Forward With The Northland Northern Ontario's Oldest Weekly Newspaper a i Ne The Haileyburian COBALT-HAILEYBURY CURLING CLUB STAG! FRIDAY. JUNE 22nd 1956 PRUE JUNE 7th, 1956 Vol. 52; No: 13 LOCAL MEN IN CRASH TWO SAFE---J. DEMPSTER MISSING Rate Row Goes On Cooke Presenis Figures Mayor Art Cooke has come up with thé first of some facts and figures which he says pro- ves the ONR freight rates are too high. The mayor states that on first class freight, less than carload lots, the charge per ton mile from Toronto to Haileybury is 105 cents. But to ship from North Bay to Haileybury costs 18.2 cents per ton mile, an in- crease of 42.2 per cent- But merchants or manufact- ures in North Bay, dealing with the CPR can ship from Toronto to North Bay for 11-6 cents per ton mile. Then, from North Bay to Haileybuay it costs 18.2 cents a ton mile, an increase of 362 per cent. A carload lot of fuel oil, or 6 829 gallons, can be shipped from Parry Sound to Haileybury for $244.99. Of this, the freight charge for shipping from North Bay to Haileybury is $232.19 In other words, the Mavor says, the cost from Parry Sound to North Bay is only $i12-80, but it costs $232.18 to ship from North Bay to Haileybury, or about 50 per cent more fora comparable distance Mr Cooke says that general manager Archie Free- man has. stated that the ONR only makes about 4 per cent profit on its capital investment of about$50 millions: ONR "Profit is in "However," he says fizured on gross turnover most businesses, and at a gross cof some $12 million a year, the profit is 16 and two-thrds per cent "This is a very handsome re- turn for any industry,' Mr Cooke said. "But hardly one .to be proud of in a development road ot . He added. "! would like to know just how much otf the ten million or so they must spend is spent in Northern Ontario north oi North Bay: Outside of wages, what do they buy from Northern suppliers north of the Bay I understand that they don't even buy a roll of toilet paper in the North." Mr. Cooke says that the ONR originally cost $45, million, of which Ontario shelled out $30, millions. Since it was formed it has paid back $32 millions thr ough earnings, according to an editorial in the North Bay Nug- get "Ts this a record to he proud of, "he said'? The money came out of the pockets of the north- ern miner, businessman and bushworker- And these same men have to pay for tke sub- sidization of the CNR. which is a real development road that opened up the west, at a loss fer years of a million dollarsva week." Lands and Forests Transfers The following transfers have been announced R. L. Snow from District Forester, North Bay to Regional Forester. South Cent- ral Region. WwW; B. M visor of District Forester, T. W. Huestan from Timber Management Forester, North 3ay to District Forester, Chap- leau. . Clarke from Super- Scaling, Toronto, to North Bay. BACHELOR OF ARTS Michael G. Bolan, R. R. 1., Haileybury, awarded the degree of bachelor of arts at the Spring Convocation of Assumption Uni- versity of Windsor on Saturlay, June 2, in St: Denis Hall on the campus. Degrees in arts, com- merce and science were con- ferred on 85 young men and women at the Assumption cere- mony. Dr. J. F. Leddy, Dean of Arts and Science, University ox Saskatchewan, was awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree. Dean Leddy addressed the Con- vocation: ha : pe The WEEK'S WEATHER Week Ending June 6th, 1956 Mon ster Chursday psoas os 70 48 z Prides. eee aa... 46 40 Mod Batunday. peeiiun aere..0) 40 Bi 7X - UN aye ee errs 61 50 THE BIGGEST EVER Monday 227. oes, / 51 1 ugsdanen seo. hn nt 78 50 Ee AE 2h lee Witdnesday 2 Unt, '. 80 45 2 s1nttry WANTED 3 Neat Appearance Able to build Apply Box 353, TWO GOOD SALESMEN Sostesssssesesteseseeree Good Character lifetime future. Residents of Tri-Towns Haileybury Ont. 332. $33333353 505 the Flin Flon hospital. injuries. Jack Dempster of Haileybury was reported miss- ing following a plane crash in the Flin Flon area yesterday. Bob Poppleton of Haileybury and Arnold Dempster are said to be injured but safe in The men were on a staking trip in the area, and flying with Parsan's air service. Word has been received that Mr. Poppleton is suffering from broken ribs and chest injuries. Mr. Dempster is also said to be suffering from chest Col. C.E. Reynoids issues Statement Recent statements that Ont- ario Northland Railway is cripp- ling industrial development in Northern Ontario are not found- ed on fact, [t must be apparent to any thoughtful person that without the railway there would have been no indusrial develop- ment. Industries depend . on efficient Transportation in Nor- thern Ontario as elsewhere and the industries in the railway's territory have been and are of the utmost importance to the Canadian economy. It logically follows that credit must be given to the railway for their establishment and _ profitable operation. It should also be noted that many of the more important industries were est- ablished when the railway af- forded the only practical jned- ium of transportation. To suggest, as has been sug- gested, that the Railway should subsidize the establishment of industries by ploughing back its surplus earnings in the form of reduced freight rates shows a complete misconception of a railway's function. The absurdity of the idea is revealed when it is considered that surplus earn- ings vary widely from year to in year. Freight rates established on such a basis would be sub- ject to corresponding variations and no industry could operate under such unpredictable