The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 15 Mar 1956, p. 2

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THE HWATLEVYBURIAN THURSDAY, MAR. 15th, 1956 Page Two task THE HAILEYBURIAN Founded by C. C. Parr in 1904 Issued Every | hursday The Broadway from Haileyburian Office Haileybury JOHN HUNT Publisher. Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assn Authorized as Second-Class Mail. Post Office Department, Ottawa --$2.50 per year $3.50 per year in advance St Ont In Canada in advance In United States EDITORIAL The writer of this column has more opportunities than many citizens for being in odd places at odd times, Part of our busi- ness is being where we are least expected. As a result of the ob servations we have made over che past few years in the Iri- Towns, we feel that itis time for plain speaking on the subject of 'teen-age drinking. We have little use for Ont- ario's liquor laws, being a staunch supporter oi the British pub system, where everyone drinks a little, and tew get drunk. But the fact remains that the amount of teen-age drinking in the Tri-lowns is reaching alarming proportions. It is rampant in every one of the three towns. MHaileybury is no better nor worse than Cobalt or New Liskeard. A visit to the restaurants late at night, or dur- ing dance or many social funct- ions, will prove that too much liquor is being consumed by too many youngsters who cannot handle it. The kids are not getting it from the beverage rooms. They are either buying it . from bhoot- leggers, or are being supplied by adults without sense nor con- scious. What is alarming, is to see a certain element of our adult population, in the company of 'teenage boys and girls who are obviously under the influe- nce. The drinking is not confined to youngsters from any one in- come group. The moneyed as well as the less fortunate seem to be just as prone, A major part of the attraction for teenagers in consuming liq- uor, seems to be that it is for- bidden. One solution might be to lower the legal age to 18 or 19, which would at least remove some of the glamour from drinking, In any event, if the province can crack down on_ reckless motorists with the sucess it has in the past few months, there is no reason why it should not enforce the liquor laws with equal efictiveness, COMMENTS Compared with Cobalt or New Liskeard, Haileybury must have had twice the snowfall during the last storm. At least, the con- dition of our streets after the storm compared with those in neighboring towns might lead one to suspect this. Premier Frost has from Ottawa, told to be a good boy and not ask for more. Per- haps he should go to Wawa, and consult those leading the move- ment for Northern Ontario to secede If Ontario were to secede from the Confederation, the rest of the country would eo broke within a year. returned If Mrs. Shipley is to he allow- ed radio time for a report from Ottawa, why shouldn't the local Conservative and CCF groups be allowed time for their own reports from Temiskaming. Only six men have served as Prime Minister of Canada since 1900. C. J. HOVEY Repairs on All Makes of RADIOS 21 Lake Shore Road Phone 509 New Liskeard All the mining recorders from the 13 divisions in the province, together with mining claims inspectors and other officers of the mining lands branch of the Ontario Department of Mines, gathered in Toronto this month for discussion of their work. Shown above, left to right standing, are C.R, Richardson, Fort Frances, R. V. Scott, Toronto, Wm. Good, Sudbury, F. W. Matthews, Toronto, Wm. McIntosh, Toronto, P. Hermiston, Cobalt, C. F. Haultain, Port Hope, C. Egerton, Toronto, G T. Stevens, Tor onto. Seated behind table, from left to right, Ken Hallock, Massey, Gladys Clements, Elk Lake, Tom Christianson, Port Arthur, M. F. O'Rourke, Timmins, J. Miss M. E. Gillman, Toronto, D. J. Cross, Port Arthur, ( Sault Ste. Marie, D. A. Jodouin, Sault Ste Marie, J. R. McGinn, Sudbury, S. J. Mason eA F. McFarland, Toronto . Wood, Sioux Lookout, H. Seated in front of the table from left to right are are Walter Kostantin, Red Lake, C. McKinnon, Kenora, Pete Logee, Swastika, John Gale, Swastika. Harry Groom Sounds Off On Gold Editor's Note: As