1 Sth i 8.15 p.m. # The council passed a bylaw, Also one case of typhoid. He j ' } H ensuring that every one gets Said that the health unit went at 8.00 p.m } SCHOOLS' AUDITORIUM H out of pet ie hour earlier, ait the typhoid very energeti- : mos | B startin ri , and ending Cally. i H Sectemihen 40! (Garcciliosanl cee Fluoridation EVERYONE WELCOME -- -- TICKETS NOW ON SALE ---- B ing didn't like it, and said that Dr. Arnold warned the council REFRESHMENTS # parents of children don't like it that one day he intends to bring ADMISSION 50c . eetess % much either, up the question of fluoridating. Sponsored by Haileybury Legion Ladies' Auxiliary TUE., MAR. 20th Starts at 8.30 p.m. Bingo! 20 Games fer 50c at LEGION HALL 4 Special Games Door Prize: $25.00 Blackout "OSCAR" $55.00 on 9 Numbers

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