Page 4 The Haileyburian Thursday, November 12, 1959 Around the Square 'United Church W.A. Nominating 'Committee Reports : The nominating committee of the 'Cobalt United Church W.A. gave their report on the new slate of Officers when they met for their wegular meeting on Wednesday, 'November 4. President, Mrs. H. 'Miller, First Vice-President, Mrs. 2T. Jackson; Second Vice-President, [Mrs. T. J. Duncan; Recording Sec- 'retary, Mrs. S. Wink, Correspond- ang. Secretary, Mrs. T. Welch, 'Treasurer Mrs. V. Stevens, Pian- fist Mrs. H. L. Wipprecht. Mrs. H. 'Miller welcomed ten members and sone guest to the home of Mrs, E. om Armstrong for this meeting. The <Worship service began with the -singing of '"'Fight the Good Fight" 'followed by a Bible reading given 'by Mrs. A. D, MacArthur. Mrs. F. Graham read the Scripture and -Prayer. The minutes were read "and approved and the treasurer's 'report very satisfactory. The re- '¢ent bake sale was reported as be- fing very well patronized and fin- 'ancially successful. The Annual 'Bazaar which will be held in the *Community Hall on December 11 "was discussed. The Friendship 'Group will be in charge of the de- +eorations for the hall, as well as looking after the tea tables and the serving. Mrs. E. Benner, Mrs. F. "Graham and Mrs. Jones will sup- rervise the kitchen, Mrs. T. Welch -and Mrs. H. Taylor the Produce 'and Mrs. J. Armstrong the Fancy ' work. Mrs. Dunean thanked the W.A. for their thoughtful gift of flowers on her recent Anniversary. 'Members were asked to keep in 'mind the Dedication Service for _ the new church hall-to be held on Sunday, November 15. An an- houncement from Reverend Wip- _ precht stated that there is to be a ; meeting of all the Presidents of the different ladies' organizations. This ' will be held in Latchford in the ' near future. The next meeting will * be held in the church hall on Dec- - ember 2, the hostesses to be Mrs. * H. Miller and Mrs. S. Wink. Mrs. . Welch thanked Mrs. Armstrong for ; the use of her home and the meet- ing closed with the theme song and : Mizpah Benediction. Refreshments _# were served by the hostess assis- ' ted by Mrs. Welch and Mrs. H. ' Miller who poured the tea. Bonnie Doon Camp Plan for Bazaar on November 19 : Mrs. F. Chapman Convener, an- * nounced that she would like all - members to help out at the D.O.S, . Bazaar, Bingo and Draw which is to be held in the Cobalt Commun- ' ity Hall on Thursday November 19, * instead of November 18 as adver- - tised on the tickets. Mrs. Duncan ' will be in'charge of the tea table, » Mrs. Cahill the kitchen, Mrs. H. i Smith the candy table, Mrs. Mad- : dock the draw tickets and Mrs, * Wink the evening bingo. These' ar- : rangements were made at the reg- = ular meeting held on Friday, Nov. °6 in the 1.0.0.F. hall. The meeting + which was presided over by Pres- ident Mrs. J. Mallett began with : the Opening Drill. Passwords were 'taken, the Marshals introduced the *.flags and the Bible was opened by : CHaplain Mrs. E. Morgan. Seven *Past Presidents were welcomed and ten Officers present. Sister : Duncan was asked to sit at the : President's right. Duties of Officers : were taken and the minutes as . read by Sister Wink were approv- ; ed. Recess followed. A gift donated' : ei byt! the President of one of the To- _ Tonto Camps was won by Sister * Jefferies of Haileybury. Special 'Committees reported that Mr. "Perry is ill and in hospital, also the _ bereavement of Sister Leishman of 'Haileybury in the death of her brother. Sister M. MacLeod had "visited Mr. A. Orr i in Kirkland Lake 'Hospital last week. Special Com- 'mittee for Cobalt is Mrs..T. Dun- = can, for Haileybury Mrs. Smallman '/and for New Liskeard Mrs. Cahill. seal eb ariat i eat rmemeny : 8 and communications were] ,dealt with. A wreath has been pur- © chased and will be placed on the ~ Cenotaph at the. Armistice Day * service' by' Mrs. -H. Smith. Mrs. + MacDonald of Haileybury will at- * "tend the next meeting to show her : slides ofiher recent trip to Scot- -Jand. The meeting adjourned with - Flags retired and