"THURSDAY, FEB. 6th, 1958 Page Two THE HAMEYBURIAN and COBALT WEEKLY POST = DAY, LE ; uci Eli: II, 1952 February 14-SQ Valentine's rt THE HAILEYBURIAN up program of professional in- izabeth et Sh tae y : struction for young instruction, February 6-- an inter Day ¢ AND the accident rate' among grad- ily d = Carnival, ae ere x ' February 16 - 23--Brotherhood { COBALT WEEKLY POST uates was only one-eight that of | Wh wait ill ae. February --Nort merican ok GGanishinnt Gotcha: j ~C the average motorist y | ti Spring Cross Country Ski Champion- a i Lae ald a ae N lults, i : believe ships, Sudbury, Ont. Christians and Jews) j het sai aeaiiiher= ety in- DO IT NOW! February 8--9--North American February 17-20--Canadian Con- structors, The safety record of : - Ski Jumping Championships, ference on Education, Ottawa the home - taught teen-agers : Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Ontario. } doesn't support this. Studies February 9--15--White Cane February 18--Shrove Tuesday. is show that young drivers _who week (Canadian National In- February 19--Ash Wednesday ' Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assoc. have undergone competent driv- aie eee dede ot me te eae Sark ea Sen- ? JOHN HUNT, LEIGH DAY jing instruction are twice as safe ebruary Canada ceded by ior 1 ampionships, imber- f Cobalt, Ont Haileybory, Oat. 45" others of their age who have Treaty of Paris, 1763. February 22--George Washing- ch ane T ee had no such training February 10--Upper and Lower ley, B.C. ' Issued eve Tbursday from The yburian U ° ; : : 5 Gti. Bicdeay Street, Haileybury See meena oe oy born pee ip ae Authorized as Second-Class Mail, Post Office CNR WAITER IS ebruary 12-- raham incoln ebruary , Trappers esti- PO epar tele as ares vance MZORIAN'S COUNSELLOR born, 1809. val, The Pas, Man. |. In Canada----32.50 pes year, sn advance Es In United Staces--33.5U per year in advance Winnipeg, January == Toe 100 = eae hie isa? ian immi s, the F h For recent Canadian immigrants, t Professieang Drivers, - Portugese Azores and Western THE ANSWER TO THE HIGH PRICE OF GAS-- Canada are two different worlds. : ; f . Coming form the sunny isles of 1 An increasing proportion Ol +h. Atlantic it's no wonder they } automobile drivers will be of feel somewhat dispirited during F teen-age in years ahead and, un- this their first Canadian winter, less these young people can be with seasonal unemployment "| FIND THAT BUILDING MATERIALS ARE taught to be responsible behind striking many of them. eae en the wheel, Canada faces a "stag- But there is always hope, and MORE READILY AVAILASLE IN THE WITS 2 gering" toll of dead and injured, to these people it is represented : : says te l[hmperial Oil Review in by a 35-year-old CNR buffet car c ; its February issue. waiter named Andre Camara. Ol O ib] C ] "Today drivers wine thes 1o-2l) Le mscemedssn Winnipeg last e rrl es O umn have ae E April and because of his educat- age group have twice as many "« Enclist i i accidents as all other drivers 107 and fluent English he finds : and kill 50 pe crent more people. They kill 11 times more people than the safest drivers, the 45- 50 years olds. The Review warns that the situation "could blow up in our faces" as the bumper crops of war and post-war babies reach driving age. Today there are 1,600,000 Canadians in the 15-21 age bracket; by 1966 there will be 2,700,000. The article stricter law enforcement and a stepped- proposes himself unofficial spokesman, employment counsellor and gen- eral manager of all his fellow Azorians in Winnipeg. At the moment he is engaged in a one-man employment cam- paign trying to-find work for about 90 of his countrymen who have been laid off for the win- ter. So far he has been success- ful in placing 13. In his off duty time at the Winnipeg end of his Winnipeg- Sasktoon run, he is giving Eng- lish lessons to his "colony". In the PARK C20. NOMINATION MEETING FOR TEMISKAMING will be held SATURDAY, FEB. 8th AT 8.30 p.m. KIRKLAND LAKE All interested in the welfare of Temiskaming are urged to attend. LANE HOTEL SUNDAYS 11 am. & 7.30 p.m. TUESDAY -- FRIDAY 8 p.m. with EVANGELIST GEO. W. BROOKS of Vancouver, B.C. Preaching with Power! SALVATION-HEALING REVIVAL NOW IN PROGRESS AT THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rorke Avenue at Broadway Preaching with Faith! "The Spirit of The Lord is present to Heal" Rey. George. Brooks GUARANTEED SERVI Solve Your Plumbing . _ HEATING CE BY TRAINED MEN FREE ESTIMATES and Heating Problems CALL Dolan & St. Laurent Phone Cobalt 4590 (All times) Haileybury 674 (Nights) Once again it looks as if all the election printing will go to that well. known Conservative organization in New Liskeard. In the Nipissing district, the big printer gets the lists, and the little guy gets the ballots. Not so in Temiskaming where years of fence sitting have qualified our Liskeard friends to collect as much gravy as possible from both parties. Z After the last election, Cec. Bond published a complete un- true editorial, stating that the Haileyburian had tried to stir up dirt over the election printing. If making a polite request to the election officer is stirring up dirt, it's true perhaps. What is even funnier, is that in the last election our New Liskeard friends didn't have a press big enough to print the proclamations, and after setting the type, had to bring them over to Haileybury for printing. The same thing happened this year. If ole' orrible had heenzin- side the office when thé type arrived, it would have been thrown out in the snow, as it was, Leigh Day is a much nicer person, and he ran