usual, we disagree with most of Mr. GrOom's lengthy discourse, but we print it in the interest of fair play and general entertainment, To The Editor The Haileyburian Dear Sir. There should be some method devised to box up the gab of those "Bay Street Geese" and office seeking politicians who insist that our gold reserve is the bulwork of our country, and that if it should ~collapse, we would come down with a sud- den plunk. which would smash every. wheel of Commerce, leav- ing the shovel of the labouror suspended in mid air. "Like the Coffin of Mohammed." Every little while, someone ascends a stage to remind the to cling to the gold of Solomen and now, it appears that Mines Minister Kelly has suddenly discovered peaple of the necessity that the time is ripe to revive this foolish myth He suggests that we go back into the prehistoric' past some Cumbersome mining gold 6000 years, to the Metallic system of into "Cart wheels"! If all the lung power wasted in this foolish Cackle. Could be Concentrated into proven and utilized for the production of goods there would be neither a sore back or empty belly on this great green earth. Gold has been used to create panics which in turn have closed factories brought on depression. Bankrupted merchants particip ated in head-riots that have ended in blood-simply to main- tain the system of pawn-broker age. I believe it was Ingersoll who once stated that gold and faith, built the Cathedrals to gods. Huts for peasants weaved the vobes for hyprocray, and the rags for honest men If all the gold mined and minted since the beginning of time, were dropped fathoms de@p in the 'sea, our currency would continue to enjoy the same respect as it dose at pre- sent. Because it serves the pur- pose for which it was created. Our banking systems, is mak- ing governmental money less important as an exchange med- ium. When the government is- million of 'paper cur- rency it draws a dratt on every acre of land between the two oceans. What ever enables us to effect exchange, is for all practical pur- poses, as good as gold, If we ex- change our paper for gold coins have we not got another order for goods which we must pre- sent for redemption when we ex- sues a MURRAY McKINNON Your MUTUAL LIFE Representative 72 Nickel -- Cobalt Dial 4519 DAVE'S RADIO & TELEVISION Ferguson Ave. below the Post Office Phone 340 change our dollar for soap or potatoes, Has it not been re- deemed? We export our butter for, Czech, leather, our wheat for Fnglish bicycles. Our beef for Russian Vodka, our paper for French perfumes, and our unfail- ing generosity for German co- operation,yet, how many of us are familar with the pound, the mark, the ruble, or the franc By the means of credit 95% of the worlds commerce is now transacted. This gold guff is nothing other than a collosal hoax, stripped of its bogus feathers, it is simply a pipe-dream conceived in the brain of a few plotting politicans to further their turn of office What we need is a immutable measure of value, the qt. the yd. the pound, are imutable measure of quality. But suppose, they alter from year to year, would not such a_ rediculas system of weight and measure paralize industry, would not those who could juggle the system to suit themselves by buying 6n the long yd. and selling on the short accumalate futures at the ex- of the people and yet that is exactly what is happen- ing to our dollar, our means of value, every change in the pur- chasing power of our dollar, is equivalent pense to an alteration of weight and measure in the ex- change of commodities. Is it any wonder every: few years stagnation and a wave of homocldes sweep the country and wonder that was a_ seen mans chief employment thou ages. H. Groom North Cobalt CURLING NOTES A Ladies Visiting Day was held on Sunday March 11th. by the New Liskeard lady Mem- bers at the Curling Club in New Liskeard. There were lake Lake rinks from Kirk- Larder Lake and our LEO'S TAXI Phone 311 Leo Deraiche, Prop. HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO RECREATIONAL CALENDAR SCHOOL HOCKEY Boys ages 10-14 yrs. every Sat. 9,00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. - Arena Recreation Committee Meeting Time--7.15 p.m. March 18th