Mrs. T. Cragg Named Dist. Deputy President The inagural meeting of -- District No. 37 of the Re - bekah Lodges was held on Wednesday afternoon, June' 25th, in 'the Legion Hall, Haileybury. Sister Alma Steele, retir- ing District Deputy Presid - ent read Sister Cragg's 'commission and invested . her with her collar. Apast District Deputy Preside nt - pin was presented to Sister _ Steele by Sister Cragg who expressed thanks for same. . Om occupying the chair Sister Cragg thanked the. Lodges for electing her to this office and askedfor 'their support during her term the coming year. 'Yne first order of busi - ness was appointing a Sec - - retary Treasurer and Sis ~- ter N. McAulay was appoint ed to the office. ; The roll call showed two representatives from each of the five Lodges in the District with twenty-one visitors. i Several matters relative to the good of the order was discussed and dealt with. Prior to the meeting a luncheon was served by the members of Northern Light Lodge and algo tea and sandwiches after the meetin sandwiches after the mee sandwiches after the meet- Social Notes Miss Jean Grant of i --p River was home for the past week-end visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Grant. Mr. and Mrs.Garnet Mur- ray, North Bay were in to- wn at the week-end visiting Garnets parents, Mr. and Mrs Dan Murray and other relatives. | Mrs. Howard ilutt and 'two boys, Barry and Steven, 'are in town for a visit with Mrs. Hutt's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farmer. Mr. Hutt was here for the week-end but returned home Monday. Mrs.D.Gordon Fercuson of Arnprior, formerly of the Public School staff in 'Haileybury was in town this Weodk renewing old acquain- Perales S. _dilver fou: Sociai Noves Recent guests at the home of Mr.and Mrs. J.C. McAI- pine were Mr.and Mrs.J.D. McAuliffe ,Gravenhurst, Miss Margaret McAlpine, Kings - ton, Ambrose McAlpine and Miss Nora McAlpine, both of Streetsville. _ Mr. and Mrs. James O. Burton and three sons, Da - vid, Keith and Brent from Lockerby, visited his mother Mrs. L. Burton and other relatives there. _ Mr. Mrs. Dave Thorne Goward, spent the week-end with their daughter en-route to Kirkland Lake to visitre- latives there. _ Mrs.L. Burton motored to Kirkland Lake on Wednes day to visit her daughter Mrs. Cassels and family , also her son Bill Mr. and Mrs. H. E.Burtonand fam- ily there. Mr.andMrs.T.A.Graham 'and daughter Beverdey, of ' Chiminis, visited Mr. and ' Mrs. A. Sevigny at Gillies while they were in town at- : tending the Warren-Wright wedding. Mr.and Mrs Ivan Tarz - well of Weston are guests of hisparepts, Mr.and Mrs. Joe Conway at Gillies. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ads - head and family of Bramp- ton spent the week-end with his mother Mrs. F. Ads- head.Miss Linda Kimmer, accompanied them and will spend the summer withher - grandmother. Mrs.andMrs. A.Scully and family spent the week- end at Sturgeon Falls visit- ing relatives there. Mr.and Mrs. A, Arm- strong and family of Eng- lehart, have taken up resi- dence at their summer home at Mud Lake. Mr.and mrs. David Sorley Milwaukee ,Wis.are spend- ing a week as guests of Mr. and Mrs.A.Wallman and - family. Mr.and Mrs. Leo Scully have returned home from a ten day vacation, spent with _Mrs. Gillard at St. Cathar- ines. Mr.and Mrs. A, Stevens Rhonda and David from Re- nfrew, are visiting the for- mers two sisters, Mr. and Mrs. A Svekers and Kris , and Mr. and Mrs. P. Slaght and Family. Mr,and Mrs. C.E. Bur- WOMEN'S PAGE ton North Bay visited Mr. and Mrs. A Sevigney. Tom Adshead of Minden, 'visited his. wife and family over the week-end at Gillies. Mr. and Mrs. V. Mortson Kirkland Lake were visiters at his grandparents, Mr.and Mrs. H.O. Armstrong. Mr.and Mrs. M. Sullivan Sault Ste, Marie granddaug- hter of Mrs. J. A. Pricere- latives in Cobalt ang Latch- ford en-route to Timmins. Joe and Sam Brindle and friends Hamilton are spend- ing the long week-end at the- ir summer residence at Giroux Lake and visiting friends. : Miss Barbara Valley and friends of North Bay visited her sister Mrs.A. Leaper and family on Sunday. Lee Moore and Miss Ma- ureen Moore, North Bay. were called home on ac- count of the sudden death of their grandfather Mr. John Armstrong. Mrs. Billy Troughton Kirk land Lake visited friends in town and spent Sunday at Miss Creighton's Camp at | Temagami. 