it. But remember, when you see the proclamations posted up, re- member "we done it," even if there's someone else's_ trade mark on it. The only trouble is that what we wil] get out of it is peanuts. _epoetor We have yet to meet two more confident 'candidates than Arnold Peters and Foster Rice. And the Liberals still seem to be worrying about where they are going to find a candidate. FIO See the Amazing VOLKSWAGEN at SROKA'S_ WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION ' Haileybury, Ont. Ole' orrible's election forecast. The Liberals will end up with less seats. The Conservatives will pick up a lot, and the CCF =---- = will be stronger. In 10 years - time the Liberals will have fol- lowed the example of the Brit- ish counterparts, and there will only be two federal parties of any importance, the CCF and the | \ Conservatives. If the Liberals had elected Paul Martin to lead them instead' of Pearson, we would give them a much better chance. As it is, the ordinary Liberal MO's must be getting tired of seeing civil servants boosted up to cabinet positions. Pearson, Pickersgill, St. Laur- ent, all came from the civil service or business and were promoted over the heads of men who had devoted their lives to the Liberal party. HAAR Phone 404 Ferguson Ave. YOU ARE INVITED TO VISIT THE NEW BLUE ROOM /-HOTEL HAILEYBURY a We don't care what the Hail- eybury council says or thinks, the sight of men shovelling snow in this day and age is ridiculous. Completely Redecorated . New Lighting New Modern Furniture - FEBRUARY February 1--Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent born, 1882. February 1--18--Carnavale Quebec, Quebec City de February 2--Candlemas (Groundhog Day) February -2--8--National Health Week February 6--Accession of Queen D NOW OPEN AS A LOUNGE FOR LADIES and ESCORTS MY DAD'S AN ENGINEER By Eve Murphy jf never forget the day of the wreck. I guess you wouldn't either if your dad were the en- gineer of a big Pennsylvania GG-1. It really scared-me and I thought it might mean the end of the rail- road for Dad. It's a good thing it didn't because next to Mom and me I think Dad loves that engine better than anything in the world-| He's the swellest Dad there ever was. I've heard him talk about trains as long as I can remember so I'll 'bet it won't be long before I'll be a real'help to him. It's a thrill to watch him get at his Place at the controls-and then throw the switch that sends the big train roaring down the track. It always gives me a funny feel- ing in my throat, and then I slide my hand in my pocket and hold on to my lucky rabbit's foot real hard until the train turns the bend down by the coal yard. I'd like to be on hand every day, but some- times it's too late for me to be up. The day of the wreck was a swell fall day. I'd been raking up some of the leaves in the back yard when Mom called that dinner 'was ready. I started to eat, and then I heard the train whistle, real faint, just like Dad blows it when it gets in the valley outside ef the town. I tried to gulp my food down as fast as I could when Mom wasn't looking so I'd at least ~ 'be in time to 'see the train come into the station. "I'm through, Mom," I said. "T'd better go watch the engine eome in." "O.K. honey,'"" Mom smiled wear- fly, putting Dad's dinner in the! oven, and thén sitting down to eat 'alone, 'You'd better put a sweat- er on though," she said as I ran out of the kitchen. I don't know why, but my Mom just doesn't seem to like trains as much as Dad and I do. ; | 'The station was still empty sair. I had a glimpse of the engine a when I got there so I was glad I had pushed my dessert behind the milk bottle where Mom couldn't see it. The glare of the big headlight was on the trestle bridge now just outside of the, town. Dad always blew the whistle loud when it got there, and the sound of it made the excitement start to creep up in my throat again. It would only be a few seconds| now until the engine came in. As it rounded the curve into town, the light shone right in my face, My hand started sliding into my pocket and when it touched the rabbit's foot I thought I was sure lucky to have a Dad like mine. The train seemed to be coming faster than usual. Then all of a sudden I saw it. Right across the track was a big truck. The train was almost on top of it. The lump} ~ in my throat felt like it was chok- ing me, but. I couldn't even yell. Daddy must have seen it then too, because the brakes went on, but it was too late. The engine smashed right into the truck! I saw pieces of it fiying into the TORONTO MONTREAL VAL D'OR Rouyn/Noranda OTTAWA 2 hrs. 30 mins. 4 Hrs, Ihr. 20 mins, 35 mins, 3 hrs, Connections in Toronto for U.S. Cities and Western Canada. Connections in Montreal for Maritimes % Newfoundland. rolling over before I put my hands up to my eyes. I just couldn look anymore. The tears were running down my face. 'The en- gine's wrecked. Daddy! Daddy!" I cried and cried, not daring to look up at the wrecked train. I felt an arm around my shoul-, ders then, and lifted my head to see Dad holding his favorite en-; gine. "It's all right, son. We can get a new truck in the dime store. See your Travel Agent or call TCA Office, Earlton Airport, Phone Earlton 48, - Look, our engine's not even scratched."' The door at the top of the stairs For all your travel requirements, contact NIXON, BEGG & HUTCHINSON -- TRAVEL AGENTS Box 940 New Liskeard opened then. "Hey, you two, I think traine are swell, but this is the last call to dinner." Mom called. "Besides, I told you to put om & Sweater in that damp baxe ment." Phone 322 '