ee THURS.. FEBRUARY 27th, 1958 THE HAILEYBURIAN gnd_ COBALT WEEKLY POST _ SPORTS PARADE HYDRO BONSPIEL The employees of the Ontario Hydro Commission held a Bon- spiel at the local curling club on Saturday, February 22nd, with 160 in attendance. There were 8 Ladies' rinks and 32 men's They were present from Sud- bury, North Bay, Kirkland Lake, Matehson and places in between Play started at 2 p.m.. and continued till 8 o'clock when the finals were played off. A buffet supper was at 6 o'clock with a following. Some of the former Hailey- burian's who attended the curl- ing spiel on Saturday, February 22nd, at the local rink sponsored by the Hydro Co. were: Jack Ruttan: and Garnet Murray, North Bay, Harry Dunfield and Bill Burton, Kirkland Lake. enjoyed sing-song CURLING NEWS Two rinks from the local club attended the Men's_ Bonspiel held at Belleterre the past week NOTICE TO CkKrEDITORS AND OTHEHKS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALBERIC PLA- SSE, Deceased. All ,persons having claims against the Estate oi Alberic Plasse, late of the Town of Hail- eybury in the District of Tem- iskaming, Carpenter, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of August, 1951, are hereby notified to send particulars of the same to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of March, 1958, after which date the estate 'will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then shall have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED at Hailéybury, Ont- ario, this 14th day of February, 1958. Corona Sauve, - Haileybury, Ontario, By C. F. Tuer, Haileybury, Ontario, her solicitor herein. 50-3c end with Hath rinks prizes, A rink skipped by Ron Moris- sette with Clayt Dunn, Vice, Billie Grozelle, Second, and Geo- rge Morissette, Lead, won lst prize in the first event. John MacArthur skipped his rink to win Ist-prize in the sec- ond event. He 'Had with him Jim Hicks, Vice, John Renaud, Sec- ond, and John Uruin, Lead. NOTES FROM PETERS "Mr. Hennessy is quite right when he states that I am mak- ing the pipeline a political is- winning sue," stated Mr. Peters, C.C.F. Federal Candidate for Timisk- aming, speaking to a public meeting at the Haileybury Leg- ion- Hall last night. "Mr, Henn- essy must accept his share of the blame in helping make it a poli- tical 'isstre When he adinits he hired help on the recommendat- ion of the Conservative candi-- date," asserted Mr. Peters. "My job is to protect the in- terests of the people of this as ing. Mr, Hennessy's, job . course, is to get the 'slash ae the pipeline cut as cheaply and quickly as he can to make as much as he can for himself. No one blames him for that. Every sub-contractor does the same," said Mr. Peters, "The question a lot of people are asking is why were the men not hired through the National Employment Service rather than on the advice of the Conserva- tive candidate in the forth-com- ing election," stated Mr. Peters. "It's rather late for Mr, Henn- essy to say that the other two candidates had the same opport- unity. I'm sure that Mr. Henne- ssy is much too intelligent a man not to be "aware of the fact that hiring men in this manner is most unethical,' continued Mr. Peters. One wonders just who is building the pipeline, Mr. Hennessy or the Conservative candidate who claims to have provided the jobs and looked after the farmers best interests in the deal. "I'm afraid that like his party, the Conservative can- didate is talking out of both sides of his mouth. On one hand he recently told a meeting that of course he and his party are for public ownership of the "Trans-Canada pipeline, while on the other hand, his party sets up a Borden Commission to avoid putting the line under _ public ownership, thus ducking the is- sue until after the election. "The same thing applies to the Bill of Rights anda National ae" Pan Gere VV VV OI Te « Across the Kitchen Table By Mrs. Mac. PUCCCC UTC CVC VCE beh sat Snow! Snow!! Beautiful Snow® decided to name -it for which the sun won't shine and the wind doth blow!!! My poetry 18 as bad as the weather, and that's saying something. When I was complaining bitterly the other day about the wind, saying that even if we did have forty or fifty degrees of frost in my young days, we didn't have such horrible steady winds, I was gently reminded by another pio- that in those days there neer, were more trees to break the wind and therefore we didn't think it was so bad. Now, we are practically out in the open and are getting the full sweep of the wind and I really think it comes straight from the North Pole! Oh well, in another day we'll be into March, and even though it does come in like a lion, by the 31st, all the snow should be f melted by the hot air, (pardon me, the balmy atmosphere, gosh, no, thats as bad as hot air) well, anyway, the election WILL be over and the winter should be nearly so Oh, Happy Day! IK I was reading the other day, in ever candidate won, and for the rest of it's life, their kitten was known as "Mitchie". This year, they have a kitten named "Ditto" and 'while they were watching the Liberal con- vention on television, the kitten wen to the 'door and asked to be let outside. And 'up to date, it not returned, Are cats psychic? Can they look into the future? Shall it be Ditto? Or shall it not? ROR RIK And speaking of cat's names, I am reminded of some of the original and sometimes highly unsuitable names that we gave our animals when we lived on