5 Mr. and Mrs. J. Saumier Elliot Lake visited her mo- ther Mrs, Corpan over the week-end . Mrs. Svekers and daugh- ter Krissie and niece Rho - nda Stevens are leaving on July 5th., for North Bay where Mrs. Svekers will direct the girls camp at Ca mp Tilicum. Mrs. H.L.Slaght accom- panied her son Mr. and Mrs Elliot Slaght of Cobalt to Toronto, to attendthe wed- ding of her granddaughter, Miss Barbara Jane Silt to Robert McDowell of Los Angles, California. Miss Judy Slaght was junior bri- desmaid at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs Pat Slaght also attended the wedding The Bridal are honeymoon- ing this district. Mr. and Mrs. H.O. Arm- strong left on Friday to at- tend the wedding of their son Meredith, at Kingston, _on Saturday. Garth Burton accompanied them as he was an usher at the wedd- _ing. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.Moore and fam ily on Sunday were Mrs. Ch- arles Boland Mrs. Deb Bo- isnet, tom Webster and Tom Simms all of Kirkland Lake © i Mrs. Charles Hughes Ban- a eroft ~- : wre OW rrr - Across tne Kitchen Table By Mrs. Mac. -- 2ALAAA» 2 2d ae Itis alwaysnice to get help with my column and this week I'm really pleas- ed with the assistance I've had. _ Mr. Reavellbrought me a little poem which cer- 'tainly expresses my feelings at times but I must say Ido not agree with the last line . because I can think of no- thing more boring than the prospect of "doing nothing for ever an and ever." One, .of Edna Jacques poems that tells of the old mother who wants "to rest a while and then just putter 'round,"' > -is much more my idea of Heaven. Then, with his renew- al cheque, Mr. Hugh Car- michael of Sioux Look-out, sent the nicest letter with an interesting description of life and conditions in that northern town. And this zabeth Smith of Toronto, a .renewal cheque and the me- ssage, 'May your many apparent struggles find 'eventual reward."' So to all these good people, my sincerest thankg 'and the hope that they and "many others, will send many more letters in the future. 2K 2 OK Ik OK kK This is Mr. Reavell's poem: lfere lies a poor woman 'who always was tired; She lived in a house where help was not hired. Her last words on earth were "Dear friends I am going Where washing ain't done, nor weeping nor sewing; But everything there is ex- act to my wishes, For where they don't eat there 's no washing of dish- es. I'll be where loud anthems ° 'will always be ringin;,, But having no voice, I'll be clear of the singing. Don't mourn for me now, don't mourn for menever- I'ra_going to do nothing for ever and ever. (Author unknown but it was written before 1850) HH WH HHH Tuesday morning, I worked in the office for a 'few hours and when ¢lancin; out of the window. which J did quite frequentl: , I was amazed at the number of ¢oodlooking firemen passin: up and down the street. ° Some of them were alone "Or With other firemen but nost of them were accomp- : *A44444448' f aa anied by girl friends or wives It was indeed a greatday for Haileybury, to have for the first time in over fifty years the annual Firemans Tourn- ament, held in the town. . ak oR ak kak I wonder if there is any hobby more rewarding than 'the growing of flowers? No matter how tired I am, afew minutes with my flowers re- laxes and rests me. This year the tulips and daffodils lasted such a long time be - cause of the cool weather and now the iris are flaunting their georgeous coloring . I only have six different colors but have ordered ten more rhizomes which I hope will all be different.-And I am also exchanging several of the col- ors I have with friends so we will both benefit. My roses too, are a joy. I had quite a few last year and they all wintered beautifiilly, so this spring I invested in eight more and now I have sixteen different varieties and near-' ly all of them are budded. The Blaze and American Pillar climbins roses 'are exceptionally well budded and should be starting to bloom in a week or so. And the pan sies and forget-me-nots are as usual, a joy. SO IR i kK i REPRESENTS TCA Trans-Canada Alr Lines stewardess, reached the semi-finals recently in the Interna- Miss Lisa Eriksen, tional Airlines Stewardess contest held in Miami Beoch. The attractive air hostess competed with represen- tatives from all the mojor world girlines. Based in Vancouver, Miss Eriksen is five feet six ond one half_ inches toll, 125 pounds and has '* light brown hair ond light blue eyes. The contest was won by an El-Al Israel stewardess. , A