The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 3 May 1956, p. 3

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mr \ es "THURSDAY, MAY 3rd7°1956 THE' HATLEYBURIAN pare ODO DODD] 2 DDO SO DOO OO Oi LF + Across the Kitchen Table By Mrs. Mac. pouvuuw a PUCCuR Peer | The fact that many people are beginning to object to some of the so-called music that is being dished out with such a lavish hand by the various radio stat- ions is really a good sign. It is about time that an appreciation of the better type of music is stressed. Mind you, I am not advocat- ing that we have a_ steady diet of classical numbers, or trained opera singers, (personally, I do not like opera singers,) but we could, oh, so easily do without are those caterwauling creatures who suffer from what they call love and insist on telling all and sundry, in different degrees of nasal screeches, "Baybay, I can't live without you, Baybay." The younger generation have, or had, (I don't know how far behind the times I am,) a saying about "getting in the groove," and seems to me that much of the instrumental music that we hear over the radio has done just that.. They pound along on the same note, or couple of notes, until one could scream at the monotonous racket. AOR More good square dance music not played so fast that it would take an electric jogger, (I don't mean "jigger") to keep time to it should be a good choice now that interest is being received in square dancing. And some of the good old fashioned waltzes, (But oh! PLEASE not that«hor- rible "I wus out on a date, I wus TRIPS EACH WAY EVERY DAY LEAVE NORTH BAY 9.10 a.m. 4.25 p.m. 11.59 p.m. Standard Time Single Return $7.15 $12.90 UNION BUS TERMINAL NORTH BAY PHONE 101-2-3 The Baptist Church PASTOR --HOWARD S_ STAPLES SUNDAYS Organist -- Miss Jean Wilson 11.00 a.m.---Morning Worship * 7.00 p.m.--Evening Worship 11.00 a.m.--Church Bible School Classes for all Ages Come to Church and bring the Children WEDNESDAY 8.00 p.m.--Mid-Week Meeting for Prayer and Bible Study SATURDAY 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Meeting YOU WILL BE MADE WELCOME! comin home late") I would like to hear that Rock and Roll Waltz as music without being spoiled by a voice. And by the way, can anyone tell me if there has only been one record made of it? It comes at you from all stations and. always the same voice singing it. pre And speaking of: Rock and Roll, here's something for the teenagers to consider and their parents to remember. It's an account of dancing classes that were being held/in Haileybury about twenty-five years ago, and they were darned smart dances too. eeeene For the benefit' of beginners, Classes will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 8 to 10. The following dances will be taught: Waltz, Fox Trot and One-Step, including variations as follows: CEKE Fox Trot--The Cut Step, Two Step, Two and One, Three Slides Walk and .Slide- Combination, Three Slide-One Walking Step, Syncopated Steps, Waltz Steps. One Step--Cut. Step, Rocking Step, Waltz, College Rock, Rock and Change, The Lift. aeeeee I read an appealing little story this week about an old mother who had suffered a stroke and was taken to the hospital. When her sons visited her there they knew that she was worried ab- out something, Finally she made them understand that there were cookies in the crock, meat cooked, and fruit down cellar and she wanted them to go to their old home and eat, as they had done when they were lads at home. It brought the tears to my eyes because it reminded-me so strongly of my own mother whose chief worry during her last illness was that she wasn't able to keep her cookie box filled. BOeeon In these days of hurry and scurry, it seems that there is never enough time to do the things one wants to do, after one finishes the things that must be done. But no matter how tired you are, if you can. take a few min- utes before going to bed, to just sit and remember some of the nice things that have hapened in your life, (and when you start counting them, there can be a great many,) it will give you a rested feeling. During the.summer, I always sit for a few minutes in the sun porch, where I can see the lights of tht town and the glitter of the moon on the lake. or the re- flection of the car lights on the lake. é In the winter, anyone who is fortunate enough to have a fire iplace (and I hope to have one before next winter) can relax in front of it,( watching the flickering flames. --Want Ads Bring Results! OC) WOW V0 OC). OL) WO) VO) YSN NENA INOTNGTVE NODE 9 DAYS OF SAVING AT P.-F. HARDWARE STARTING TOMORROW - Read Our Sales Bill For Terrific Values Just co Few Examples: Galvanized GARBAGE CAN 15 gals. $3.19 Lawn RAKES - .. $1.29 Electric DRILL .. $23.75 Garden WHEELBARROW __..__. ss. $9.95 Adjustable IRONING BOARD __. $8.95 Cotton GLOVES ' 29c Grass SHEARS $1.39 TACKLE BOX : ~ $1.98 Something for everyone -- Dozens of Items AT. 'BARGAIN « PRICES P.