-- THE HAJLEYBURIAN and COBALT WEEKLY POST THURS,. FEBRUARY 27th, 1958 'SOCIAL and PERSONAL J. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Camsell and C. E. Grozelle accompanied Barbara Camsell and Linda Gro- zelle to Sudbury to attend the Figure Skating Championships held there last week-end. Mrs, F. McCutcheon of Kirk- land Lake was in town Monday to attend the funeral of her brother, Frederick Page. Cobalt the Kenneth Richards of won the Television set at Goli Club Stag Friday night, The death of Mrs. Carl Erick- son tormerly of Haileybury, oc- curred in Toronto last Friday. Mrs. William Whelan of Hail- eybury won the door prize of $50.00 at the Cobalt Bingo Thursday night, February 20, COMING EVENTS Keep the dates of March 8, and 9 open to attend the exhib- ition from the Ontario College of Art, which will be on display at the High School auditorium on those dates. During Education Week, Hail- eybury Public School will be open for inspection Thursday evening, March 6, from 7.30 to 9.00 p.m. Canada's first cotton textile company was established at Sherbrooke, Quebec, in 1845. NEWS FROM WHE EVELYN SHOPPE ---- Hats just arrived at the Eve- lyn Shoppe in the Citrus fruit shades! Lhe Citrus iruit shades are tashion firsts this year, in miulinery dresses, gloves and printed shoes, in shades such as orange ice, lemon sherbet, and lime pariait, (this is a new and fascinating shade. Don't they sound good enough to eatr Along with mist blue, string beige, beauty pink and a vibrant red, they make one feel that a new hat is a must. ; Of course, the Breton Sailor is out front in the fashion pic- ture along with the draped tur- van. The beret or tam iakes on acw glamour in a swirled print of orange ice and lemon, with matching scarf. Gloves just in, in all the most delectable spring shades will match or blend with any costume, : The print dresses arriving are ym Swirl patterns, geometric and ilowered designs. Bright blues, string beige and brown with apricot. One stunning dress in uncrushable splash print of blue, violet and yellow, has a soit crushed cummerbund, iful- ness in the skirt and three-quar- ter sleeves. Perfect for now under iur coats and later, on the street, A chemise dress, slightly fitt- c ed thro' the torso with low fold- ed band defining the hip line, in mavy and white print, is so gresh and spring-like, it makes one feel the chemise is here to stay. However, no one in the fashion trade expects the new silhouette to drive our belovea shirt waist dress or easy flared skirt out of the picture, As ina piece of music ora book, one classic does not succ- ed another, it stands alongside it. So we have a style to suit every figure. However, as_ the head buyer for "Saks', Fifth Avenue, New _ York, said "we have found most fashion-con- scious women want at least one chemise dress.' But the classic style will al- ways be with us. (Noticed that the Duchess of Windsor recently paid a thousand dollars for one!) However, the Evelyn Shoppe can sell you a_ similar copy for $29.95. "Ou, La, La!" A shipment of the fabulous BanLon sweaters is in. Many of the new shades can be washed in the washing machine and come. out like new. With one of our new toned beige wrap- around or fine permanent pleat- ed skirts, these are perfect for business or social activities. Haileyburian' s Hold Worid Prayer Service The World Day of Prayer service was held last Friday afternoon in St. Andrews United Church, Haileybury. Some 53 women, from the con- gregations of Baptist, Anglican, Pentecostal. Salvation Army and United Church attended this very impressive service. The program as prepared by the women of Australia, was used. The Theme was "The Bread of Life'. Mrs. J. W.W. Wilkinson of United Church opened the ser- vice, followed by reading by Mrs W. Hopkins also from the Unit- ed Church. After singing the hymn "Break The Bread of Life" Mrs. H. Adams from the Salvation Army led the part of praise, fol- lowed by the hymn "The Lord is King, Lift up Thy Voice," The part "Repentance" was led by Mrs. A. W. Oburchill from the Pentecostal Church followed by the hymn "Depth of Mercy." The part "Dedication" was led by Mrs. W. H. Davis from the Baptist Church, The part "Intercession" was led by Mrs. George Cassidy from the Anglican Church. Prayers were taken in the United Church by Mrs. J. W. W. Wilkinson, Salvation