Page Two THE HAILEYBURIAN AND COBALT WEEKLY POST Founded by C. C, Farr in 1904 Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assoc. JOHN HUNT, LEIGH DAY Cobalt, Ont. Haileybury, Ont. Publisher Manager Issued every Thursday from The Haileyburian Office, Broadway Street, Haileybury Authorized as Second-Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. In Canada----$2.50 per year, in {on United States THE LETTER BOX 377 Lauder Ave advance $3.50 per year in advance Toronto 10. To The Editor, The Haileyburian, Dear Sir :-- 1 well remember the view in your issue of October 3rd. | along with my wile and family Were aimong the lucky. According to Greek and ho- man Mythology oi the three godesses who control the destiny of lite. Lachesis did not deier- mine the length, so abropas as could not cut it off, Closho keeps spinning the threads of our lives. My family was one of those who took refuge on the Lake gliore at what was know then as the tate Mr. G. T. Hamiiton's box factory. On that day the wind was from the West driving the fire right to the Lake. When it did reach the Lake Clopho in- troceded. The wind turned a- round and blew directly from the leave the east. We could then lake shore and get on higher ground, Those of us who had blankets made a_ leivouace and crawled in. Here let me say the tempera- tore was 80 in the shade at 2 a.m., October 5th we had two inches of snow this was the supreme test for the men and women of the north. They met the challange they were the unsung heros of that day as Mrs. Leishman pointed out there was a humourous side to this catastrophy many will re- member Jim McTavish the yreat horseman of the north he then lived on Russell Street and in- tended to. save his piano got it out on the street but was unable to load it on his wagon. Next just a little is where the a group of teenage boys the piano and could What would you say appropriate song on occasion. No you are wrong, you could never guess well the tune was "Where do we go from here boys". Where could we go' nowhere, the the rails were twisted like snakes. telephone and telegraph were out and inoney was useless. | could go on in indefinately 1 know will not permit. One who will never forget morning it was found scorched, now this humour comes in found play it. would be such an more detail your space James MacFarlane, Coming Events. The Fall Rally of the Temis- kaming Presbytery Woman's Association will be held in St. Andrew's United Church, Hail- eybury, Ontario, on Tuesday, October 22, registration begins at ten o'clock in the monning. Guest speaker will be Mrs. George McMullen, Vice-Presid- ent of Dominion Council Wo- man's Association. JEUNESSES MUSICALES (Continued from Page 1) this cause, and he was none other than Gilles Leiebre who was then requested to address the audience. Mr. Leiebre congratulated the delegates on their devotion oi the cause. He said he realized the problems of the Northern Ontario centres were great, esp- ecially as it was difficult for the members to attend the national reunions because of distances. He reminded the delegates of the greatness if the movement which has own forty thousand memers in four Provinces, The fifth Province Nova Scotia will soon have a center. The original budget of the Canadian J. M. was $6000; it is now $160,000. The exchange of artists makes it possible for Canadian artists to be heard in other countries. The music Camp at Oxford P.Q., has been copied in Ger- many, France, Belgium and Spain owing to Canadian In- itoative. The record club and the Journal Musical, are both helped by the French organizat- ions, The Journal Musical coy- ers all the arts and is the only one of its kind in Canada. He stressed the fact that the "Cen- tre" should not be content with the four concerts ina year. It should be active and develop a love of music among the local youth by organizing groups that will meet to listen to recorded music. These groups should be small preferably and should lis- ten to music they choose them- selves. Organization of choirs and concerts by local artists should be sponsored. Jeunesses Musicales should be active twe- lve months of the year. Father Landriault tenedered thanks to the speaker and in- vited the delegates to nominate a Chairman for the meeting. Mr. Andre Beauparlant of Sudbury accepted the nomination while Mrs. O. Gravel was chosen as secretary. The problems inherent to the Northern Ontario J. M. were discussed, especially that of bil- ingualism and the organization of groups of record music lovers. young people should not be dis- Mr. Lefebre suggested that the couraged by criticism of their choice of records, experience is the greatest teacher. As to com- mentaries J. M. is not ready to send bilingual commentators Some delegates claimed that many members were not in fav- our of commentators. To this Mr. Lefebre answered that the young people did not object only older people did. As Jeu- nesses Musicales was founded to educate the young people it would have to continue as in the past if it was to keep its distinc- tive character. To those who showed dis- couragement at the lack of re- sponse, he said we should face the fact that the work will bear fruit eventually and we should not be too impatient. Mr. J. L. Duchesneaux, In- spector of Timmins Separate Schools, was appointed to re- quest C.F.C.L, TV. to put on the series of thirteen performances on the history of music as well as the concerts for young