------ ee eet = Across . the Kitchen Table By MRS. MAC Next Monday, one of the pioneer women of the town is being honor- ed by her church for her unfalter- ing work in it's behalf. She is Mrs. Margaret Piche who came _ to Haileybury in 1905, with her hus- band and six children. She is bemg presented with a life membership in the Woman's Auxiliary of the Diocese of Algoma by Rev. R> Nixon and Mrs. G. L. Cassidy, president of the local Aux- News from the Lvelyn Si hoppe A hint left at Evelyn's could easily reach dear old Santa and bring. you some of the beautiful "Luxite" by Kayser, made of Kay- onara nylon tissue with the silken touch. Such intriguing names as Wishing Star set, with waltz length nightie that is pretty enough to go dancing in (The name somehow makes one feel young and gay), in Red Spice and Blue Frost; the Jewelled Veil set - the nightie has a richly embroidered sheer over- lay in the top. The Peignoir also has an embroidered top with fine nylon lace trim and full sweep in skirt. This is in 'Amber Gold", an exciting new color. GOLD, that magic word, should get a number of our prospectors and gold fans down to the Evelyn Shoppe as these "golden nuggets'? of fashion could be a- better investment than some of our mining stocks. And wouldn't wife, mother, daughter or 'Sweetheart get a real thrill at finding a set of*Luxite under the tree. The "Pop-over" pyjama is 'the newest and cutest of sleep-wear fashion.. The shortie jacket with yoke of embroidered sheer 'has a ruffle at the bottom and is worn with Toreador trousers. Truly fem- inine! Beautiful lace trimmed slips and matching panties. Something to suit every taste and when you ask for, and get, Luxite by Kay- ser, you know you are getting top quality. I wish we had time to tell you of all the beautiful housecoats in Viyella flannel, quilted nylon, corduroy and the new wonder fab- ric, "'Vocama", completely wash- able and so soft and warm, in both housecoats and lounging pyjamas. Of course, for those who still like the comfort and warmth of flannel- ette, we have an excellent range of sleepwear from $2.98. A ship- ment of Pussy Raw casual slippers is just in. When in doubt, a Gift Certificate from Evelyn's can be used at any time throughout the year. They can be had from $1.00 up and you would be surprised at what Mi- Lady can still buy with one dol- lar. » THE SHOPPE -|mas tree set up with the iliary of St. Paul's Anglican Church. Mrs. Piche came from Ottawa and recalls that when she arrived here there were very few side- walks and a great deal of mud. Her husband, 'who passed away nineteen years ago was employed by the Northern Ontario Light and Power Company for over thirty years. She remembers her first Christmas in the north and the difficulty of trying to get a Christ- "assist- ance "' of six children. She and I have something in common for I, too, came from the Ottawa Valley. Haileybury will be a much more festive looking town this year than it was last if the Rotary Club, the Chamber of Commerce and the Town Council are heeded. They are sponsoring a drive to have all homes in the town decor- ated and are offering substantial prizes for the three best ones. The judging will be done between Dec- ember 15 and 20 so dust the cob- webs off your ideas and get to work. They have not told me what they will consider in judging but I would respectfully like to suggest that suitability, (the Christmas theme, ) originality and ingenuity be con- sidered more than a lavish display of ready-made electrical decora- tions. Anyone who has the money can buy enough decorations to make a wonderful display, but the person who plans and. builds or makes the most of their own should not have to compete in the same class. I wish I had more time to spend on our decorating for nothing gives me more Satisfaction or pleasure than thinking up new ideas and then working them out. Ladies Night For Rotary Club A film on Australian' Road Races provided the program for this week's Rotary Club meeting. The film was shown by Klaus Sroka and gave some interesting sidelights on motor car racing. The annual Ladies' Night was planned for December 12. Plans are also being made, in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce and the Town Council, for a drive for more decoration of homes during the Christmas sea- son. Prizes will be offered for the three best decorated homes. Judg- ing will be done by impartial judges between~December 15 and the 20th. Two visiting Rotarians from North Bay, John H. Olthorff and R. P. Tennant, were welcomed. The sing-song was in charge of a father and daughter team, Max Whitby leading and Miss Sally Whitby at the piano. In the last fiscal year, Canada spent $291 million on behalf of war veterans and their dependents; pensions