BRODA'S JEWELLERY DIAMONDS--WATCHES GIFTS & REPAIRS Haileybury, Ont. The Haileyburian IAN MacDIARMID General Insurance Auto Financing Telephone 10 Haileybury, Ontario THURSDAY, DEC. 20th, 1956 United Church Juniors Enjoy Aniual Christmas Party Over one hundred. United Church Junior Sunday School pupils attended the annual Christmas party in the church basement Friday evening Dec- ember 14. The entertainment was pre- ceded by a supper served by the members of the teaching staff. Rev. W. Wilkinson was chair- man for the program which consisted of skits, recitations and other interesting ideas of entertainment. Mrs. Don. Gardner presided at the piano for the musical part and also fora sing song of Christmas hymns led by Mrs. W. Wilkinson. Santa Claus appeared in his usual breezy way and, presented each child with a bag of treats. JUNIORS TAKE SERVICE etree On Sunday evening December 17th, the Senior Sunday School pupils of the United Church had charge of the service which took the place of the usual Christmas party. Mr. Gordon Campbell superin- tendant of this group and Mr. Gordon Kirk assisted with the service with Rev. W.. Wilkinson delivering the sermon. The junior choir led in the singing. Master Donnie Gardner aiid Master Bobbie MacDiarrdéd were ushers. MILTON STORMS Word was received in town at the weekend of the death of an old timer of Haileybury in the person of Milton Storms. Milt, as he was_ generally known came to Haileybury with his parents in his youth and attended school here. He was employed in the bank for a time and also ran a Drug Store in town. Some twenty years he went to British Columbia to live. He has one brother his parents predeceased him some _ years ago. HER MAJESTY SPEAKS ON CHRISTMAS DAY 30th the CBC Dominion and Canada radio networks schedule the annual Christmas Day Commonwealth broadcast from the BBC and the Christmas Day message by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, from Sandringham. Both broad- casts will be made available to all other stations in Canada not regularly associated with either network. The Commonwealth Broadcast will be heard from 9.00 to 10.00 a.m. EST; This will be followed by an Address by Her Majesty, The Queen from 10.00 to 10.20 a.m. EST. Trans will again LEGION NEWS At the Legion meeting held Sunday December 17 forty mem- bers were present as well as a number of guests to attend the initiation of several new mem- bers. Zone K. 1. Legion Curling honspiel is being held in Hail- eybury this winter and it is hoped that at least four rinks from Haileybury will take part. Members are asked to form their teams and notify Basil Treen as soon as possible. Jan- uary 7, is the deadline for re- gisteration. Plans for the New Years eve dance in the Legion Hall are new completed. Tickets,for Leg- ion members and their guests are $3.00 per couple. WARNING Complaints have been received that someone, presumably child- ren, have been cutting trees in the Catholic and Mount Pleas- ant Cemeteries instead of going farther afield for Christmas trees Parents are asked to caution their children against this prac- tice and if it is older folk who have been doing this, surely they should realize that the trees are there to help beautify the last resting place of the dead and should not be destroyed AND 'HAPPY Serving You Has Lee's Beauty Salon Will be Closed from Saturday evening, December 22, until Thursday, morning December 27, To All Our Customers A MERRY CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR! Been A Pleasure BRRHHSHHRELATAT NOTICE NO MILK DELIVERY HRREPREERRR ON DECEMBER ~ IDEAL OR JANUARY lst and 2nd So that Our Staff may enjoy the Holiday Season. 7 Haileybury, Ont. BRRKAKRRERRREGRRERRERERRGRR: 25th and 26th DAIRY Merry Christmas To all our Readers from The Staff of The Haileyburian JOHN HUNT SHELDON DOBBS CHRISTENE McDONALD global wars and now alternately floundering and tight rope walking along the gleam of and the thousand years --CLOSED-- The Haileyburian Office will be closed Saturday 22, Monday and Tuesday, December 24, and 25th,, Open Wednesday Decem- ber 26. A GLEAM OF LIGHT ee To a little child in the dark- ness of the night--to a miner trapped in the dank depths of a coal mine--a gleam of light can be more important than anything else in the world, for it is a sym- bol of security, safety and hope. tortured by two in two generations In a_ world edge of a third, there appears a light--the same light that appeared to the wise men shepherds nearly two ago--the same light that can lead the world to LEIGH DAY faith, hope and charity. While acknowledging that EVELYN LOGAN the world has come through dark days and times of crisis in the NES McAULAY past, many today believe that Haileybury W. |. Marks 50 Years of Progress Haileybury Woman's Institute marked an important milestone in their history last Thursday evening, December 13 when they "held a party to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their organization, Guests were present from New Liskeard and North Cobalt bra- nches and a special guest was Mrs. Daisy Hunt of Kimmel W. I. in Rhyll, Wales. The guests were welcomed by the president of the Hailey- bury branch, Mrs. R. MacGilli- vary, who then turned the meet- ing over to the