Page 6 The Haileyburian WANT ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Fairbanks' Morse stoker and controls in good con- dition. Price $50.00. S. J.. Mason, 102 Brewster St., Haileybury. Phone OS 2-3643. 22, 23 ATTENTION TRAPPERS The Canadian Association for Humane 'Trapping sells Humane KILLER TRAPS. Sawyer, size 14, $1.20 each, $12.00 dozen. Wilkil, size 1%, 1.00 each. $10.00 dozen. Bigelow, size 144-2, $1.40 each, $14.00 dozen. Postpaid. No COD; Write C.A.H.T., 28 Summerhill Gardens, Toronto 7, Ont. 27,49 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- FOR SALE -- House and 10 acres of land, cheap for quick sale. Con- "tact OS 2-3753 after five. Hailey- bury. 23p FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom house glassed in veranda, 24 x 30 base- ment, garage. Phone OS 2-5297, Haileybury. 23 TO RENT TO RENT -- In Haileybury, four room heated apartment, plus three piece bath. Phone 4515, Cobalt. 19tf TO RENT -- Apartment in Hailey- bury. Apply D, Dean. OS apa a 22 SERVICE STATION Shell Oil Company of Cana- da Ltd. Service Stations in Haileybury and New Liskeard now available. Licenced me- chanic preferred. You buy only inventory. Write to the undermentioned for personal interview. R. A. Morrison, Apt. 10, 79 Gov't. Rd. East, Kirkland Lake 22, 23 TO RENT -- Small 2 room apart- ment with kitchenette, available September lst. Corner Ferguson Ave and Maine Street, Haileybury. Phone OS 2-3259. 23, 24 TO RENT -- Room. Corner of Albert Street and Meridian Aven- ue.. Available September Ist. Phone OS 2-3681, Haileybury. 23 TO RENT -- Small apartment, vacant September ist. Apply A. W. Sanderson or phone OS 2-3647. Haileybury. 23, 24 HELP WANTED - FEMALE POSS et RET OS WANTED -- Girl for general housework, full time, sleep in or out. Good wages. Apply Mrs. J. D. Robinson, Haileybury. Phone OS 2-3592. 23tf Help Wanted Male or Female WANTED -- Young girl or boy not going back to school for ele- vator duty. Hotel Haileybury. 22, 23 MISCELLANEOUS Tf you wish to have your piano tuned or repaired by Leonard Morin, Call Mrs. Neil Turnbull, New Liskeard, Phone MI 7-6365. Leonard Morin is bi-lingual and has thirteen years experience in piano repairing and tuning. 83tf Mrs. M. Hunt wishes to an- nounce she will be absent from August 10 to August 17. 22 "We Serve the North" P. O. Box 976 MI 7-6055 TRI - TOWN CONSTRUCTION CO. LIMITED Contractors - Builders - Estimators at Home Alterations Kitchens Modernized Cupboards Built PAINTING and FLOOR SANDING NEW LISKEARD, ONT. Thursday, August 13, 1959 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ANNA LEMIEUX deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Anna Le- mieux, late of the Town of Hail- eybury, in the District of Temis- kaming, housewife, who died on or about the 17th day of May, 1959, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the under- signed on or before the 15th day of August, 1959, after which date the Estate will be distributed with re- gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED this 15th: day of July, 1959. DALTON DEAN, Q.C., Executor, Haileybury, Ontario. 20,21,22 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Hector Villeneuve and family wish to thank their many friends, relatives and neighbours on Latchford Street for their kind- ness during their recent bereave- ment in the loss of husband and father. With special thanks to Dr. Arnold and the nursing staff on the fourth floor of Haileybury Hospital. 23 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Daires wish to announce the marriage of their daughter Margaret Ida to Leo Despres, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aint Despres, Cobalt. Wed- ding to take place 7th September in Holy Cross Church, Haileybury at 11 a.m. 23p Nearly 2,000 plants are engaged in furniture making in Canada. Spe ate Spt ne ae: apical li agg From Kitchen Table To Swiss Alps Lucerne, Switzerland, July 26, 1959. This is not "'Across the Kitchen Table', it is "Across the Swiss Mountains", instead. Our trip has taken us first te Wales, where we were royaly entertained by two Welsh Women's Institutes, Colwyn Bay and Wrexham, and visited a coal mine. Then on to England, to stay with (Mrs. Hunt in Essex. We also went to the Golden Mile at Southend Lugh-on-Sea, where we went out to the end of the longest pier in the world, a mile and a quarter long. Our European tour started from Victoria Station, Lon- don, by train to Doner, boat to Ostend, Belgium and comfortable ne ne a a bus. from there on. We travelled through several historical towns in- cluding Bruges and Ghent before arriving at Brussels. From there we went on to Holland, which we liked much better than Belgium. Holland fairly glistens, it is so clean( we even saw a women wash- ing the stable windows). You can ~ harly get across the streets for bicycles. .There are over five mil- lion of them registered. They use them with carts attached-to carry milk, hay, vegetables. In fact, we passed one man 'with a large plat- form on a cart on which were his wife, five kids and a'dog, as well as several picnic baskets. The scenery in Germany is lovely, par- ticularly along the Rhine. In the farming area, they practice strip farming and utilize every square inch of land. We are ito stay in Lucerne until Tuesday afternog; when we start off for Paris. ; Mrs. Mac. ment, too. electricity :* eure ~a~ Se ROSS rec ' HYDRO is yours y you can cook. electrically This is only ONE example of the economy you. enjoy when you use-electricity. In. terms of electric energy, a cent will buy a lot--a lot of comfort, convenience, time- saving efficiency, and a lot of entertain- Here are three of the many bargains you can enjoy with just one cent's worth of - eR PIT IEEE Than oR Re Na EE Pee ee ee 2O of a cent a serving of bacon and eggs e Wash two loads of clothes in an auto- matic washer e Watch TV for 414 hours e Keep food fresh in an electric refrigera- tor for 17 hours You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. *Based on average cost to domestic municipal customers in Ontario, es. SiO Pee we Cee ae