SS See ; 'J i} | Dial { = Page 12 The Haileyburian Thursday, May 14, 1959 "Go the Second Mile" "This was the challenge given us fy the President of Toronto Con- ference Woman's Association, at the annual meeting of Temiska- ming Presbytery W. A. held in St. Paul's United. Church, New Lis- keard, Wednesday, May 6, 1959. jin the opening worship, Mrs. as, | Murray McKinnon | Your Mutual Life Representative 72 Nicke! Cobalt 4519 Hartley Houston based her mes- sage on 'the lesson of the talents. Mrs.-R. W. Fielder accompanied by Mrs. James MacMillan, at the organ,;,sang "Lead Me.- Lord". Guests, members, new 'and, old, were welcomed by the President, Mrs. George Honer of Kirkland Lake, weleomé 'to New Liskeard's beautiful: Church was:.-given 'by President, Mrs. C. H. Holmes. Rev. James Young, minister of the church conducted the service of Holy 'Communion, assisted by Mrs. Mis F. Cook, Mrs. A. Forrest, firs. R. S. Stevens, this impres- sive service leading us into the prayerful: attitude we need to car- ry on 'the business of the women's work of our church; and 'to listen to the Guest Speaker of 'the! day, Mrs. W.-E. Howard, President of Toronto Conference Woman's As- sociation, who began her talk by PLAYGROUND Children under 12 Free EVERY MONDAY NIGHT IS BUCK A CAR NIGHT FREE PONY RIDES $50 Reward for information 'of © anyone; found removing saying, "We must meditate on some teachings of Jesus .before going into the business of the day. Scripture quoted from Deuteron- omy 19:v. 21, but Jesus said we must do.otherwise "and take care to go the: second mile. As we give our money we-give a part' of our- selves; 'but to follow Christ's teachings we must make it a sac- rifice and do it willingly. Getzout and visit, find*folk who do not go to chureh, try to help in any way you can; the fellowship, is most rewarding. How' important our senior citizen' work is, give of your time. Try to ifind young people you may interest in becoming full time workers in the church. The short- age of nurses and mission workers is appalling. Remember our sup- ply cupboards for overseas relief and do not stop sending clothing. In speaking of tthe new Unified Woman's Organization to come in our church, Mrs. Howard: told of the challenge facing us, 300,000 women both W.A. and W.M. S. but 400,000 are not in-either, )it is our responsibility to get them in. We must stress the Aim and Object of our organization, and not put all ourstrength and effort to the making of money, make sure we "Go the Sécond Mile." Mrs, Harold-Riddell gave a very interesting 'and informative review of the Literature available for W. A. members; 'and invited one and all to visit 'her display. Mrs. Honer had a number of important. an- noucements, one re a_ training coursé:in Kirkland "Lake this fall, a student aid fund, Camp Lorraine our church camp, then.a very im- portant one at 'this 'time, the lunch- eon prepared for us 'by the ladies of the 'Evening "Auxiliary "W-M.S. of St» Pauls, "this was entered, into whole heartedly iby all, and proved most enjoyable. 'Guests at the head table were introduced by the*Pres- ident, = Rev. and ~ Mrs:..-James Young, Mr. Young bringing greet- ings from. his "eongregation.. Mrs. C. H. Holmes, President sof the lo- Mrs. R. W. Fielder our soloist and Mrs. James MacMillah 'organist, Mrs: W. E. Howard: who brought greetings from Toronto Conference "Woman's - Association Mrs: W. Gerrie with greetings from Dominion~ Council Woman's Association, Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson, in his greetings from the Presbytery, Mr. Wilkinson paid. tribute fo. the Woman's As- sociation in assisting with a major part of the work in visiting, in keeping a watch on changing ad- dresses in the work. of Christian Fellowship; and reminded us that Jesus said, "Thou Shalt love thy neighbour as thy self," in turn we love God through'service 'to Him and in so doing we live up to our W. A. Motto. Mrs. H. Housten who will be our new President, Mrs. C. O. Biggings representing Mrs. G, B. Bradford, president of Temiska- ming Presbyterial W.M.S. brought greetings frommour sister organiz- ation: with a reference to the day we are looking forward to when we will all be one. The afternoon session™ opened with the W.A. Theme Hymn followed by roll' call and, a brief highlight from each loeal president. Secretaries reports were interesting showing that a full and fruitful year of work and fellowship had been enjoyed. Mrs. Honer reported on the Toronto Conference W. A, touching briefly FRI. & SAT. --%, speakers from Drive In property.