The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 3 May 1956, p. 4

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SE ee SS "Page 'Four THE HATLEYBOURIAN THURSDAY, MAY _3rd,_1956 DAVY CROCK ETT Albi Sunday - John 7: 32-53 tion and Development; IMF,, and affection. Too strict discip- _ District iges ° mae - Jenn syeiciic International _ Monetary pond line and too much supervision Saat NEXT TIME AH Wedneniayg John 9: 1-41 poten Gee Sanit, Tay Greate "the sprabiet Gee Temagami--The Cecil Connelly ComPton) RUN. AWAY AH'M Thursday - John 10: 1-42 Got them all right? Okay, go child who is ill at ease with trophy, donated for the Lions GONNA ies MY, Friday + John 11: 1-29 bore your friends. others of his own age and who Club in' the district having the Saturday - John 11: 30-57 is exceedingly shy with adults. highest percentage attendance The Child Who Is Too Shy This situation is best dealt with for a year, has been won by the femagami Lions Club. It was presented to the presi- dent, D. W. Christie, at the an- 'nual ladies' night of the club. Making the presentation was Ed Collier, zone chairman, act- iig on behalf of the district governor. lt was stated club had more in excess of the the Temagami than 100 points total for the "nearest competing club. Mr. Christie thanked Mr, Col- lier and also extended thanks to the members who had worked so hard to earn the trophy for lemagami, The dinner was served by members, oi the Temagami Wo- mans Institute under the chair- _ tmanship of Mrs. S, H. Burwash. Among visitors welcomed by the president were: Earl Tap- pig, past district deputy gov- ernor and, Mrs. lapping, New Liskeard; Lorne Woods, oi New Liskéard Kiwanis Club, and its. Woods. Cochrane-- Gaberial Etherington faced an unusual charge when magistrate M, Legar advanced the time for court this week and dealt with offenders on Monday itherington had secreted him- seit when Luazon's pool room at Moosenee was closed one night recently, then helped himself to what he wanted and "broke out.' and. found that. it was just as" serious an _ offence as breaking and entering. He was sentenced to gaol for nine mounths definite and three months indefinite. -AULU- LANG SYNE A public library was again as- sured for Haileybury with the election of a library board which had Judge Hayward as president, .R. H. Unwin, secra- tary, and A. G, Kirkpatrick as treasurer. Exective members included W. H. Tuke, N. Morro- sette, Rey, D, A. MacKeracher, Mrs. J. C. Houston, Mrs. J. A. Legris and Mrs. C, F. Tuer. Al- most 600 books had already been donated. Charles Frederick Gibson, for- merly town engineer, died at the home of his son in Galt. Miss ~Sybil McCracken and Miss Annie Hughes, students at the North Bay Normal school had spent the Easter holidays with their parents at Hailey- bury. Haileybury Horticultural Soc- iety was giving roots of delph- CHURCHES Albert Gospel Hall SUNDAY Sunday School, 2:30 p.m. breaking of Bread--1) a.m. Gospel Meeting--7 p.m. THURSDAY Ladies' Prayer Meeting, 2:3( p.m. Public Bible Reading and Prayer Meeting--8 p.m. The United Church REV. J. W. W. WILKINSON, BA. HAILEYBURY PUBLIC WORSHIP -- 11.15 am. NORTH COBALT CHURCH and SUNDAY SCHOOL ar 2 p.m The Salvation Army Sunday Morning Meeting--11.00 a.m. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Tuesday Night--Public Meet- ing, 7-30. Salvation Meeting--7.00 p.m., Cobalt Sunday School, Cobalt--2.45 p.m. Pentecostal Assembly RORKE AVBNUB Sunday School-- 10.00 a.m. Morning .Worship--11.00 a.m. Evangelistic Service--8.00 p.m. Prayer Meeting' Tuesday at & Young People's Meeting--Fri., 8 p.m. e St. Paul's Church Holy Communion--8.00 a..m. lst Sunday, Holy Communion--11 a.m, Other Sundays, Matine--11 a.m. Church School meets at 11 0 mM. Evening Prayer--7.30 Pm. ST, GBORGE'S, NORTH COBALT Released by Smuth Service Deneve N } \ \ Ve y) = \Vantey mm)! ' ye ie SAN inum and phlox as premiums to it's