LE Ra a A oe WANT ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE -- one chesterfield and chair. Phone OS 2-3463, Hail- eybury. 6 USED CARS eer FOR SALE -- 1955 Dodge power wagon. Apply N. Morissette Dia- mond Drilling, Haileybury, Ontar- io. 49tf TO RENT TO RENT--Ohne 4 roomed apart- ment with 3 piece bath and heavy duty wiring. Downtown Hailey- bury. Phone 4515, Cobalt. 3tt TO RENT -- two apartments, one furnished and one unfurnished. ] OS 2-3128, Haileybury. -- is Fy th) TO RENT -- Small 4 roomed apartment, heavy duty wiring, pri- vate entrance, ground floor. Phone Mrs. John Rundle, ,OS 2-3704, Haileybury. Gi9tp TO RENT -- 3 room heated apart- ment, immediate occupancy. Ap- ply Apt. 9, Lakeview Apartments. New Liskeard Dial MI 7-6569.- 6 TO RENT -- Office space, central location. Phone OS 2-5218, Hail- eybury. 6 WANTED WANTED -- House required be- fore May 6, three bedrooms, Co- balt or Haileybury. Don MacInnes, phone 4223, Cobalt. 3tt HELP WANTED - FEMALE WANTED -- Experienced Steno- grapher at once. Good starting salary, apply to: Temiskaming Construction Limited, Haileybury, Ontario. 6tif WANTED -- 'girl for general housework. Apply Mrs. R. J. Fleming, Phone OS 2-3631, Hail- eybury. St HELP WANTED -- MALE WANTED -- Desk Clerk for hotel. Steady position, good starting sal- ary. Write Box 322, Haileybury or Telephone OS 2-3401. 5, 6 PERSONAL WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Years Younger. Ostrex Tonic Tablets revitalize thousands past 40. Only 69 cents, At all druggists. 53.6, 7, 9.10) 116145, 16 MISCELLANEOUS if you wish to have your piano tuned or repaired by Leonard Morin, Call Mrs. Neil Turnbull, New Liskeard, Phone MI 7-6365. Leonard Morin is bi-lingual and has thirteen years experience in piano repairing and tuning. . 33tf CANADA DEPARTMENT OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH SEALED TENDERS addressed, to ithe Director, Indian Affairs Branch, Department of Citizenship and Immigration, Ottawa, Canada will be received until 3:00 p.m. (E.D.S.T.) on May 19th, 1959 for the construction: by contract of: A new water supply system and standby Diesel Electric Equip- ment at McIntosh Indian Resi- dential School, Sioux Lookout Indian Agency, Ontario. Index No. 1492. Cantractors shall tender in com- plete accordance with the draw- ings, specifications and tendering documents supplied by the De- partment for that purpose. The drawings, specifications and other documents will be exhibited at Ae following points from April 15 959 until May 15th, 1959 in- clue. it. F. Matters, Regional Super- visor of Indian Agencies, P.O. Box 896, North Bay, Ont. 2. G. Swartman, Superintendent of Indian Agency, Sioux Look- out, Ontario. E. Law, Superintendent of In- dian Agency, Kenora, Ontario. General Instructions to Tenders Tawing and Specifications are ob- tainable at the above offices upon deposit of Forty Dollars ($40.00) tor each set of documents in the form of a certified cheque made Payable to the Receiver General of Canada: This deposit will be refunded upon return of the draw- Anges and specifications in good con- 3. and Construction Division, Indian Affairs Branch, Department of Cit-| 1959 izenship and Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, within one month from the date on which tenders close. To receive consideration, tend- ers must be submitted on the tend- ers fforms- provided and must be accompanied by a certified cheque drawn on a chartered bank in Canada,. payable to the Receiver General of Canada or a bid bond In an amount equal to ten per cent (10%) of the tender price or Bear- er Bonds of Canada or of the Can- adian National Railway Company and. its constituent companies, as specified in the form of tender. _The Department reserves 'the right ito reject any or all tenders, and the lowest tender will not nec- essarily be accepted, Department of Citizenship and Immigration, March 26th, 1959. H. M. Jones, Director. 6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ALBINA COUTU deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Albina Coutu, late of the Town of Haileybury in the District of Temiskaming, Domest- ic Helper, who died on or about the 4th January, 1959, are here- by notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or be- fore tthe 22nd of May, 1959, after which -date the Estate will be dis- tributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED this 8th day of April, 59. Ovila Coutu, Executor, by his Solicitor, Dalton Dean, Q.C., Haileybury, Ontario. : ti NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ARMAND COUTU deceased All persons having claims against the Estate or Armand Coutu, late of the Town of Haileybury in the District of Temiskaming, Fireman, who died on or about the 7th Jan- uary, 1959, are hereby notified to to send particulars of same to the undersigned on-or before the 22nd day of May, 1959, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to ithe claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED this 8th day of April, 1959. Ovila Coutu, Administrator, by his Solicitor, Dalton Dean, Q.C., Haileybury, Ontario. 6, 7,.8 CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to all friends and neigh- bours for their kindness during my recent bereavement in the death of my father, with special thanks to Dr. W. C. Arnold, Dr. H. A. Dunning and the nurses at Misericordia Hospital. Wilfred Gibson. 6 Thursday, April 16, 1959 The Haileyburian Page 11 _ ~ BEN J. BOURGET | General Contractor and fh REMODEL | Estimator » REPAIR. Houses Built Repairs and Alterations Boats Made or Repaired Sy APPLICATIONS FOR COMMISSIONED BULK PLANT AGENT Wy UIQ JQ > D™o')™' FP ZF Z oO e e Z Husky Oil & Refining Lid. Z Z NEW LISKEARD BY Z Z 5 Z are now being accepted. Please reply to Z Z Z Box 191, The Speaker Z g Z 11, 12, 13 Z Z Z Aw oongngogngngnngngnegqgngngnwydlykciqt*CXYw« "W'wuwww WWWWWtWw Whats OLDS got that makes it seli so well? y EE } PROVEN REPUTATION FOR QUALITY! > From front to gleaming rear, Oldsmobile is finished perfectly. COSTS LESS THAN MANY GUESS! Oldsmobile does look expensive, but you'll . find there's a Rocket to fit 'most every pocket! TENANCE! Owners report that their Oldsmo- biles cost less to operate than other cars in its price class! ae |} Baw See why your investment holds when you go over to Olds... AT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLDS < DEMONSTRATED ENGINEERING LEADER- SHIP! Behind the name on Oldsmobile's grille you find traditional excellence! < DISTINCTIVE OLDSMOBILE STYLING! Crisp beauty of line sets Olds apart from the ordi- nary wherever it's seen! An> ¢ "ROCKET ENGINES GET PERFORMANCE! Olds owners get lively, spirited action... it's quiet, responsive, reliable! "TRADITIONALLY HIGH RESALE VALUE! Official used car figures value holds... brings a higher return at trade-in time. DYNAMIC HOLIDAY SPORTSEDAN GET THAT NEW aan ee Bile QUALITY DEALER'S --, " HAILEYBURY GARAGE LTD. Chevrolet - Oldsmobile - Chey. Trucks dition to the Chief, Engineering pe Dial OS 2-3001 FERGUSON ST. HAILEYBURY