. | George Taylor Hardware Acquires Toronto Firm ; R. A. H. Taylor, President ro) George Taylor Hardware Lir ited,-announces the acquisition of eontrolling interest in White Hardware Limited of Toronto. This is'an important step in the linking together of Northern and Southern Ontario. The George Taylor Hardware Limited has been associated with the growth of Northern Ontario and Northern Quebec for more than 38. years, and maintain wholesale warehouses at Sudbury, North Bay, New. Liskeard, Kirk- land Lake and Timmins in Ontario, and Noranda and Val d'Or in Quebec. In addition to these, they also maintain sales offices at Tor- onto, Elliot Lake, Sault Ste. Marie, Cochrane and Hearst. White Hardware Limited has been a leading wholesale hardware in Ontario for more than 30 years. The White Hardware warehouse is considered to be the most mod- ern hardware warehouse in Can- ada, and is located on Rexdale Bouevard, within two blocks of the Toronto By-pass, Highway 401, and less than ten minutes from High- ways 27, 400 and Queen Elizabeth Way. This building was completed early in 1955, and created a new ; Spark's Electric "Qualified Electrician TV Antenna Installations » Call SPARKS for worry free service. OS 2-5258 > Haileybury concept in hardware materials handling. The warehouse occupies nine acres, with an additional nine left for future expansion. It is 400 feet wide by 450 feet long, and is lighted by windows on three of the four sides. It is divided into two main areas. The shelf hardware area comprises, approximately 20 per cent of the area. This part is serviced by a "'U" shaped contin- uous-flow roller and belt conveyor system which takes the goods from starting point of the order through each shelf hardware department to the packing benches. The case goods section uses about 50 per cent of the building, and is servic- ed by a moving dragline in the floor, which pulls flat trucks onto which case goods are assembled. The balance of the space is devot- ed to shipping, receiving and pack- ing. Inside the main entrance to the building is panelled lobby and showroom which leads to the of- fices at one end and, at the other, to a second smaller merchandise showroom. This showroom is sep- arated from the cafeteria by large sliding doors, which permit the combined area 'to be opened into one large room. The office, showroom and caf- eteria (which can seat 100 per- sons at-a time, and has complete facilities for serving hot, full- course meals) are in a part of the building elevated slightly from the warehouse in order to utilize nat- ural light through windows in all four walls. The office area is di- vided into one private office for the President, one used as a board and conference room and the re- mainder is a large general office. This general office contains low- partitioned offices along both walls for supervisory personnel, and a Temiskaming Construction Lid. 'Haileybury, Ont, ) Ps OrBox 459 'Phone OS 2-3311 ENGINEERS Design, Construction, Mine Development, Operation * Electrical and Mechanical Installations : i) Toronto, Ont. 6th Floor, 360 Bay St. EMpire 3-7381 North Bay, Ont. 194 Regina St. GRover 2-2630 SROKA - VOLKSWAGEN: | nunawaA COANE : © ~spectan 1 1950 DESOTO push button radio, good shape '51 Chev. $250 I think maybe the propellor's broken. SALE $250 '54 Chev. $850 BIG DISCOUNTS ON GOODYEAR SUBURBANITES | ES Socials Mrs. C. R. Plaunt opened her home to the Northern Light group of the C.G.I.T. for their last meet- ing, at which the new mission study from the Friendship Diary was begun. The girls have decided to visit the different churches in the town. They are also to write a _ story about a person who knew Jefus in Biblical times. The group have been asked to provide refreshments for the Fel- lowship Hour in the United church, Sunday evening January 25th. This is the beginning of Chris- tian Youth Week and the girls have decided to wear their uni- forms to school for several days during the week. Mrs. W. Hopkins lead in the worship period and the meeting was closed with Taps. Festival of Music Many district children are working hard on the new num- bers they will play at the 21st Annual Temiskaming Festival of Music. The syllabus has been avail- able for some time from Mr. S. Carr, Kiwanis Festival Com- mittee member, and any per- son wishing a copy should drop him a line. The Festival will be held in late April this year, and the contestants will find they have little enough time to reach the stage of perfection needed to qualify as a winner. Snow Removal In Haileybury Haileybury works department has gone on a blitz to clear all the snow that has fallen in recent weeks from strategic places and main streets in the town. Snow is being removed from around the schools as a safety precaution for the children and from around all of the public buildings to make them more accessable. 