members. The water level of the lake had risen three feet but was still lower than normal. A partical eclipse of the sun was plainly visible to the resi- dents of Haileybury on Monday April 28, 1930, the first to be seen for a number of years. THE BIBLE TODAY Many who appreciate and use the Bible could not put into words their reasons for doing so C. E. Holmes has analysed why he believes the Bible as follows. Because it is the champion of human liberties. Because it is founded upon justice and mercy. Because it fills men with a de sire to help others. Because it presents the divine- human Person--Christ Because it points out the Way from sin to salvation. Because it brings peace and comfort to heart and mind. Because no other book has ever been so loved and hated. Because its life stories have a perennial, universal charm, Because it reveals the only in- dispensable man--Christ Jesus. Because its influence is rapi- dly travelling to the whole world 'Because after 2.000 years of publication it is still the best geller. Because its benefits "are not limited to any race, color or condition. = 3ecause, when accepted, men immediately seek for better things. Because it provides the only veal consolation for men dying in war. Because in studying its words we breathe the atmosphere of eternity." 3ecause its messages of hope have saved many from self-de- struction. 3ecause it recognizes and ulp- holds the dignity and. individual- ity of every person. Because those who would de- stroy it have not furnished any substitute of value. Suggested Bible the week. reading for What is it? Is this curious beast: [] A Springbok ? [ ] A Llama? pal A Jabberwock ? nese OLD VIENNA BREWERY 2904V %, LIMITED Answer: pw] p A, and B, and C, and D. Are you an expert on your ABC's and International affairs ? O.K. see how many of the follow- ing International you can identify without looking at the answers. UNRRA, IRO, ICEM, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNKRA. UNTAA, IBRD, IMF, IFC? For answers see below. International agencies: RA ,United Nations Rehabilitations UNR Relief and Administration; IRO, International Refugee Organization; ICEM, Intergov- ernmental Committee for Europ- ean Migration; UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; UNICEF, United Na- tions International «Children's Emergency Fund; UNKRA, United Nations Korean Recon- struction Agency; UNTAA, United Nations Technical Assis- tance Odministration; IBRD, In- ternational Bank for Reconstruc- LOOKING AROUND? 7? NO NEED TO SPEND HOURS LOOKING WHEN YOU CAN PLACE AN AD IN THIS NEWSPAPER POR THOSE HARD TO FIND STEMS ... abbreviations ~ Inordinate may be due to fidence or security in the know- ledge of his shyness in a child lack of self con- family's approval by building up the child's good opinion of himself and by giving him reassurance of his parents' love and approval. Watson Painting Co. 'SA little Paint gives lasting Beauty PHONE 3178 COBALT, ONT. 'and saves costly repairs. @ Cobalt @ North Cobalt Nugget Carriers Deliver Daily in: @ Thornloe @ Englehart @ Haileybury @ New Liskeard @ Mileage 104 @ Earlton NEW LOW PRICES! Any Magazine Listed and This Newspaper, Both for Price Shown © Saturday Night (bi-weekly) .......... e350 O Maclean's Magazine (2G Mewes) nnn ec nes nesreeoens 3.85 O Canadian ae Journal © American Magazine O Chatelaine ...... © Popular Science . SAVE MONE Y ON THESE BARGAIN COUNTER OFFERS THIS NEWSPAPER FOR ONE FULL YEAR WITH OFFER No.1 OFFER No. 2 2 Paseielets Le FROM $3.95 3 error 7 eOM $4.60 OFFER No. 3 OFFER No. 4 2 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP A 1 MAGAZINE FROM GROUP B $4.95 4 at FROM §5.-25 ¢ Mark an "X" before magazine desired and enclose list with order. © Maclean's GROUP A a Hunting & Fishing es a Magazine 1(13iissuss)) 22 ee 6 Mos. re in Cosas @. Canadian Home Journal 1 Yr. 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