people put on by C.B.C. Radio anc Televison... To close the reunion a delici- ous dinner was served to the guests. These were from Sud- bury, Sturgeon Falls, North Bay Kirkland Lake and Timmins. Mr. G. Lefebre will return for the organization of the campaign in October. The programs for the season will then be publish- ed. THE HAILEYBURIAN and COBALT fee THURS., OCTOBER 17th, 1957 THEY SAY HE MARRIED HER FOR HER CANADA SAVINGS BONDS CURLING CLUB NEWS An executive meeting of the Northern Ontario Ladies' Curl- ing Association held on Tuesday, October 8, at 2 p.m., at the home of the president, Mrs. C. Donegan, Haileybury. Pre sent were: Past Presiden--Mrs, G. M. Wal- lace, North Bay; President-- Mrs. C. Donegan, Haileybury ,; Vice - President -- Mrs. J. L. Ramsell, Virginiatown; Secre- tary-Treasurer--Mrs. H. Price New Liskeard; Zone Oryanizers --Mrs. R. Patton, Pamour; Mrs k. Cooper, Noranda; and Mrs D, Smith, North Bay. was The Northern Ontario Ladies' Curling Association annoynced that the Ladies' Bonspiel will be held in McIntyre Curling Rink, Schumacher, on February 20, 21, 22, and 23. Tentative date for the Associ- ation Playdowns was set fow February 1, and 2, and Mrs Ram- sell was looking into the possib- ility of having it in Virginia- town. The Ontario Playdowns will be held in Port Arthur this curling season. "CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST -- FUDLING OF VOTERS' Lisi" Voters' List 195/, Town ot Cobalt, District oi Lemiskaming Notice is hereby given that 1 have complied with Section Y ot the Voters' List Act, 1951, an that 1 have posted up at ah ollice at Cobalt, Ontario, on the 17th day of October, 1957, the list ot all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list rémains there tor in- spection. And | hereby call upon all yoters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any ommissions or errors corrected according to law, the last day for appeal be ing the 3lst day of October, 1957. Dated this 17th day of Octo- ber 1957. Cyril Vezina Clerk, Town of Cobalt. 32-1c TOWN OF COBALT COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision shall be held to hear and determine the ap- peals filed against the Assess- ment of the Town of Cobalt for the year 1958, in the Council Chambers, Community Hall Building, on Tuesday, the 29th day of October 1957 at the hour of 7.30 p.m. Dated at Cobalt, Ontario the 17th day of October, 1957. C. Vezina Clerk, Town of Cobalt. 32-1c tever you're saving for--better save at The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA! iad = Fe -- NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the Estate of HARRIET SOPHIA CRAGO, Deceased, All persons having claims against the Estate of Harriet Sophia Crago, late of the Town of Cobalt in the District of Temiskaming, Married Woman deceased, who died on or about the 12th day of July, 1957 are hereby notified to send _ part- iculars of the same to the undersigned on or before the &th day of November, 1957, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the under- signed then shall have notice, and the undersigned will not he liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED at Cobalt, Ontario this Ist day of October, 1957. STANLEY GARFIELD CRAGO, Cobalt, Ontario, Administrator. BAZAAR CONVENERS Mrs. Fraser Reavell is chair- man of the Bazaar committee for the Women's Federation of the United Church. Bazaar to be held November 9. The following is a list of the tables and their conveners. Aprons, Mrs. C. Lowery, Can- dy, Mrs. E. St, Louis, Delicates- sen, Mrs. L. Childs, Fancy Work Mrs. T. Crandall, Fish Pond Mrs. D. Dean, and Mrs. S. Bond Mincemeat, Mrs. D. Millar, Pro- duce, Mrs. J. Ritchie, Sock and Mitt Tree, Mrs. G, Thoday, Tea Table, Mrs, H. Pickard, Touch and Take, Mrs. F, Reavell. Pick-Up Phone and 460 Delivery WE SELL THE BEST SERVICE THE REST TRI-TOWN T.V. & RADIO 19 Armstrong St. Phone 460. New Coming Event The Haileybury Art Club are sponsoring the showing of the Royal Academy of Art Travell- ing Exhibition with the co- operation of the Natioanl Art Gallery, Ottawa. It will be on view in the school Auditorium, October 19, and 20, and will consist of thirty-two pictures. The time, Saturday, 2 to 5 2 p-m., and 7 to 9 p.m., Sunday, to 6 p.m. BEN BOURGET Phone 490 Box 6] General Building Contractor Remodeling & Repairing Remodelage & Reparage Houses, Boats & Boat Building Haileybury, Ont. Haileyburian Bring Resuir: Condensed Ads. in The FREE OF IMPURITIES IGNITES EASILY FAST WARMING LOW CARBON RESIDUE CLEAN BURNING GC CCG FLUES STAY CLEANER LONGER Limited Phones Haileybury 9 New Liskeard 1200 co Another Pavlova or a Florence Nightingale -- what will she be dens she a _ % Canada Savings Bonds purchased now, can provide the necessary funds when it's time for college . . . for her trousseau .. . or for establishing a home. All the things up to a worthwhile future. Should an emergency arise, Canada ] can be redeemed quickly and easily for cash at face value plus Savings Bonds earned interest. Sign up for a Canada Savings Bond today. You can do it through bake. ' dealers, trust or loan companies, or oa the Payroll savings plan where you work, P. M. FLEMING Every drop gives you more for your money! SHELL STOVE OIL Cobalt 4774 HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO that add investment THESE BONDS CAN BUILD A FUTURE SAVINGS BONDS A Better Buy Than Ever - Interest: First 2 Years at 3%%, Remaining 11 Years at VAM