__THURS., JAN. 16th, 1958 THE HAILEYBURIAN and COBALT WEEKLY POST _ Page Five COBALT ing the tea table, Mrs, Reavellbe held in the United church SOCIAL and PERSONAL Mrs. Bill McPherson was ad- mitted Sunday evening, to the Misericordia hospital Haileybury for a Tonsillectomy operation on Monday. Sa Ee | ad Mrs. Theresa Morisette, Tim- mins, visited her father A, Gia- chino during the holiday season and renewed her many friend- ships here. Barbara Anne Bazinet daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cy Bazinet Nickel Street was Cobalt's first baby for 1958. She has five sis- ters who are Patricia, - Nancy, Ruth, Claire and Mary and three brothers, Paul, Gordon and Tom- my. . Cubmaster Willard Miller re- ported that the recent meeting of the Cobalt Cub Pack took the form of games with Ken . Aird and Allan Brown assisting the Cubmaster. There are two types of furnace \ oil delivery--ordinary--and Shell Furnace Oil Delivery. With Shell, you enjoy the hottest, cleanest burning Furnace Oil-- metered into your tank--you get every drop you pay for! And you get our dependable Keep Filled Seryice--all winter long. Order your Shell Furnace Oil today. P. M. FLEMING Limited Phones Haileybury 9 Cobalt 4774 "New Liskeard 1200 HAILEYBURY, CNTARIO TO RENT PORTABLE ROCK oe ee DRILLS "Master" Portable --SPACE HEATERS --AIR COMPRESSOR and BREAKER DOUG'S RENTAL 1050 Cassells St. North Bay 44-8c Dial GR 2-1980 MURRAY _McKINNON Your MUTUAL LIFE Representative 72 Nickel -- Cobalt Dial 4519 ANDY SCOTT Phone 634 Building and Contracting Repairs, Remodeling All Kinds Of Carpentery By the hour or contract Free Estimates When you motor to the GOLD TOWN make yourself at home with the North's oldest names in Automobiles. Pontiac - Buick - GMC -Shell- MACDONALD - ROWE MOTORS 110 Gov't. Rd. W. Ph. 112 Kirkland Lake 44-tfc Pick-Up Phone and ~ 460 Delivery WE SELL THE BEST SERVICE THE REST TRI-TOWN T.V. & RADIO 19 Armstrong St. Phone 460. New Liskeard Miss Iva Brydges, Toronto, was a recent visitor at her sis- ters' home Mr, and Mrs. Al. Menzies and Family, Cobalt St. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. MacDon- ald and daughters Ruth and Margaret. of Kirkland Lake, visited Mrs, MacDonald's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Duncan over the week end. H. O. Armstrong, Mel Cooke, G. Hillman, Frank Lea, J. Clow attended the Loyal Orange Lodge Country meeting in Eng- lehart, Saturday night, The meeting of the Second Cobalt Brownie Pack was held on Wednesday, with Brown Owl Miss Connie Perrault and Taw- ny Owl Miss Glenda Brown in charge of the meeting. Qualifications for the Baden Powel] Badge were discussed and the Brownies were asked to have all equipment on hand at their next meeting. Bill Montgomery and Douglas Leaper have returned to town from Elliot Lake. Mr. and Mrs. S. Speck and family, Linda and Raymond visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mes- senger and family at Kirkland Lake. They also visited Mr. Speck's father who is a patient in Kirkland District hospital. Mike Wanamaker of. Calland- er, attended the Temagami Car- nival on- Saturday and spent Sunday in Cobalt visiting friends Lientenant Ronald Hunt will leave shortly to take his new post at Wiarton, Ontario. He came from Windsor in June 1957, to the Cobalt Salvation Army Corp to take charge here. Lieut. Bursey who shared the Cobalt juarters with Lt. Hunt Cobalt quarters for the present time of both Cobalt and Hailey- bury Salvation Army Corps. Mr.and Mrs. H, I. Armstrong and family of Virginiatown, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Armstrong, Ruby Street. Bill Taylor, Principal of a Public School North Bay, was installed as Master of the North Bay Masonic Lodge No. 617 He is the son, of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Taylor former residents of Cobalt but now of Peterborough His father Mr. Taylor attended the installation. Those attending from Cobalt were: Rev. George Johnston, Anglican Minister; Hugh O. Armstrong, Arthur J, Brown, Ford Chapmam, Bud Morgan, and L, Birtch, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rylkos and son Richard of Toronto, and Mrs. Lawrence Wallman and daughter Beyerley from Saska- toon, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Wallmanrand family for a few days: Miss Valerie Herbert, Galena Street, was admitted Sunday night to Misericordia Hospital, Haileybury for a_ tonsillectomy operation on Monday. John Wilcox, Sudbury, visited his parents on Ruby Street over the weekend, Mrs. George Ovakin (nee Irene Adshead) Gillies was ad- mitted to the Misericordia hosp- ital, Haileybury, Monday night, with appendicitis, _CUSTOMS COLLECTIONS H. B. Ramey collector of cus- toms at Cobalt, reported revenue for December was $20,635.69 and $11.50 sundry collections. This is more than double the November revenue although there were only 223 import en- tries, 15 fewer than in the pre- ceding month, It is also up considerably from the December 1956, revenue which totalled $1,2349.49 at Co- balt. Mr. Ramey's term as col- lector of customs expired on January 6. Robert Burns suc- ceeded him. HAILEYBURY WLI. Fifteen members and one visitor attended the January meeting of the Haileybury bra- nch of the Women's Institute, held Thursday evening in the Legion Hall, One minute's silence was ob- served in memory