A Tourist Outtiiter's eG » ------ DIARY June 20--We have a mighty good cook at camp this year, a re- tired farmer's wife. She gets quite a few tips. She received another five dollars this morning from one of the satisfied fishermen who was on his way 'home. "Well", said her husband, "I made eyes at the girls, and they didn't give me any tips." "Ha," cook answered, "You don't need to make goo-goo eyes at this girl, because you are not going to get any of this tip." Whereupon she stashed it down ther ample front where I 'suppose women are wont to hide their olaoney. June 23--We have a young mar- ried couple in camp this week; the girl is a redhead, very attractive, very vivacious, a _ pleasure to watch in her enjoyment of life. She and her husband went fishing this afternoon out in fa boat but didn't get anything except ia couple of rock bass. She left one on her fishing pole over the edge of the dock while they came in to eat. When tthey went back after dinner, a not-bad-sized pike about seven pounds had taken-the rock bass and was still on the hook. They came up all excited to clean their fish, but ihad itaken the precaution of putting 'another rock bass on the hook in the meantime. Lightning ismt supposed {to strike twice in the same place, but fish often do. Sure enough, when they returned to the dock, they had another pike, a really big one this time, he was a good twenty pounds. They tried to land it in the net but it broke through. They finally got it onto the cock and there was a mad scramble and much squealing as they tried to subdue that fish. They hit it with {the handle of ithe landing net, they threw rocks at it; how they ever held on to it Tl never know. Finally, the girl came running up ito the lodge with this great slippery pig of a pike in her arms, her flushed face almost as red as her hair. They were mighty. pleased with their "'catch". June 26 -- Today tthe magic words :' school's out" ring across the province with the last school bell and echo in the hearts of par- ents everywhere; nowhere is the jsound more poignant than in the territorial districts of the north. Here we have no schools.- We have ithe choice of teaching the children ourselves (for which we have no time or talent) or driving them 'to school (impossible if you live 60 miles from high school) or boarding them in the city (the only solution in our case). What both- ers me though, 'are tthe boys and girls who live outside a high school area-as we do but whose parents can't afford to board them. There must be hundreds. of stu- ' dents who have to drop out of high ' school every year for this reason. It seems to me that a country that can afford millions of dollars year- ly through the Canada Council to promote culture should be able to provide a high- school education 'for every. student with the ability and incentive to graduate. | A BATHROOM UP... A BATHROOM DOWN, NO JOB -YOU HAVE - \WILL MAKE US FROWN! CAMPSALL FLECTRIC CO.LTD ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING PLUMBING HEATING 48 j Well, its good to have the kids home for the summer. Plenty of old-fashioned chores to keep a couple of active teen-agers out of mischief here. And what do you know, now we'll get the garbage emptied regularly. Might even ibe able to slip away and go fishing myself. "THE MIGHTY MIDGET? THE WANT AD 'Will Do the Job for You Veterinarian Af Summer Course. Dr. F. C. Nelson of New Lis- keard, Ontario, has recently com- pleted an intensive short course at the Ontario Veterinary College in the diseases of swine and 'sheep: The course was attended by Doc- tors of Veterinary Medecine from many parts of Ontario and several Canadian provinces. The special course was designed 'to bring vet- erinary practitioners up-to-date on in ithe dis- ease and nutritional problems of recent developments sheep and swine. Under the direction of Dr. C.K. Roe and Dr. D. J. Campbell, ithe week long course consisted of lec- tures, motion pictures, autopsy pro- cedures, clinical demonstrations and discussion periods during each evening. This short course is part of the extension program of the Ontario Veterinary College. Thursday, June 25, 1959 The Haileyburian Page 7 Keep Provincial Police Cobalt Petitions Council -- Cobalt Council is meeting with strong opposition to the plan for replacing the present OPP munici- pal policing with a town force as an economy measure. A petition has been circulated during the past week, and its spon- sors advised the Speaker that more than 800 signatures* have been obtained. The petition will be presented to Council at its next meeting. Mayor Fulton Purdy said that the town certainly had no com- plaint to make about the service given by Provincial Police offi- cers stationed in the town. "It is strictly an. economy measure,' he said, "and a two man force will make a substantial savings for the town." In addition to those who 'have signed the petition, the Chamber of Commerce is throwing its weight into the fight to retain the OPP. It is the opinion of Chamber members that the saving would not be compensation for a watered down protection service. Fire accounts for 6 per cent. of the annual forest consumption. Classified Ads Bring Results Full width crisper FREE WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS _s«;BUCK BARGAINS WESTINGHOUSE SUPREME Refrigerator J 9.1 cu. ft. of refrigeration 50 lbs. frozen food storage 4 full width & depth shelves 90° door opening Reg. $319 with each refrigerator a little red wagon for Junior $279 Cobalt WESTINGHOUSE Cushion Action WASHER $189.95 50.00 regular ~-less trade-in Buck Bargain 139.95 9 Ib. load,- Bakelite Gyrator, Epon finish, Tub Pump. APPLIANCES VAGONLOAD Westinghouse Television Model 2v34T $299.95 with base 2 Stn. Antenna 65.00 Regular Price 364.95 Our Price Installed $299.95 THREE STORES BUCK APPLIANCES | Haileybury NO MONEY DOWN New Liskeard a