BY-PASS PROJECT SHE BRODA'S JEWELLERY DIAMONDS--WATCHES GIFTS & REPAIRS Haileybury, Ont. No. 45 Vol. 52; The Haileyb Northern Ontario's Oldest Weekly Newspaper urlan IAN MacDIARMID General Insurance Auto Financing Telephone 10 Haileybury, Ontario THURSDAY, JAN. 17th, 1957 Home and School Association Features Panel Discussion A paned discussion on "Ed- opinion was divided as to whe- ucation in our schools" was an ther it was a good plan to have interesting feature of the Jan- two grades in one room. uary meeting of the Haileybury The public is always welc Home last Monday evening. The panel was chaired by G. Fs. L. Cassidy, principal. of the Mrs. D. Atchison thanked schools and members on it chairman and members of were Thoday, representing the school during the discussions. board, M. C. Napper, inspector In the short business s¢s ome and School association to attend any and all meetings of the school board, as spectat- the the Mrs. S. Bond and G. P. panel for the information given sion of public schools, John Seymour at the beginning of the meeting and Mrs. Alan Hurst, high and jt was decided to write to public school teachers. Mr. Cassidy, after introducing idation of the town water. his panel members, gave an out- It was also line of the school curriculums. the concert featuring the town council, urging the tlour- announced that Disa ie In discussing the question, "Is Smith and his Haydn Orchestra it compulsory to have religious would be held on Feburary 26 instruction in both high and and the president, Mrs. G. P. public schools", it was made Thorday, urged that this date known that it must be taught je kept in mind. one hour a_ week, preferably during the first or last period. Mr. Napper told of one school where the ministers of different denominations go at the same ing, lunch was served by committee in charge. \t the conclusion of the nicet- the Council Appoints New Commander Committee Heads Visits Local Unit OK At a meeting of Haileybury, Central Ontario council held this week, commit- announced to-day that Brig. M. tees for the year were appointed, >. Dunn, OBE, ED, CD, would with Dr. W. C. Arnold heading visit Militia units in Northern the finance committee, assisted Ontario this week of 14-19 Jan- by James Timioins and C. Cam- uary. Lhe tour is a general one to allow him to familiarize him- self with Militia problems and activities in Northern Ontario. Brig. Dunn replaces Brig, G. E. aX. Smith, CBE, CD, as Comman- der of the Central Ontario Area, with HQ, in Oakville. the brig. Dunn, has a long and chairmanship of James Timmins varied career in both military assisted by Neil Fleming and and civil professions. Born in Dr. Arnold. Neil [leming is Old Chelsea, Quebec, he attend- chairman of Recreation with ed St. Alexander's College; the James Whelan ahd james Tim- Ottawa and Toronto Universit- 'ins. ies, graduating in 1924 from U The last.committee, health and Of T and U of Qa few years \veliare has Maurice Findlay as previously. He then joined the chairman with Dr, Arnold and teaching staff of the Cornwall Neil Fleming. Collegiate and Vocational School ihe inauguration While sell. Mr. Camsell is chairman of the public works with Maurice Findlay and James Whelan, Mr. Whelan is chairman of the Hire and police committee with Mr Findlay and Mr. Camsell. Water works is ucder ceremonies connected with the were carried out by the clerk- Collegiate in Cornwall he was treasurer, Krank Haskett and a extremely active as President welcome was extended by Mayor of the Cornwall Athletic As- A, H. Cooke to the néw mem- sociation; as a member of the bers of council, Maurice Findlay Ottawa Athletic Commission; a Area HQ Report By-Pass Dropped Confirmed By Minister of Highways may abandoned, but the department come someday, but not for a 's burdened by many pressing ood while, This was confirmed needs. He cited the Hearst to by minister of highways James Kapuskasing road as one which N. Allan in a telephone conver- is in bad condition, and has to sation with the Haileyburian |e repaired as soon as possible. yesterday morning. Mr. Allan said that the town Earlier this week, Leo Gough, of Brockville on the Montreal- president of the MHaileybury Toronto route, has as many as chamber of commerce, reported 500 tarnsports a day pass thr- that he had received a letter ough it, an dthe department has from the minister. The letter to do something there. tated that a survey conducted Many local chambers of com- by the department showed that merce, Mayor Arthur H_ Cooke he bypass would only relieve 10 and A. R. Herbert, MPP, have tu 15 per cent of the present protested the departments deci- iraffic burden, and at present sion, The mayor said that it was The Tri-Town bypass there is not sufficient traffic to propagating highway murder. justify the project. Mr. Herbert said that he will The deputy minister, W. G. take the matter up at Queen's tele- Park, and both Cobalt and Hail- written Fulton, was contacted by phone on Tuesday, and he said eybury chambers have ihat the project has not ben in protest. er of Newfoundland Area with RECREATION COMMITTEE the rank of Brigadier. He then SPONSORS ADULT SQUARE attended the National Defence DANCING COURSE College in Kingston and the fol- as lowing year was made_Comm- he Haileybury . Recreation ime and give instructi hil- en otueir oun tah ie wait MES. A. Chesser "ybury, the child i des . one to five are taught by their Marks 95th Birthday teachers and Mr. Wilkinson and Canon Goodier will instruct the higher grades. Mise Ay celebrated In the discussion regarding her 95th, birthday on Thursday the advisibility of more vocat- January 11th. On account of the ional training instead of pre- j}| Mrs. Chesser the paration for. university, Mr. Cassidy