~ eee é i "The Moon Men"' Annual Sk al ing Carnival Has Successful Showing Spacemen invaded the New Lis- keard arena Friday and Saturday nights and won the hearts of the audience, when the New Liskeard vand Haileybury Figure Skating _ lubs held their annual Carnival. e '"'Rocket House", gay balloons and the "Purple People Eaters", added to the mood. The New Liskeard Legion Pipe Band played several Scottish num- bers, giving the spectators a chance to warm up a bit by clap- ping of hands and stamping feet. The very colorful "Rockets" were girls of the Intermediate class of the New Liskeard Club and following them was Miss Bon- nie Keon, New Liskeard, <«as a lively high - stepping majorette. Then came the Flying Saucers, from ithe Junior class, twirling and turning, with Miss Susan Grant as "Blue Jet'. Haileybury Baby Satellites skated on in their colorful cos- tumes, seeming quite delighted to be tthere. This was the pre-school class including Sharon Adams, Laurie Barry, Terry Brooks, Ali- can Boucher, Harriet Fleming, Pauline Johnston, Michael Martel, Lynn Martel, Celeste Milroy, Nora Murphy, Paul Palmer, Nora Robinson, Anne Sauve, Anna Ster- ba, Janice Thoday, Louise Vezina, Joet Watson, Karen McInnes, Dianne Savoie, Sharon Whalen, John Barry. Mary Prentiss and Marianne Koniewich of New Liskeard in a number called. "Little Bits of Sun- shine', preceded the New Lis- keard pre-schoolers as "'Little Sun- beams". ~The bright red costumes of the Haileybury Intermediates in "The Comets'? number added to the theme. Skating in this were Jane Pringle, Rosemary Robinson, Mary Campbell, Pat Lowry, Sheryl Rouse, Anna Marie Roach, Willa May Black, Janet Cavanagh, Sue Cavanagh, Gail Gibson, Linda Gibson, Carol Davies, Leslie Stew- art, Linda Quinlan. Following them was Miss Janet Camsall, Haileybury Bronze Medallist, as the "Sphere of Red", a clever and, graceful solo number. "The Northern Lights'? were portrayed by nine Haileybury Jun- iors, Linda Cooper, Linda Taylor, Cathy Jane Crandall, Judy Hurst, Patsy Thoday, Denise Fleming, Gwen Buttle, Linda Bryson, Mar- janne Morissette. "'The Stars" in gay costumes, were more of the same class of Juniors, Aline Par- ent, Sandra Mattice, Brenda Coop- er, Ann Renault, Marlene Austin, Helen Johnston, Barbara Veale, Carole McLaughlin, Nora Burke, Rita Buttle, Margaret Bearsford, Leslie Sheepwash and Pam Wil- son. A third group of the Juniors presented the 'Clouds", looking cute and fluffy. These were Susan Palmer, Valerie Maddison, Debbie McLaughlin, Judy Watson, Mar- gery Morissette and Vivian -Gar- eau. Miss Linda Grozelle as "Aur- ora Borealis" and Miss Barbara Camsell, "Queen of the Mist', both Haileybury Bronze Medalists, were charming in solo numbers. Skating as "Blue Shadows" Miss Bonnie Keon and Miss Mar- jielle Breault, New Liskeard, gave a beautiful performance. They are the Northern Ontario Senior La- dies' Pair Champions, 1959, Dutch Waltz Champions, 1958, Bronze Medalists, second, Test Bar, Bronze Dance Medal winners. Tommy Binkley as the 'First Man to Land on the Moon" and peeree tedk in a weird array of costumes, the New Liskeard Juniors. Miss Carole Stod- Guest star, & it rt of Schumacher, Silver Medal- t with 5th Test Bar, Northern Ontario runner- up Juveniles La- dies' Singles, 1958, Northern On- tario Junior Ladies' Pair Cham- pion, 1959, Northern Ontario Jun- jor Ladies' Champion, 1960, gave a very exciting and .graceful per- formance. The "Beatnik Ballet" with very authentic costumes and actions, although lacking in certain figures minutes of entertainment. "Seven Little Girls'? from New Liskeard, wth Trudi Grant as "The Littlest Girl'? were charm- ing in a number called 'Thank Heaven for Little Girls". Both Haileybury and New Lis- keard skaters combined to do "Belles of the Ball' in a lovely dance group which was greatly enjoyed. The second Guest Star, North Bay's "Old Smoothie', Mr. Bud Courchesne, Club Professional, Mrs. | Chris Blair, in several clever numbers. "Dogpatch Style' began with an excellent dance by "The Three Scraggs", -Marion Plaunt, Karen McPherson and Vicki Gilkes, of Haileybury Intermediates, follow- ed by Lil Abner and Daisy Mae, Mammy and Pappy Yokum, all of New Liskeard, all very true to form. 'Flirty Gerty" a solo by Mrs. Blair, was a pert and sassy The 'Eligible Bachelors'? Nancy Thoday, Margaret Menzies, Rose- mary Robinson, Bettijane Mills, Joyce Menzies and Bonnie Bink- ley, were all decked out in their Sunday best to impress the "Mar- riage Minded Maidens', Linda Camsall, Diana Dean, Sheila Thompson, Ann Bryson, Trudy Wilson and Sally Walker, who were quite determined in their choice of bachelors. : Miss Linda Grozelle and Miss Barbara Camsall again delighted fhe audience with their "City Slickers" number. Miss Carole Stoddart returned in a second clever and graceful performance which delighted the audience. Skaters in "The Tri-Town Fol- liets" a preeision number excel- lently performed and applauded loudly by the audience, were Georgia Murphy, Bonnie Keon, Mary Prentiss, Marianne Konie- wich, Marielle Breault, Bonnie Herity, Susan Grant, Sharon Pett man, Carol Bond, Jackie~ Neal, Nora Brookfield and Janet Cam- sell. At the -conclusion of Saturday night's performance, Pamela Wil- son and Judy Watson 'presented Mrs. Chris Blair and Miss Carole Stoddart with corsages. Following this a reception was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Fraser Farlinger for the guest stars, executive members and those who assisted behind the scenes, 5 5 Since 1900 Canada's gross na- tional product has increased from $200 to $1,900 per capita; in the period average manufacturing wage has increased from 14 cents an hour to $1.70 an hour. ' Haileybury High ~ | appeared : with the}. Thursday, March 17, 1960. The Haileyburian ~ Page 3 Presents Operetta Next Week The operetta is here again. This. year, as for the past seven years, Miss Keller and Mr. Cassidy have jointly produced an operetta, "Paradise Limited". As the title might suggest, the} setting is on a small island in the South Pacific. This island is Bongo Tongo, whose inhabitants are being wooed by the new fangled agency of '"'foreign aid". What the THE HAILEYBURY P.T.A, will hold a MMAGE SALE in the basement of "HOLY CROSS CHURCH on TUESDAY, MARCH 22nd from 7 to 9 p.m. islanders did with this, and the re- sults, therefrom, is the story to be told in this little offering. Many well known characters are again participating in leading roles; for instance Allen Mikola, the well-known professor, who is CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS this year playing a Russian "Ser-} gee'. Dave Black, the American agent, and Sally Whitby, the sen- ator's daughter. There are, too, many newcomers to the stage, Lynda Grozelle, as a charming na- tive girl; Bob Brown, as chief of the island; Real St. Cyr, as his able trouble-shooter; and Anne Olson as the senator's pretty sec- retary. Fern-Belanger, who very appropriately plays the part of a Russian beatnik, sits in the corner with his hard-rock haircut, sprout- ing beatnik poetry. Miss Sandra Skeene is doing the choreography. JAMES REILLY, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic For evening appointments call MI 7-6120 between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Whitewood Ave., New Liskeard yr FRIENDLY PLUMBER WE NEVER LEAVE YOUR HOUSE AWRECK! <x ] WE ALWAYS MAKE Wes CLEAN-UP cnecn!"/ 'CAMPSALL ELECTRIC €O:LTD: ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING PLUMBING HEATING M7-4359 ote coo "Paradise $6 | HAILEVBURY HIGH SCHOOL presents An original riotous Operetta CHILDREN'S PERFORMANCE Wednesday, March 23 at 7:30 p.m. | ADULTS' PERFORMANCE Thursday and Friday, March 24 - 25 at 8:15 p.m. in the Haileybury Schools Auditorium RESERVED AND GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS FROM STUDENTS BAAS Limited" ( Hea of skating, gave a hilarious few i \pring Cleanorama THE GOLDEN YEAR OF VALUES Rote-malic A AA ROTO-MATIC MODEL 910-B WITH DOUBLE-SIZE GIANT DUST BAG Eureka's 50th Anniversary Special. Never before so much cleaner at such a low price. Guaranteed to out- perform any other make of cleaner regardless of price or your money back. @ SUPER SUCTION--75 CU, FT. AIR PER MIN, @ DELUXE 8 PIECE SET CLEANING TOOLS ® TOOLS CLIP TO SIDE OF CLEANER -- CONVENIENT © NEW LIGHT UNBREAKABLE HOSE @ EASY GLIDE RUG NOZZLE-- FLOATING BRUSH : @ ROLLS EASY --4 BALL-BEARING WHEELS SMALL DEPOSIT WITH $875 PER WE ANNIVERSARY PRICED! $ = aD EK MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ' SPECIAL THIS WEEK EUREKA MODEL 805-B hg be BRAND-NEW! 7/, H.P. MOTOR LIGHT! QUIET! GUARANTEED! rrr ne 4, ; om ; Muay * SEE LIVE DEMONSTRATION IN OUR STORE AT ONCE...OR PHONE FOR 10 DAY HOME TRIAL BUC 4685 OS 2-3 APPLIANCES Cobalt New Liskeard Haileybury MI 7-4080 161