. Mrs. James Munro The death occurred very sud- denly in Port Ferry Hospital on ing ill. The late Mrs. Monday, May 12th, of Mrs. James ||W™M-S. of that j Hay Munro in her 66th year. hfe member of } Worthy Matron The late Mrs. Munro was a for- Ss mer resident of Cobait and a well ¢ known old timer. Mrs. Munro suf- fered a stroke and was taken to Star and also a ferring to New L Port Perry Hospits 3 ep Nees on taking up residence there. > ; later eee Se aes Surviving are three sons and Strip of ADHESIVE TAPE ; Elizabeth. Helen Swankie, whe was | Ome daughter, Marjory. New Lis- PLACED. OVER _ LOCKING I was born at Arbroath, Scotland. keard, James, Uxbridge, Ont., Al- BOLT in the bathroom door i}. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter bert, Rouyn, Que. and. Keith, will effectively prevent small Swankie, and came to Canada in }- Matatitchouan. One sister, Mrs. fry from locking themselves in_ A Frank Richards, Cobalt, one sis- the bathroom. 1912. She was married in Hailey- , where she was at active member of Cobalt United Church aad a life member of th2 balt Lodge of the ; Mys.- Rodert Munro was an the time of 'ak- ' tee alld *WoLDronleps qe sc Nicos a Arbroath, Scotland and Peter, Ed- inburgh, Scotland, also survive. and. DES GEN es ye es BINGE: Canacian "Legion Bingo, which was held on Friday evening, May 9. lst special. Mrs. W. Moriarty: Ieee Specie ise GeO SA Seis Joxee Leaper, Door prize, Mrs. W. Soucisse. Mrs. Giroux. - She: "Don't let mother catch us making love." : ; He: "But we aren't making Icve." : She: "Just thought Td warn you in,case"_ Body was brought hve cies ee oe Ble RE ia Church, also .a | fer imterment and rested a: , eile ines ea dee Seven as a he DOS, Past | Batiaweruneral Chapel Coda', (se en ty ee of the Eastern until time of Funeral, which took | Beeson, hee penne pat B member of Co- place at 2:30 pm. Wednésday, Say apse p- teens ; Rebelatmateates | May iit ae Viited Crlrch Coc sone Cee iskeard Lodge up- balt/ pad Dury to James Hay Munro in Oc- tober, 1914. Her husband prede- ceased her in 195@ Mr. and Mrs Munro lwed in Haileybury for ;gome time, moving to Cobalt ip 1019 where they lived until Mr | Munro's death. Mrs. Munro then |}made ber hame with her daugh- 4er, Marjory, in New Liskeard, land later made her home | with her son, James of Uxbridge MECHANICAL TRADES ADDITION AND' ALTERATIONS PROVINCIAL .INSTITUTE OF MINING ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF Se anG AILEYBURY, O ) SEPARATE SEALED FIXED SUM TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 4 p.m. E.D, Time on, Bs WHO THINK. OF TOMORROW ~ PRACTICE - MODERATION WEDNESDAY, MAY 28th, 1958 for the Plumbing and Drainage Heating and Ventilating a Electrical Trades Work in con- nection with the Construction of the Addition and Alterations to the Provincial Institute of Mining for the Ontario Depart- ment of Education at Haileybury, Ontario. A Bid Bond made payable to the Honourable, The Provincial Treasurer of Ontario in the fol- lowing amounts must accompany the tenders: é Plumbing and Drainage $1,000.00 Heating and Ventilating $1,500,00 Electrical $2,000.00 A Performance Bond made out by an approved Guaranty Company on the Department of Public Works form in the | amount. of 100% of' the tender ~~ S Wwilb be required from the suc- cessful tenderer, Plans, specifications with ten- 'der form attached and Tender Envelope. may he obtained by MECHANICAL TRADES CON- TRACTORS ONLY on applicat- jon to th Department of Public Works, Ontario, Room 6436, East Block, farliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, and may be viewed at Room 6436, and may also be viewed at the Department { of Public Works, Regional Of- ficeat the Court House, North iy Bay, and also at the Office of the Principal, at the Institute, Hailevbury, Ontario. ; A Deposit, in the following amounts will be required for each set of Tender Documents taken out: : j Plumbing and Drainage $25.00 ie Heating and Ventilating ir $25.00 ~ Electrical $25.00 This amount will be refunded When documents are returned in | _ good condition. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. G. N. Williams, Deputy Minister (Architecture) Department of PublicWorks. | Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. Alay 1, 1958 Ontario. 9-3¢ NEW THE OLD WAY--DRIPS AND SPLASH ON CLOTHES, FLOOR OR FURNITURE THE THIX WAY--BEAUTIFUL SURFACE--. NO RUNS OR CURTAINS TO SPOIL WORK : Ready-Mixed Decorator Colours, Combined with Scarfe's ~ THIX-TINT Tubes make hundreds of beautiful shades! Now you can make-or-match ANY shade of colour with Scarfe's THIX. Choose from r .dy-mixed decorator colours--or use Scarfe's new THIX-TINT Tubes--to get exactly the colour scheme you desire. Choice of Flat, Semi-Gloss or High-Gloss Enamel finishes. Also complete range of Exterior THIX paint, guaranteed not to blister. Scarfe's Be is faster, cleaner, because: --s_| : YOU DON'T HAVE To stir thix | Bese 'AS JELLED, -- : r YOU'VE LESS DIPPING--thix STAYS ON BRUSH! thix WON'T RUN OR DRIPI NO GETTING READY BEFORE OR CLEAN-UP AFTERI ~ 2 * thix GOES ON EASILY .. EVENLY! . os thix Gives You A FINER QUALITY JOB aie fe + «ee ONLY THE MUS§ IS MISSING! ; oe You'll really enjoy painting now--for Searfe's THIX offers the newest, -easiest way to do a top-quality job. Only the muss ts missing! , Speed-up starts when you open the tin. You don't have te stir THIX. Just dip your brush and start painting! And you dip less often, for ee ordinary paint, ee Ss THIX does not drip off the brush like You don't have to change clothes, or cover up floors and furniture. For when you paint with Scarfe's THIX, Best of all, you get the finest quality job money can buy. Scarfe's THIX - eS wena is made only from top-quality materials. And because THIX is jelled it goes on easily .. . evenly. Your work is far smoother . . . looks more there's no drip, no run, no splash professional. - Ask your Scarfe deal- er to let you, paint with THIX in his own store. See for yourself how amaz- ingly_easy it is. thiy i : gs fee SCARFE & CO. LIMITED sicctes: otans Peterborough Toronto, Landon, Hamiton, St Cethares, Banter richns, Own Sond, Wade, ert ay, Winlpg COBAL1---FURDY'S MCDERN HARDWARE - HAILEYBURY ---iAIL EYBURY LUMBER COMPANY ENGLEHART---SPENCE HARDWARE & ELECTRI ee C NEW LISKEARD---TEMISKAMING HARDWARE ~ ~' Scarfes AUED ALK YD PA zt | 58-14