ae nee Te i. 3 j : N a i © As well as providing medical treatment and equipment, the Ontario Society tor Crippled Child- ren endeavours to maintain the scholastic standing of the children while they are attending clinie. This special classroom is a part of the operation of the Woodeden clinic operated by the Society outside of London, Ontario, The Society, in association with 221 service clubs throughout the province, are conducting their annual Easter Seal Campaign, which lasts until March 29th and has an objec- tive of $800,000. Bonnie Doon Camp D.O.S. The regular meeting of the Bon- nie Doon Camp D.O.S. was held on Friday March 20th. Mrs. Mur- iel Tresidder was pianist. Two minutes silence was observ- ed in memory of the Honourable Grand Past" President, Mrs. J. Campbell. Grand 'Camp~ President, Mx; M: E. Houghton, organizer and Past President of Bonnie Doon Camp was welcomed and given honours. Eight Past Presidents were also welcomed and eleven officers were present. Minutes were read _ and approy- ed, and the sick convener, Sister Trevor Jones gave her report and it was learned that quite a few 'members were ill. It was also re- 'ported that Sister M. Beeson. of 'Elliot Lake had been very ill. _ Sister Louise Richards won the gift drawn during recess. Con- veners of the various committees 'thanked the members for the splendid work done for Sister Houghton's reception and Sister Houghton personally thanked the members for her lovely reception. Accounts were approved for payment and correspondence dealt with. Sister Chapman was in- stalled as Financial Secretary in -place of Sister Ruby Fleming who has moved away. The Secretary was instructed to write thank you 'notes for gifts received, and other business was held over for the next "meeting. The new financial sec- "retary presented ia statement. _ Flags were retired and a social evening followed with lunch be- ing served by Sister S. Mallett and her committee. Phil Cain Heads Recreation At a recent meeting of the Co- sbalt-Coleman Recreation. Commit- tee held in the office of W. C. Inch Q.C., Phil Cain was elected Chair- man for 1959. Other officers are - Lloyd Humphreys, vice-president; Miss Inez Conti, secretary-treas- urer and the following members, Lawrence Othmer, Albert Chita- xoni, Wm. C. Inch Q.C., Reeve Wm. Martin, Don McGugan, Mrs. Beryl Romano and Russell. Bazin- et. ; Thanks was extended to Lawr- ence Othmer who had done a wonderful job as Chairman for the past three years. A financial state- ment given by the treasurer was adopted and a budget was worked out for presentation to the Town Council, and the Township of Ccle- mar, ; o Friendship Group The Friendship Group of Cobalt United Church held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. S. Kangas. The President, Mrs. W. Mallett. opened the meeting and 'turned it over to the committee in charge. Agatha Cameron read _ «from -the Scriptures, Shirley Le- barron gave a reading entitled Around the Square "Two Kinds of Crosses." Vi Tay- lor led 'the 'prayer. A letter was read informing the group there will be a workshop or "Sex Education" to be held in the United Church at Noranda, Que- bec on Saturday, May 16th. W.' "Boothroyd;-M.D. head of the Psy- chriatic department -of the Uni- versity of Toronto and Dr. R. S: Hosking a former Judge of Tor-, onto Juvenile Court will. be pres-, ent. The group made a donation to this project. A ietter about. ithe building of a Sunday School room was read.. Mrs. P. Slaght and Mrs. L. Cassidy volunteered to eanvass for Friendship group. A letter from the Camp Lorrain Com- mittee was read,. requesting that the group assist children to at- tend camp, and, encourage indiv- iduals to take an active interest in the»camp. There is. accomoda- tion for more children than attend- ed last year. The president reported on the Freezer party which had been; very successful. Thanks was ex-) pressed to all who helped and gave; their support. The secretary was. asked to send letters of thanks to Radio station C.J.K.L., New Lis- keard, the Hydro Office at New: Liskeard and Dewey's of Hailey- bury for assistance and advertis-' ing. Easter bonnets were created and modelled by tthe members with Hildred Welch being declar- ed the winner. Darning from Northdale Manor was passed out and will be done by members. 21 members were present. " a Freezer Party In spite of the snow drifts and! stormy. weather there was a good! crowd at the deep-ifireeze presen- tation pary. 'sponsored by the Friendship Group of Cobalt Unit- ed Church held Monday, Marchi 16th in the I.0.0-F. hall. Mrs. La- pointe of Ottawa displayed the contents of the deep-freeze unit and explained the varieties of frozen foods and how to preserve them over a period of time. Mr. Henry Bell, representative of the Company answered questions on, the unit. Names were drawn and Mrs. M. Menzies was the winner of a turkey, Mrs. Alice Browne a St. Patrick Cake, and Mrs. E. Larsen won a dozen tins of frozen; juice. At the close of the deraon- stration a lovely lunch was served: by the Friendship Group. Penny Sale Winners of the Penny sale spon- sored by the C.W.L. of St. Pat- rick's Church Tuesday, March 17 at the Community Hall wers as follows:--Mrs. Pat Shannon; Inez Conti, Colleen Riley, Sheila Mc- Kinnon, Mary Hurst, Mrs. Babin- eau, Mrs. E. Cole, Iris O'Shaugh- nessy, Mrs. M¢Miaahon, Hailevbury,} Zaida Wright, Mrs. M. McCabe, Mrs. Jessie Perry, Mrs. N. Spenc- er, Mrs. Rita Bazinet, Mrs. I. Me- {| Donald, George ©Dunning, ~T. Schmeleski, Temagami, Pat Mer- cier, Mrs. Collette Robitaille, Mrs. F. Riley, Mrs. W. Cahill, New Lis- keard, Harold Kelly, Pat Brezen-: ski-and Mrs. Ena Smith..The door prize a steam iron was won by Mrs.' N. Spencer and Ruth Mc- Garry won the St. Patrick's Cake. Bingo Winners re ; 'Winners of cash prizes at the Bingo held by the C.W.L. of St. Patrick's Church, Tuesday, March 17th. were. Mrs. S.'Tasse} Mrs? R. Warren, Mrs. Duval, Miss Leves- que, Mrs. F. Melasso and Mrs. A. Nadeau. Door-prize was won by Mrs. M. G. Cunningham: and Mrs. Madge McLeod. ~ Oddfellows Meet Fourteen members were present for. the regular~« meeting: of - the |r: Oddfellows held Thursday, .Maréh,} 19th. Brother Archie Fleming, Past Grand was in tthe chair, and. business was routine. It was decid- ed not-to visit.the Temiskaming Lodge at the present. C.P. & T. Bingo The Rebekahs and Oddfellows would like to express their-appre-; ciation for the support given at the 'successful Bingo and Draw held March 19th. by the €.P. & T. of Cobalt. There was a very good) attendance and the winners of the specials were: Mrs. Leo, Mrs. Pringle, Mr. Payne, Mrs. Oster- berg, Mrs. W. Smith and Mrs. Hunter. The draw was held just before the door-prize and ithe $50. cash box was won by H. A. Todd, second .prize of $15 won by Mag- gie Mallais of North Cobalt; and the $50 door-prize won by Mrs. Armand Dupuis. | business period. The second meet- Zone Chairman Addresses Thursday, March 26, 1959 - €.G.1.T. : = I The "Sunshine Gals" C.G.I.T. group met at the home of their leader, 'Mrs. 'A. Svekers on "Tgurss day, Mareh 19th. ie *Y Sharon ,Menzie coriducted ythe worship service, and this wag¥fol+ lowed by a sing-song and a short ing' as outlined in "Briéndship Diary was followed, Mr. "Albert Svekers gave a very 'interesting Fand enjoyable talk on Latvia. & The girls were dismissed fol- lowing Taps and the Migpah Ben-| ediction.; 7." 3% 5 Be kk s &" ye a Cobalt Lions Club Zone Chairman for ~ Lions)! In- ternational District A-6, Zone 15- W, John Damiani made his official visit to the Cobalt club Monday, March 16th. Mr. Damiani compli- mented the officers and members for the splendid work they have done during 'the past yéar; par- ticularly in the field of Health and Welfare and Sight Conservation. He outlined some of the main ob- jects of Lionism and said mem-: bers should be proud to wear their lapel button. Some twenty members and guests were on hand for the din- ner. meeting which was held, at ithe Legion Hall. The meeting) op- ened with the singing of 'O €an- ada, followed by the Lions Code of Ethics read by Lion Tamer Bob Sopha. _ A sing-song of Irish songs was enjoyed throughout. the difiner with Ford Chapman at: the piano aecompanied by Bob McDotigall on. tthe violin. Out of ttown guests included District Governor Clifford Cox of Temagami and Henry Buckles of New Liskeard. Lawrence Buck gave a short talk on. Lions Information and the ;sec- retary Kurt Leopold read some correspondence and the minutes of the previous meeting. -» q The Haileyburian Page 5 Zone Chairman John Damiani was introduced by 2nd vice-pres= ident Gerry Presse and thanked by 1st Vice-president Murray Mc- Kinnon. District Governor Cox complimented John Damiani for the fine job he was doing as Zone Chairman of Zone 15-W and said he hoped he would continue to take an active part. in Lionism. Vice-president Jerry Presse re= ported on a meeting of the Canad- ian National Institute for the Blind which he attended at Haileybury last week and said plans were be= ling made to conduct a@ s-houseto- house canvass for funds in the Co- balt area. The following members were appointed to look after the organization of this drive:- Jerry Presse, Hubert Audette, Ted Bilo- deau, Murray McKinnon and Al- bert Riley. Bob McDougall, Denis Larabie, Lloyd Humphreys and Roger Gar- eau were. appointed to. assist at the next Service Club bingo being held in the Community Hall on Thursday, March 26th when the jack-pot will be worth $650. President Pat Slaght advised that a delegation. including him- self, Paul Nadeau, Roger Gareau and Wilf Lacroix had journeyed to Matachewan and brought back the gong and gavel of the Matach- ewan club which was displayed on the head table. This idea ig ulate inter-club visits. The gongs _ and gavels of both the Matachewan and Swastika clubs are now held by Cobalt and in order 'to get them back these ,out of town clubs must send a delegation of at least four members to a regular meet- ing of the Cobalt Lions Club. The president' expresséd his thanks to Gerry Presse and Ted Bilodeau for attending the C.N.I.B. meeting in Haileybury last week and. asked for the co-operation of all members in the organization of the drive for funds to be held (Continued on page nine): BINGO. Knights of HOLY CROSS 8.15 Blackout SPECIALS PARISH HALL Saturday, March 28th ALL CASH PRIZES in 54 numbers or consolation prize of $100 REGULAR GAMES $5.00 BINGO Columbus p.m. $300.60 $10.00 _ FROM EARLTON -- Convenient departures turbo-prop VISCOUNT MONTREA 3 hrs. 35 mins. TORONTO 1 hr. 55 mins. << Connections in Toronto U.S. Centres. by L " for major Also TCA turbo-prop VISCOUNT service to ROUYN/NORANDA, OTTAWA, NORTH BAY, VAL D'OR -- daily except Sunday. Ask about TCA's FAMILY FARES and FLY NOW -- PAY LATER, plans for travel in Canada, the U.S. and Overseas. "Know Canada Better with TCA" See Nixon, Begg and Hutchinson Travel Agency or phone TCA at Earlton 48. ae HY ICA TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES