MODERN TAXI Phone 5 2 Phone HAILEYBURY CANCER MEETING FEB. 26 l IAN MacDIARMID- ~ General Insurance Auto Financing Telephone 10 Haileybury, Ontario Haileyburian on GOAT WES POST Northern Ontario's Oldest Weekly Newspaper--Published in the Interest of Haileybury and Cobalt, Since 1904 THURSDAY, FEB. 6th, 1958 Vol, 53; No. 48 Temagami Church Hold Dedication Service CANCER MEET The Canadian Cancer Society will hold a meeting in the Hail- eybury high school auditorium February 26. The purpose of the Dedication services were held meeting will be to form a Tri- in the United church at Temag- ami Sunday February 2, with Rey. F. Stymiest of North Bay, officiating and the Cobalt choix assisting with the musical part of the service. They also con- tributed an anthem. The minister of this church is Rev. H. L. Wipprecht of Cobalt, with J. C. Elliott as clerk of the session, Others active in the work of the church include organist; Mrs. M. E. Sadler, chairman Board of stewards; Mrs. N. Shaw, superintendenant of Sun- day School; Mrs. T. New, pre- sident of Woman's Federation; Mrs. Elliott, building committee L, Pacey, chairman; E. A. Boldt, J. R. Stevens, R. Pacey, J. R. Eady, Mrs. N. Wickins, Mrs. N Schmelefske, C. H. Cox. T. New. YOUNG PEOPLE HOLD SPECIAL SERVICE A special service to conclude Youth Week was held in the United Church on Sunday. even4 ing, February 2. Rev. J. W. Wilkinson leader of the Sigma C boys group, wel- comed those in attendance. The devotional service was in charge of the Jeaders of the var- ious young peoples groups, Fra- ser Reavyell, Tyros, Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson, C.G.I.T., and Mrs. J. Rogers, Explorers. The choir was in attendance to assist with the singing and Mr. Tyson sang a solo. Following the service, a film was shown entitled Ming Mai of Malaya, after which refresh- ments, provided by the young peoples group, were served. The WEEK'S WEATHER Week Ending February 5th, 1958 huTsday eee eer ae 30 29 Bridayeess+..- mee ons 35 20 Satundaya merase 5. 23 17 'Specks Sees og. 17 08 Woanday, 5:3. - +--+ 13 04 mA esdayr cists. <a Gani 25 09 Wednesday ......... 21 00 Town branch of the organizat- ion. The Canadian Cancer 'Society is a nation wide organization, devoted to the cure of cancer by the propogation of information and the assistance of cancer sufferers. FOSTER CONFIDENT Foster Rice is confident of victory. Arnold Peters is sure that he's going to repeat his nuracle performance of last June. The Liberals are certain that they will win, providing they can find a candidate Phat's. the situation in Temis- kaming today. Foster's fit, Arnold's happy, and the Grits don't seem quite sure what they are up to. According to P, J. Burns of Kirkland Lake, the Liberals haven't made a deal with 'he Tories to wipe out Peters. Ac- cording to Arnold Peters. he wouldn't be surprised! if they Mr. Burns has stated that there will be a Liberal candidate But no one knows who he will be. Mr. Rice states that never be- fore have the Tories heen so well organized. He's_ certain that if all the Tory supporters get out and' work, the riding will be won for Diefenbaker. NORTH COBALT MAY GET WATER SUPPLY did. Bucke Township councillors are trying to decide whether or not to supply water to North Cobalt. Last year, cquncil considered supplying water and sewerage to the towns 700 residents but nothing more was done about it. The question will be decided on the return of council from Toronto and a meeting of the Ontario Water Resources Com- mission Lots of people have great aims in life, but never (pull the trigger at 7.30 p.m. AGENDA: TO ALL TOWN ORGANIZATIONS: The Haileybury Recreation Committee asks all interested town organizations to send representatives to the Annual Meeting of the Recreation Committee, to be held at the HAILEYBURY HIGH SCHOOL on MONDAY, FEB. 24th 1. Annual report of Committee. 2. Election of Committee members. 