pointed out that the general course prepared the students for almost any vocat- ion they might want to follow. Some of the other points who came brought out included the fact "hesser died in 1909. that pupils who had not written Her family includes Miss Vi exams in grades nine. to twelve aiid Agnes Chesser and Mrs. D. often failed when they had to --. Sutherland of Haileybury, write them in grade 13. To cir- two sons, Alfred of Trail, B.C. cumvent this, district-wide tests and Martin of Falconbridge. A could be used up to grade 13 son Guy, died in 1935 anda to accustom the pupils to the daughter, Grace died in Wilcox, work; that the satisfactory Sask., eleven years ago. number of pupils to a room is 30 -- - to 35; that pupils should not In the area Vancouver Island skip grades but if capable could is nearly six times the size of take three rades in two years; Prince Edward Island. Chesser health of day was spent quietly with a few friends dropping in to see her. Mrs. Chesser came to Hailey- bury in 1909 to join her husband here in !907. Mr ADULT SQUARE DANCING COURSE Sponsored by Haileybury Recreation Committee JAN. 22nd to MAR. 26 ° EACH TUESDAY, from 9 to 11 p.m. Fee: $1.00 per person No New Members After January 29th ; Registration: Jan. 22nd and 29th Dancing Instructions 9 -- 11 p.m. For further information call 481, Mr. K. A. Valentine COBALT -- HAILEYBURY CURLING CLUB TUESDAY, JAN. 22nd The Scottish Curlers from Scotland will play at our rink starting at 6.00 p.m. Sharp ALL SEATS RESERVED Price $1.00 each per person FOR RESERVED SEATS - = APPLY TO - > A. M. HURST er) at the Bank of Nova Scotia Haileybury, Ont. and James Whelan. Council authorized the sale of two lots on Georgina Ave. to Everiste Rivard for the con- struction of a ranch type house. Former Haileyourian Kusseli LOOKE Aled Al Widpie Kussell Cooke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Darius Cooke of Hailey- bury, was killed instantly, Tues- day january 15, when his car was struck by a CNR freight irain on a level crossing at his own driveway at Maple Ontario. Mr. Cooke was gqlone in the car, on his way into Maple to shop. Police said there was a sharpe curve in the track just before it crosses the Cooke laneway, and Mr. Cooke could not have seen the train until he was almost on the tracks. Mr. Cooke is survived by his wife, one daughter, Brenda, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cooke, Haileybury, four brothers, Percy of Gearldton, Arnold in Toronto Melvin and Hilliard of Hailey- bury, and one sister, Mrs. L. Barton, Mount Hope. Funeral services will be held Friday January 18. Mr. Cooke's father, and bro- ther's Melvin and Hilliard, left Wednesday night for Maple to attend the funeral. REPEAT! One step wont take you ver far, You've got to keep on walk- ing. One word won't tell folks who you are, You've got to keep on talking. (ime inch won't make you very tall, You've got to keep on grow- ing. One little ad won't do it all. You've got to keep them go- ing. local Boy's Club; a member of ander of Eastern Ontario Area. Committee are plannin:y a new the International Joint Sea- -- !n 1954 Brig Dunn proceeded ways Commission, which at that t? Indo*China where h2 assum- time only included Ontario and ¢ his duties as Senior Officer New York State. of the Military Component of the Canadian Delegation to the International Supervisory Co- mmission. This task was Cana- da's part in the ceasefire agree- tment in this area. Brig. Dunn assumed his dut- Commander of Central Area in December. of ies of Onterio 1956. The WEER'S WEATHER Week Ending January 16th, 1957 AD rasa ay: cepa eae -08 -30 ridaiye exe see 6 oe 12-17, Satu nda van hee Mere .08 = -03 Sundayy ace dees -l1 -31 Monday. sooo. dat = 2a Ole Wiuesdaye se cs a -11-- --30 Wednesday ........ -11 -24 course in Square Dancing, to commence Tuesday evening. January 22nd from 9 to 11 p.m. in the school's auditorium. A short course in Square Dancing has been held during the past six weeks and the rec- reation committee feels that due to the interest shown in this course a new and laiger one should be made available to the public. Registration for the course will be held on Tuesday January 22nd and 29th. A small fee of one dollar per person will be charged to defray expenses. For futher information please contact Mr. K. A. Valentine, Phone 481. Almost 172,000 motor vehicles were sent to the scrap heap in Canada during 1955. Brig, Dunn started his milit- ary career in 1926 with the Stormont, Dundas and Glen- garry Highlanders and by the outbreak of war was 2nd in, command. He proceeded over- seas in 1939 and was posted to Canadian Military HQ in Lon- don, serving in various staff appointments. In 1942 he was Commanding Officer of his bat- talion the SD&G's. The follow- ing year he went overseas again to Africa, thence to Italy to command Canadian Section General HQ Allied Armies, Italy with the rank of full Colonel. He was mentioned in dispatches while serving in Italy. Returning to Canada in 1945 he served with 2nd Echelon Pacific Force until VJ Day, when he was sent to Ottawa as Director of Organization. Vollowing this appointment he was made Commandant of Ca- mip Borden and was responsible for the formation 'of the Of- ficers Training Centre there When Newfoundland became Canada's tenth province Brig. Dunn was appointed Coimmand- PIII I RIP S ASSOC TOM CMLL Ss | BINGO! _ PARISH HALL | WED., JANUARY 23rd ' 2 p.m | 20 Games 50c Door Prize $50. PREPS NFU SE PSST STG OR L : DOUGLAS CAMPBELL. A Dramatic Event CANADIAN PLAYERS - present "MAN AND SUPERMAN' By G. B. SHAW HAILEYBURY SCHOOLS AUDITORIUM ~ 8 p.m. Tickets available from High School Students TONG NO NO NON AT NO NO NNO NO NO NON NG NOINO NG Ca aiaid