-If any speakers are acci- dentally torn off post, please leave at Snack Bar. | i Last Showing Tonight -- "HOUDINI" | . h , MAY. 15<- 16 THEY HIT "ANEW HIGH IN LAUGHS ! MONA FREEMAN Dow BEFORE. ROPERT STRAUSS Dretiod by NORMAN TAUROG $B Someta by {OPERT LEES ane FRED INALDO | ans HERBERT BAKER Adsttona Dogue by AMES ALLARDICE ama RICHARD WEIL Fron 2 Story by Brian Marlow A Prcamourt Picture THEATRE a SUN. MIDNITE SHOW MAY 17 "A & C MEET INVISIBLE MAN™ Abbott & Costello MON. & TUES. MAY 18 - 19 co-starring ) soley look: at Love by the Author of \ 74E MOON 19 BLUE a : Ns ve: CINEMaScoPE - i Eailman COLOR ALEXIS SMITH MARY ASTOR .»estewe wnwooo A UNIVERSALINTERNATIONAL PICTURE ly COLOR CINEMASCOPE WED. & THURS. COLOR MAY 20 - 21 "TANK FORCE" CINEMASCOPE Victor Mature, Leo Genn EMPIRE PERFORMANCES Mon. to Sat. doors open at 6:30 p.m. Shows at 7 & 9 on single bill On Double Feature last complete show at-8:15 p.m. FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH IS FAMILY NIGHT -- CHILDREN ADMITTED FREE WITH PARENTS Last Showing Tonight -- "ROCKETS GALORE" Martin: and. Lewis FRi. & SAT. "Tth VOYAGE COLOR Kathy Grant, Kerwin Mathews MAY 15 -.16 OF SINBAD" SUN. MIDNITE, MON., TUES. RKO Radio Pictures presents COLOR MAY 18 - 19 ~ WAS MONTY'S DOUBLE" Doubly exciting because it's true! | starring CLIFTON JAMES and JOHN MILLS< An NTA Pictures Release MAY 20 - 21 dp on all phases.of 'the work through- out the Conference. "Let's talk about our Woman's Association" was on the agenda with ja number of most. interesting discussions, This brought up a question period in our meeting with Mrs. Howard answering many questions, one about Life Membership. This may now .be given for devotion in th: church of God, regardless of de- nomination. Mrs. Howard stressed (inher answer) the importance of thinking in terms of a Unified Or- ganization for all women rather than a Federation, who are equally responsible to both W. A. and W. M. S. a new constitution will be drawn up for the new Organization. Several other questions about items to be sent to the Victor 'Home for girls our Senior Citizens Homes etc. including report from our own Northdale Manor, were enjoyed, At this time Mrs. Fielder accomp- anied by Mrs. MacMillan sang for us that (beautiful number "My Task', An interesting tape record- ing of an interview between Miss Nancy Edwards of Visual Aid United Church of Canada and Miss Grace Beattie Missionary Teacher lin Trinidad, on her work with the East Indians. was much enjoyed. After the report from the chair- man on nominations was given, Mrs. Howard conducted the Elec- tion 'and Installation of the new officers and committee chairmen for 1959-60. Past President, Mrs. George Honer, Kirkland Lake; president, Mrs. Hartley Houston, Earlton; Ist; vic-pres., Mrs. N..O. Webb, Engle< hart; 2nd. vice=pres., Mrs. E. Seas man, Noranda; 3rd. vice-pres., Mrs: J: H. Botsford, Dobie; Recording Secretary, Mrs. H. H. Able, New Liskeard; Corrésponding Secretary, Mrs. T. Jelly, Harris'RR3; Treas= urer, Mrs. C. Greene, MaCassa Property. Committee Chairmen, Devotions, Mrs: T. M. Water- land, Dobie; Leadership, Mrs. G, Honer, Lake Shore Prop., K. L:; Stewardship, Mrs. N. B. Neely, 58 Lebel Ave., Kirkland 'Lake; Christian Fellowship and Visiting, (Mrs. H. Neuman, Maitachewan; Co-operation with the Board of Christian Education, Mrs. Wm, Gerrie, Swastika; Literature, Mrs. C. C. Sinclair,107 4th St., Noranda; Christian Citizenship, Mrs. P. Armstrong, Swastika; Manse, Mrs. T. Spencer, New Liskeard; Press, Mrs. M. H. Peebles, Hanbury P.O. Nominations Chairman, Mrs. H. A. Campbell, 39 Murdoch Ave., Noranda; Mrs. D. A. Crichton, Noranda; Mrs. C. O. Biggins, Nor- anda. In her retiring remarks Mrs. Honer paid tribute to the past pres= idents and commented on how fast her two years of office had gone, also the enthusiasm 'she had found in our organization. She asked for the same loyal support for her successor which she had enjoyed during her term of office. Mrs. R. Beatty thanked every- one who thad any part in making the day one we will remember as being a 'highlight in our lives. Meeting closed with a hymn and the W. A. Prayer and Benedic- (tion. \ Bleeding Until about 150 years ago, bleed- ing as a cure for a large number of diseases was practiced by the barber-surgeons. The symbol of this craft was the familiar red pole, with a bowl and a strip of white cloth hanging from it, stand- ing before the barber's shop. _"We Serve the North" P. O. Box 976 TRI - TOWN CONSTRUCTION CO. LIMITED MI 7-6055 Contractors - Builders - Estimators Home Alterations Kitchens Modernized Cupboards Built PAINTING and FLOOR SANDING NEW LISKEARD, ONT. § t 4 « . t =