the farm. One huge back cat, as meek and mild as skim milk, was named "Satan", and another big grey one responded to 'Darling'. Two orange ones were "Taffy" and "Marmalade," while one with a white chin was "Chin-Chin," and 'another friend- ly little morsel was named "Chum", One year our six calves were named "Tweedle-dée' and "Twe- Gwendolyn Clark's '"Chronicle's edle-dum," bebaerarci liu. and of Ginger Farm" column, about "Plum' "Cherry and Pansy- a kitten\that she got on the eve Purple." Tt's no wonder my of a certain provincial election dearest friends tell me [| am and as it was nameless, they slightly (?) wacky, is it? Flag," continued Mr. Peters, defeat. C. Foster Rice theCon- "the Conservatives while in op- servative candidate stated that position, were all for this badly the CCF. celebrated their needed legislation but were op- posed to it when they had the chance to do something about it as the government". "T am for Public Ownership of the Trans-Canada Pipeline, a Canadian Bill of Rights, a Can- adian Flag now, and I will be after March 3lst on the floor of the House of Commons if you send me back to speak for you," concluded Mr, Peters, CCF FEAR LOSS OF SEAT It looks as if the C.C.F. and Social Credit will be the Parties to lose seats in the next Federal Election on March, 31st; The C.C.F. candidate in Temisk- aming knows he is losing ground throughout the district to the Conservatives. They are attacking the P.C. party in all ways possible, and this is-a sure sign of fear and twenty-fifth anniversary last year and that they have twenty- five members in the House.. At this rate of one member per year it would take then 100 years to have enough members to form a government. So people of Temiskaming why waste your vote? It will he left up to you the Voter on March 31, to decide Temiskam- ings future. Mrs. Jack Reid Word was received by Mrs, Mrs. Charles Smith on Saturday of the passing of Mrs, Jack Reid a*former resident of Cobalt, Mr: -Reid was staying with her dau- ghter Mrs. Colin Geengrich in Toronto. She was predeceased by her husband in 1946, She was a mem- ber of St. James' Church in Co- balt and also a member of the Silver Rebels Lodge. las Smith of 290 Seren 'AC son, Mrs. Reid is survived by three John of Detroit also survives, daughter, Dorothy, Mrs. Geingrich of Toronto, Colin Mary of Funeral sérvicés were held in Ottawa ard Evelyn, Mrs Doug- Toronto, 30x 976 "We Serve the North" TR 'TOWN CONSTRUCTION CO. LIMITED Phone 825 CONTRACTORS -- BUILDERS -- ESTIMATORS NEW Home Alterations -- Kitchens Modernized Cupboards Built PAINTING and FLOOR SANDING 'LISKEARD. ONT. EMPIRE NEW LISKEARD THEATRE Phone 35 Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at single bill. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m 6.30 p.m. Show at 7 and 9 p.m. LAST SHOWING TODAY -- "STRATTON "STORY" FRIDAY and SATURDAY "The Wild North" TECHNICOLOR STEWART GRANGER LOCAL TALENT NIGHT SHOW FRIDAY 9.00 to 9.30p.m. CHILDREN'S HOUR--Sat. Morning Doors Open 10.00 a.m. CJKL Broadcast 10.30 a.m. to 11,00 a.m. ON THE SCREEN MARGARET O'BRIEN HEY KIDS! The best Essay written on ceive a Super Cycle (Boys 'r Girls Two-wheel). Mail to Box 950 | New Liskeard, Awarded through the courtesy of the Canadian Tire Store .N. L. and The New Liskeard 'Hotel FEB. 28th--MAR. Ist CYD CHARISE "SAFETY" will re- MONDAY and TUESDAY BOB HOPE "Iron Petticoat" Technicolor and Vistavision Cartoon plus 'Added Short MARCH 3rd--4th KATHRYN HEPBURN WED. and THURS. -- ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -- "Brother Rico" RICHARD CONTE "RIDE THE HIGH TIDE" NEWS REEL MARCH 5th--6th = Hans Schnakenberg Carpeniry Service Box 87 Tel. 682] Haileybury, Ont. MURRAY McKINNON Your MUTUAL LIFE Representative 72, Nickel -- Cobalt Dial 4519 Good Reading for the : Whole Family «News - Facts - Family Features The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. 1 year $18 1 6 months $9 () 3 months $4500 Name rae ame CKY EEE 20u8 Frets 50-9¢ SAFETY POWER STEERING Hydraulic pressure up to 750 bs. is at your finger- tips to give perfect control in any emergency. PEDAL-EASE POWER BRAKES Pedal-Ease control is so convenient you don't even lift your foot! Just pivot down for the 'éasiest stopping known. ALL-ELECTRIC POWER WINDOW LIFTS Just press--and presto! Windows go up or down automatically! There's also an individual con- trol at each window. > 4 cost. and more fun! OLDSmobility 'goes all the way to make your driving pleasure complete. Every power assist shown here is available on all 98 Series Oldsmobiles, either as standard equipment, or optional at slight additional But, whichever Oldsmobile you choose, tailor it to your requirements from this perfect selection of automatic driving aids. j NINETYV-BIGHT -- OLDSNMNOB!I | SEE YOUR OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER a. make it! POWER-OPERATED }, Now. all youdois CONVERTIBLE Top 7 touch two handy releases and press Oldsmobile's w new activator switch. Power ., does the rest. 4-DOOR SEDAN A light touch does it! POWER ASSISTS... availableon OLDS... make your driving life easier... 6-WAY POWER SEAT CONTROL Finger-tip seating adjustment is quick-as-a flash! Forward, back, tilt-control for seating perfection. up or down, plus ELECTRICALLY CONTROLLED RADIO ANTENNA Perfect reception height now requirés no time-consuming stops. dash is as easy as Oldsmobile power can semen MOTORS VALUE Pop-up control from Haileybury Garage Limited