Nortau Cobalt, -. May 14,1938 To The Editor Haileyburian. > Dear Sir: _ born, our span is but a tick "on tae ,eglical clock the mom they were told. Think of» Some of my critics nave ; kindly suggested that the : Lord made a great mistake in not consulting me when he made the world, thereby | ascertaining just how I woud | like to have it. I was not on- sulted on the creation of te a Cosmos, and perhaps it is i's = 'gust as well for them that I wasn't - they might not be here. To many forget tht | while the Lord made the | world ,the Devil has been busy ever since putting on' the finishing touches. Why , he began on the first woman before she was a week old, | - and-he has been the chief ever since. I have consid- erable respect for Satan, Oe for he is pre-eminently a success in his chosen pro- fession. He sat in the game with a cash capital-of one ~ snake .. and now he has ppt half the world grabbed and -an option on the other half. Those who chance tothink alike get together and form a political party, a society or a sect and take it forgran ted that they have got ail the wisdom of the world grabbed that beyond their little island of intellect are idiots and plotting anarchists. It is the difference of opinions that keeps the world from going to the dogs. Independ- 'ence of thought, doubt of ) _ accepted dogmas , the spirit | of inquiry, that has lifted | man so far above the savage ' -are times wnen I think tnat life is a fraud, that the gne . 'wao makes the best of ite igo ae 'relied for the Mone: days' 'of labour, is an epitapi we can 'not read and at - licked, school principal to her sons ~ 'duon who cannot see tae plan tryin. aks. "ure tae nica of "of salvation tarougn ourlittle 4,0... appalling evils te sectarian telescopes. Taere © ateis not and unnealtay , 'the one who escapes being, er entertained an original jdea and believed everything ent we. nit the clobe we start for the + {rave and our only x ernity with strictly orthodox . * peaple who regard. freedom 'of thought as blasphemy, «- bic Stone we don't want. In youth we are in age neglected, By the.time we have wisdom we leave the world and hurled | into a Hell of fire or a learn- ed orthodox heaven, and for what ailed Romeo and Juliet witn nothing tc do but rom- ance from an everlasting to an everlasting. You could not stand it, nor could I.By ye avoid go but waten me, I'd raise In tne one place the Site e Other the saan hee never ee a Othme naving to live throu,h all et- Just imagine a couple having the time I'had lived five thou- SFr ten Prarie hn eee ek oad ; t Se ~ * aaa cuuld: =F "and aad notaineto megs a revolution. Harry Groom 'CHRISTENING Oa Sunday-last.= which was Mother's Day, the intant daugh- erer or, Vir one Mis} Eawrence r, Was given. the names of Dianne Christine,. in a Casistens aS Cements ne nih Sigs) Aine Church, conducted' by: Georee S* Johnston, were the -CUnicie wWhican aie Rev. Muod-parents ih ag Would you mind nagging me for a y I'm | HOmesIcKe babe «AWhben? oy oa AG Eee pra Al hietes tiny principal, Waillrs Othmer, iis) ALOUAl TS, JAB rey the late Mr. Oth- mer, ard and Mrs. Adolph Fernholm, while the Great- Crand-parénts are Mr. and Mrs. himessivolan gzandeta\irs. Carrié Othmer,. of the (arand-pare: and ATG Orhimer, We were not surprised that t) wite won a slogan contest. B what. did amaze us was that s said anything in 25 words or le Some day somebody is goil to come wp with a parking met for a phone booth and make lot of people happy. ---8O both are building up bank accounts Every 11 seconds during banking hours last "year a new deposit account was opened in a chartered bank. And to millicns of Canadians a bank is not only the best place to keep savings--it is a financial service-centre providing services useful to He wil need money for the family vocation everyone in the community. A visit to a ehartered bank is the way to handle aif your banking needs. Here you can deposit money, arrange loans, cash cheques, rent a safety deposit box, buy travellers cheques, -transfer money--all safely, simply, casily. -- a THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY 2 m\; -- level. Sita) | aR heat Yet we say to our Brother Bet tae 4 "You are wacky" because he | | ; takes issue with us on polit- yd ics or prohibition, even in- eh ies: ' : " BREWERY LIMITED