Army by Mrs. H. Adams, Pentecosta! by Mrs, W. Graff, Baptist by Mrs. W. H. Davis and the Anglican by Mrs. George Cassidy. An interesting address was given by Mrs. J. W. W. Wilkin- son, Special music --a trio time to be Holy", was sang by Mrs. G, Stevenson, Mrs. F. Flar- mon and Mrs. C. McRoberts of the Pentecostal Church. The service closed with the hymn "The day thou gavest Lord is ended" and the Bene- diction by Mrs. J. W. W.. Wilk- inson. The ushers were Mrs. f. Timmins and Mrs. R. Menzies. Mrs. .A.F Herity presided at the organ. The collection $23.50 was for- warded to the Women' I!nter- Church Council of Canada. "Take Guides and Brown'es Entertain Mothers at First Loca! Banquet A very successful evening was held in the basement of the United Church, Haileybury, on Monday February 24th, 1958, when 122 persons attended the first combined Girl Guide and Brownie Mother and Daughter banquet that has been held in Haileybury. The Guides had decorated the tables: in blue and gold, the head table featuring blue and gold candles flanking a centerpiece of cones and evergreens. The hall, too, had attractive Guide and Brownie emblems accenting their colors. Miss Linda Clarke, Captain, opened the evening by proposing a toast to the Queen. Following the dinner District Commissioner Mrs, D. Herbert introduced head table guests, Mrs. A. David, Cochrane, Mrs. S. Sitarz, New Liskeard, Mrs. H. Doran, Mrs. J. Seymour, Mrs Parry, Mrs, G. Lemay, Miss Pat Arnold, Miss Suzanne Lecky, Miss Linda Clark and Miss Mar- ilyn White. And then all Guides and Brownies introduced them- selves and their mothers. Guide Mary Whelan thanked members of the Local Associationfor pro- viding the delicious dinner serv- ed, and Brownie Helen Henne- ssy 'proposed a 'toast to the mothers. Mrs. G, Hennessy rees- ponded. Divisional Commissioner H. Doran then introduced special guest of the evening, Area Commissioner Mrs. A. David of Cochrane, Ontario, Mrs David interested everyone with her account of different Guiding activities in her large area which extends from Temagami to Moo- se Factory and from Kearns to Kapuskasing. There are about 1,800 Guides and Brownies in this area. Mrs. David also made special men- tion of Thinking Day which was last Saturday February 22nd and is honoured in memory of the late Lord Baden Powell, found- er of the Guide movement all ever the world. Mrs. G, Lemay Mrs. the thanked the guest speaker. Following the dinner, a Flying Up ceremony took pace. Guides were in charge of Miss Clarke assisted by Miss Marilyn White, and Brownies in charge of Miss Suzanne Lecky, Brown Owl, The girls stood in formation while Mrs, David and Mrs. Do- ran entered the Fairy Ring and presented wings to the jfoliow- ing Brownies who had obtained their Golden Hand badge before their llth birthday. They were: Camilla Vezina, Rosemary Rob- inson and Diane Dean. Each of these girls in turn left the Brownie ring and were welcom- ed into the Girl shoe. A sing song was then enjoyed by all the girls, and the evening closed with the singing of Taps. OBITUARY FREDERICK PAGE The death occurred in Miseri- cordia hospital on Saturday, February 22, of Frederick Page, aged 70 years. Mr. Page had been in ill health for several years but was only in hospital for one day. He was born in Bedford Mills, Ontario, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. F. Page, and came to Haileybury in 1912, Mr. Page is survived by one sister, Mrs. Frances McCutche- on of Kirkland Lake, two bro- thers, Bert of North Cobalt and Guide Horse- John of Toronto, also a half- brother, Duncan Tole of Kirk- land Lake. Another brother. James, predeceased him in 1953. Funeral services were held from Tulloch's Funeral Chapel, Monday, February 24, at 2.30 p.m., with Rey. J. W. Wilkinson officiating, Burial was in the Mount Plea- sant cemetery with Gordon Pal- mer and William McConnell, of Haileybury, Owen Robinson and Hugh Armstrong, of Cobalt, and Bert McPherson and Willis Lat- hem of North Cobalt, acting as pall-bearers. Attending the out of town were Mrs. James Page of Toronto and -Mrs. F. McCutcheon of Kirkland Lake, funeral from HOUSE WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 Bedrooms Businessman References Phone: Mr. Sutherland, New Liskeard, 361 or write Box A The Haileyburian. : 51-1* EMERSON MODEL 901K21 +5 ELDORADO SERIES Features Super--Powered Long Distance Circuit 33 Tube Functions Budget Terms the appliance in Just another of many fine Emerson stock--backed up by a com- pletely equipped service de- partment. TV and APPLIANCE SALES Your EMERSON Dealer COBALT HAILEYBURY 4685 57 Sale -- Combination Radio For and phonograph. 