cost $151 million, treat- ment and welfare services $61 mil- lion, veteran's allowances and benefits $61 million. : The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA TIME TO TRADE ? ry, ene po fe YOO borrow at low cost through Aa, ToL JEAN RENO EEC COE EI ERE EN EE CO ICN IE! : Cobalt Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Warren of \} North Bay were week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. Warren's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright. Miss Jackie Lemoine was in North Bay for the week-end the guest of Miss Marilyn Brown. Mr. E. A. Adair of Guelph was a guest of his brother-in-law. and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright enroute to Elk Lake. Mr. Jim Hayden of Toronto is spending a few days visiting his wife and young son Patrick at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hastings Connelly, Nickel St. Mrs. C. Reckin has returned home after a month in Rochester, N.Y., where she visited her sis- ter, Mrs. W. H. Wren. Mrs. Phylis Greening spent a few days last week in North Bay where she visited her sister, Mrs. G. Warren and Mr. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Raoul Gratton, Cecile and Jean of Kirkland Lake were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Gratton's brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bilo- deau. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Bilodeau over the week-end were Mrs. Bilodeau's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rozon, Philip and Ann and her uncle, Al- bert Gelinas, all of Ottawa. The following members of the Cobalt Lions Club attended a Zone meeting held in Temagami on Sunday, November 22. Ernie Thi- beault, Lloyd Humphreys, Bob Sopha, Pat Slaght, Lawrence Buck, and Kurt Leopold. Thursday, November -26, 1959 Mission Circle Plans Xmas Party Taking part in the devotional service and opening prayer at the November meeting of the Pente- costal Mission Circle were Mrs. Wes. Bradley, Mrs. James Har- man, Mrs. W. Graff, who gave the message on Prayer, using the eleventh chapter of Luke as the text, and Mrs. Noble Hermiston, Mrs. Stan Douglass and Mrs. Gib. Lowe, who led in prayer. Correspondence was attended to and dues and pennies paid. It was decided to hold a Christmas party on December 3 at the home of Mrs. W. Churchill and all members are asked to bring a guest. A dis- play of all articles made for mis- sions during the year will be a feature of the evening. Teaching Mission (Continued From Page One) lows; Saturday, November . 28, 2:30 p.m., address the Members of the Altar-Guild. Sunday, Nov. 29th, 11:00 a.m., address the Con- gregation, 3:30 p.m., Children's Service. Monaay, November 30th, 9:30 am. Feast of St. Andrew, Apostle and Martyr.- Holy Euch- arist followed by a Quiet Morning for Women. 7:30 p.m. Evensong (said) followed by a Quiet Even- baal eal ALALGIAL-G GALA ala -olA)-Al4)-G) 41-4 I-A a9 000 aoa A ag PB ROLY CHAPTER 1.0.D.E. Wednesday, December an 1959 | 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., in the Legion Hall _ PRODUCE TABLE AUCTION OF SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BAKING 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. TURKEY DRAW 5:00 p.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME Bel SSS PS LSS SSIS SS SIS VSS AIS ag eee nee el ere ee ieee Eira YEMEN MANE NE 38 Boab BeBe BBE BS: RAAVABs ISI aA Vaasa eee See ee BSNS AAAS 8 OES a] FOUNTAIN PENS JEWELRY BULOVA TIMEX AND ELCO WATCHES SAMSONITE LUGGAGE ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINES - TRAVEL CLOCKS FOR MEN ONLY: We have a full selection of Bridal Bell diamonds. A true gift for that someone special. ] A. W. OA OS 2-3647 Table Lamps, Alarm Clocks, Silverware, Barometers, Wallets, Costume Jewellery. -- To name only a few of our full gift line. in soon and look over our complete gift selection. Use our convenient lay-away plan JEWELLER Drop NDERSON ae o ' GRAS DSSS aa aaa a a Sa a Ia Bi Dia ita ett The Haileyburian Page 3 ing for Women and Girls, Tuesday, December Ist, 2:30 p.m., address the Women's Auxiliary. 7:00 p.m., address the Junior and Girls' Aux- iliaries. 8:15 p.m., address the Bible Reading Fellowship. Bath' Mit filled with creamy soap for use in bath or shower. June Geranium or Blue Grass. $1.25 June Geranium Hand Lotion and Bath Soapiarcscnstteasans $2.25 June Geranium Flower Mist and Dusting Powders... $5.00 Blue Grass Bath Salts, Puff- Puff Dusting Powder and Bath $5.75 Cee PY 4 LTB OW EIR. Fragrant Pebble Bath Salts. June Geranium, Pine, Lilac $1.50 Fragrant, creamy-lathering bath soap. June Geranium, Blue Grass... BBP sdtsastinete $1.00 WHITBY PHARMACY HAILEYBURY, ONT. Phone OS 2-3211 Sole representative between North Bay and Kirkland Lake I ay , y