the Bible closed. "Refreshments were served by Mrs. Cahill and her committee and a social hour was enjoyed. Six Years Old Childrens 'story book recordings, musical chairs and other games proved very entertaining to the nine young guests who were invited' to' Maurie Cunningham's sixth birthday party on Thursday, Nov- ember 5. A lovely birthday lunch with all the trimmings was served by Mrs. Cunningham with daugh- ters Linda and Sharon assisting. Maurie's guests included Mary Bazinet, Louise Scully, Louise Gab- bani, Joanne Tessolini, . Frannie Slaght, Ricky Damiani, Paddy Rody, Gordy Bazinet, Neil McKin-: non. Cobalt: Lions Plan Light Bulb Campaign The annual Light Bulb Campaign sponsored by the Cobalt Lions Club will get under way this week it was announced at the last regular meeting held in the Community Hall. Ted Bilodeau and Hubert Audette are in: charge of the pro- ject and they have called on the club members to assist in packing the bulbs in preparation for the door to door sales in Cobalt, North Cobalt and Latchford. A bag of 8 bulbs will sell for $2.00 and all pro- ceeds will be used by the Lions Club in their Sight and Conserva- tion work in this area which in- cludes eye examinations and glass- es for needy cases. C.G.LT. The regular meeting of the C.G.- LT. took the form of a social eve- ning when they met on Thursday, November 5. Mrs. Wipprecht had invited the Sunshine Gals and their guests, the Haileybury C.G.I.T. to the Manse for their evening of re- creation. Numerous games were played and the meeting closed with Taps and the Mizpah Benediction. Mixed League Standings Up To And Including November 8, 59 Bobs-47, Central Book Store-36, Alley Cats-35, Wallys-33, Invaders- 15, Handicappers-2. Ladies Individual Scores High average-Doreen Valley 199, High triple-Ernestine Gabbani, 760: High single-Doreen Valley 307. Men's Individual Sceres High average-Joe Arbour High triple-Walter Frackleton High single-Walter Frackleton 215, 786, 298. Cobalt United Church to Dedicate New Church Hall Sunday, November 15 will mark one of the most memorable occa- sions in the history of Cobalt Unit- ed Church. This is to be Dedica- tion Sunday, when the President of Conference Reverend J. A. Kell will dedicate the new church hall at the 11 a.m. service. There will also be an evening service at 7.30 when the guest speaker will be a representative from Presbytery Reverend H. C. Peacock of Hail- eybury. Mayor Fulton Purdy will speak on behalf of the town. A so- cial hour will be held following the | evening service when the ladies of the W.A. and the Friendship Group will serve refreshments. It is hop- ed that the congregations of the three charges will attend and bring others with them. Hallowe'en Party for Guides In place of their regular meet- ing, First Company Cobalt Girl Guides took the evening of Novem- ber 2 for their Hallowe'en party. Of course costumes were the dress for the night and these were var- ied and quite a chore for the jud- ges to choose from. Mrs. E. Fen- ton and Mrs. E. Whitehead, as the Judges finally chose the Matador- Pauline Jean Louis as the most original, Shirley Browne as a bride, the prettiest, Nancy Bazinet as an old womian was the funniest. Games were played and Patricia Bazinet's Patrol were the winners, each receiving a taffy apple for a prize. A few -skits were enjoyed after which cookies, that the Patrol Leaders had=provided and pop were served and with the singing of Taps, an evening of fun ended. Local Association To Have Rummage Sale Mrs. H. Ogden was hostess to the Local Association to the Girl Guid- es when they met on Monday Nov- ember 2 for their regular monthly meeting. The usual reports were given from the various committees and Guide and Brownie census forms were passed out. The rum- mage sale will beheld in the old Nugget Office on Friday and Sat- urday. November 13 and 14. Mrs. Ogden, assisted by Mrs. H. Mac- Lean served a delicious lunch at the conclusion of the meeting. Hydro Ladies Plan For Xmas President Mrs. K. Reid presided at the meeting of the Hydro Ladies