3-speed aut- omatic cabinet model. Phone 679-]. Haileybury. 51-2* For Sale--Frigidaire Refrigera- tor in good working condition, $40.00. Phone 438 after 6 p.m d 2 51-le Building and Contracting, re- pairs, remodeling, all kinds of carpentry. By the hour or contract. Free Estimates Phone 634 Andy Scott, 45-tfc For Sale--A selection of fine houses in all sections of the town. I mmediate occupancy. Apply E.,M. McCuaig, Real Estate Broker, 58 Georgina Avenue. Phone 135. 47-tfc To Rent -- Room and board. Phone 470W. 50-2c Male or female accountant or book-keeper Steady employment. All in- surance benefits, Good salary. State age, name and address and phone number, present or last employment to Box 512 Haileybury, Ontario. Wanted at once: 50-2* Salesman or Wanted at once: saleslady for Must have chauffeur's license, good driving record. Above average wage for person qual- ified. Write stating age, name, address and phone number, present or last employment to Box 512. Haileybury, Ontario. 50-2* Tri-Town area. -- 3ingo in Legion Hall March 11, at 8.30 under the auspices oi Northern Light Rebekah Lod- ge. ENG W Wanteie Hota to rent General Motors Sales representative requires 2 or 3 bedroom house or lower duplex. Must | modern. References can supplied. Write Box A-1 The Hailey- burian. 51-1 FOR RENT--One 4 room apart- ment, and one 3 room apart- ment. Both with 3 piece bath Down town Haileybury. Phone 4515 Cobalt. 44tfc $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest catalogue included. The Medico Agency, Box 22, Ter- minal "O" Toronto, Ontario. GET A SUPPLY OF SCRATCH PADS In the Handy 5 x 8 size From The Haileyburian 7c per pad. Wanted: A number of good mining claims rae surples ol cobalt or molybdenum. Reply to Box 488 Caledonia, Ontario " Su-3c ~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATE--2c MINIMUM CHARGE 50c a word IF CHARGED -- charge 65c Minimum Z ae "AccURACY -- THE IN HOME oR OFFICE ---INSHOP OR SCHOOL RUBBER STAMPS ARE ATIME SAVING TOOL We can give quick service in supplying custom made rubber stamps...at budget prices. Drop in and tell us what you want - we'll have it ready for you ae in a couple of days. MAILEYBURY, HAILEYBURIAN ONTARIO Card of Thddks PAGE--We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all our frien who assisted us in our recent bereavement in the death of our brother Fred, especially thank ing Rev. J. W. Wilkinson, the pallbearers, Dr. Arnold and t Tulloch Funeral Home. His brothers and sister Card of Thanks Hammerstrom: We wish to ex- tend our sincere thanks to all our friends who rendered as- sistance and sympathy to us in our recent bereavement especi- ally thanking Rev, George John- ston, the pallbearers, Dr. Dunn- ing and the Cobalt Foundry. The relatives of the late Bill Hammerstrom, Cobalt. HAILEYBURY: COBALT: Friday and Saturday YOu'tL ROCK "N' ROLL WITH ELVIS SINGING "LOVING YOU" "HOT DOG" LONESOME COWBOY" LET ME BE YOUR TEDDY BEAR "GOT A LOT OF LIVIN' TO 00 "MEAN-WOMAN BLUES' "LET'S HAVE A PARTY" LAST SHOWING TODAY EVERYTHING YOU COULD WISH FOR IN A MUSICAL rat aa rad pelle TWO SHOWINGS NIGHTLY AT 7 & 9.15 p.m. FEB. 28th--MAR. Ist LIZABETH SCOTT WENDELL COREY HAL WALLIS eroneran Saehnititee HAILEYBURY: Friday and Saturday COBALT: Mondav and Tuesday THE SKIES ROAR AS NEVER BEFORE! FEB. 28th--MAR. Ist MARCH 3rd--4th ee im WARNERCOLOR trom WARNER BROS. s TARRING NATALIE WOOD: CO-STAI (Color by HENRY FONDA IN TECHNIRAMA John Wayne Sophie PEUS «SELECTED Haileybury: WED. & THURS. COBALT: Friday and Saturday STARRING: JOHN WAYNE "Up in The BOWERY BOYS MARSHA HONT-EFREM Z/MBALIST sR. == ADDED FEATURE "Return of Frank James" HAILEYBURY: After Sun. Midnight, Mon. & Tues COBALT: Wednesday and Thursday TWO SHOWINGS NIGHTLY AT 7 p.m. & 9,15 p.m. "Legend of theLost" "JET PILOT" COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR --ADDED FEATURE-- KARL MALDEN Technicolor) GENE TIE ESRI Mar, 3-4 MARCH 5th--6th & TECHNICOLOR Loren Rossano Brazzi SHORT SUBJECTS MARCH 5th--6th MARCH 7th--8th JANET LEIGH Smoke" Latest Adventures oN