of Mrs, M, A, necessary 'pack box -- SNEAK THIEVES [ Prefer Men to SVomen 6 tol * Mother's purse, i . wherewithal for the family trip, Stewart, former FBI agent, now Express. ' es tewart voiced his opinion as not father's wallet, may be the place to carry the according to a man who knows, John chief inspector for American pickpockets and purse-snatchers prepare for the holiday shoppin; season. A rich harvest is expecté because more money than ever before will be in circulation. The light-fingered brigade lifts between $40 and $60 million each year from Americans, Stewart said, with the man in the family supplying them with the lion's shareoftheloot. Stewart has statistics to prove that women are far more care- ful than men when it comes to money. Of the 50,000 persons who report losses of travelers cheques to American Express each year, less than one-#: are women. Why are-men heavier losers than women? Major reason is because women | are more cautious in dealing with strangers. They are more re- served. Less apt to flash a bi: roll in » restaurant or crowd re To keep sneak thieves from tting too rich, Stewart offers ese hints: \For women: Never put your purse down in a store, chur or theatre. Thieves are experts at whisking it out from under your nose and disappearing. Avoid using a shoulder bag on vacation or shopping trips where u'll be walking through crowds; Mees do carry a shoulder bag, keep one hand on it constantly. =| For men: Try to avoid carry- ing a wallet in your hip pocket or any side pocket. Keep a flat one in your breast pocket. Don't load it with papers -- keep it thin. In a see be sure your suit coat is buttoned. When you use your wallet, never put it down. Re- place it immediately in your pocket. And remember -- sneak thieves usually work in pairs, and keep a sharp eye out for bulging pock- ets and dangling pocketbooks, The common practice is for one to bump or otherwise distract the intended victim while the second reaches into the man's pocket or woman's handbag. McNeil., a member whose death occurred recently. Mrs. W. Cooper and-~ Mrs. S. Horncastle were appointed to represent the branch at Civil Defence meetings. Following a discussion on ways of raising "money, it was decided that each member con- tribute one dollar talent money. At the close of the meeting, Mrs. R. MacGillivary gave another demonstration on the short course, "The Third Meal" which she had attended on behalf of the branch. This time her demonstration was on soups and desserts, and she also gave a number of menus and meal plan¢ Recipe books. were also given out. Lunch was served. Rev. J. W. Wilkinson Installs The January meeting of the St. Andrew's Women's Federat- ion was held in the Sunday school room of the church. The devotional period was conducted by Miss Muriel Rice, president, assisted by Mrs. Hop- kins. A service of installation of officers was conducted in the church by Rev. J. W. Wilkin- son. Mrs. Lowery and Mrs. Cragg will convene the lunch for the annual congregational meeting on January 22, Plans were made to hold the Valentine Tea on February 15th, with Mrs. J. Timmins conven- the produce 'table, The C.G.LT., girls will assist with the decoratiing. The _ February 21st. wo- diction, after which lunch mens world day of prayer will served, Ben Bourget Phone 490 Box 6 Boats and Boat Building Haileybury, Ont. ee ACCURACY =. We can give quick service in supplying custom made rubber stamps...at budget prices. Drop in and tell us what you want - we'll have it ready for you uth- in a couple of days. - HE HAILEYBURIAN HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO ch Temiskaming Construction Limited ENGINEERS Design, Construction, Mine Development, Operation Electrical and Mechanical Installations Oo HEAD OFFICE P.O. Box 459° Haileybury,Ont. Telephone 517 MAKE A OLDSmobility A GENERAL MOTOR' DATE WITH A DYNAMIC 8&! «« e DISCOVER 'S VALUE Dynamic 88 Holiday Coupe --High-style, at a down-to-earth price! A BIG CAR AT A BUDGET PRICE! ...WITH TOP PERFORMANCE PLUS NEW FUEL ECONOMY! IMPROVED: Oldsmobile's new ECON-O-WAY Carburetor, on all Dynamic 88 "Rocket"' performance... plus the greatest fuel Improvement ln Oldsmobile history. 'ODAY. economy TRY iT T . ; GINES YOU GREATLY GAS MILEAGE! © models, gives you true need, plus a marked adi ein fuel From Oldsmobile comes an entirely new idea in motoring! OLDSmobility . . . an impressive, economical new way of going places in this Rocket Age! You'll discover it in the dynamic 88 . . . a car with a look so dramatic, so distinctive, that you'd never guess it's Oldsmobile's lowest-priced line! And the dollar-wise value of an "88" doesn't stop with its low purchase price. Underneath the hood of this new beauty throbs a thrifty heart. You'll find that Oldsmobile's great new Rocket Engine provides all the power you ry. The reason? Oldsmobile's new 2-barrel ECON-O-W AY Carburetor teams with a new manifold, featuring larger heat risers for -more efficient vaporization, to give you much greater fuel economy! So make a date with the Dynamic 88... soon! Discover a com- pletely new way of going places . - - OLDSmobility! ... at your nearby dealer's! = OLDSMOBILLE ..58 Coecrccceccccece+s SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER ++ seccccscscceseccs H -- ther we aileybury Garage Limited The meeting closed with bene-