. ------ Page 8 The Haileyburian™ WANT ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Oil furnace, 250 gal. tank, all attachments. Phone QS 2-5263. 25,26 FOR SALE -- Space heater, cheap, aso broadloom rug, 9' x 12', bur- gundy color. Phone OS 2-3472, Fiaileybury. 26 FOR SALE -- Electric vacuum eleaner "Huron", also kitchen table and chairs. Phone OS 2-5284, Haileybury. 26 "ATTENTION TRAPPERS -"The Canadian Association for Humane Trapping sells Humane KILLER TRAPS. Sawyer, size 12, $4.20 each, $12.00 dozen. Wilkil, size 1%, 1.00 each. $10.00 dozen. Bigelow, size 112-2, $1.40 each, &i4.00 dozen. Postpaid. No C.O.D. Write C.A.H.T., 28 Summerhill Gardens, Toronto 7, Ont. 22,44 "REAL ESTATE FOR SALE _ FOR SALE -- Duplex for sale in Haileybury. For furhter informa- on call 4515, Cobalt. 26 FOR SALE -- Four room house on Little St. No. 444. Phone OS 2- W885, Haileybury. _ 26 TO RENT OR RENT -- Three room, heated apartment. Phone OS 2-5288. TO RENT -- Four apartment in Haileybury. MI 7-6569, New Liskeard. 26 POR RENT -- Four room heated apartment, phone D. Hargrave, OS 2-5230;' Haileybury. 26 hel ard ie TO RENT -- Small apartment va- cant September 1. Apply A. W. Sanderson or phone OS 2-3647, Hail- eybury. 26 EFOR RENT -- Two, 5 roomed 'partments, 93 Earl St. Cobalt, with bath and heavy duty wiring. Phone. OS 2-3736, Haileybury. 26tf +O RENT -- Small 2 room apart- ment with kitchenette, available .feptember ist. Corner Ferguson Ave. and Maine Street, Haileybury. Phone OS 2-3259. 25,26 FOR RENT -- In Haileybury, heat- ed apartment, three piece bath, beavy duty wiring, newly installed gas heating system, centrally lo- cated. Call OS 2-3667. +2726 '48Q RENT -- Apartments for rent. Available September 1. Phone @S 2-3749 during office hours or @S 2-3088 evenings, HAneyRME ' f WANTED WANTED -- House or at least four roomed apartment in Haileybury. Call White Rose Service Station, Haileybury. 26p HELP WANTED - FEMALE WANTED. -- Lady to look after 'home and cook lunch and dinner for two children, hours 11 a.m. to °% p.m., six days per week, must be steady worker. Apply Box 322, Haileybury or telephone Osborne 2- #481 stating wages expected. 26,27 MISCELLANEOUS A. Valtins wishes to announce THE SHELL STATION Wiain Street, Haileybury is again operating undér above name. Open Waive (250 am. 10), 100! pm. Phone OS 2-3132, Haileybury 2 26,27,28 ~ {If you wish to have your piano tuned or repaired by Leonard Morin, Call Mrs. Neil Turnbull, New Liskeard, Phone MI 17-6365. Leonard Morin is bi-lingual and has thirteen years experience in piano repairing and tuning. 33tt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Opportunity in Beauty Counsel- ing in advisory capacity for re- fined woman desiring steady in- came and flexible hours. For in- terview appointment, call MI 7- $451, New Liskeard, Ontario. 26,27 IMMEDIATE PROFITS LADIES -- be the first in your atea to show friends, neighbors this entirely new high fashion fabric, skirt and sweater line. No competition. Part or full time. We deliver -to clients. Write now for details. Vittoria Mills, Vittoria, Gatario. 26 Classified Ads 'Bring Results tf | room heated Phone | Thursday, September 3, 1959 RELIABLE PERSON FOR PART-TIME, WORK NO SELLING REQUIRED For light delivery and collection servicing a number of established accounts in your area. Only 4 to 5 hours weekly can bring above earnings. An investment of $990.00 is re- quired for initial inventory, car an asset. Company will finance qualified person for expansion to a full time business. Sincere enquiries only Write to: Norwest Industries, Kent St., Ottawa, Ont. 506 25,26 Coming Events On Wednesday, September 23, at 7:30 p.m. in the Haileybury School Auditorium, the Hailey- bury 1.0.D.E, Chapter will spon- sor a Fashion Show. Abraham's Shoppe will present the latest in Fall fashions for children, while the Evelyn Shoppe will display up-to-the-minute fashions for jun- ior misses and ladies. There will be door prizes and refreshments will be served. The proceeds of this affairs will go toward the Bursary Fund for our local schools. Make up a table of four, and come and enjoy seeing the latest fashions. 26 The first meeting of St. Paul's Anglican Church W:A. will be held on Tuesday; September 15 * at 2:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. 26 Now that. summer holidays are over, the 1.0.D.E. will be start- ing .their Fall work. The first meeting will be held on Thurs- day, September 14, at the home of Mrs. D. Hogan. Mrs. C. E. Reynolds, Provincial Asst. Or- ganizing Secretary, will be guest speaker. Her topic will be both the Provincial and the Na- tional Annual Meetings. 26 Latchford Mr. David Williams left on Fri- day for Weston where he will visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams. Mr. Jack McLean of Whitby visited friends in town over 'the week-end. Mrs. Duncan Ritchie spent a week at Lady Evelyn Lake, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lafleur. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson of Elliot Lake were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Johnson's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Robillard. Miss Helen Macdonald of Bar- rie spent a few days last week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Macdonald. Mr. and Mrs. George Faulkner and family left last week-end for Larder Lake, where they will re- side. Mrs. Harry Conroy of South Por- cupine and Mrs. John McLean of Toledo, Ohio, were visitors last week at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. J. Homick and son Danny and Mrs. Homick's mother of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Cirk of Welland were visitors at the home of Mrs. E. Conroy last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. McRoberts were visitors in North Bay last week. Mr. Roy Mosphet is a patient in Misericordia Hospital, Roy had the misfortune to injure his left hand while at work. Wm. Geary and son of Belleville, Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. McLeod and Mr. and Mrs. Modern Sewage System Planned for Earlton The village of Earlton has ap- plied to the Ontario Municipal Board for permission to install a sewage system, and council mem- bers have high hopes that the re- quest will be approved. Councillor Belanger said that the $50,000 plan already has the ap- proval of the Water Sources Com- mission, and work will be under- taken this fall if final permission is received soon. He also said that piped water system is not practical in view of the low assessment of Ed. Stewart last week were Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mortson and children of Cornwall. Mr. David Smith of Monteith is relieving Mr. E. McRoberts at the station, who is enjoying a month's holiday. --~ Week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. EB. Conroy were, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Conroy and daugh- ter Arlene of Levack, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Conroy of Sudbury and Mr. Nelson Conroy of Toronto. NOEL -- To Mr. and Mrs. A. Noel. in Misericordia Hospital, Haileybury, a daughter. Pat Bondett returned home to Onaping on Sunday, after a holi- day spent with his grandmother, Mrs. E. Conroy. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sullivan attended the Baker and Borend wedding in Noranda on Saturday. Lost Dog Paul Hermiston, district min- ing inspector, has lost a friend and pal who has _ travelled around the district with him for many years. Rinn, the toy Manchester, wandered away last week, and hasn't been seen since. So if you see a long-haired, dark brown, white vested dog wandering around, or if you have picked it up thinking it was lost, give Paul a ring in Cobalt, and earn his heart-felt thanks. The new edition of Quick Cana- dian Facts, which carries up-to- date information on all significant aspects of Canadian life, was re- leased last week to newstands and book stores. THEY ay Happy PLUMBER JUST GIVE US THE JOB, AND YOU'LL AGREE, OUR STANDARD'S HIGH, BUT NOT OUR FEE !!! Cias iy \ Fah) U rp 7 ) REPAIR | BEN J. BOURGET General Contractor and Estimator Houses Built Repairs and Alterations Boats Made or Repaired the 100 households in the town. The project wlil be financed by the Water Resources Commission, payment for which will extend over The. proposed system will con. sist of two main sewers in the vil- lage. Each householder will pay an additional $30 taxes for the next 30 years for this local improve. ment. The line will provide service for about 80 per cent of the homes and business establishments in the vil« lage. The disposal point will be in a marsh 'half a mile west of the airport road. The installation of sewers hag started~a modest building boom in the airport centre, and six houses are in various stages of construction. 30 years. Haileybury phone STRA!) THEATRE Haileybury OSborne 2-3533 THURS., FRI. & SAT. SEPT 32-- 4-15 b Sa ioe colo G pEcrront oy gon? Richard Conte, Lov Cineves R bY LNLEY-HEE CR MOOS HER i, ~ ADDED FEATURE "SLAVES OF BABYLON" TECHNICOLOR cour ere WEBB: WYMAN ST HN) i OSE AENRY LEVIN Linda Christian PLAYING SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY SPECIAL HOLIDAY MIDNIGHT HORROR SHOW! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake' This picture was produced to scare the daylights out of you! Starring; Eduard Franz, Valerie French ADDED FEATURE SEPTG7. IT'S THE PICTURE WITH THAT BONE- CHILLING BASED ON OWES creme CONAN DOMLE The Houn ts Ten Times The Terror/p TECHMICGLOR! > OF THE. = _Gaskervilles 4 Released thru [OLN United Artists "GUNFIGHT AT ADDED FEATURE CINEMASCOPE & COLOR BY DELUXE Joel McCrea, Julie Adams, John McIntyre DODGE CITY" [