condit- ions. In any case, railway rates are governed by the Board of (Continued on Page 2) J. FORBES McFARLANE Former Chief of the Mining Lands Branch of the Ontario Department of Mines whose appointment as Mining Commis- sioner became effective June 1st: ove" Robert Cassidy Wins Goid Medal Robert Cassidy son of Col. G: L. Cassidy, principal of the Hail- eybury high school, has won the high honor of a gold medal in English and philosophy. He se- cured seven firsts and one second in his eight subjects He will be teaching English in the Kingsville high school next term. Wes Gillespie C.I.B. Visits District Blind Wes. Gillespie of Sudbury, revealed some interesting facts regarding the number of _ blind persofis in South Ca ae district: Mr. Gillespie, he is sconneated with the Canadian Institute of: the, Blind, has been travelling fhe district for, the past week Or So, visiting Mihose who are blind and making arrange- ments for treatment and assist- ance where necessary. At the present time there are 43 registered blind in the dist- rict and six pending, ranging in age from one year to 96 years. Mr. Gillespie stated that he has six operations to arrange for, two in the Cobalt area, one Thornloe, one in Elk Lake, one in New Liskeard and one in Englehart. ick ye a Transferred P. J. Hare from Forest Pro- ection, North Bay to Reforest- ation, North Bay. RALPH V. SCOTT Will take over the title of Chief of the Mining Lands Branch in a shuffle which has resulted from the appointment of J- F. McFarland as Mining Commissioner. GORDON ROBB Son of Melvin Robb and the late Mrs, Robb of Haileybury, Gordon Kobb recent graduated in Chemical Engineering from Queen's University. He has ac- cepted a position with the Union Carbide Company. CARKIE GRAY SOCIETY HOLDS SUPPER MEETING The members of the Carrie Gray Society of the United Church entertained the members of the W. A. to a delightful supper on Monday June 4th at their Annual Supper meeting. There were some thirty five present: Miss Muriel Rice, presi- dent welcomed the guests and Mrs. A. Hurst on behalf of the W. A. members thanked the Carrie Gray for the lovely even- ing. Mrs: J, W. Wilkinson sarg a solo, "He shall feed his flock", accompanied by Miss Betty Lou Atchison as the regular pianoist Mrs. D. Gardner and Mrs, J- Kogers were absent: A short devotional period was presented by Mrs. G. Campbell: Mrs. G. Standing was appoint- ed to arrange a floral display for the contest which the Girl Guilds are having at their tea June 14th- HOME AND SCHOOL APPOINT NEW OFFICERS The following slate of officers was brought in for the coming season, President Mrs. G- P. Thoday Vice-President Mrs, D. Gardner Secretary Mrs. G. Standing Treasurer Mrs. V- Dinesen Programme Convener - Mrs. L. Umphrey Membership Convener Mrs. J. Ritchie Librarian Mrs. G Maddison Convener of Tea Committee Mrs. J. Gilkes Exe- cutive Members Mrs. C. Gorze lle Mrs. W. Cooper Mrs: T Crandell Past essy. President Mrs, G. Henn- | Schooi Principal ... Honored Lorne Wiseman principal oi the Haileybury public school, Was honoured by both pupils and townspeople beiore leaving itor Gravenhurst where he will be hospitalized for some time, the pupils of the public school presented Mr. Wiseman with a radio to help relieve the mono- tony of hospital liie, the high school students council and members oi the stati gave him personal gifts. Friday night at a party in his honor, at the Algonqun head- quarters, Mitch Deraiche. presi- dent of the Haileybury Canadian Legion on behalf of the towns folk, made the presentation of a substantial cheque, with their best wishes for a speedy recovery Friday afternoon, members of the teaching staff and Miss Muriel Rice Health nurse held a farewell tea for Mr- Wiseman at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Reavell, Mr. Wiseman has been on the staff of the public school for 14 years, ten of them as principal: THREE MINES INSPECTORS Honourable Philip T. Kelly, Ontario Minister of Mines, has announced the appointment of three new inspectors to the staff of the Department of Mines. Kenneth Fox of Peterborough and a graduate of Queen's Uni- versity has been named as the Electrical Inspector for Eastern Ontario. Otto Bjarnason, a resi- dent of Kirkland Lake anda graduate of the University of Manitoba will be the new dist- rict inspector with jurisdiction over the same area. Both men will be stationed at Peterbor- ough and both positions will be additions to the department's previous inspection staff. To a large extent their activities will be connected with the develop- ment of the uranium mines of the Bancroft district. The third appointee is Kenneth Redsell who is taking over the post of district inspector at Sud- bury. He replaces the late E. B. Weir who recently died follow- ing a traffic accident. Mr. Red- sell, a resident of Virginiatown graduated from the University of Toronto. Phone §2 Modern Taxi Hotel Haileybury ALBERT CHOICE VARIETY OF BEDDING ee MOORE'S COVE GROOM ale ain alin allie adie At the home of Mrs. C. Latchford St. THURSDAY, JUNE 1lé4th, 1956 PRODUCE TABLE FLOWER ARRANGEMENT GIRL GUIDE TEA AND CONTEST ig Cunningham-Dunlop RUE a A ark Sie aac ae COBALT - VOT er re HAILEYBURY CURLING CLUB "Your Community Centre" CALENDAR General Meeting (re Artificial Ice) _ DINGO l= 2 sstec se terre La Stag and Smoker OF EVENTS June 11th June 16th June 22nd __.. June 30th Bingo _ HAILEYBURY Members and Guests Annual Opening Dance FRIDAY, JUNE 8th, 1956 Dancing 10.00 p.m. to 2.00 am. GOLF CLUB $3.00 per couple Pass oe oo Re