PERE ret > Tete" eae Page Four THE HAILEYBURIAN and COBALT WEEKLY POST .THURS., NOVEMBER 14, 1957 COBALT _ SOUIAL and PERSONAL Mr: and Mrs. A, Leblanc Mat+ tawa, were recent guests oi Mr. aud Mrs.. Ed. Henderson and tamily, Galena Street, over the week-end Mrs. Duff Allan and son, Hughie of North Bay, spent the week-end at the home oi her parents, Mr. and Mrs, TAs Wright. : Mr. and Mrs H. &, Burton, Kirkland Lake spent the week- end at the home oi her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. St. Louis. Haileybury. They visited iriends and relatives in Cobalt on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lemon son Don left Wednesday, to visit their daughter and son-in- law, Mr, and Mrs. Hunter and family in Toronto for a few days. Mrs. Frank Richardson, accompanied them to 'Toronto' and went on to St. Catharines to visit her daughter Mrs. Mac- Donald, and her son, Ralph Richardson, and then will re- ~ turn to Toronto, for a visit with her brother. Lynda Houston daughter of Mrs. A. Wallman, is home again from the hospital and is recov- ering nicely now. Miss Diana Park, formerly of Cobalt, spent the week-end re- cently with Mrs. Edith Cain. Mrs, Alex Scalena and daugh- ter, Tangie from Winnipeg, Manitoba, will spend the win- ter as her mothers guest, Mrs. J. Turgeon. Her husband has been committed to hospital and will spend an indefinite time there. John Sabourin, Toronto. was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Leo Scully while in the north for a weeks hunting recently. Ernest Adair, Guelph, and Ed: Anderchuk, Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Wright on Saturday, en-route to Elk Lake, for a weeks hunt- ing trip. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Har- vieux_and children Buddy, Rich- ard, and Frederick from Holtyre visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Turgeon over the week- end. : Miss Maureen Moore of the Teachers Staff, Callander, visit- ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Moore and family over the week-end, Walter Cole who was in Sun- nybrook Hospital Toronto, has returned to his home again. Mrs. H. Welch, mother of H. T. Welch, Ruby Street took slight stroke at Northdale Man- or, and was admitted to New Liskeard Hospital, She is slight- ly improved now. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kenty, Port Credit, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Tay- lor recently, Mrs, Charles. Reckin has re- turned home recently after a months) visit with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Wren and brother-in-law Mr. Wren in Rochester, New York, She spent a few days also with friends in Toronto. H. O. Armstrong. Ruby Street attended the Preceptory Degree in the Masonic Lodge in Iroqu- ois Falls. Saturday, evening, He joined a carload of five others at the Masonic Temple in Hail- eybury who also attended. Miss Helen Wright, North Bay spent the week-end at her par- ents, home Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Wright. Grandview Avenue. Miss Donna Burton, North Bay. was guest over the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs A. J. Wright. Mrs, F., Cunneyworth of Hamilton, who is a.guest of her niece Mrs. L. Kirkwood, at Elk Lake, and Mr. Kirkwood spent Saturday, in Cobalt with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Len ham were visitors in for a few days recently. Mrs. Ed. Henderson gpent Tuesday in Haileybury, visiting é Cunning- Toronto, This week we have all colors and styles. Abie Says... Curling boots. These have cork and rubber soles and warm shearling lining and the price is extra _ special at $9.95. We also have curling tams and caps in all the wanted tartans, a large range of plaid work shirts at $2.95. Slack sets for boys and girls in Beige, red and _turquois, plaid slacks for both adults and the younger girls, corduroy lounging sets for girls (red tops and black slacks) ladies handbags in See our colored sheets with matching pillow cases and towels in all pastel shades as well as the more brilliant colors. a good special on Men's ABRAHAM'S 1953 FORD, Customline, tone, radio, PAGE FOUR SPECIAL ! beautiful condition, two- only $1,095. ervations. "Your Pleasure JACK MATHEWS' GARAGE COBALT, ONTARIO yy is in reason as well. Hotel Haileybury We're "Elected" By The Very Best Parties!. ( For special get-togethers of family, _ friends or business associates, we win \ by a landslide vote. Good teasons, too: \ fine food and refreshments, congenial atmosphere, gracious service. The