2 Councillor Chas. Camsell said that this was to be quite an expen- sive operation but the convenience gained by this would far outweigh the costs involved. ; = large central area for other staff. The I.B:M. machine room, cata- logue and printing rooms are con- tained in other rooms in this part of the building. All are fully air- conditioned and soundproofed. The warehousing and accounting operations are co-ordinated through the use of punch card ac- counting machines. The three major areas of the business - buying, selling and cat- aloguing of all hardware merchan- dise (of which there are some 38,000 items), are accomplished by punched card machine proced- ures. _'In Jate 1957 The George Taylor nea. ware Limited acquired an 11 per cent interest in White Hard- ware. During 1958 the two firms co-operated in buying, cataloguing, warehousing and merchandising. Over the next several months, much time will be devoted to clos- er co-ordination of efforts with a view towards developing the ser- vice abilities of both companies. Mr. R. A. H. Taylor has become President of White Hardware "Lim- 1ited, with Mr. Richard Chater as Vice-President and General Man- ager. Mr. D. H. Millar, presently Secretary-Treasurer of The George Taylor Hardware Limited, has be- come Treasurer and Director of White Hardware, and Mr. J. C. Murphy, General Manager of The George Taylor Hardware Limited, will become a Director of White Hardware. The present policies of the Com- pany will be continued, and it is anticipated. that, with this acqui- sition, The George Taylor Hard- ware will be in a position to offer the utmost in service to their many customers. Classified Ads Bring Results Thursday, January 29, 1959 Car Damaged An accident involving damage of $600.00 to a parked car occur- red Saturday morning on Latch- ford Street. A car owned and driven by Arthur William Hearn of Haileybury skidded on the icy street and crashed into a parked car owned by the General Motors Corporation, causing damage amounting to $600.00. Hearn's car was damaged to the extent of $400.00. Hearn was alone in the car and escaped in- jury. . The accident was investigated by Constable Leo Chivers. The Haileyburian Page 7 Figure Skating New Liskeard and Hailey- bury Figure Skating Clubs are hard at work on the figures and acts that will make up the 1959 edition of the joint skat- ing carnival to be held in the New Liskeard Arena-in March. Chris Blair, the club pro, promises that this year's offer- ing will be up to the high standard set in other years. Those things that come to the man who waits seldom turn out to be the things he's waiting for. 10 years to repay. DO IT ow ee hc, It will pay you to have all maintenance, repair, renovation and redecoration jobs done around your home or place of business during the winter lull in the building industry. HOME IMPROVEMENT -LOANS -under the National Housing Act, your bank .. . up to $4,000 and up to 10 years to repay. FARM IMPROVEMENT LOANS, backed by the government, are also available through your bank .. . up to $5,000 and up to Help yourself--and at the same time, your com- munity--by having jobs done now. Why wait for spring "4 Issued by authority of the &.* Minister of Labour, Canada NOW! are available 'through NOW! _ 8055 EMPIRE NEW LISKEARD -- PHONE MI 7-4102 PERFORMANCES Mon to Sat. doors open at 6:30 p.m, Shows at 7 and 9 on single bill On Double Feature last complete show at 8:15 p.m. Last Showing To-Day: "GOD'S LITTLE ACRE" (Adult Entertainment) FRI. & SAT. TECHNICOLOR (Double Feature Program) "QUANTRILL'S RAIDERS" Steve Cochran, Gale Robbins "BOWERY BATTALION" Bowery Boys MATINEE SATURDAY -- 2 P.M. JAN. 30 - 31 CINEMASCOPE MON. & TUES. "LA PARISSIENNE"' TECHNICOLOR Charles Boyer, Bridgette Bardot CARTOON PLUS ADDED SHORTS FEB. 2-3 WED. & THURS. "T00 MUCH Dorothy Malone, Errol Flynn NEWS REEL FEB. 4-5 T00 SCON"