Location--Haileybury Hotel For information re Haileybury Recreation Committee, Phone Sec. Treas. F. Audet, No. 80, local Club attendance. A rinke skipped by M. Upton with A. Purvis, W. Nelson, and B. Mitchell of Kirkland Lake won first prize while the con- solation went toa local rink with I, O'shaughnessy, I. Lemay, D. Russell and M. Dobbs on it. Another rink from our local club who attended had A. Ma- loney, L. Shouldice, R. Dinsen, and J. Dinesen. L. Dixon, R. Sweeney and N. McAulay played with the New Liskeard rinks being associate members of their club. NORTH COBALT NEWS Congratulations to Mr. Don McGugan and his North Cobalt Sunshine Square Dance Group who won a Trophy at the Cobalt Kiwanis Annual Carnival on Sat urday evening. Mrs. Percy Brown and daugh- ter Freda of Chaupt Hughes. Spent Saturday with her daugh- ter Miss Judy Eckensviler. Mr. and Mrs. Emile Laundry of North Bay spent the weekend visiting relatives and friends in town. Mrs. Kay Netherly and son Wayne of North Bay, spent the week-end at the home of her mother Mrs. James Warren. Gordon Coles of Larder Lake visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burt MacPher- son. Danny Arney spent Tuesday in Kirkland Lake. William Kitts of Montreal, spent a few days with relatives and friends. Mrs. Edward McAnual and Miss Margaret Coe entertained their Sunday school classes to an enjoyable tobogganing party on Saturday afternoon returning to Mrs. McAnual for refreshments. The annual "Open was held at the North Public School on noon, March 9th, with a good representation of parents and friends of the pupils on hand to meet the teaching staff, inspect the children'swork books and to discuss individual problems with the teachers. Those attending were con- ducted to various rooms by pupils where they met the tea- cher in charge of each room and inspected the work of the pupils neatly presented for inspection. A program was arranged for the visitors. The boys played Floor Hockey the girls Basket Ball and the North Cobalt Sun- House", Cobalt Friday after- shine Square Dancers gave a ~ demonstration of several square dance. P This was well done and the red, white and black costumes of the dancers added to the attraction. The head table was attractiv- ely decorated in white with two silver tea services, pink candles and two Easter Egg Trees made by grades 7 and 8. Mrs. Foster Rice and Mrs. D. McGugan poured tea. The girls from grades 6. 7. 8 wearing' 'yellow dresses and white aprons 'served the guests. ; - The kitchen and refreshments were in charge of Mrs. M. Sutton and the Misses E. Her and S. Smith, : JACK TROKE Your Mid-North Office Equipment Representative Office Supplies Typewriters -- Olivetti Calculators -- Safes Filing Cabinets -- Steel Desks AP.E.C.O. Photo Copy Equipment Tri-Town Customers may contact Mr. Troke through THE HAILEYBURIAN Phone 24 Box 604 Phones 4772 and 4732 EXPLORATION DRILLING SERVICES COMPANY Contract Diamond Drilling COBALT, ONTARIO All Standard Core Sizes Blast Hole SURFACE Well Drilling Foundation Testing UNDERGROUND 'Hotel Haileybury Is becoming more and more popular a' a r vous for businessmen and a place for Family Parties The excellent food--accompanied by- good service is provided in a quiet, friendly atmosphere in which Dining becomes a Real Pleasure DINNERS SERVED 12:00 to 1:30 2 6:00 to 8:00 Light Lunches Served-- 12:30 to 1:30 For Banquets and Large Parties we offer the exclusive use of THE BLUE ROOM A delightful place to hold your next Dance A Convenient, Comfortable Place to meet your friends is THE SILVER ROOM The Finest in Northern Ontario Bring your guests with confidence to HOTEL HAILEYBURY They Will Enjoy It! For Reservations TELEPHONE HAILEYBURY 100 $2) CDR-TUNES AUTO COLLISION : REPAIR SHOP aE te KH HH a a=! _-- | eR Bl 0 neta" O it I'M HAVING THREE ACCIDENTS TODAY... DRIVING THRU A BRICK WALL, TURNING OVER TWICE AND A HEAD-ON SMASH UP.. CAN YOU GIVE ME A REPAIR ESTIMATE?" This young maniac is certainly looking for trouble. Most of our customers are looking to avoid it. They have us check their cars reg- ularly to insure safety on the road. : _--_ RON CARMICHAEL SHELL SERVICE STATION

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