aah, JF ial service will aie, Dae Win fas 1 eee 'Haileyburian-Cobalt Post ESTABLISHED 1904 OQ) ee Ge et % Vol. 55 -- No. 3 Haileybury, Ont., March 26, 1959 -- 5c: COPY! Special Services For Easter Sunday Special services are being plan- ned for the Haileybury churches for Holy Week and Easter Day. In St. Andrew's United, a spec- be held in the church on Wednesday night with Rev. Helmut Wipprecht of Cobalt as speaker. On Good Friday a service will be held at 11.15 with the minister, Rev. J. W. Wiikin- son officiating. At this service the music will feature selections from St. Luke's Passion by Bach. The Easter Sunday service will be at the usual hour, 11.15 a.m. Holy Week services began on March 22 in Holy Cross Catholic church with tne blessing of the palms for each family, to recall the triumphant coming of Jesus to Jerusalem. On Holy Thursday, Mass and Communion starts at 4.15 p.m. with commemoration of the Institution of the Mass, and Holy Eucharist at 8.00 p.m. The Gloria will be sung, with all the bells rung and they will not be heard again until Holy Saturday. On Good Friday at 3.00 p.m. the Crucifixion of Jesus will be ob- served, with the unveiling of the Cross, the Adoration and the Pro- cession to the Repository, followed by Communion at 4.00 p.m. Holy Saturday will see the Feast of Light and Resurrection, blessings, the singing of the Exsultet and the renewal of vows. At the 8.00 a.m. mass on Easter Morning, a chil- drens' First Communion will be observed, followed at 10.00 a.m. by High Mass. The services will conclude at 4.30 p.m., with Mass and Communion. The music used on Easter Sunday will be the Gregorian Mass. --At St. Paul's Anglican church, the Rector, Rev. R. H. Nixon, will conduct Matins and Ante-Com- munion on Good Friday at 2.00 p-m. and at 2.15, the Preaching of the Cross. On Holy Saturday, Matins and Ante-Communion at 10.00 a.m. and Evensong of Easter Even at 5.00 p.m. On Easter Day, Holy Eucharist will be at 9.00 a.m with Sung Eucharist at 11.00 a.m. At this service the John Merbecke setting, 1550 A.D. will be used for the sung Eucharist and the anth- em,-~"'Good Christian Men, Re- joice and Sing," will be presented. Festal Evensong will be held at 7.00 p.m. The Rector will preach on the Resurrection at all services. On Easter Tuesday, March 31, and on Thursday, April 2nd., at 10.00 a.m., Holy Eucharist will be held. The Pentecostal Easter services will start with a joint service with the Baptist congregation, in the Baptist church on Good Friday at 10.30 a.m. The special speaker at this service will be Rev. W. Moody of. Hamilton, who is district Sun- day School director for the Pente- Church Notices ST. PAUL'S PARISH CHURCH THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA The Rev'd R. H. Nixon, Dip. Th. Rector Good Friday : 10:00 a.m.--Matins & Ante-Com. 2:15 p.m.--Preach of the Cross Holy Saturday 10:00 a.m.--Matins & Ante-Com. 5:00 p.m.--Evensong of Easter Even Easter Day 9:00 a.m.--Holy Eucharist 11:00 a.m.--Sung Eucharist 7:00 p.m.--Festival Evensong ~(Parishoners are to return their Lenten Self-Denial Folders and the Children their Lenten Boxes) Easter Tuesday, March 31 '10:00 a.m.--Holy Eucharist Thursday, April 2 10:00 a.m.--Holy Eucharist VISITORS VERY WELCOME costal Churches. Special Easter music will be a feature of this service. Services will be held at the regular hours 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m, on Sunday, conducted by the minister, Rev. W. Church- ill, with Mr. Moody giving the ser- mons. In the morning his topic will be "Resurrection Certainties,"' and in the evening, "Brother, can you spare the time?" Special Has- ter music will be given and ap- propriate choruses sung. The Salvation Army will show a great film, "King of Kings," in the Salvation Army hall in New Liskeard at 8.00 p.m. Good Fri- day evening. At 11.00 a.m. Easter Sunday, in the Haileybury Hall, Lieut. E. Pew will bring the Has- ter message, and at 7.00 p.m. in the Cobalt hall, Lieut. B. Swit- zer will provide the Easter mes- sage, with his topic, "My Lord and My God." The pastor, Mr. H. deVries, will conduct the Easter morning service in the Baptist church, with the newly formed children's Choir singing the Easter hymns. In the evening, an Easter film will take the place of the regular service. Haileybury Youths Damage Properly Magistrate E. W. fKenrick gave short shrift to four Haileybury youths in court last week when they appeared before him charged with wanton damage to two cab- ins on Best Lake, south of Latch- ford. The four occupied cabins belong- ing to Rey. Earl Lautenslager of Sudbury and Gordon Forbes of Toronto on a February week-end, and damaged one cabin to the ex: tent of $420 and the other $75. Police said the youths took a small amount of food with them for their week-end, and helped them- selves to supplies left in the cabins. They damaged bedding, towels, and chopped holes in a canoe and floors, slashed chairs and. damag- ed property with a .303 rifle be- longing to the minister. They also tore blankets to make windbreaks for ice fishing. Water Intake Hydro divers were on hand early this morning to check the intake for the Haileybury water supply. Mayor Arthur Cook expect- ed the work to be completed today. Popular Pro Leaves Haileybury Golf Club For more than a quarter cen- tury, Percy Hitchen has been Mr. Golf to addicts of pasture pool in this district, but