"Vol.54 No.21 Northern Ontario's Oldest Weekly Newspaper CSAO WORKSHOP HELD AT COCHRANE By Jack Hetherington Districts 7 and 11 of the _C.S.A.O. met in a work- 'shop séssion in the Legion Hall at Kirkland Lake on Saturday, July 19th. with representatives from _ the | Branches from The Soo east: to North Bay, north to Co- chrane and west to Hearst. The meeting was under the leadership of Professor Ted Evans of Guelph and _ John Pearsonof the Toronto 'Branch who is also a pro- fessor though neither man made any allusion to that fact. Both these men have played a very prominent part in AMCO, (Annual ' Meeting Committee on Or- ganization). Also present were Miss. Jan Clark, edi- tor of The Trillium, J.F. _ Robinson, Jack Sedore and Huivld Bowen who assist - ea in the discussion anc presented advice on techni- cal details. With the passing years the number of Civil Servants has exceeded 30,000 but basi - cally the structure of the Association has remained ; ~-~. unchanged and we are now faced with the problem of altering that structure to best serve our members and our employer. Our Board of Directors has become so large that it is unwieldy and 'contact must still be main- tained with the Branches who form the base of the Asso- ciation. It is proposed to have more and smaller Districts and the District Directors appoint regional representatives to the Board. It is also proposed to have regional Departmen- tal representatives work in conjuction with them. It is hoped that a plan will have been setup before the Annual Meeting which will form a firm base from which to work, Other problems pertaining tothe Service ransine from 'political patronage to the ineptitude of supervisors and uniform hours of work were discussed. = ae Tom Huff. George Brown and Jack letherin: ton" Fe- presented Soutir Temisia- Yea" be Thursday , July we 31,1958 Established 1904 Shown above are J.M. Shouldice's Invincible Fastball team. Left to right, front row; Bob Boissoneault Paul Fleury, J.M. Shouldice, manager, Gerald Gelinas, Vince Gabbani and Roger Morin. Back row; Chuck Fleming, Bob Tyson, Bob Brown, George Mahon, and Harold Dinel. Seated in front is their batboy, Donald Sauve. ming at this workshop which was the first of this nature to be held and from it lessons will be learned to guide future operations. The next one will be held in Kingston in September. The thanks of the Districts concerned are hereby tend - ered to the Kirkland Lake Branch and to Mr. Len Baird, Reeve of the Town- ship of Teck, for services rendered and for courtesies extended. GOLF TOURNAMENT Miss. Anne Gluckstein 02 Parry Sound wasthe Cham - pion of the N.O.G.A. Tour- nament which was held at Kirkland Lake last winning the final round on Saturday afternoon from Alma Nagle Iroquois Falls after athrilling game and playing to the uist. hole to decide the match.. SRA 1 ait AORN eS I ia MARE | week : HAILEYBURY'S DRY! Constance Lake is fin- ished as a source of water for the town. That is the opinion of Charles Cams- ell, Chairman of the Hail- eybury council's water works committee. Ron - Mensies and Charlie Grant conducted a survey early this week which showed on- ly three feet of water over most of the lake. / Most of the residents west of the railroad tracks are without water, andthe town does not have any em- ergency supply if the down- town pumps break down. Mr. Camsell said that the town may have to inst-' all a booster pump at the top of the hill to bring wat- er from the downtown punp - house. Jail investigation R. CONNELL, VISITED HAILEYBURY R.Connell, minister of reform institutions, visited Haileybury this week to make a personal investigation into the situation at the local jail. Mr. Connell issued the following statement. "TI felt in all sincerity and fairness to the principals concerned in the Haileybury jail controversey, that I should make a personal investigation, and recommend some solution to the officials of the reform department, based on grass roots observation. Ihave done just that. I have talked to many people in area, business men, merchants, professional people, and most important, the man on the street. I have gathered a lot ofpertinent information on this subject, and feel thatI can now submit suitable recommendations to the officials in my department, that will clarify the whole issue asit stands "Results of my personal investigation, will, I feel precipitate the procession of a suitable compromise, -_Wamnt Ads. Bring Results fair to all concerned. "