SH THURS., SEPT. 26th, 1957 THE HAILEYBURIAN and COBALT WEEKLY POST -- United Church W.MLS. Meet In Fall Rally Over seventy members of the Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada met in Federal United Kirkland Lake last week Temiskaming Presbyterial their annual Fall Rally. Mrs. George Edwards, |'ngle- hart, First Vice-President * had Church, when held charge of the meetings and opened the afternoon session with a very inspiring worship service on the theme "The Means of Grace". Words of welcome were bro- ught by the presiden, Mrs. G, B. Bardford, Noranda. Guest speaker for the Rally was Mrs. G. E. K. Howe, presi- dent Toronto Conference Branch speaking on the proposed new organization for the women of the United Church. Mrs. Howe explained how the committee set up by Dominion Council had visited several countries study- ing the manner in which wo- men's groups functioned in these various areas before recomm- ending that a unified womans organization be set up by the United Church. The chief pur- pose of this organization is to recruit all women for the miss- ion of the Church. This Unified Women's Organizaton will he set up at Dominion, Conference and Presbytery level as soon as the constitution is drawn up and local groups can move into it at ANDY SCOTT Phone 634 Building and Contracting Repairs, Remodeling All Kinds Of Carpentery By the hour or contract Free Estimates TRIPS EACH WAY EVERY DAY LEAVE NORTH BAY 9.10 a.m. 4.25 p.m. 12.25 a.m. DAYLIGHT TIME Single Return $7.15 $12.90 UNION BUS TERMINAL NORTH BAY PHONE 101-2-8 WIV VV [ | FOX a | CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. ' Expert packing and moving We specialize in the Pallet vault storage system. Agent Allied Van Lines Ltd For Free Estimates Phone collect North Bay 2049 ABAAAADAAARABSALADAAA READ BEN BOURGET Phone 490 Box 6 General Building Contractor Remodeling & Repairing Remodelage & Reparage their own pleasure A demonstration on Bible study. using as her topic "Thine is the Glory" was given by Rey, Winnifred Brydges of Swastika. Mrs. J. S. MacMillan, New Liskeard, Presbyterial Litera ture secretary had on display a fine selection of books and pamplets and gave a very inter- esting presentation of several with emphasis on those dealing with Japan, our study -for the year. The members of Federal Unit- ed Church W.A. served a delici- ous supper at 5.30 p.m. The worship service in the evening was conducted by Mrs. W. J. Marlow of Larder Lake Auxiliary followed by a panel discussion on what C.G.I.T. means and what it hopes to ac- complish by the Kirkland Lake C.G.1.T. group under the leader- ship of Miss M. Fraquharson. In her evening address. Mrs. Howe presented highlights of Dominion Board meeting held last May on the theme "What doth the Lord require of me". Mrs. Howe said, "This is a changing world, a materialistic age success seems to be marked by the amount of money raised, whereas our aim should be to deepen our spiritual life'. A truly Christian church is an out- reachng one ,"Go into all the world and preach the gospel." Mrs. R. Fielder of New Lis- keard was soloist singing "Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my Heart" and One sweetly solemn Thought" accompanied on the piano by Mrs. J. S. MacMillan. The meeting closed by re- peating the Mizpah Benediction. ROTARY WHEEL Peter McGinley, caretaker of the Rotary Club Park, was the guest of Dr. J. C. Crawford at the Rotary dinner Monday evening and during an informal discussion Mr. McGinley an- swered a number of questions that were brought up regardine park problems and its upkeep. Carm. Donegan was welcomed back to the- meeting after an extended absence from town. Among the items of decided on were a bingo to be held this wrestling bout business monster week, a