this year he' pulls up his roots, to be transplanted in North Bay. It was back in 1925 that the plea- sant Englishman came to Hailey- bury as professional for the new club, then sporting -a six hole course with a shack for a club. He leaves behind him a_ prosperous club, and one of the sportiest nine hole layouts in the north. Perey served his apprenticeship with his father who was pro at the Elland Golf Club in Yorkshire and finished the job under the same tutor at Cobourg Club. He was with W. T. Brazier, pro at the Owen Sound Club, before he took over professional duties at the Old Belleville Club, from there he went to the Bay of Quinte Club before coming to Haileybury. As well as being an expert in the matter of course' construction, Percy was a fine golfer and an ex- cellent teacher. He has a record]. or two on his own course, and is particularly proud of being one of the few who tied together five 3's over the nine holes, and being able to hit the par 5 number six holes a number of times for a three. The big Haileybury golfer has done a great deal of golf course de- signing.and construction during his career, he helped-his father with the Rouge Hill course_near Tor- onto, laid out the Lee Club in Cochrane, and built the original plant at Siscoe, Quebec. He is a member of the Canadian Golf Association, the Ontario Pro- fessional Golfers Association and the Northern Ontario Golf Associ- ation. In 1957 he took a golfer's holi- day, travelling to Jamaica, and served as a popular pro at the Up- ton Golf Club there for the 1t957- 58 season. He had a warm invita- tion to return for the past winter season, but had to pass up the in- vitation because of an annoying, although not serious, illness. He goes to North Bay as man- ager and course superintendent, and carries with him the best wish- es of the many friends he has made during his long stay here. Faster Sunday District Churches have been holding special services during Holy Week and will climax the Lenten Season on Easter Sun- day. Five High School Groups In Quonta Drama Festival There will be five High School Drama groups participating in the Quonta One-Act Drama _ Festival to be held in New Liskeard on April 9, 10 and 11-in the New Lis- keard High School auditorium. The Mindemoya Group comes from Central Manitoulin High School in Mindemoya, a school of 120 stu- dents. Some of the actors travel sixty miles each day to attain an education. The group are able to enter the Festival because of a campaign carried on in the area to raise funds. This is the school's first entry in "Quonta". The cast of thirteen will be presenting the first three scenes from Bernadine y Mary Chase. The Sudbury High School Modern Language Department are _ per- forming La Grammaire by La- biche. There are ten in the cast. The unusual thing about this per- formance is that while it is a French play it is being performed by English-speaking students who have learned all their French in High School. They are all in Grade 12 and have studied this play as part of their Grade 12 French course. These students have all been in special language class for almost two years now. Thry' study French, Spanish and Latin. Their French classes are taught entirely in French, and every week they have a special conversational class in either French or Spanish. This play is the culmination of their course, Lively High School Drama Group will present "'Elizabeth Refuses". The cast consists of eight mem- bers. They come from the Sudbury area. The three above mentioned plays will be performed on Sat- urday afternoon, April 11, in the New Liskeard High School auditor- ium, The Kirkland Lake K.L.C.V.I. Drama Club will present "The Bishop's Candle Sticks'? by 'Nor- mal McKinnel on Thursday even- ing. There are seven in the cast. The New Liskeard High School Drama Club will present "'The Grand Cham's Diamond" by Allan Monkhouse also on Thursday. even- ing, with five in the cast. The High School Drama: groups: - will be adjudicated separately from the adult groups. The stu- dents who have to come to New Liskeard from some distance will require billeting over night. Mrs. Tom Taylor of New Liskeard would be glad to hear from you, if you would like to invite one of the visiting actors into your home. Mass Meeting | At Toronto Two carloads of civil servants from this area travelled to Tor- onto last week to take part in the mass rally of members of the tario Civil Se...ce Association. an estimated 3000 members came from all across the province to attend the meeting, in an un- precendented show of solidarity and reviewed 'their demands from their bosses, the provincial gov- ernment, Amongst the complaints. discus- sed were poor working conditions, low morale, top demand is for collective bargaining and griev- ance procedures, followed closely by salary demands. Attending from this area were Chuck Wells, Fred Corkhill, Or- ville Tretheway, B. Ford, George Brown, president of the local as- sociation, Orville Dumond, Wyman Wickett and Bud Edwards. ~~ wai Mischief Yy U Vi. YM SAY, WHAT HAVE YOU GOT THERE, MISTER? questions Chi-Chi, a four- year-old travelling companion of salesman John Lindsay. A true member of the racoon family, Chi-Chi will eat just about anything~from cigars to lumps of sugar and will go so far as to pick pockets to get.to the niceties, Gerry Kelson lost one cigar to the little fellow instead of sugar.