ow neg ww by iniatith aS 4 HAILEYBURIAN AND COBALT WEEKLY POST Foreign Students See America - A Cobalt Coleman Minor Fastball League has been formed to organize and di- rect minor ball forthe youngsters inthe area.It has been decided to form only the younger groups this year, Peewees, Minor Ban- tams and Bantams. 'There are three teams in each group and while the | turnout for the Peeweeshas not been toc successful so far, the other two groups have done well. Each team plays six games and the winners in each group gets a bye intothe finals. The second and third finishers play abest two out of three series and the winners play offabest two out of three series for the championship, except 'the Bantams and their final peries ls a best four out of seven, _ Trophies have been donat- edby C.E. Cain, Damiani's Electric, F.C. Shaw and 'K.M. Buffam forBantam, Minor Bantam, Peewee and most valuable players award, 'respecti. 'The committee extend thanks to these donors and also give a word of commen- dation to the Recreation committee who are assisting - C.Oatey, Larabie, A. Scul- ly, T.Killoran, A. Moore, Q. Morin, J. Audette, W. Frackleton, Dr. McGarry and C.L. Bazinetin the organization and coaching duties. The following is thefinal standing of the groups. Bantams PW iL Giants 65 1 Braves 64 2 Cubs 6 0 6 Minor Bantams PW L Bisons 6 4 2 Royala G32 "Meple Leafs 5 1 4 Peewees PawWiE Yankees $33 9 Pirates 30 3 Sports minded fans are asked to turn out and wat- cn the youngsters perform in the play-offs. Cobalt Personais Mr. and Mrs. Walter Appleby, Toronto, is visi- ing their brother, *~. nd Mrs. Fred Chit*; « A tour of foreign and American students, organized to promote in- ternational good will and under- standing visited Washington, D.C. and other historical shrines throughout the east recently. More than 100 students representing 12 nations participated in the Inter- national Student Cavalcade which originated at the University of Minnesota. Senator Humphrey (Minn.) greeted the students on the capitol steps. In New York, tour buses and mobile kitchen unit were parked across street from TV studio so that cameras could pick up students being served rx breakfast for Dave Garroway '4 audience. Garroway joined stu- dents for breakfast (center photo). Kitchen trailer was equipped with LP-Gas (liquefied petroleum gas) burners so that # frozen meals for the large group fj of hungry students could be pre- pared quickly at each stop. In aj bottom photo, Sen. Thye (Minn.) a enjoys luncheon chat with stu- Mrs. James Campbell dent. to trailer are cylinders of LP-Gas --a familiar sight in suburban, YE town and rural areas where the fuel is used in many homes. Behind them and attached Mr. and Mrs. Stan Broo- and daughter, Mrs. W. K. ker and son, Robert, who Hill, Toronto, visited Mr J. Campbell and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. O'Shaughnessy. Mr. and Mrs. J. Camp bell motored to Timmins for a few days, visiting re- latives and friends. Shehas now returned to Toronto. Mrs. A. Thorne of Noran- da, is visiting, Mr. andMra Gordon Othmer and other friends in town en-route from Eganville, where she attended the wedding of her grandson, Bill Thorne. Miss Inez McEwen visited her Uncle, Mr. Pete McEwen in town' en-rou- te from Larder Lake toher home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cathmore of Oshawa visited Mr. Pete McEwen recently. Mrs. John Perry and daughter, Mrs. Crisp and son, David, of Sarnia, have _ gone to Red Lake on a three visitto her son's home, Mr. and Mrs. Willard McKinley. Mrs. Bessis Giffen, Ha- milton, is vie ""z¢ Mr. and Mrs. Frenkctie.">¢s90n and her daughiai~" sw, Mrs. E. Giffen. ! have been guests of Mrs. Brooker's mother Mrs. L. Leo Jackson, and attending the Golf Tournament, in Hailey- leybury, have returned to their home in Noranda. Good Reading for the Whole Family eNews - Facts Family Features The Christion Sclance Moniter One Norway St., Boston 15, idese.- meney order. -1 yeor $18 TF 6 months $9] 3 months $4.90 O Waite Aaaee Zone ete oity CANADIAN PLACE NAMES EDMONTON -- In 1794 the Hudson's Bay Company had a Fort built twenty-five miles below the present site. It was named by George Sutherland who built it, after Ed- monton River, London, England, the birthplace of his clerk John Pruden. The name was retained when the Fort was rebuilt, after destruction by the Blood Indians in 1807, on the site of the present City. SASKATOON -- The name is derived from the Cree word Mis-sask-quah-too-mina or Mis-sask-a-too-mina, a name given to a berry, used in the making of buffalo pemmican, found in profusion in the vicinity. WINNIPEG -- From the Cree words Win-murky and Nipiy-water. TORONTO -- Various meanings have been assigned to the name which is of Indian origin "A place of meeting", "Trees in the Water", "Lake Opening", all more or less conjectural. The name has also been traced to that of "Atrionta", chief of the Arendaronons and to the word "Tarontorai" meaning "between the lakes". The name "Tarantou" appears 'o: the first time on Sanson's map of 1656. At its meeting Monday night, Bucke council voted in favor of holding a cocktail vote in the next municipal elections. The vote will be neld at the request of Ball Pape, who recently opened a steak house at the north end of the township. Notice TAKE NOTICE that Trans-Canada Pipe Lines Limt ted has deposited in the Registry ffice for the Registry Division of the District of Temiskaming, at Haileybury, Ontario, on August 7, 1958, as No.51, plan, profile and book of reference being Drawing No. ROW-C-28B showing a deviation of the Company's pipe line from a point in Lot7, Concession 5 in the Township of Armstrong, to a point in Lot 8, Concession 4 in the _ Township of Armstrong, both in the District of Temis- kaming and Province of Ontario, said plan, profile and book of reference having been approved by the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada by tts Order No. 94826 dated July 9, 1958. DATED at Toronto, Ontario, this 8th day of August, A.D. 1958. TRANS-CANADA PIPE LINES LIMITED 92 King Street East, Toronto 1, Ontario. Lost: At Classic Theatre To Rent: roomed apart- Cobalt Saturday Matinee, mentunfurnished. Available July 26th. lLadiesWhite August 30th. Telephone 174 Hand Bag containing valua- Haileybury (23-1-c) ble papers, keys, glasses = For Rent: 2 roomed and $4.00 in cash. Property of Mrs. Susana Jess. Fin - derplease return to the box office of Classic Theatre and receive reward. (23-1-c) apartment, 2 piece bath, suitable for one or two bu- Siness girls. For informa- tion. Phone 169 (23-1-c) To Rent: Four bedroom Wanted: Single girlorhigh house: oilheated, Living school student tobabysit, room and den with fire- and live in while paretts places. Spacious grounds. work. Only veryminimum Apply BoxA. Haileyburian- housework required. Phone ( 23-1-c) 535 (23-2-c) NOTICE Wanted: Young lady or I Maurice Leboeuf will not married lady for hotel desk, be responsible for any debts evening shift, Apply Hote] incurred by my wife Eiloon Haileybury or telephone 99. Lebocuf after this date. 23-1- Maurice Leboeuf (23-1-c) a ae See *