P e Six en THE HAILEYBU RIAN THURSDAY, MAY 10th, 1956 : ~ winter with her daughter Mrs. ives in Norway and Sweden be- ught, Dayntree McDougall, Ellen COMING EVENTS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Social Notes J. B. Symington and Dr. Sym- fore returning. Tombs and Norma Abraham. --_- ae 7 .ington Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mrs. _A, Dempster Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson, Super- Rummage Sale Friday May 11. Sealed tenders will be received Mr. and Mis: J. W. Hughes _,_ drove them to North Bay where intendant of the . organization in St. Paulisnanichubtalls by the secretary, J. Lamothe, returned home last week from Mrs J. W. MacDonald is: in they took the plane to New wishes to thank all those who LODE ti Monday May Haileybury, Ont., until 5 p.m, Florida where they spent the Guelph this week attending the York and sailed on the Stock- assisted to the success of it. Bape eat haben Seo ep i ay EDST June Ist. 1956, for th past 6 months. Annual Conference of the holm. ~~ 14th at the home of Mrs. H. Peete addition ead Sareea ol Women's Instutitute. x Engagement Jensen. - alterations to the Haileybury Mr. and Mrs. A. W .Sanderson ---- Mix and: Mrs. C. Vachon arriy- epectore Donald Staurt Ainslie _ "ome amd School mecung <2 arate School.. Lowest or any arrived home at the week-end 8B. \V. Harrison returned home ed home last week from a tL DROME Nip ea eAinelielots cLoronto Tues. May 15th, at 8. p.m. In ee a mctcssdrily. accepted from a month's holiday spent last week after a trip to Datona Florida. announce the engagement of auditorium, special business to Plans and Specifications may in Palm Beach and other South- Beach and other Southtrn Ont edger el gees their daughter Margaret Isobel "OTE UP : a be obtained upon deposit of a ern parts. ario Cities. eee Seterieag pce tO: Sto William Ralph Tuer son, of 7 Rae, eee Heat eres. $50.00 cheque from the office of -- a nig r Sunnybroo Ospital ues. May in Legion Hall. +5 6-'Architects a Miss Janet Douglas is home Jack W hite was on a business for treatment. Miss he he Cees eng: Mere: Rummage Sale May 18th in AC Eerie caine from Spiritwood Sask. with her trip to Toronto at the week-end. Chesser will accompany him The marriage will take place basement of the United Church ciyeet, Sudbury, Ont. Telephone mother Mrs. I. Lyttle. and Mr. ee there. on Saturday, June 2nd, 1956 at 7 P-m. OS3-6835. Lyttle. Lloyd Pirie was home from Mrs. Sutherland is also leay- 2.30 o'clock Glenview Presby- Bingo. Cobalt-Haileybury Curl- ; ; _ Blind River for the week-end jing to be with her daughter Mrs. aap Church. Toronto. * ing Club May 18th. in Club eso. Miss Pauline Huard was im for a visit with' his family. D. A. Fawcett in Lindsay. : d Room ; --Want Ads s Bring Results! North Bay last week-end at- ENGAGEMENT tending the graduation exercises Harold Glassford arrived home _C.G.1.T. UNITED CHURCH ' '| EN boeann Waid = aes of Leona Soucie. for a month's leave with his BAKE SALE Mr. ee ie tae Actua ee a oe famiy from the Artic where he (ane ech BUCY OUNY asset Mrs. G. George arrived home last week after spending the Want Ads WANTED-- LAUNDRY HELP Apply Hotel Haileybury tf Female Help Wanted-- Reliable Woman Wanted For Motel and Cabin Work. Apply Edge- water Motel. Phone 650. New iskeandaie ma FOR SALE--1950 Land Rover Four Wheel Drive Snow Plow See It At The Edgewater Motel Phone 650. New Lisk- eard. wezlc WANTED-- Young Man Over Age of 21, Would Like To Enter The Hotel Business. Good Starting Salary Chance of Promotion. Phone 99. 8-lc WANTED-- Hotel Desk Clerk Apply Hotel Haileybury. fs sei eee HELP WANTED-- Girl For General Store Duty. Apply Edey's Grocery. 8-le Attractive Home in Haileybury, Excellent Location, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, Breakfast Nook, Three Bed- rooms, Two Car Garage, Fully Insulated, Oil Hot Air Heat- ing, Terms Arranged. Write 30x 127. Phone 303. Hailey- bury. asin 8-tfc FOR SALE--1955 Old's Rocket 8. 