3. Organization Reports, problems, etc. COUTT'S VALENTINES Vv WHITBY'S PHARMACY FCCC CCC CO CSCC CC CCC CCC CC CCC CCT COCO CCC CCT CCTV OOH Big T.N.0. Bonspiel Starts Wed. Feb. 12th With the T, and N. O. Bon- Spiel just around the corner Mr. Hubert Doran, Bonspiel secre- tary, predicted there would he a full entry of 64 rinks. The entry list will not close until Saturday night, and it is expected that by that time suffi- cient additional entrys will be received to make the ideal draw. First draw will take place in Haileybury at 6 p.m, on Wec- nesday February 12th, and the official opening will take place at 8.30 p.m. Play will continue at Haieylbury and New Lis- heard at 9 a.m. Thursday. BONNIE DOON CAMP HONOR BOBBIE BURNS Bonnie Doon Camp, Daughters of Scotland! fittingly celebrated the birthday of Robbie Burns with a pot luck supper in the Cobalt Community Hall Friday night, January 24. Following the singing of the Doxology an address of wel- come was given by Mrs. Stan Tresidder and Mrs. W. J. Cahill gave Burns Grace, A "braw" Haggis had been ordered from Toronto for the occasion but unfortunately it did not arrive in time for the sup, per. : The toast to the Queen was given by Stan Tresidder and to the Immortal Memory by Rev. Wippercht. An enjoyable solo, "The Star 'o Robbie Burns" was presented by Mrs. Bronte Svekers, accom- panied by Mrs. Wipprecht. On behalf of the guests, Tom Duncan expressed appreciation for the supper. Mrs. Hal Fleming convened the entertainment and the soci- al convener was Mrs. Jessie Smith. The program consisted of Highland dances by Berna Jean Palangio, community singing led by Nell Henderson and Nettie Wallman, piano selections by Muriel Tresidder, accordian sel- ections by Mrs. Armand Ceto, and a solo by Mrs. Wallman. Following the program, High- land reels and square dancing provided an enjoyable interlude. With David) Wallman drawing the tickets, Mrs. Paul Wink was announced as the winner of a cup and saucer and Mrs. Flem- ing won pillow cases. Lunch was served by the com- mittee in charge with Dale Gig- uere, Marg. Dunning, Dorothy Houston, Florence Graham, Ca- rol Fenton, and Heather Mac- Arthur serving tea. The Queen's portrait also was draped with Drummond) Tartan. Robbie Burns. portrait, also draped with the tartan wan on draped with the tartan was on SILVER FIND he Langis Silver and Cobalt Mine, located in Casey township, east of New Liskeard is report- ed to have made a rich silver find on the~260 level of their No. three shaft, REGINALD BEDFORD HERE FOR EXAMINATION FEB. 7 Shown above is Reginald Bed- ford who will conduct current examinations for the Royal Conservatory of Music of To- ronto in Haileybury on Febru- ary 7th, 1958. A distinguished concert pian- ist, he is best known as a partner in the two-piano team of Bed- ford and Eby (Mrs. Bedford). In recent years, the Bedfordy have spent most of their time coneertizing, under New York '"anagement, in the United \teevs and Canada. In their pro- grammes they consistently pre- sent works by Canadian com- posers such as Violet Archer, Robert Fleming and Oskar Morawetz. Mr. Bedford, who was born in London Ontario, received his early musical training in Saska- toon with teacher Lyell Gustin. A scholarship took him to Chic- ago, where he studied with Jeannette Durno and _ Percy Grainger. Further study follow- ed with Edwin Hughes of New York, Robert Casadesus in Fon- tainebleau, France, and more re- cently with Carl Freidberg of New York. Teacher as well as_ concert- artist, Mr. Bedford has his own studio in Hamilton, with a staff of eight associated teachers. He formerly was thead of the piano department of the Conservatory of Music in Halifax, where he also acted as organist and choir- master at All Saints' Cathedral. included! red and white candles and a cairngorm. Head Table guests were Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Cahill, New Lis- keard, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Dun- can, Rev. and Mrs. Wipprecht, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tresidder, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Wink and Mr. and Mrs. Hal Fleming. Broadcast over the CBC Trans-Canada network each week, "The Boon Companions" brings by a five-piece instrumental group under a half hour show of pop music Harry Boon, with songs by Kip Wallis, a former star of radio, British television and night clubs, L. to R. Gordon Schmitt (vibes), Jim Newby (drums), Harry Boon (piano), Howard Guloien (sax), McCulloch (bas)s at rehearsal. Tan Play-offs For British Consols Start Tonight The British Consols Play-Oif will get underway to-nigh at the Cobalt-Haileybury Curling Club' Eight