Club when they met at the home of Mrs. G. Romano on Monday, November 2. In the absence of Sec- retary Mrs. Cahill the minutes were read by Mrs. D. Stafford. Twelve members were in atten- dance. Mrs. R. MacDougall gave the treasurer's report. It was de- cided that the Christmas Tree Party would be a joint affair along with the Montreal River Club at the Upper Notch, each club to pur- chase their own gifts. The Bazaar which was held at this meeting, was a success as almost everything was sold. The gift of the month was won by Mrs. C. Cameron. The ladies were asked to finish their Children's Aid knitting as this must be handed in at the December meeting.. Mrs. D. Hetherington in- vited the Hydro Ladies to her home for the next meeting, the lunch committee for this meeting will be Mrs. Romano and Mrs. Rice. The meeting ended with a lovely lunch being served. - ; Stork Shower Mrs. E. Parcher' was delight- fully surprised when she entered day, December 7th, TOWN OF HAILEYBURY Municipal Elections 1959 NOMINATIONS Notice is hereby given that nominations for the offices of Mayor and Councillors' for the Town of Haileybury and the vacancies on the Board of Educa- tion will be held in the Council Chambers in the Muni- - cipal Office, between the hours of 7:30 and 9:00 o'clock in the afternoon on Thursday, 'November 19th, 1959, and if a greater number of Candidates than re- quired to fill the said offices are nominated and make the required declarations, Polls will be opened on Mon- 1959, and will be opened from .9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Seed this 10th dey 2 Movember 1959. F. G. Haskett, Clerk Town of Haileybury ; 36) 37 the home of Mrs. J. Parcher on Monday, November 2 to find a group of her friends gathered there. A lovely corsage was pre- sented to the guest of honour on her arrival by Mrs. F. Tryon. Pen- ny bingo was played after which a gaily decorated doll carriage, overflowing with gifts, was wheel- ed in by Janet Parcher. Mrs. Par- cher received' many lovely and useful baby gifts, for which she thanked her friends. The door prize was won by Mrs. B. MacDougall. The hostess Mrs. F. Tryon assisted by Mrs. S. Crago and Mrs. J. Par- cher served refreshments to the guests who included Mrs. J. Mac- Andrew, Miss Colleen Riley, Mrs. G. Smith, Mrs. L. Riley, Mrs. S. Scott, Mrs. M. Southall, Mrs. Bob MacDougall, Mrs. S. Wink, Mrs. Ann Seymour, New Liskeard, Mrs. L. Steele, Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. M. Hassett, Mrs. Bowers, Mrs. F. Riley and Mrs. A. Riley. Unable to attend, but sending gifts were Mrs. H. Mallett, Mrs. J. Johnston, | Mrs. R. Marcella, Mrs. H. Arm- | strong, Mrs. E. ¥enton and Sine M.- Murphy. - EXPLORERS The Explorers Group of Cobalt United Church met on Friday Oct- ober 30, for their regular meeting. The meeting began with the Pur- -- pose and Explorers hymn "This Is My Father's World". Secretary Bonnie Mallett read the minu and took the Roll Call which show- ed seven members as_ present. Keeper of the Log Betty Stanley gave the treasurer's report. Chief Councillor Mrs. D. McGugan read an interesting story titled "The Village by the Mission". The Wor- - ship Service was taken by Bonnie Mallett. The Motto was repeated followed by the Explorers Prayer and the Expedition was declared ended. The girls tthen started to paint the mural which is one of their projects. St. James W.A. Twenty-one members reeCeued "3 to the roll call when St. James (Continued On Page Six) WHO THINK OF TOMORROW PRACTICE MODERATION | Che ae of eae DISTILLERS SINCE 1857 Daily departures from Earlton MONTREAL 3 hrs. 25 mins. TORONTO 1 hr. 55 mins. Connections in Toronto for major U.S. centres. ~Also TCA turbo-prop VISCOUNT service to ROUYN/NORANDA, OTTAWA, NORTH BAY, VAL D'OR -- daily except Sunday. Ask about TCA's Family Fare Plan, FLY AND DRIVE! for a "Drive Yourself" Your TCA office will arrange ear to await your arrival. WEATHER-WATCH RADAR for smooth flying! | TRANS:CANADA AIR LINES See Nixon, Begg and Hutchinson Travel Agency, Phone MI Ae 4341 or Bos at Earlton 48.