tat E o . Phone for res- - A is Our Business" -- : . ' Deanery meeting of Mrs. Smallman and her mother Mrs. K, Jeffries. Mrs. A. Wall- man was unable to go. on ac- count of sickness in the family. Alvin Arden Turgeon from Downview, R.".A.F. Base visit- 36 ed his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Turgeon over the week-end. Temiskaming Deanery Meets In Cobalt Temiskaming the Wo- men's Auxiliary of the Anglican Church was held in the 1.0.0.F. Hall on November Ist. with 50 ladies attending from Englehart, New Liskeard, Haileybury, Co- balt and Temagami, The ladies received first hand knowledge of the Anglican Sun- day School Caravan Missions from the ladies who started them in 1920. Miss Eva Hasell M.B.E. founder and organizer of the Anglican Sunday School Cara- vans in Canada and Miss Iris Sayle, a co-teacher on her an- nual trips through thousands of miles of Canadian Territory. Miss Hasell who was guest speaker for the day lono meet- ing lectured on her experiences as a mobile Sunday School Tea- cher in the_ isolated areas of British Columbia 'and along 1,000 miles of the Alaskan High- way. Founder of the Caravan's, she told of their growth in popul- arity and scope despite all kinds of geographical and financial factors since their inception in 1920. Today after 37 years there are 31 vans in operation in the 15 dioceses of the Church spread out from the Maritimes to the Yukon. Referring to British Immi- grants she said it was expected that 200,000 would arrive by the end of 1957, in the biggest ex- odus since 19,3, She said the migration would The annual 4 place immigrants in the position of being "financial burdens" on the Church for two years after their arrival. News that the Temiskaming Deanery had been extended. to .cover the territory from Eng- lehart to "Sundridge prompted the suggestion by Mrs, G. L. Cassidy of Haileybury that the proposed area be split into two zones "A" and ."B" in order to have better fellowship within the groups. A resolution regard- ing this was sent to Mrs. H. M, Montieth, Sault Ste. Marie The Algoma president, COBALT HOME LEAGUE Mrs. _Ray Clattenburg was hostess to the Salvation Army Home League, on Wednesday, The meeting opened with the Hymn "Wonder working power" and was followed by prayer of- fered by Mrs. A, Joy. Mrs, N. Beattie then read the 6th Chafp- ture of Romans and Mrs. J. Mc- Askill presented a message en- titled "A Gift for You". Miss Anne McAskill and Miss Joan Clattenburg read inspiring articles and Mrs, Beattie offered the closing prayer. The Christmas Bazaar was planned for November 16, in the Community Hall. The Ladies sewed on bazaar articles during the social hour. They also observed the 21st birthday of Miss June McAskill and. she was presented with a lovely cup and saucer. The birthday cake was served with the delightful lunch by the hostess Mrs. R. Clattenburg. COBALT GIRL GUIDES Mrs. Walter Hylands was hostess to the Ladies Associat- ion of Girl Guides recently and Mrs. Hayes was enrolled by District Commissioner Mrs. Giovanella and received her membership pin. The report from the meeting was read. The Brownie Cookie sale, and the Guide Rummage Sale, were the main topics of discussion. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. A. Creighton and Mrs. Sybil Jack- son. area RAK AK The first company of Cobalt Girl Guides under the leadership of acting Captain Giovanella and her assistant Lieutenants, Mrs. R. Jean Louis and Miss Sally Smith held their regular meeting on Monday, November 4th. Seven new Guides have joined the company, including the three who flew up from Brownies last week, bringing the total registered Guides to A tag game preceded the meeting followed by the regular opening of Patrol Formation, collection of fees, roll call and Horse-Shoe Drill. God Save The Queen was then sung, and the Guides Prayer and Promise were recited. Announcements were made concerning the Rummage Sale to be held at the end of November. The annual registra- tion fees are now due. The Guides will take part in the Rememberance Day Parade on Sunday, November _ 10th. Permission was given to the girls to wear their uniforms at school on Friday, afternoon. Acting Lieutenant Sally Smith read an article on. guiding, Act- ing Captain Giovanella spoke on Camps in Foreign Countries for 1958. Work was done in patrol cor- ners and one Skitefor.each Pat- rol was Planned fo rthe regular Camp Fir. The meeting ¢losed with Taps. OK The Girl Guides and Brownies looking very smart in their uni- forms, welcomed