teams, two from each Zone in the T. and N. O. Curling Association, will compete in a Round Robin contest. The win- ner will advance to the Inter Association play-off in Port Arthur. Heading the list of crack rinks is Tom Ramsey of Kirkland Lake only Northern Ontario curler to win the MacDonald Brier Tankard. Also in the com- petition is Les Redford-from McIntyre a two time winner of the Consols Trophy. Play will continue through the week-end, Personnel of competing rinks: Kirkland Lake F. Prier, G. Marston, T. Mar- ston, T. Ramey, Sikp. Kirkland Lake J. Polybank, F. McDonald, F. Butorac, G, McDonald, Skip. Kapuskasing C. Wright, D. McIntyre, Blakeman, C. Thompson, Skip. Iroquois Falls E. Rowe, F. Sestarini, S. Luk- ianovitch, S, Sestarini, Skip. Ve McIntyre R. Church, -P. Hamilton, L, Raney, L. Redford, Skip. Pamour S. Zoschke, S. Woodrow, H. Harvey, H. Demille, Skip. Temagami J. Watson, J. Guppy, L. God- dard, W. MacArthur, Skip. Cobalt-Haileybury C. Dunn, R. Morissette, N. McAulay, L. Umphrey, Skip. Thursday, 9:00 P.M. Draw Umphrey vs Demille MacArthur vs Thompson Ramsey vs Sestarini McDonald ys Redford. Unemployment Problem Alex Cowen manager of the nationa] employment office for the disticrt states that the rise in unemployment continued last week after its temporary check of the week before. For the week ending January 30, there was a total of 1,805 unplaced applicants for employ- ment, made up of 1,506 males and 299 females. This figure was 37 more than the week be- fore. Unfilled vacancies totalled 49, there were 1,687 applicants for unemployment benefits, For the préceding week there were l,- 576. Ethel Barrymore popularized the lines "That's all there is, there isn't any more". Advice to the lovelorn is the oldest syndicate feature in news- papers. Haileybury Baptists Hold Annuai Meeting The annual meeting of the Haileybury Baptist Church was held January 29th, in the church auditorium with the pastor H. de Vires as chairman. : After a devotional period the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The church covenant was then read followed by a moment of silent prayer in order that the members and adherents might re-affirm their faith. The following reports were given: Pastors Mr. H, de Vires, Clerks, Mrs. G. Kranz, Trea- surers, Miss Jean Wilson, Sun- day School Mrs, Kranz, Ladies Aid, Mas. S. Tresidder. It'was agreed that Mr. de Vires confer with Dr. D, A. Burns (Home Mission Supt.) re- garding plans for an Evangelis- tic Campaign and a Daily Vaca- tion Bible School. The 1958 bud- get accepted as read was pre- sented by Miss Jean Wilson. The officers for 1958 are as follows: Clerk, Mrs. G. Kranz, Treasurer Miss Jean Wilson, Ladies Aid president, Mrs. M. Crooks, Mis- sion Circle president, Mrs. H. de Vries, Sunday School Supt. Mrs. H. de Vires, Sunday School Sec- retary treasurer, Mrs. D. David- son. The meeting adjourned with prayer Mr. de Vries then showed a challenging film "The Church Sees Itself Through The Look- ing Glass'. The Ladies Aid served refreshments. Fluoridation Favored The Temiskaming Health Unit is in favor of fluoridation of water as a measure to prevent tooth decay has: probably been debated more than any proposed health measure in recent years. A brief explaning fluoridation was issued in 1951 to district municipalities. While at least two towns favored fluoridation, none of the communities were prepared, at that time, to undertake the cost of the service. Today about one million Cana- dians'are reaping the benefits of fluoridated water supplies in 24 communities. Many thousands more people have been drinking naturally fluoridated water all their lives. When the Temiskaming Health Unit tested water supplies in the district six years ago, a small amount of flourine was found in only one of the specimens ex- amined, that from New Liskeard. GOLF CLUB STAG! FEB. 21st HAILEYBURY HIGH * GYMNASTICS AND MUCH FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14 3:00 -- 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 -- 8.30 p.m. 8:30 -- 9:30 pm. ORATORICAL CONTEST Silver Collection ie | tnt tonnlianctectttins ttn ttn slime 2B ttm tite sn slin- finn tina tintin sinew hentia Biinntiiana tants * DEMONSTRATIONS * PRODUCE SALE ~°* WHITE ELEPHANT SALE SCHOOL STUDENTS PRESENT OPEN HOUSE MORE!