Friday Septem - ~ber 27 and-a°dtaw for a TV set to be drawn for at the Annual Turkey Stag in December. At- tendance at this is not necesary to win. A rousing singsong was led by Dr. Crawford with Vic Dinesen at the piano. You seldom see a man with money to burn sitting by the fire . OBITUARY MRS. HARRY SMART asker Mrs. Harry Smart died Sept- ember 10 in a Trout Creek rest home at the age of 63 years. She was the former Miss Mary Matilda Soper, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George Soper. She had been ailing for about ten years since she had a fall on the icy pavement in Mattawa where they were then residing. She was born in Langton, Ont., and was married to Harry Smart in 1918 at Tilsonburg. At the time of her death their rest dence was in McKellar, Ontario. They were former Cobalters and Mr. Smart was one _ time Mayor in Cobalt. They left Co- balt to reside in Mattawa, then to Fort Francis and _ Ingersol then McKellar. Mrs. Smart was a member of the Eastern Star, Rebekah's Ladies Auxiliary of the Legion and the Women's Institute. The funeral was held at Mattawa at 1.30 p.m., Friday September 13, 1957 with Rev. Playfair officiating and buriel Was in the Mattawa Cemetery. Pall-bearers were W. Fleming Mileage 104, C. Perrin, S. Kiff, T. Burritt, Mi). . Sloan sendueue Dufresne. Surviving Mrs. Smart are her husband Harry Smart, and two brothers Arvel Soper, Toronto; Basil Soper of Detroit. ELWIN STEELE Elwin Steel of West Cobalt, who was night watchman, at the Cobalt Lode Mine, died in the Misericordia hospital on Sept- ember 8, after a two week's ill- ness. He was the son of .the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Steele, West Cobalt. . He was born in Maynooth, Ontario in April 1903, but has lived in Cobalt since 1911. He was a bachelor and is' survived by two sisters, Mrs. Edna St. Denis of West Cobalt and Mrs. Ethel Charles of Englehart and two brothers Neil Steel of Bou- rlamaque, Quebec and_ J.eslie Steele of Cobalt, His body rested at Buffams Funeral Chapel and was then taken to the United church for the service held at 2 p.m. on Wednesday. . Rev. H. L. Wipprecht officiat- ed. Burial was in the family plot in the New Liskeard Ceme- tery. Pall-bearers were: D. Mar- quette, L, Doan, L. Bigelow, F. Conachie, P. Libby and R. Ste- wart. Mr. and Mrs, Neil Steele and Mrs. Phyllis Sopha came from Bourlamaque for the funeral. Mrs. William Thomas Rowe Mrs. William Thomas Rowe died at her home at 12 Com- mission Street, Cobalt on Thurs- lay, September 19, She was the former Miss Ade- taide Melvina Langmaid and was horn in Ascot, Quebec, in 1879. She was the, oniy child of Mr and Mrs. Eldridge Langmaid. She was married to Mr. Rowe on July 27, 1898 at Lennoxville, Quebec. Mr, Rowe predeceased her on October 15, 1953. The couple celebrated their golden wedding in 1948, They lived at Rat Portage now known as Kenora, Bruce Mines, and Negaunee, Michigan hefore coming to Cobalt in 1908 with their four children. Mrs. Rowe was a_ prominent church worker and had a_ life membership in the Women's Missioanry Society in the Co- halt United Church and took a keen interest in growth and welfare of community. She is survived by three dau- ghters (Kathleen) Mrs. Daye Bowers of South Lorraine, she the the (Mildred) Mrs. George New- man of New Liskeard; and (Evelyn) Mrs. Frank Buck- berrough, Cobalt lan of Windsor, Bancroft. There grandchildren and grandchildren, The body rested at her home unti} the United church service at 2 p.m. with Rey. H. L. Wipp- recht officiatine. Two sons Al- and Harley of are seven four great She was buried beside her husband -- in Mount -- Pleasant Cemetery Haileybury, FAREWELL PARTY Mrs, Joe Mallick, Mrs. R. Tessolini, and Mrs. L.. Robitaille were co-hostesses for the Eaton Bowling Team