1600 Miles Al. Condition Straight Deal No Trade Phone 303. Write Box 127. 8-1c TO RENT--One Unfurnished or Furnished 3. Room Cabin Suitable for Young Couple. Apply Smith's Cabins,- North Cobalt. 5 geil FOR SALE-- Four Bedroom House Central Location Own- er Leaving Town. Phone 558. 8-1c TO RENT--Available June lst. 4 Roomed Heated Apartment Phone 457R. ~ June is employed with the Marconi Co. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell arriv- ed home last week from a trip te Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kergon of Toronto were in town last week visiting Mrs. Kergon's parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Speicher St. Pauls W. A. are holding a Tea, Friday afternoo: June 22, at the home of Mrs. F. H. Strong. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sander strom left on Saturday May 5. for Europe and will visit relat- The bake sale held on Satur- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Melinda, to day May Sth under auspices of Ernest E. Sterns son, of Dr. A. the C.GIT, of the United A. Sterns and the late Mrs. Church was very succesfsul, Sterns, Ottawa. Mrs. W. G. Gibson F. Reavell were in were assisted by girls. : charge and Mrs. and the following Joan Pirie, Carroll McNa- Kingston. The marriage to take place Friday May 18th. 1956 at 3.30 in the Chapel at Queen's University NEW L ISKEARD single bill. Mon. to Sat. eon open at 6.30 p.m. On Double bilis, last complete shovy at 8.15 p.m THEATRE. Phone 35 Show at 7 and 9 p.m TRI-TOWN Drive-In Theatre Just. off Highway 11, 2 miles north, % mile east of New Liskeard FRIDAY -- SATURDAY MAY 11th--12th "SEA CHASE" Technicolor John Wayne' Lana Turner MONDAY -- TUESDAY MAY 14th--15th "PURPLE PLAIN" Technicolor Gregory Peck WEDNESDAY -- THURS. MAY 16th--17th "THIS ISLAND EARTH" Technicolor Rex Reason Faith Domergue Washrooms. Lunch Counter THURSDAY NIGHT IS FOTO-NITE This Week's Cash Offers Total $230.00 LAST SHOWING TODAY "RANSOM" FRIDAY and SATURDAY u MAY 11th--12th "'Viasterson of Kanas" GEORGE MONTGOMERY Cartoon, Plus Added Shorts Plus the 3rd Chapter of "Trader Tom of Saturday Matinee at 2 p.m. NANCY GATES the China Seas" MONDAY and TUESDAY. --Adult "Private IDA LUPINO Double Feature Entertainment-- "siunters of the Deep" DEEP SEA SPECIAL NEWS MAY 14th--15ta Hell 36" JOHN IRELAND WED. and THURS., ALDO RAY News, Cartoon, S-lc EEE ETS "Three Stripes in the Sun" MAY 16th--17th PHIL. CAREY Plus Added Shorts HAILEYBURY: AFTER SUNDAY MIDNITE MON. and TUES. COBALT: WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY INTERLENGHI Glamorous LowLosRIGIDA in a fiery dramatic role! GABRIELE FERZETTI ® MAY 14th--15th MAY 16th--17th ADMITTANCE FRANCO e@ MARILYN BUFFERD living soul? WHAT was the secret her mother couldn't tell to a_ with danger? WHY was her marriage so fraught to blame? JEFF MORROW WAS she wholly Radon het reste en Ha : "The Creature Walks Among Us" REX_REASON_~ me me | STARRING: Charlton Heston HAILEYBURY: LAST 'TIME. TODAY COBALT: FRIDAY and SATURDAY "Our Miss Brooks" --ADDED FEATURE-- "Pony Express" TECHNICOLOR Rhonda Fleming MAY 11th--12th EVE ARDEN Forrest Tucker COBALT: MON. DESPERATE HAILEYBURY: FRI. and SAT. and TUES. The incredible true story of the "Canoe Commandos"! CINEMaSeoRpE Color by TECHNICOLOR --ADDED FEATURE-- "Fury at _Gunsight Pass" HAILEYBURY: WED. & THUR. PLAYING STRAND THEATRE, HAILEYBURY ONLY MAY 11th--12th MAY 14th--15th ADVENTURE! MAY 16th--17th a Yoy share their .-. make him listen to me. He's our own flesh and blood. PLEASE... PLEASE... PLEASE get my child SSS i ~ STARRING: oes -DRAMA-SUSPERSE! willing to pay --ADDED FEATURE-- "Sands 'of Iwo Jima" JOHN WAYNE ~~~ HE.. | faced with a | decision that jp someday may be yours to maka! SHE.