first vice-presi- ent, Mrs. Hilliard Cooke. An amusing reading was given by Mrs. Louise Gibson, entitled, "Yesterday and To-day". Several films showing color- ful scenes were shown by J. Hallworth. Several members of North Cobalt branch staged a hat show, modelling first some styles that were a snew as the year after next, and later, a number of the beautiful finished hats that they had made during their millinery course. Miss Eva Herod acted as commentator. Following the program, a turkey supper was served with head table guests being Mrs. M. Mawhinney, past president, Mrs. John Fleming, life member Mrs. Robert Campbell, life member, Mrs. James Schubert, Milbetra, district president, Mrs. R. Mc Gillivary, president, Mrs. J. H. McDonald, New Liskeard, past provincial president, board me- mber, Mrs. Daisy Hunt, W.I. member from Rhyll, Wales, Mrs. McFayden, president N. Lisk- eard W.1., Mrs. W. Stewart, president North Cobalt Sun- shine W.1, Mrs. C. Fleming past president and Mrs. Hilliard Cooke, first vice-president. Greetings were extended by the out of town guests and Mrs. Hunt read a letter from Ethel Bellis, chairman of the Denbeigh County W.I. in Wales extending greetings to any and all branches which Mrs, Hunt might visit during her six month stay in Canada. Mrs. Hunt spoke briefly telling something of the way the meetings in Wales are conduct- ed and the work is carried out by the members. A bouquet of golden 'mums, presented by the Sunshine bra- nch was. divided and given to the three life members of the branch, Mrs. J. Fleming and Mrs. Robert Campbell, who were present, and Mrs. Sam Craig, who was not well enough to attend. The singing' of the National Anthem brought the eyening to a close. CHRISTMAS IN FINLAND For most of us, Christmas dinner is the time for a sump- tuous banquet: plenty of turkey cranberry sauce and plum pudd- ing. Christmas dinner means a lot of work for wouldn't want the meal to be less than perfect. And in tiny, wintry Finland, it's even harder on the woman. By noon of the day before Christmas, the whole house must be scrubbed and the floors cov- ered with clean straw, on which the children sleep--reminisent of the First Christmas. And on Christmas Eve, the whole family must take a Finnish bath. After the steaming bath, you're sup- posed to roll in the snow! never before has peace 2} mother, but she ™ seemed so far away. Ironically enough, the very land weher the angelic message of peace and good will was given was today the storm center of the world. With exist- ing conditions in the . Middle East, with the threat of atomic warfare, with the never ceasing encroachment of Russia upon the free world, one cannot help wondering what lies ahead. Superficially, one might say that the promise of peace has been nullified. The principles of right seem t&.haye been obscur- ed by the dark clouds of selfish ambition and the utter disregard for the smaller nation and the weaker man in their s truggles for existence. Mayur A. H. Cooke Advises Care In Holiday Driving Holiday safety has become one of the prime concers of munici- pal government, Mayor Cooke stated today in a pre-Christmas announcement. All citizens were urged to co-operate ina drive against holiday accidents which each year take an increasing toll. "We have established many records of which we can be proud during the past decade," the Mayor stated, "but there is one record which we should all eagerly seek. This year, we should work for a_ no-fatality record throughout our comm- unity. We should reveal our civic intelligence by proving that in this community an auto- mobile is a modern convenience, not a weapon for mass killing." The accident problem, the Mayor added, is heightened dur- ing the period of holiday cele- brations. Ordinarly cautious drivers sometimes give way to the holiday spirit and though their intentions are good, the end results can be bad. To avoid tragic endings to holiday celebrations, Mayor Cooke made the following sug- eestions: 1. On- the way to and from celebrations, use taxis or busses and leave the car at home. 2. If you must drive your own car, make it a point to restrict youn, drinking to coffee or other alertness beverages. 3. More than at any other times, be a courteous driver. Give pedestrians and _ other drivers the right of way. Glory to God O come, let us adore ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH CHRISTMAS, Christmas Day Services 11.30 p.m.--Midnight Eucharist, &.30.a.m--Holy Communion. 10.45 a.m.--Matins and Sung Eucharist, with Anthem. 1956 in the highest him, Christ the Lord. 'n the evening, with sleigh hells jingling merrily, they all ride to church, which, from without, looks like a brightly -- burning lantern. Inside there are candles everywhere--in the windows and on the altar. Yes. it's quite different--the Finnish Christmas; but it's Christmas, just the same! Let Christmas joy be un- confined! And may the hap- piness and good cheer of the Yuletide be ever green in your memories of this holiday season. Support your Fire Depart- ment--let's have a fire free Christmas IAN MacDIARMID Insurance RRS Re tn the spirit of the wise men, come let us adore Him . . . lifting our hearts with the joyous promise of His message. BRODA'S JEWELLRY