farewell party, on Friday evening, in honor of Mrs. Lena McLeod and Miss Mildred Richards. Mrs. McLeod will be leaving ~ the end of this week for her new residence, in -Brampton, and Miss Richards will be married on October 19 and will be leav- ing after her marriage Tea cup reading was the én- tertainment of the evening. Mrs. McLeod was presented with a lovely set of wall plaques, and 'hiss Richards received a lovely tea set, The ladie: attending were the two guests of honor Mrs. Mc- Leod and Miss Richards, Mrs. E. Roy, Mrs. W. Coel, Mrs. R Laliberte, Mrs. A. Robitaille, Miss Rita Presse and the host- esses Mrs. Mallick, Mrs. R. Tessolini and Mrs. L. Robitalle Mrs. A. Robertson contributed hut was unable to attend. NEW BOARD MEMBERS . We have two ladies now serv- ing on the Cobalt High Board, Mrs H. Light lr. J. Dunean. Mrs, Light was School and Mrs appointed to take Ken Buffam's place, who resigned from the school board to take a seat in the council, Harold Steers, who was first appointed to the high schoo! board in 1955 resigned, as his work will take him away from Cobalt for some time to come He was appointed in 1956 for the 1957-1958-1959 term, and an his resignation the council ap- pointed Mrs. T. J. Duncan to re- place him, Mrs. Light's term will expire in 1958 and Mrs. Duncan's jn 1959. The other high school trustees are Rey. T. Kavanagh appointed by the seperate school board, H. T. Welch appoiuted by the public school board, each for one term, and G. Q. Dixon, ap- MURRAY McKINNON Your MUTUAL LIFE Representative 72 Nickel -- Cobalt Dial 4519 FINDLAY | ELECTRIC PHONE 564 Haileybury, Ont. Electrical Installation and Maintenance, Radio Repair for' a expires pointed by the council three year term which the end of 1957. -YOU GET? * WARMTH WITHOUT WORRY " with Shell Furnace Oil Every gallon of Shell Furnace Oil we meter into your tank, contains a special additive thar keeps your burner at peak efficiency. Here's how: Shell's wonder additive keeps the filter screen in your burner clean-- eliminates clogging--the top cause of burner failure can save you dollars in service calls alone! But nfore than that, with low cost Shell Furnace Oil you enjoy the added protection of Sonitor Active Sonitor prevents rust from forming in your storage tank So for carefree heat a// season callus today. take advantage of our guaranteed delivery service. We'll make all the arrangements FURNACE OIL P.M. FLEMING Limited Phone 9 HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO a ENGI Electrical and Mec HEAD P.O. Box 459 Haileybury,Ont. Temiskaming Construction Limited NEERS Design, Construction, Mine Development, Operation hanical liustallations o OFFICE Telephone 517 La WHEN IT SAYS ---- _ bee a = OR 77 BE GOOD TO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT! ~ ¢GET IN ON CHEVY'S UNBEATABLE BUYS! eWHY PAY MORE...SAVE THE DIFFERENCE! = \ \ \ DN QI \ an . -- Sees -- oe oe A omit van. Y \ QUINT Ey AY Www BCDC'?CW,i WW (KA S Q\'Y) DbDWWWC WN Age W \\ AQAA Ne 8 ee at ----- i WWWG W | A FAMILIAR SIGN THESE DAYS, reminding you that right now your Chevrolet dealer can offer you an unbeatable buy on the best seller. He'll show you that incomparable quality and style needn't put a big dent in your bank account. You'll find that Chevrolet offers the most features, the most pride, the most CAR for your money. No doubt about it, "When Money Talks It Says Chevrolet". Your Chevrolet dealer is eager to prove how you can save with this great car. See him today. <a : ~~~ V8"6 A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Houses, Boats & Boat Building Haileybury, Ont. - Pick-Up Phone and 460 THE MOST MODERN EFFICIENT ENGINES IN THE WORLD _ Delivery WE SELL THE BEST SERVICE THE REST TRI-TOWN e T.V. & RADIO 19 Armstrong St. Phone 460. New _ _------