WHY wait Tih SPRING permanent nature." "| agree, sir, winter is the best time for interior reno-- vations but we usually think of our home improve-- ment loans as designed for structures of a more When I pick telephone numbers Yat random from the phone book in an effort to find some per- onals for the columns of the WHaileyburian, I often find I have alled some person who, through Jill health or other reasons, seldom gets out, especially in the winter "months, and who is really lonely. They seem so glad to be able © chat, even for a few 'minutes, hat I am wondering if there isn't some way of getting these per- sons in touch with one another so that they could at least call and have a little "telephone chai."' "Many of them are pioneers of the own and have a wealth of mem- @ories to share. One whom I call- Ged the other day, who originally Came from Scotland, was so in- erested in my coming trip to her whomeland and told me some in- teresting things regarding it. 'I wonder if-any of those people ho do not get out much, and who ould like a '"'telephone friend" would want to give me their phone umber to be printed in this col- imn so that they would get to know who would like to have tele- phone chats and in this way, they 'fould help to relieve each other's loneliness. t Do you want to try it? If so, y number here is Os-2-3066. a ty Across the kitchen (Cable By MRS. MAC we could start thinking about these cool, frosty mornings is "when will the ice be out of the lake?" This is the last week in February, remember, another two months and that old lake surface will be looking pretty well moth- eaten. So it's not too soon to be taking time by the "'fetlock,"' as I once heard a girl say, and be- gin polishing up your guessing ability. The longer days, or something, is bringing my African violets along beautifully, and buds are popping up all over. It will soon be time to get some seeds started, too, oh happy day! And then the first 'thing we know, there will be the gleam of the crocus, the sunshine of the daffodils, the bleed- ing heart will 'be sending up shoots, just daring Jack Frost td touch them, (he'll take the dare, too, don't worry!) and then, poof, well forget we ever growled about the snow or cold weather. Such is life, The two largest tunnels in the western world, each five and a half miles long with an inside fin- ished diameter of 45 feet, run beneath the city of Niagara Falls, Ont., carrying water for hydro- electric power generation. You know, something nice that' | Wom |) ------__-BEN J. BOURGET General Contractor and Estimator Houses Built Repairs and Alterations Boats Made or Repaired 1 | Jinights of HOLY CROSS 8.15 | ae Blackout | Saturday, Feb. 28th ALL CASH PRIZES BINGO Columbus PARISH HALL p.m. . - $300.00 1 in 52 numbers or consolation prize of $100 ' -| REGULAR GAMES $5.00 f : SPECIALS $10.00 Bible Fellowship At St. Paul's The regular monthly meeting of St. Paul's Bible Reading Fellow- ship was held on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 24, in the Parish Hall with 10 members and one visitor pres- ent. The meeting was opened with prayer by Father R. Nixon, with Mrs. G. Ninacs in the chair. The Bible Reading was read by Mrs. E. Young, synopsis by Mrs. H. Johnson. A discussion was held on the month's readings. (Father R. Nixon invited the Fellowship |to have the March meeting in the Rectory, the invitation was accept- ed.) The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. E. Mantle, adopted by Mrs. Huff, seconded-by Mrs. J. Rundle. A discussion was held on form- ing a young couples organization, decision left for further discussing. Lunch will be supplied by Mrs. E. Mantle, Mrs. G. Ninaecs and Mrs. J. Rundle for next month's meeting. Meeting was adjourned by Mrs. E. Young, with members working on flannelgraph. Lunch was then served by Mrs. F. Cooper, Mrs. T. Huff and Mrs. E. Young. Haileybury Midgets End Schedule Haileybury midgets wound up their scheduled games during the past week. Both were one-sided affairs with the team being out- [classed by both New Liskeard and Cobalt. Friday they were beaten 13-3 in Cobalt and Sunday lost 12-4 to New Liskeard. Leo St. Cyr scored two goals News from the Lvelyn Shoppe No doubt many of you have noticed all the smart Canadian fashions shown in the February issue of Mayfair magazine, photo- graphed all over ithe world, on Can- adian models. A number of these you will find at the Evelyn Shoppe, such as the newest of the season's costumes with a bowed box jacket over a raised-waistline sheath in topaz pure silk piessanti by David Taub and Son, photographed at the Buddhist Temple, Bangkok. Silk and cotton shirtwaist sep- arates by Nat Gordon, shown in Calcutta, or in Hong Kong, sampan pants with smart tops. So rest assured when you shop at Evelyns, you are smartly dressed to travel anywhere. The hats in fashion clear the brow and neck and are very wear- able. You MUST thave one for Easter. Even the pillbox has a dif- ferent look. One we like, banded in velvet, is oh, so smart with a needlepoint 'suit in sprout green, with cropped jacket and the new shorter sleeve length, by Gordon. This would give the most jaded spirits a lift! The new 1959 Muffin Cloche in crisp straw is so wearable, worn with one of our colorful printed silk dresses. This year, Fashion says, "shad- ow your legs in color."" The darker toned hose with your white, beige and pastel costumes, or the ex- quisitely soft shades in colors 'to match or contrast. We are so enthusiastic about all the colorful merchandise arriving daily. You,will be too. And re- member, Evelyn and her staff are happy to have you come in and brouse around. Looking can be fun! - Abe Thursday, February 26, 1959 Friday night with Garry Deely scoring the third. Sunday Don Sauve, Danny Hunt, George Cul- hane and Leo St. Cyr handled the scoring for Haileybury. Midget coach John Hallworth is a patient in the local hospital and the boys are being handled by The Haileyburian Page 7 George Weston and Jack Hall- worth. All the boys are wishing John a speedy recovery. Saturday afternoon the local bantams will play in Cobalt at 3 p.m. Anyone interested in provid- ing transportation should call Geo, Weston. ~ Fly TCA turho- "prop From EARLTON -- 1 hr. 55 mins. 3 hrs. 55 mins. phone Earlton 48. Convenient departures for TORONTO MONTREAL Also TCA VISCOUNT service to ROUYN/NORANDA, OTTAWA, NORTH BAY, VAL D'OR -- daily except Sunday. "Ask about TCA's FAMILY FARES and FLY NOW -- PAY LATER plans for travel in Canada, the U.S. and Overseas. See Nixon, Begg and Hutchinson Travel Agency, 7 or phone TCA at Earlton Airport, TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES EMPIRE NEW LISKEARD -- PHONE MI 7-4102 PERFORMANCES Mon to Sat. doors open at 6:30 p.m. Shows at 7 and 9 on single bill. On Double Feature last complete show at 8:15 p.m. Last Showing To-day: "A CERTAIN SMILE" (Adult) FRI. & SAT. "GOLDEN AGE (Double Feature Program) "ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER" TECHNICOLOR Tom Kelly, Walter Brennan Jean Harlow, Laurel G Hardy MATINEE SATURDAY -- 2 P.M. FEB» 27 - 28. OF COMEDY" MON. & TUES. a "WINDOM'S WAY" Peter Finch, The Coronation of Pope John IN COLOR MARCH 2 - 3 Mary Ure WED. & THURS. TECHNICOLOR NEWS (Double Feature Program) "QUEEN OF OUTER SPACE ZaZa Gabor, Eric Fleming "WAR OF THE SATELLITES" Richard Miller, MARCH 4 - 5 CINEMASCOPE ri Susan Cabot REEL