the mothers of the Brownies and members of the Ladies Association as guests of a flying up ceremony at the meeting on 28th, Three Brownies of the Secand Pack were admitted into th¢ Guide Company 77. Acting Cap- tain Gioyanella and Lillian Jen- nings assisted as Company Guide -leaders and _ Brownie Leaders Connie Perrault and Glenda Brown Brownies. The Guides marched to Horse Shoe Formation and dues were Collected. A color 'party then advanced the Flags. The Natianal Anthem was sung and _ the Guide Promis and Prayer were recited, ' The Brownies then wove their magic through the Horse-Shoe formed a Fairy Ring and sang six of their songs before form- ing a circle behind the Guides. The three Brownies who were flying up remained beside the toad stool and the interesting ceremony was observed. Acting Captain Giovanella welcomed the three new Guides and-the Brownies sang their farewell song. Everyone joined in a singsong after which the Brownies were dismissed, The Guides went to their patrol corners for test work and later were called back to the Horse-Shoe for announcements The meeting closed with "Softly fall the light of day" Taps and dismissal, COBALT HIGH SCHOOL accompanied the The Cobalt High School foot- ball team travelled by bus Fri- day to Noranda, accompanied by six cheerleaders also Mrs, H. Todd. Willard Miller and Hector Lalonde of the teaching staff. The Noranda players had been Monday, October guests of Cobalt High on Oct- ober 4th, and.this was the return game. The score was 28-8 for Noranda. A dinner was served in the Noranda High School after the game and was followed by a dance, in the auditorium. Educational Ass'n Meet In Englehart The Temiskaming Educational Association held its annual meeting in the Englehart Public School on Friday. Mrs. S. Colhoun president, presided at the meeting. The meeting oapened with the sing- ing of the National Anthem, The devotional was conducted by Rev. W. Fisher of the Bap- tist Church, Acting Mayor Joseph Clark welcomed the visitors on be- half of the Town, M. C. Napper, Inspector of the Public Schools introduced the new teachers. Routine business was trans+ acted and a panel discussion was held on "What's your Problem', Taking part in the panel were Mrs. A. Houghton, Mrs. I, Beach, Mrs. G. Sparks, Mrs, Barette, A. Hetherington, H. Grant, and A. Armstrong, A turkey dinner was served in the Anglican Hall at noon, In the afternoon session, the guest speaker was G. A. Jenkins A.T.C.M. music director of Pub- 'lic Schools in Timmins, and he chose for. his subject "Musia Why the Mystery". The nominating committee re- ported the new president will be D. McGugan of Cobalt, vice- president, Mrs. Ida Beach of New Liskeard, and secretary- treasurer Mrs, R. Irwin, New Liskeard, executive members are Miss Gladys Murphy and Mrs. Bronte Svekers of Cobalt Miss P, Pacey, Mrs. I.: Knight, H. Sweetnam of New Liskeard; H. Pilsworth, Englehart; and C. Hiawn of North Cobalt, There are twenty-four open boards in this inspectorate. Mr. McGugan invited the associat- ion to meet in Cobalt in 1958. EARLY ORCHIDS Mrs. H. G. Pickard called the Haileyburian office this week regarding the announeement carried last week which stated that Mr. J. Whorley had been the first to grow orchids in the north. Mrs. Pickard tells us that she grew orchids in Haileybury as early as 1933 and recalls that she had three colors, glistening white, deep mauve and purple. The late Mrs. J. T. Welburn of Uno Park, also had _ several different varieties of orchids growing at her home during the same year. Between 1946 and 1956 the death rate from tuberculosis in Canada drdpped from 47.2-to 7.8 per 100,000. Despite the im- provement there were still more than 1,200 deaths from TB. BEN BOURGET Phone 490 Box 6 General Building Contractor Remodeling & Repairing Remodelage & Reparage Houses, Boats & Boat Building Haileybury, Ont. NEW LISKEARD EMPIRE THEATRE Phone 35 single bill. Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m Show at 7 and Y p.m LAST SHOWINGS TODAY "SILENT WORLD" Double Feature "UTAH BLAINE" FRIDAY and SATURDAY 6 'Seventh RANDOLPH SCOTT Matinee Sat, 2.00 p.m. NOV. 15th---16th Cavalry" BARBARA HALE Cartoon Plus Added Short MONDAY and TUESDAY "Ill Met By DIRK BOGARDE CARTOON PLUS SHORTS NOV. 18th--19th Moonlight" MARIOUS CORING HENRY FONDA NEWS WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY "Wrong Man" NOV, 20th--2Ist | VERA MILES CARTOON - think of tice moderation peer Sie Che House of Seagram Distillers since 1857 Men who toda tomorrow