Pi. -and Lands and Forests Reports During the past week, lightning s responsible for two small fires Gauthier and Lee Townships, settlers the cause of two others in Hislop and Taylor Town- ships. This brings the season's to- tal for the Swastika District to thirty-one fires, with a total burn- ed~over area of 960 acres. As we are now well into the annual drought period, all people are re- quested to be careful with burn- ing materials. Summer timber operations are in full swing, employing in the neighbourhood of 550 men. The increased activity has kept Mr. Frank Thib, Scaling Supervisor, and Mr. Dave Jefferson, Timber Management Forester, busy mak- ing cut inspections and enforcing the Crown Timber Act. The Timber Management staff spent some. time during the past week touring the Kerr-Addison Gold Mines, to study the utilization of poplar in mining operations. An experimental project was begun recently which may. deter- mine our future fish planting methods: The objectives of the project are: (a) To compare the angling suc- cess resulting from hatchery rear- ed yearling speckled trout planted by air versus those planted by truck; and (b) To attempt to ascertain the effect of aerial droppiing of yearl- ing speckled trout into deep water areas. _The \ Esker Lakes Provincial Park is one of the areas being used for this experiment. Plant- ings were divided equally between air and truck to each of the fol- lowing' lakes: Allan, Ramey, Roach, Lavery, Pall, Mall and Bea. The two lots of fish were fin-clipped at the hatchery a month before planting, with the left pectoral fin clipped for~one lot and the right for the other. To achieve objective (b),° one- half of the lakes were planted in deep waters and one-half in shal- low waters previously outlined as target areas. In order to be able to compare the different types of plantings, a creel census is be- ing kept by the park attendants. on Parks Measurements and weights wil) also be taken for use in other studies. - Both Esker Lakes and Kap- Kigiwan Parks are showing an in- crease in use this year. An in- crease of 200 ber cent in campers' permits sold over the same period last year is an indication of the growing popularity of these parks. The improvement of the access road into Kap-Kigiwan Park dur- ing the past month has brought in a flood of day users as well as campers. Improvements ana development programmes are being carried out at both parks, to ensure that ample facilities'may be provided for next year's park users. Three Injured In Car Crash Three people were seriously in- jured last Tuesday night in an ac- cident just a. few miles south of Temagami. Mr. Victor' Coutu of Toronto was proceeding south alone along Highway 11, in a late model car, when he became in- volved in a head on collision with an older model car, driven by Mr. Norman Laframboise of North Bay, who was proceeding north at the time of.the accident. Mr. La- framboise was accompanied by one passenger, Mrs. Jane Elliot, also of North Bay. The late model car driven by Mr. Coutu sustained $600 damage, the Laframboise vehicle was total- ly wrecked. All three persons involved in the accident were rushed immediately to the St. Joseph's Hospital in North Bay, and were reported to be in serious condition. Mrs. Elliot was coming north to New Liskeard to see her father who has been visiting at the home of W. Clark, Lake Shore Road. Generation of electrical energy in Canada in 1958 increased 7.2 per cent to 96,743,000,000 kilowat hours as against 1957. They'll miss the Smiths at Trout Lake this summer Everyone on Trout Lake knew and liked the Smiths. You'd see them up at their cottage every weekend. You'd hear the children's carefree laughter echoing across the lake. And Mr. Smith never failed to give you a friendly wave as he cruised by in his boat. family any more . . But Trout Lake won't see the happy Smith .all because Mr. Smith wasina hurry to get up to the cottage for the weekend. He left at night and drove too fast ... and there was "an accident! The Smith's cottage is for sale now. And it needn't have happened! Is it worth your life and your family's just to get to the cottage a few minutes earlier? Remember,. you have a whole summer for fun and relaxation -- don't try to .squeeze in a few extra minutes by driving carelessly! Your Ontario Department of--Transport urges you to observe the speed limits. And when driving at night, always lower your headlights when ap- proaching or following another motor vehicle. ON Cobalt Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Bouchard and family of Timmins were week- end visitors at the home of Mrs. Bouchard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. -Ramey. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Eveligh of Guelph were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ramey. Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Lewis of Windsor' were recent visitors with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Tremaine Welch and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Asp- den. Miss Mary Ramey R.N., on the staff of St. Michaels Hospital in Toronto, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ramey. Noel Ramsay of Northwestern Quebec, spent a few days at his home in Cobalt. Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson and family of Chenaux Power Plant near Renfrew, spent a few days visiting friends in Cobalt. Mr. Pat Slaght and young daugh- ter Frannie accompanied by Mrs. 'Slaght's mother, Mrs. H. L. Slaght of Haileybury left Wednesday for a few days visit with Mrs. Slaght's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Silks at their cottage at Lake Scugog. Dr. and Mrs. David Watson and Patricia of Port Credit are spend- ing a few days visiting Mrs. Wat- son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ribble and Roy of Trenton are visiting Mrs. Ribble's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. McKinnon. Mr. Glen McKinnon is eeendine two weeks with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. McKinnon. Robert Graham is visiting his cousins Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mallett while his parents are on a vacation to California. Richard Damiani is visiting his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brosko at Noranda. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith and family spent last week at a cottage in Ferris and Mrs. Smith's sister Miss Rita McCrank R.N., came up from Toronto for the week to spend her vacation with them. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cunning- ham of Frederickton, New Bruns- wick, are visiting relatives and friends in Cobalt. Mr. and Mrs. William Brosko and family of Noranda visited re- latives and friends over the week- end. Miss Evelyn Roach of Noranda visited Mr. and Mrs. M, J. Cun- ningham. Mrs. J. Mulvihill and children of Sarnia spent a few days visiting and Mrs. Gordon Smith. Miss- Rita Sweeney and Mrs. Celie Smitheram left Saturday from CEarlton airport to fly to Montreal where' they will change planes for a flight to England where they will spend three weeks travelling. Mrs. M. Joy of Englehart spent a few days last week with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cameron. Mrs. C. Dredheart, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dredheart and daughter were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Swaychuck. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Orr, Shar- on and Randy of Timmins, were recent guests of Mr. A; P. Orr. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brindle and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brindle of Ham- ilton are spending a few weeks at their cottage at Kerr Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Price of Tim- mins are visiting friends at Kerr Lake for a week. Miss Maureen Moore returned from a two week holiday visiting friends in Boston as well as travel- ling around to some of the other states. Mrs. Lee Moore and daughters have returned home from two weeks in North Bay and Sudbury where they visited relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Webster of Hamilton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Moore for a few days. Miss Maureen Moore has gone to Elliot Lake and Blind River where she will spend a week visit- ing friends. Mr. Arnold Armstrong of Engle- hart and his stepson Robert And- erson visited recently at the home: of his brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Austin Moore. Mr. C.: Lentz spent a few days last week visiting his brother in * her brother-in-law and sister Mr. | Thursday, July 30, 1959 Mrs. Albert Svekers and Krissie and their guests Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zwvigulis and children. of Prescott motored to Kirkland Lake to spend a few days with friends and relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. 'Tony Delmonte of Timmins spent the week-end with their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Slaght. Mrs. O'Grady of Brudenel has been visiting at the homes of her son-in-laws and daughters Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fraboni and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nadeau. Mr. and Mrs. M. Nadeau were in Kirkland Lake last week to at- teend the wedding of their niece Miss Leona Thibeault, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Thibeault. Mr. Jim Marietti of Timmins was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Slaght over the week-end. Mrs. C. Larsen is a patient in Misericordia Hospital where she underwent surgery and her many friends will be pleased to know that she is progressing very nice- ly. Little Penny Jean McNaught of Haileybury was a recent visitor at the home of her grandmother Mrs. Jessie Moore and her aunties in Cobalt. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wright visited at ithe home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Adair in Elk Lake last week-end. Miss Zeta Coughlin of Kirkland Lake was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. (Wright. Master Teddy Nadeau was a pa- tient at Misericordia Hospital last week for a tonsillectomy. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hickey of The Haileyburian Toronto visited Mr. Hickey's moth-< er, Mrs. A. Hickey last week be- fore going on tto Kirkland Lake to visit his brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Ray Belec. Bobby Nadeau returned home from a three week visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Nadeau in Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. Nadeau and Cynthia accompanied him to Cobalt and on their return to Baneroft they were accompan- ied by Miss Jackie Nadeau who will be their guest for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Myles, Donna and Jimmie of. St. Thomas visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Wright re- cently. Mr. Myles was the manager of Woolworths several years ago. All your electrical supplies can be purchased by stop- ping at the P-F. Hardware sign, Main Street in Hailey- bury. SEE US NOW and pay less for quality goods and the best in service P.F Hardware & Electric OS 2-3244 Haileybury Page 7 \ REMODEL | \ BEN J. BOURGET General Contractor and Estimator Houses Built Repairs and Alterations Boats Made or Repaired * or ne Contact us for free estimates on any needed repairs BEN BOURGET, Prop. ~TAILEYBURY BOAT WORKS es and Repaired w boats tf Temiskaming C ® ) re onstruction Lid, . | P. O. Box 459 Toront Phone OS 2-3311 Haileybury, Ont, EMpire ENGINEERS Design; Construction, Mine Development, Operation 5 Electrical and Mechanical Installations & oO "® 6th Floor, 360 Bay St. o, Ont. North Bay, Ont. 194 Regina St. 3-7381 GRover 2-2630 209 Ontario Food Termi 2 Write Us for Info For Utmost Satisfaction and Prompt Payment by Money Order, Ship Your BLUEBERRIES | TO THE OLD 'ESTABLISHED FIRM S. Marlow & Co. LTD. Advice cards mailed as soon as Blueberries are sold. Special attention to storekeepers and buyers. Free Shipping Stamps or Tags on Request nal, Toronto 14, Ontario rmation or Service 19, 20, 21, 22