-F. HARDWARE DVO N NJ NOING NGS) NGINE JOINING IATL AG Lands And Forests Wild Life Survey Executive Report of The Tem- iskaming Game and Fish Pro- tective Association For 1956 The executive held four meet- ings in the past year. The min- utes for these meetings having been read this- report will cover some of the work done in con- nection with the meetings held. On the project to clean up Spring Creek, the road from the West road of Haileybury into the Creek was graded, with our our thanks going to Mr. Archie McLean. A bridge was built crossing the Creek at the end of the road, and dams were opened to lower the water enabling fishing from the banks. I may add this project will receive more attention this year with full co-operation obtained from the Department of Lands and Forest to remove the dams and beaver from the Creek entirely. This work will commence after May 21st. when trappers now working on the Creek will be finished operations. We discussed the probabilities of poisoning Belle Isle Lake, also had the district biologist survey the waters. Our finding were that the cost of poison to do the job, and. labour involved were too great. We therefore left this problem for further con- sideration, In regards to surveys on pro- posed lakes in this district for the pumpose of restocking or in- troducing new species of fish with the over load placed on our district biologist making it im-= possible to-examine all lakes in the territory, we have been ask- ed to partisipating the using of Creel Census cards. These cards will enable the Department to see 'what 'conditions exist on our_streams and lakes. In con- nection with this we have obtain- ed a supply of cards for distri- bution to the members. We also had boxes made which will be located at -Spring Creek -Pike Creek and -Mowat Lake which contain cards. You are asked to fill in the information requested on your card and depossit them in the boxes or turn them over your executive. These will then be given to the Department thereby enabling them to take what action they deem neces- sary to better the fishing in the, on. Your full requested on waters reported co-operation is this project. Last fall your Club sponsored the rabies innoculation clinic of the district of Haileybury thro- ugh to Latchford for the pre- vention of the rabies disease spreading in this zone. We wish to report the clinic was a sus- cess with the innoculations of 46 smaller dogs. We wish to ex- press our thanks to the Hailey- burian Office for their support and Mr. Ron Carmichael for his services in this matter. We discussed the probabilities of purchasing Reide Lake jn the Cobalt area, and immediate property for the purpose of erecting a Club house, and the poisoning of the water and re- stocking with trout for mem- bership use. The figures obtain- ed of $4000.00 for property was decided as-being too high. Altho- ugh it is felt this project of a Club building should receive more attention. We made a request to the De- partment of Lands and Forest for the introduction of new spe- cies of fish for this district. They reported. that Pine Lake will receive their attention this year with the probable stocking of Kamlooms trout in this water We received the question of reopening Sasaginaga and Clear Lakes in the Cobalt area if pos- sible, and if not of then netting out the game fish there and moving these to others waters. It was found that it was impract', work, ical to move these fish. We; At our dastymeeting-there was made a survey of records exist- considerable discussion cover- ing and found the lakes. have ing activities for this year in been closed on the authority of.connection with biological sur- the Department Of Health, and, veys, stocking. and .inereased was impossible to open the stocking with Department of- waters for general purposes at. ficials from, North Bay; the out- this time. come of this we are. unable to With the problem of having teport on as this work is not more lakes in the district stock- Yet 19 progress. ed with other types of fish we hy ap feuld be iptings sover white 1e, highlights would invite the members to ro, BANE ALS 10 the. activities : ? of your executive for the past submit to your executive the year, In closing we would like to again express our thanks to the Department officials from North Bay, our local conservat- ion officer Mr, Ed, Mantle, and to the members for the work names of these suggested waters Giving all the information you can in regards to type of fish existing there, name and locat- ion of the lake, This will be an oportunity to use your Creel we were able to perform for the Census cards along with all past year, other information available. i With this information We can Wilfred" Bailey who. is con- then take some action in fol- nected with the Great West lowing up these recommendat- fife Insurance company, won ions. I may add that a survey is now planned to look lakes in the Lorraine this year. In regards ing done last year be passed out the award offered by his comp- any to their agents for the greatest volume of business dur- ing a stated time. The area cov- ered exteridtd from Sudbury and the Soo to Cochrane. into two district to stock- a sheet will covering this -- = The Magic Cupboard that Cuts 25% Off Food Bills onder Cupboard IS HERE! Bill Donlon of Haileybury is the Tri-Town Representative. WHAT IS WONDER CUPBOARD? See it at the Rotary Fair at North Bay And Watch This Papert A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE TOP VALUE TODAY... TOP RESALE TOMORROW! OLDSMOBILE Dece MAY is the trend for tomorrow with a brand-new, double-duty "Intagrille Bumper' design | You're invited to our showroom right now! Give Oldsmobile a thorough going-over for every detail you demand in your new car. You'll find Olds out ahead in every way! Stunning Starfire styling with the functional beauty of new "Intagrille Bumper" design! It's both a glamorous, modern grille and a full-depth, double-protection bumper. And you'll discover the blazing action of the new Rocket T-350 and T-340 Engines for pace-setting power! New smoothness, too, in the split-second response of Jetaway Hydra-Matic*. Then, get set for the biggest and best surprise of all! Get our price! See us today .. . make this your year to rocket away! * Standard on Ninety- Eight models; optional at extra cost on Super 88 models. 0-1354D HAILEYBURY GARAGE LIMITED --

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